Questions and Replies

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08 December 2016 - NW2491

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)What steps has she taken to (a) monitor and (b) correct (i) the tangible capital asset register (ii) irregular expenditure (iii) organogram and (iv) reported failures as indicated by the Auditor-General in respect of the corporate services branch of her department; (2) has she called the Deputy Director-General to account for the poor performance in the corporate services; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) is there a policy regarding consequences for poor performance; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) has the irregular expenditure indicated in the 2015-16 report of the Auditor-General been reported to the National Treasury, if so, what action has been taken regarding the individuals responsible for the specified expenditure?


(1) What steps has she taken to (a) monitor and (b) correct (i) the tangible capital asset register (ii) irregular expenditure (iii) organogram and (iv) reported failures as indicated by the Auditor-General in respect of the corporate services branch of her department;


(i) Assets Management:

(a) Monitoring: A permanent assets management unit has been approved by the Executive Committee. This unit will ensure that all assets of the department are fully accounted for all the times.

(b) Correction: During 2015/16 Financial Year, the assets register was reconstructed and reconciled with annual financial statement. The remaining item is the finalisation of the verification process which is currently at 80% completion.

(ii) Irregular expenditure:

(a) Monitoring: The registers have been compiled for each of the years and these are reconciled to the annual financial statements.

(b) Correction: The Irregular and Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure dates back to 2013/2014 financial year. The Financial Misconduct Panel has been formed and approved by the Accounting Officer. The Panel has been tasked to expedite the investigations. The timeline given by Executive Authority is 15 January 2017.

(iii) Organogram

(a) Monitoring: The organogram is closely monitored by HR with continuous engagements with branches concerned.

(b) Correction: The ideal organogram has been developed by the Department and continuous engagements with DPSA are in place.

(iv) Reported failures by AGSA

General failures as noticed by AGSA are as follows:

  • Percentage of staff attending training
  • Lack of consequence management to staff without Performance Agreements.
  • Vacancy Rate on funded posts
  • Non adherence to 30 days payment rule

(a) Monitoring: All of the above are presented at monthly management meetings. Where gaps may exist, action plans are put in place to correct such.

(b) Correction: The skills audit will be completed by the end of quarter four. All SMS performance agreements except for one, are in place. With the current funded structure where posts favours administration, a rebalancing exercise is being undertaken by the Department to address capacitation of Service delivery branches. This is being done whilst a consultative process is in place with DPSA. The issue of 30days payment rule is being addressed by re-looking and changing the invoice handling exercise.

08 December 2016 - NW2617

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)(a) Why do the security cameras at the (i) duty room of the Logistics/Procurement Division and (ii) soccer field of the Youngsfield Military Base in Wetton, Cape Town, remain dysfunctional, (b) (i) which company supplied the cameras and (ii) is there any warranty or guarantee on the faulty cameras, (c) what was the total cost of procuring the cameras and (d) what are the specifications of the cameras; (2) what are the reasons that no security cameras have been installed at the armoury which is considered a high risk; (3) after the findings of the assessment were reached, what are the details of the recommendations regarding the installation of security cameras after the assessment was concluded?


Due to the security implications of this question, a response can only be provided in a closed session of the Joint Standing Committee on Defence.

08 December 2016 - NW2368

Profile picture: Steenhuisen, Mr JH

Steenhuisen, Mr JH to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) provided any form of (a) funding, (b) assistance, (c) sponsorships and/or (d) assets to the Cultural and Creative Industries Federation of South Africa (CCIFSA) since the establishment of the specified federation in 2014; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (i) what was the value of the funding, assistance, sponsorships and/or assets provided to the CCIFSA, (ii) for what purposes and (iii) has the SABC satisfied itself that the specified purposes were met; (2) Whether the CCIFSA submitted a copy of its constitution to her; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard; (3) Whether the CCIFSA submitted annual financial statements for the (a) 2014-15 and (b) 2015-16 financial years; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, on what date(s) were the specified annual financial statements submitted to her?NW2703E


The SABC has not provided any funding assistance and sponsorships to the above-mentioned entity.








08 December 2016 - NW2628

Profile picture: Bozzoli, Prof B

Bozzoli, Prof B to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What is the detailed breakdown of his department’s budget for universities in terms of the size of each component of the (a) block grants, (b) earmarked grants and (c) any other relevant grant awarded (i) in each of the past 10 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016?


In terms of a detailed breakdown of the Department’s budget for universities in terms of the size of each component of the (a) block grants, (b) earmarked grants and (c) any other relevant grant awarded (i) in each of the past 10 financial years, please refer to the 2015 Public Report on the State Budgets for Universities (Annexure A). As seen in the report, the state budget for universities, including allocation for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) increased from R9.878 billion in 2004/05 to R30.338 billion in 2015/16.

(ii) For the financial year starting 1 April 2016, the following table reflects the updated budget from National Treasury for 2016/17 as per the updated Ministerial Statement issued in July 2016 (Annexure B). As seen in the table below, the block grant increased from R19.561 billion in 2014/15 to R25.3 billion in 2017/18, earmarked grants increased from R4.589 billion in 2014/15 to R6.241 billion in 2017/18, and grants to institutions such as NSFAS increased from R3.914 billion in 2014/15 to R7.551 billion in 2017/18.

see the link for the table:











08 December 2016 - NW2444

Profile picture: James, Ms LV

James, Ms LV to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) What is the total number of grants that were paid out by the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority in the 2015-16 financial year, (b) which institution was each grant awarded to, (c) how many students completed the training courses offered and (d) what qualification did each of the specified students receive?


At the end of 2014/15, the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) had an over commitment of R292 million and an operational deficit of R174 million. There were also serious problems regarding non-compliance with the Skills Development Act in the awarding of Discretionary Grants. As part of the administration process, policies and standard operating procedures were developed to govern the awarding of Discretionary Grant funding. As a result, SASSETA only began to implement most of its Discretionary Grant awards in the last two quarters of 2015/16, and as a result most of the learners will only complete their courses in 2016/17.

a) 47 Grants were awarded.

b) The following institutions were awarded grants:

  • Mopani South East TVET College
  • Department of Defence in partnership with the Tshwane South TVET College
  • Department of Defence in partnership with the Northlink TVET College
  • Department of Correctional Services
  • Umfolozi TVET College
  • Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
  • National Prosecuting Authority
  • Umgungundlovu District Municipality
  • Independent Police Investigative Directorate
  • Majuba TVET College
  • NPA with Kalideen Management Services (Pty) Ltd as the accredited training provider
  • Empower Training Services with Enforce as the accredited training provider
  • Servest Security (Pty) Ltd
  • NPA with Ramazwi Security Services and Training Agency (Pty) Ltd as the accredited training provider
  • EEL Protection Services
  • Nomaduku Security Services
  • Vuco Security and Umgungundlovu Municipality
  • OR Tambo District Municipality with PE Traffic College as the accredited training provider
  • Department of Justice and Constitutional Development with in house accredited Justice College as the accredited training provider
  • Fidelity Security
  • Popo Protection Services
  • Department of Correctional Services in partnership with North West University
  • Mapheto Business Enterprise
  • Department of Correctional Services in partnership with North West University
  • NPA in partnership with University of Pretoria.
  • Romula Security
  • Department of Correctional Services with Lesedi Guarding & Training Services as the accredited training provider
  • Sharks Protection
  • Department of Justice in partnership with University of Pretoria
  • Security for U
  • SAPS in partnership with University of Pretoria
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Various Accredited Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Various Public Tertiary Institutions
  • University of Pretoria
  • National School of Government
  • University of Witwatersrand
  • University of Witwatersrand
  • Various TVETS and at SAPS, DOJ and Home Affairs

c) 1 589 Learners completed their training programmes.

d) The following qualifications were received:

  • 1 year NQF
  • 3 year NATED Levels to N1 - 3
  • 1 year Learnership NQF Level 4
  • Service Certificates
  • University WIL Service Certificate
  • National Certificate Road Traffic Law Enforcement
  • University Certificate as a module in post graduate diploma
  • Firearm certification in terms of the Firearm Control Act
  • Degrees and Diplomas
  • National School of Governance Certification
  • University Certification in Defence and Security Management
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Postgraduate Diploma











08 December 2016 - NW2613

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Board approved the alleged (a) R10 000 payments made to SABC employees and (b) R50 000 payments made to 185 music legends by the former Chief Operating Officer, Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) from which budget(s) were the specified payments made, (ii) what criteria were used to determine who the 185 music legends are and (iii) were the payments tax deductible?


This matter forms part of the enquiry therefore the SABC cannot at this stage respond to this question.









08 December 2016 - NW2380

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With regard to the Military Veterans Health Practitioner’s Association (MVPHA), which was contracted by her department to deliver health and wellness services under a contract that was declared as irregular in the Auditor-General’s report for the 2013-14 financial year, (a) who is the MVPHA and (b) why was the specified company’s contract allowed to continue until the end of the 2014-15 financial year, despite the finding of illegality against it; (2) what is her department’s position with regard to the perception of double standards on how it deals with perceived or actual irregular service provider contracts, given the dispute on the current service provider contract that is currently in court; (3) whether she has found that there are personal relationships between the owners or managers of the company and current senior managers of (a) her department and/or (b) her Ministry; if so, (i) what is the nature of the relationship and (ii) has this been disclosed in any way; (4) (a) what amount was paid to the MVHPA and (b) when was the last payment made to them; (5) whether she has found that there are military veterans who might have died as a result of lack of access to health care services; if not, what has been done to investigate whether the lack of access to health care contributes to the deaths of military veterans; if so, how many military veterans have died as a result of lack of access to health care services?


(1) (a) MVHPA is the Military Veterans Health Professional Association, a network of service providers which provided military veterans with access to primary healthcare services prior 2014.

(b) The Department of Military Veterans signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Military Veterans Health Professional Association (MVHPA) on the 23rd May 2013. This was followed by a partnership between DMV, South African Military Health Services (SAMHS) and MVHPA on a program to conduct healthcare assessment for all qualifying military veterans in order to obtain their disease profile as well as provision of related treatment and referral for appropriate level of healthcare. An agreement existed between MVHPA and SAMHS but no Service Level Agreement was in place to formalize the arrangement between DMV and MVHPA and hence the finding by the Auditor-General that the relationship was illegal, which rendered all payment transactions made to MVHPA irregular.

However the service still had to be rendered until another service provider was appointed.

Question (2)

What is her department’s position with regard to the perception of double standards on how it deals with perceived or actual irregular service provider contracts, given the dispute on the current service provider contract that is currently in court;

Response (2): The question refers to matter that is currently in court and is consequently sub judice. In terms of Rule 89 of the National Assembly, “No member may reflect upon the merits of any matter on which a judicial decision in a court of law is pending.”

Question (3)

whether she has found that there are personal relationships between theowners or managers of the company and current senior managers of (a) her department and/or (b) her Ministry; if so, (i) what is the nature of the relationship and (ii) has this been disclosed in any way;

Response (3):

No personal relationships have been disclosed and the department is not aware of any. The department is awaiting the outcome of a Public Service Commission investigation into this matter.

Question (4)

(a) what amount was paid to the MVHPA and (b) when was the last payment made to them;

Response (4):

(a) Total amount paid is R14 883 532.00. (b) The last payment was made on 17 October 2014.

Question (5)

whether she has found that there are military veterans who might have died as a result of lack of access to health care services; if not, what has been done to investigate whether the lack of access to health care contributes to the deaths of military veterans; if so, how many military veterans have died as a result of lack of access to health care services? NW2711E

Response (5):

The Department entered into an MoU with SAMHS to afford military veterans access to health care. The department is not aware of any cases where Military Veterans have died as a result of lack of access to health care services. If the honourable member knows of such cases he is encouraged to report them to the Minister.

08 December 2016 - NW2363

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) What amount in advertising revenue did each small community print media project which is supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) generate (a) in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14, (iv) 2014-15 and (v) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; (2) Whether the MDDA has put any succession plans in place to assist small community print media projects in mitigating instabilities affecting the delivery of planned targets; if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details?


1. (a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) The MDDA publishes advertising revenue generated by each small community print media project which is supported by the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) via the Milele Group and the Government Communication Information System (GCIS) in its annual report. These are available on request. The MDDA does not have direct access to detailed advertising income until it receives annual reports from media buyers and the GCIS. To provide a comprehensive breakdown per community print project requires a survey in order to give justice in responding to this question as we do not have readily available information within the specified time.

(b) Information on advertising revenue generated by each small community print media project which is supported by the MDDA via the Milele Group and the GCIS is consolidated on an annual basis for publication in the MDDA annual report. The MDDA does not have direct access to detailed advertising income until it receives annual report from media buyers and the GCIS. To provide a comprehensive breakdown on advertising revenue generated per community print project since 1 April 2016 requires a survey in order to give justice in responding to this question as we do not have readily available information within the specified time.

2. (a) Yes, the MDDA has succession plans in place to assist small community print media projects in mitigating instabilities affecting the delivery of planned targets, via established partnerships to capacitate the print sector on content development. These partnerships include arrangements with Soul City, AIP, SAASTA and SEDA, ongoing engagement with the Big4, ongoing engagement with the GCIS on media buying and planned engagement with SALGA and all state organs on media buying.








08 December 2016 - NW2472

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether (a) the Chief Executive Officer, (b) each executive and (c) each board member of the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSETA) submitted reports for each international trip they undertook (i) in the 2015 calendar year and (ii) since 1 January 2016; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, on what date; (2) whether he will make the specified reports available to Ms T E Baker; if not, why not; if so, by what date; (3) whether any staff members of the CATHSETA were formally appointed to act in the positions of the persons who travelled internationally; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are (a) the names of each staff member who was appointed in an acting position in the specified period and (b) further relevant details in this regard?


1. The Board was dissolved and the SETA was placed under Administration. In 2015, the Administrator undertook one trip and a report was submitted.

2. Yes, the report is available on request.

3. No staff member was appointed to act in the position of the Administrator whilst he was travelling.












08 December 2016 - NW2379

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether, in light of the amount paid for services consumed in the 2015-16 financial year, as well as the suspended contract and the acknowledged inability of the SA Military Hospitals to meet primary health care needs (details furnished), the goal or objective of providing health and wellness services to military veterans was achieved in the specified year under review by merely stating the number of military veterans allowed to access services that they did not access; (2) why does her department link the increased expenditure in this subprogramme to the increased number of persons insured or assured to access services when neither was possible nor the reported expenditure is linked to the needs of the 14 666 military veterans?


1) The Annual Performance Plan of the DMV for 2015/16, which was adopted by Parliament, set the target of providing 8000 military veterans with access to health care. As of 31st March 2016, 8 264 military veterans were authorised to access health care services adding to a total accumulative number of 14 666 as from the 2013/14 financial year to the 2015/16 financial year. This is the indicator the department reports on in the Annual Report and is aligned with Section 5 (1)(i) of the Military Veterans Act, Act 18 of 2011, which of speaks to “access to health care.” As part of its strategic planning processes the department is discussing other indicators which can be used to measure access to health care.

2): The expenditure incurred is for military veterans who have received the healthcare services.

08 December 2016 - NW2538

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What have been the monthly (a) viewership and (b) advertising revenue figures for each television station of the SA Broadcasting Corporation since 1 July 2016?


(a) The SABC monitors television audiences in terms of monthly audience share.

(b) Advertising revenues are presented excluding Agency Commission, Credit Notes, and Compensation. The revenues received by the organisation fluctuate according to seasonality and available spend by advertisers.







08 December 2016 - NW2539

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

What (a) was the purpose of her attendance at the NexTV CEO Africa 2016 Summit in Mauritius on 29 and 30 September 2016, (b) are the (i) names and (ii) positions of persons who accompanied her and (c) was the (i) total cost and (ii) detailed breakdown of such costs of the specified trip?


(a) NexTV CEO Africa 2016, was an exclusive event that brought together the Anglophone and Francophone markets of Sub Saharan Africa to discuss strategic ventures, regulatory issues and will be a fantastic accelerator for business and for lobby in the broadcasting industry going forward. Minister Faith Muthambi was invited to participate and give a keynote address at the opening session of the two-day summit, where she addressed delegates on the digital television revolution in Africa.

(b) (i) & (ii)

  • Ms Basani Baloyi: Chief of Staff;
  • Mr Sandile Nene: Special Advisor to the Minister; and
  • Mr Nthambeleni Gabara: Assistant Director: GCIS SANews Unit.

(c) (i) R 184 420.44

    (ii) Accommodation: R44 949.50

        Flights: R 121 459.66

        Travel allowance: R18 011.28








08 December 2016 - NW2372

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to the alleged legal dispute between the Department of Military Veterans and ZEAL (details furnished), and the march of the military veterans to her department on 6 April 2016 demanding health care (details furnished), how does she reconcile the return by her department of R234m to the National Treasury with the current reported expenditure of R67 million by end of the 2015-16 financial year under this sub programme;



The matter is sub judice and therefore no further comment is possible at present in terms of Rule 89 of the National Assembly which says, “No member may reflect upon the merits of any matter on which a judicial decision in a court of law is pending.”

(2) whether a certain person (name furnished) or any official of her department involved in the alleged irregular contract has been called to any disciplinary enquiry given the devastating consequences of the dispute; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The Public Service Commission is busy with an investigation into this contract and the processes followed in awarding it. DMV is awaiting the outcome of the investigation.

(3) whether she has found that corruption might be the real reason behind the dispute and these serious allegations levelled against a certain person (details furnished); if so,


DMV is awaiting the outcome of the Public Service Commission investigation and will act on its recommendations.

(4) has her department investigated these serious allegations of corruption; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


DMV is awaiting the outcome of the Public Service Commission investigation and will act on its recommendations.

(5) whether her department provided protection for the whistle-blower in this matter as provided for in the Protected Disclosures Act, Act 26 of 2000; if so, (a) what steps has her department taken to ensure that the whistle-blower is not targeted and (b) what are her department’s plans to fight corruption? NW2708E

Response (5)

The investigation into the Zeal contract arises from internal processes of the department and steps I took as the Executive Authority in October 2015, after the matter was brought to my attention, to request the Public Service Commission to begin an investigation.

The Public Protector has confirmed in writing that an official of the DMV lodged a complaint to their office on 3 June 2016. As this disclosure was made long after I asked the Public Service Commission to investigate the matter, I am taking advice as to whether this can be considered a protected disclosure in terms of the Protected Disclosure Act of 2000.

08 December 2016 - NW2558

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to the 2015-16 report of the Auditor-General in respect of her department, which indicates that morale is low among employees, what has she found to be the cause and what is she and senior officials doing to improve the morale; (2) given the reported lack of relevant expertise on skills in the specified report, does her department have a policy regarding the recruitment of senior managers; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) does her department have a fair and transparent recruitment policy that prevents patronage and allows capable candidates to be appointed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) by what date will existing vacancies be filled and (b) what is the cause of the delay in the appointment of a permanent director-general?



Question (1):

The department is busy with an employee satisfaction survey in order to identify issues affecting morale amongst employees. The department is also conducting a skills audit to ensure that employees are placed appropriately according to their skills. These will be reported once they are completed.

The newly appointed Acting Director-General has begun a process of interacting with employees to inform them key developments in the department engage in team building and improve morale.

Question (2) Given the reported lack of relevant expertise on skills in the specified report, does her department have a policy regarding the recruitment of senior managers; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


The Department has a Recruitment Policy and it is implemented in line with Public Service Commission requirements for Public Service Recruitment practices.

Question (3) Does her department have a fair and transparent recruitment policy that prevents patronage and allows capable candidates to be appointed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details


All appointments within the department are done through the Public Service Regulations, Part VII. Procedures for Appointment, Promotions and Termination of Service. Our recruitment policy is transparent and fair.

Question (4): (a) By what date will existing vacancies be filled and (b) what is the cause of the delay in the appointment of permanent director-general


(a) The department is in a process of filling all the posts and priority is being given to the two service delivery branches – Socio-Economic Support and Empowerment and Stakeholder Management. It is hoped this will be completed by the end of the financial year.

(b) The interview and evaluation processes for the appointment of the Director-General was completed. However, due to administrative challenges between DPSA and DMV the process was stalled. It is hoped that this post will be permanently filled soon.

08 December 2016 - NW2320

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether, in respect of the Auditor-General’s 2015-2016 Annual Financial Report and with specific reference to her department, and in view of the general perception that public servants find it easy to be involved in fruitless litigation cases mainly because the State funds the cases and not the individuals behind them, there is a policy regulating the management of the litigious matters of her department; if so, who is responsible for litigation processes within her department; (2) how does her department account for the amount of R205 million regarding potential liability; (3) how many court cases is her department involved in; (4) whether her department conducts a risk profiling of the cases in order to assess their chances of success; (5) whether a cost-benefit analysis is done when cases are allowed to go to court; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Question 1: Whether, in respect of the AG’s 2015-2016 Annual Financial Report and with specific reference to her department, and in view of the general perception that public servants find it easy to be involved in fruitless litigation cases mainly because the State funds the cases and not the individuals behind them, there is a policy regulating the management of litigious matters of her department; if so, who is responsible for litigation processes within the department?

Answer 1:

Yes, the department has a “Policy on the Management and Administration of Civil Claims (Including Legal Representation and Legal Opinion) in the Department of Military Veterans”. The Director Legal Services is responsible for litigation processes within the department.

Question 2: How does her department account for the amount of R205 million regarding potential liability?

Answer 2: It is reported as a contingent liability in Note 16.1 to the 2015/16 Annual Financial Statements.

Question 3: How many court cases is the DMV involved in?

Answer 3: The DMV is involved in eight court cases; Of the eight cases, two relate to labour relations and six are contract related.

Question 4: Whether the department does conduct a risk profiling of the cases to assess chances of success?

Answer 4: Legal Services does determine the merits of each case and also attempts to mediate a matter in order to resolve it amicably without having to resort to litigation. This is done in conjunction with the State Attorney, where applicable.

Question 5: Whether there is a cost benefit analysis done when cases are allowed to go to Court, if so, what are the relevant details, if not, why not?

Answer 5: Yes a cost benefit analysis is done for all cases involving the department. The cost benefit analysis is also addressed in the mediation process where the department attempts to settle matters amicably without resorting to court. When a letter of demand is received the process starts to resolve the matters without court processes. Where summons was issued and parties have entered into a settlement agreement, the settlement agreement is then made an Order of Court. It is only in exceptional cases where matters are referred to Court for a decision.

08 December 2016 - NW2614

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) Whether the former Chief Operating Officer of the SA Broadcasting Corporation received any form of bonus for concluding the contract with a certain company (name and details furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what amount did the specified person receive, (b) what are the terms of payment of the bonus, (c) what criteria were used to determine the extent of the bonus, (d) who approved the specified bonus and (e) from which budget(s) was the bonus paid; (2) Whether any actors have received any remuneration generated from the airing of the specified channel; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The disclosure of employee remuneration is against employee regulation. Any payments made in the current financial year will be disclosed in the 2016/17 Annual Report.







08 December 2016 - NW2540

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) How many (i) international and (ii) domestic trips were undertaken by each (aa) senior manager and (bb) board member of each entity reporting to her in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (b) in each case, what (i) class of travel was used and (ii) is the detailed breakdown of costs incurred?


  1. Brand South Africa



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



15 business

20 economy

29 business 7 economy

R 1 023 666

R 210 257

Board Members





R 585 067

R 465 491



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



12 business

14 economy

17 business

36 economy

R 787 680

R 354 074

Board Members







2. Film and Publication Board



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



7 business

All domestic

R1 394 568

R602 755

Board Members



4 business

All domestic


R99 885



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



8 business

1 economy

All domestic

R1 533 248

R644 238

Board Members



6 business

All domestic


R123 396

3. Independent Communications Authority of South Africa



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



13 business

5 economy

59 economy

R 637 984

R 399 444

Board Members



29 business

40 economy

R 806 054

R 254 697



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



20 business

15 economy

100 economy

R 764 140

R 536 455

Board Members



14 business

26 economy

R 617 475

R 203 923

4. Media Development and Diversity Agency



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers







Board Members







*These numbers are subject to verification



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers







Board Members







*These numbers are subject to verification

5. South African Broadcasting Association



International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers



Business X 15 Economy X 20

Business X 29 Economy X 7



Board Members









International trips

Domestic trips

Class International trips

Class Domestic trips

Cost International trips

Cost Domestic trips

Senior Managers




Business x 60 Economy x 119



Board Members




Business x 32 Economy x 1










08 December 2016 - NW2623

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether a certain person (name furnished), stationed at the Youngsfield Military Base in Wetton, Cape Town, has taken regular sick leave; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of sick leave taken by the specified person for each of the past three financial years in terms of the (a) duration, (b) nature of the illness, (c)(i) sick certificates issued and (ii) name of medical practitioner(s) who issued the certificates and (d) sick leave cycles?


Details as to the member’s medical condition cannot be disclosed as it would be a violation of doctor and patient privilege.

08 December 2016 - NW2371

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)Whether, with reference to the findings of the Auditor-General in respect of the Annual Report of her department for the 2015-16 financial year, (a) there are claims that are being made and linked to the reported tender contract dispute on health and wellness services that was awarded to a certain company (name furnished), which is currently in court, as reported by her department; if so, what is the status of the commitment made by a certain person (details furnished) regarding the resolution of the dispute; (2) whether a risk assessment was done in relation to the specified court case with regard to the potential financial and human costs?


Response (1):

Dates for the hearing of court cases are set by the judiciary. The department is finalizing its papers in this matter and hopes that a court date will be set for early 2017.

(2) Whether a risk assessment was done in relation to the specified court case with regard to the potential financial and human costs? NW2707E

Response (2): The merits of the case where looked into and the human and financial costs were taken into consideration by the before the matter was referred to Court.

08 December 2016 - NW2537

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What were the monthly (a) listenership and (b) advertising revenue figures for each SA Broadcasting Corporation radio station since 12 May 2016?


(a) Radio audiences are measured quarterly and not monthly. There was a significant change in radio audience research methodology during the period in question (from previous SAARF RAMS to BRC RAM) and the findings are thus not comparable. The following graphic was derived from the first BRC RAM research released in August 2016.


(b) Advertising revenues are presented excluding Agency Commission, Credit Notes, and Compensation. The revenues received by the organisation fluctuate according to available spend by advertisers.








08 December 2016 - NW2664

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to remarks made by the Group Chief Executive of Corporate Affairs of the SA Broadcasting Corporation, Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng, at The New Age Business Briefing on 27 October 2016, that he allegedly met a certain person (name furnished) at an unknown hotel, (a) what are the names of each person who attended the specified meeting, (b)(i) on what date and (ii) where did the meeting take place, (c) what was the purpose of the meeting and (d) what were the decisions at the meeting?


This matter is a subject of an on-going legal case and therefore sub-judice. Thus, the SABC cannot at this stage respond to the question.








07 December 2016 - NW2643

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether each time frame set for each target of her department’s Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery Initiative programme has been reached since it was launched in the 2011-12 financial year; if not, (a) why not and (b) how were the specified time frames amended in each case; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether any contractors working on the specified programme were blacklisted for nonperformance since the announcement by her deputy, Mr M E Surty, to this effect in the meeting of the Standing Committee on Appropriations on 20 February 2013; if not, why not; if so, what are the full relevant details; (3) (a) what is the (i) total expenditure on the programme and (ii) detailed breakdown of the expenditure (aa) in each financial year since the 2011-12 financial year and (bb) on each project in each province to date and (b) how was the programme funded to date; (4) whether her department will amend the programme’s (a) targets and/or (b) time frames again; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (5) whether she has put any measures in place to ensure that the programme’s targets are delivered timeously; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. The time frames have not been met in every case. ASIDI is a multi-year programme and the building of a school takes, on average 12 to 15 months. Prior to that is the process of procurement, which must follow laid down procedures, and design, planning and construction. A project cycle does not necessarily follow a financial year.

2. Implementing agents blacklist non performing contractors and send the list to Construction Industry Development Board.(CIBD).

3. The expenditure on the programme to date is detailed below:

Inappropriate Structures







Eastern Cape


63 984 913

643 912 612

790 329 040

1 358 016 195

976 037 703

Free State



17 746 043

146 775 703

518 183 195

187 121 154





1 000 000

13 994 772

7 033 233





32 188 714

89 036 857

12 415 992





32 188 714

89 036 857

18 139 438





8 349 205

86 219 551

15 062 193

Northern Cape




3 960 685

15 751 841

6 439 904

Western Cape




533 019 000

396 697 000

262 049 000


63 984 913

661 658 655

1 547 811 061

2 566 936 268

1 484 298 617


Water & Sanitation







Eastern Cape


7 843 987

35 431 692

265 153 466

140 788 186

98 471 455

Free State


1 232 657

10 760 350

3 355 713

831 166





34 441 881

64 772 375

120 082 396

33 512 363




36 542 858

67 409 852

29 322 070

5 818 007






43 236 964

29 025 376






17 378 852


Northern Cape




3 960 685

10 869 214



9 076 644

117 176 781

404 652 091

362 508 848

166 827 201









Eskom (All Provinces)


22 900 834

3 334 927

53 202 521

24 806 781


Total Capital Expenditure

73 061 557

801 736 270

1 955 798 079

2 982 647 637

1 675 932 598




7 489 176 141


4. The programme is amended in keeping with performance cycles and implementing agent capacity. Implementing Agents have agreed to bolster their internal capacities and are geared to complete the programme by the proposed new completion dates.

5.The ASIDI programme is now planned to be completed at the end of the 2017/18 financial year. 126 schools are at different phases of implementation and 216 schools are the subject of a completed rationalisation and mergers exercise. The DBE will now go in to a period of procurement, planning and design before construction can begin in earnest.




EXT: X 4272















07 December 2016 - NW2644

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education

With regard to her statement on the progress of the Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards for Public Schools Infrastructure on 14 November 2016, when will the (a) 66 remaining schools without sanitation, (b) 81 schools without water and (c) 571 schools without electricity be provided with these resources?


a) With regard to 66 remaining schools without sanitation, all the schools are currently at different stages of implementation and will be completed during the current 2016/2017 financial year.

b) With regard to 81 remaining schools without water, all the schools are currently at different stages of implementation and will be completed during the current 2016/2017 financial year.

c) With regard to 571 remaining schools without electricity, all the schools are currently at different stages of implementation and will be completed during 2017/2018 financial year.

07 December 2016 - NW2588

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the President of the Republic

(1)With reference to his replies to questions 2137 and 2138 on 11 November 2016, on which date did he reprimand the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr M J Zwane; (2) Whether the specified Minister received a letter of reprimand; if not, (a) why not and (b) what form did the reprimand take; if so, (i) when was the specified letter sent to the Minister and (ii) why was the letter not tabled in Parliament; (3) Whether he will table the letter in Parliament; if not, why not; if so, by which date? NW3001E


The reprimand was in the form of a letter to the Minister of Mineral Resources dated 23 September 2016. The Minister apologised for his statement.

07 December 2016 - NW2293

Profile picture: Vos, Mr J

Vos, Mr J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether any (a) internal and/or (b) external forensic reports pertaining to (i) her Department and/or (ii) each entity reporting to her were completed from 01 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what is the (aa) name, (bb) subject matter and (cc) date of conclusion of each of the specified forensic reports?


The results of forensic related investigations are often detailed in a forensic report.

These reports are often used for several purposes. It is important to take note of the legally privileged and confidential information contained in forensic reports. Due process and protocols of releasing such information should be followed especially if such reports have not been released to the public domain.

It is advisable that a note which reads: “this document is intended only for the use of the person named herein and may contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this document, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this document is strictly prohibited”.

The member should therefore be aware that Government departments and its entities accounts for such related information by tabling annual reports every year and this document, inclusive of this line item (i.e. Disciplinary action/termination) are audited by the Auditor General, who makes recommendations on any findings. Annual Reports are widely available to the public.


07 December 2016 - NW2514

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What is the (a) current total debt and (b) detailed breakdown of the total debt into (i) local currency denominated debt and (ii) foreign currency denominated debt of each state-owned company?













Local currency denominated debt

3 717

Foreign currency denominated debt


Total debt

3 717


R 3 717 000 000.00 (Three Billion Seven Hundred and Seventeen Million Rands).



R 3 717 000 000.00 (Three Billion Seven Hundred and Seventeen Million Rands).






Local currency denominated debt


Foreign currency denominated debt


Total debt



R333 000 000 000.00 (Three Hundred and Thirty Three Billion Rands).



R 218 000 000 000. 00 (Two Hundred and Eighteen Billion Rands).



R 115 000 000 000.00 (One Hundred and Fifteen Billion Rands)




Local currency denominated debt


Foreign currency denominated debt


Total debt



R 73 138 033.84 (Seventy Three Million One Hundred and Thirty Eight Thousands and Thirty Three Rands and Eighty Four cents).



R 73 138 033.84 (Seventy Three Million One Hundred and Thirty Eight Thousands and Thirty Three Rands and Eighty Four cents).






Local currency denominated debt


Foreign currency denominated debt


Total debt



R 1 224 000 000. 00 (One Billion Two Hundred and Twenty Four Million Rands).



R 1 077 000 000.00 (One Billion and Seventy Seven Million Rands).



R 147 000 000.00 (One Hundred and Forty Seven Million Rands).



Local currency denominated debt


Foreign currency denominated debt


Total debt



R 119 000 000 000.00 (One Hundred and Nineteen Billion Rands).



R 94 900 000 000.00 (Ninety Four Billion Nine Hundred Million Rands).



R 24 100 000 000.00 (Twenty Four Billion One Hundred Million Rands).

07 December 2016 - NW2703

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Was there any public participation and consultation with regard to the new SA Bureau of Standards policy on number plates; if not, why not; if so, (a) in what form did the participation and consultation take place, (b) which organisations participated and (c) on what dates did the participation and consultation take place; (2) (a) when will a national standard be concluded, (b) where can the original specifications be accessed, (c) what testing has been conducted on number plates in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (d) what were the test results in each of the specified years?NW3194E


1. Yes, there was public participation and consultations with affected stakeholders in the number plate industry.

(a) Participation and consultation took place in the form of meetings with affected stakeholders.

(b) The number plate industry, comprising number plate blankers/manufacturers and embossers participated in the meetings with the SABS. The industry was represented by South African Number Plate Association, the Number Plate Association of South Africa, the Retail Motor Industry Organisation(RMI) and the companies Uniplate, New Number Plate Requisites and ARGA. Meetings were also held with all the provincial transport departments except those of the North West and the Western Cape provinces.

(c) Meetings were held on 8 February 2016, 10 February 2016, 06 April 2016 and 18 April 2016 with the various stakeholders mentioned in (b) above.

2. (a) Number plates are controlled by the existing South African National Standard (SANS) 1116. There are no new national standards being developed to control number plates.

(b) The original specifications that are contained in SANS 1116 can be assessed through the SABS Sales Office in Pretoria and also through the SABS regional offices. These specifications can also be assessed on the SABS online webstore.

(c) Responses to the following sub questions: i, ii and iii and also (d) are all captured in tabular form below.

Summary of tests conducted in 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16

Tests conducted according to SANS 1116-2 and 4




Current failures

License Numbers (characters)




Setting out characters




Color and luminance factors




License number and border












Retro-reflective material




Resistance to weathering




Resistance to scratching





Resistance to bending





Resistance to impact (applies only to plastic number plates)





Resistance to abrasion (applies to aluminium number plate)









07 December 2016 - NW2634

Profile picture: Carter, Ms D

Carter, Ms D to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, with reference to reported allegations (details furnished), he is aware of any bribe money paid by the Russians in relation to the procurement of nuclear generating capacity for the Republic of South Africa?


The Procurement of the Nuclear New Build Programme (NNBP) has not yet started and the Request for Proposals has yet not been issued. Various organs of state involved in the Programme are currently doing preparatory work related to the procurement process, including the development of a governance and management framework for the Programme with the different roles and responsibilities being articulated.

Government is not aware of any bribe and/or money that has been paid by any prospective bidder(s) for the Nuclear New Build Programme. Government is committed to a fair and transparent procurement process for the NNBP and will act against anyone who compromises the integrity of the process by acting unlawfully or improperly. The Nuclear New Build Programme is central to the country’s long term energy plans in order to reduce greenhouse emissions, ensure security of electricity, and contribute to economic development and job creation.

07 December 2016 - NW2669

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1099 on 8 July 2016, she has received the outstanding information from the SA Council of Educators (SACE); if not, why not; if so, by what date will the information be communicated; (2) how many (a) cases of teacher misconduct were reported to SACE in each province in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13, (iii) 2013-14, (iv) 2014-15 and (v) 2015-16 financial years and (b) of the specified cases related to (i) fraudulent qualifications, (ii) sexual misconduct and (iii) physical assault?


1. The information has been requested from the South African Council of Educators (SACE) and regular follow-up on this has been done with them. To date, we have not received this information from the SACE.

2. The SACE has provided the DBE with the following information:

The total number of educators struck-off the roll during (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13, (cc) 2013-14, (dd) 2014-15 and (ee) 2015-16 is as follows:


Educators struck off indefinitely: 31

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 01


Educators struck off indefinitely: 27

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 01


Educators struck off indefinitely: 03

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 06


Educators struck off indefinitely: 10

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 18


Educators struck off indefinitely: 25

Educators struck off but may re-apply after a certain period: 05

The information received from SACE does not give a provincial breakdown of cases, nor does it indicate the nature of the cases that have been struck-off the roll.




















06 December 2016 - NW2636

Profile picture: Grootboom, Mr GA

Grootboom, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him set the employment equity targets; if not, in each case, why not; if so, (i) what are the employment targets set and (ii) have the specified targets been met in each.


a) Yes, my department has set the employment equity targets.

b) In respect to entities reporting to me, as the Honourable Member might be aware that I have 26 of them to solicit and verify the information from them requires time well beyond the limited time provided by Parliament. I will therefore submit this information as soon as I get it.

c) The department currently employs 12 people with disabilities which represent 2% of the staff complement. The department also complies with the 50% of Women at Senior Management Staff (SMS) level of the target as set by the cabinet in 2005.

d) Yes the specified targets have been met in the department.

06 December 2016 - NW2575

Profile picture: Khoza, Mr NP

Khoza, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Police

What is the status of the request for transfer of a certain person (name and details furnished) from the Duduza Police Station in Gauteng to any other police station in Limpopo, particularly in the Vhembe area?


The member in question has not applied for a transfer and when engaged in this regard, he indicated that he is in the process to do so. The transfer application will receive the necessary attention when submitted.

06 December 2016 - NW2583

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

Why does her department make use of a vehicle rental agency to rent vehicles for various departments, Ministers and judges instead of using the services of a certain service provider (name furnished)?


The Department of Transport, following a detailed feasibility study recommendations, facilitated a fleet management Public Private Partnership(PPP) agreement, under Regulation 16 of the PFMA, the Public Private Partnership (PPP) practice note Number 02 of 2004 “South African Regulations for PPP’s” which applies to government departments, constitutional institutions, public entities listed or required to be listed in schedules 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D to the PFMA and subsidiaries of such public entities of the PFMA.

This Transversal Fleet PPP contract (DOT/34/2005/GMT) was awarded toPhakisaworld Fleet Solutions.

The contract is for the provision of full maintenance lease (long term vehicle rentals) and short term vehicle rental services. The Department of Transport with other 14 national departments is a participant to this PPP contract for both full maintenance lease and short term rentals of vehicles. Each participating department will place their own vehicle orders with the service provider based on their requirements. The participating departments are listed below:

  1. Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
  2. Statistics South Africa
  3. Department of Economic Development
  4. Office of the Public Protector
  5. Department of Health
  6. Department of Higher Education and Training
  7. Department of Transport
  8. Department of Trade and Industry
  9. Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
  10. Department of Water Affairs
  11. Department of Correctional Services
  12. Department of Public Service and Administration
  13. Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities
  14. Department of Public Works

Ministerial vehicles, including incidental vehicles are procured as per the prescripts of the Ministerial Handbook by each department. Departments participating in the Public Private Partnership for national vehicle fleets, makes use of the contract for the rental of incidental vehicles as and when required.

The provision of vehicles for Judges is prescribed by the Judges Handbook. All decisions related to these vehicles, the procurement thereof, including short term vehicle rentals falls under the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and the Office of the Chief Justice and not the Department of Transport.

06 December 2016 - NW2654

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)     Whether any forensic investigations (a) have been conducted or (b) are currently being conducted into the Municipal Councillors Pension Fund (MCPF); if not, why not; if so, what is the current status of specified investigations; (2) whether any (a) disciplinary or (b) criminal charges have arisen from the investigations; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he is aware of the allegations against the (a) Chairperson, (b) other trustees and (c) any senior official of the MCPF regarding the alleged misuse of the fund’s resources for personal activities and gain; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what action has he taken in this regard?


(1) (a) National Treasury has not conducted any forensic investigations relating to the Municipal Councilors Pension Fund (MCPF)

     (b) This matter was never brought to National Treasury for consideration.

(2) (a) & (b)

It is the responsibility of the organisation concerned to take corrective action, including commissioning of an investigation when allegations of corruption or fraud are reported or uncovered.

(3) (a), (b) & (c)

If the Honourable Member has any information on the allegations relating to this matter, I would encourage him to pass the information onto the relevant law enforcement agencies so that the matter can be investigated.

06 December 2016 - NW2631

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)(a) How many (i) large, (ii) medium and (iii) small businesses that have contracts with the State suffered losses and (b) how many of the specified businesses (i) in total and (ii) since 2011 had to close because the State and state institutions did not meet their payment obligations within 30 days; (2) (a) how many complaints were submitted to the Chief Procurement Ombudsman since the inception of the institution, (b) what types of complaints have been received and (c) how many of the complaints (i) were resolved and (ii) were not resolved?


1. (a) (i) (ii) the Instruction Note 5 of 2016/17 does not require the supplier to indicate the size or their business. (iii) each supplier get contracted with individual organs of state.

(b) Suppliers have started in July 1, 2016 to directly report their non-payment to government through formal channels, as a result the National Treasury does not have information prior to 1 July 2016 that could have contributed to the closure businesses.

2. (a) A total of 4041 valid invoices were unpaid, to the value of R439 283 025, 63 were received since 1 July 2016. (b) the complaints vary from undisputed invoices to work performed without a contract or purchase order in place. (c)(i) 1342 invoices to the value of R103 541 992,10 were resolved (ii) 2699 to the value of R335 741 033,53 are still not resolved. Annexures attached per Organ of State (procuring entity) from 1 July 2016.

06 December 2016 - NW2515

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

What is the (a) total value of contingent liabilities and (b) detailed breakdown of each contingent liability into (i) type, (ii) institution, (iii) exposure amount or amount drawn against the guarantee and (iv) total amount on the latest date for which information is available?


Government obligations

Government guarantees and exposure

Government issues guarantees to various state-owned companies. As at 30 June 2016, these guarantees amounted to R469 billion. Of the total guarantee portfolio, 67 per cent is issued to Eskom and 13 per cent to the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL).

Table 1: Guarantees and exposure amount

see the link:

Source: National Treasury

Only the portion of the guarantees that these companies have borrowed against – known as the exposure amount – is a contingent liability to government. Creditors can call on government to service or pay off the guaranteed debt on which an entity has defaulted. Exposure amounts increased from R264 billion as at 31 March 2016 to R266 billion as at 30 June 2016. Most of the increase is accounted for by Eskom (R2.3 billion), Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) (R20 million) and Land Bank (R88 million).

As part of the bailout of African Bank in 2014/15, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) provided support on the back of a government guarantee constituting an explicit contingent liability of R7 billion. As at 30 June 2016, the guarantee amount has declined to R3 billion and the Reserve Bank has not realised any exposure against this guarantee.

Power-purchase agreements between Eskom and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) are now categorised as contingent liabilities. This change adds about R200 billion to contingent liabilities in 2016/17. The agreements oblige Eskom to buy power from these producers over a 20-year period at a price agreed to by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa. Government provides support in the form of guarantees to Eskom. In the event that Eskom is unable to purchase power as stipulated, government must buy the power on Eskom’s behalf. The probability of default is low, since the regulator generally approves tariff increases that accommodate these agreements. However, significant deterioration in Eskom’s financial position may increase government’s risk exposure.

In Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), contingent liabilities only arise where contract termination would require the state to reimburse the private partner. As at 30 June 2016, the inclusion of PPPs adds R9 billion to contingent liabilities, of which national PPPs account for 37 per cent and provincial PPPs 63 per cent. Given that none of the contingent liabilities in this category have been realised since the first PPP contract was entered into, they are considered very low risk.

Other contingent liabilities

Government’s other contingent liabilities include the actuarial deficits of social security funds – the difference between the claims owed by these entities and their total assets. Government commitments to the Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa – the net underwriting exposure of the company and its total assets – also fall into this category, as do claims against government departments, and post-retirement medical assistance to government employees.

Other contingent liabilities were projected at R286 billion in 2015/16, R34 billion higher than in 2014/15, due to an increase in claims by exporters and increased exposure of the Road Accident Fund. Over the medium term, these contingent liabilities are projected to increase to R323 billion

06 December 2016 - NW2606

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

What were the reasons that the recently appointed senior police officer (name and details furnished), was (a) suspended and (b) transferred to the Tembisa Police Station; (2) What are the reasons that the person was subsequently transferred back to the Edenvale Police Station?


(1)(a) The mentioned officer was not suspended.

(1)(b) The mentioned officer was not placed at Tembisa Police Station at any stage.

(2) The Station Commander of Edenvale Police Station retired from the South African Police Service on 31 July 2016 and not to compromise service delivery, the mentioned officer was placed in this critical post due to his experience, expertise and familiarity with the Edenvale policing precinct.

06 December 2016 - NW2675

Profile picture: Chance, Mr R

Chance, Mr R to ask the Minister of Finance

What was the contribution in (a) rands and (b) percentages of the (i) private, (ii) public, (iii) nonprofit and (iv) co-operative business sectors to the Gross Domestic Product in the 2015-16 financial year?


The sectoral contributions to gross value added are presented in Table 1, over the period requested. As official national accounts data are not published by organisational type, it is not possible to provide the requested breakdown according to the above categories using publicly available data. Private business enterprises dominate economic activity in most sectors, except in the electricity, gas, and water sector, as well as general government services, which are largely concentrated by the public sector. There is also sizeable participation of the public sector in the transport services sector. Nonprofit firms are largely found in the community, social, and personal services sector. Based on estimates from the Annual Financial Statistics Survey 2015 (Statistics South Africa, 2016), co-operative firms contributed little over R10 billion (or 0.12%) to total turnover in 2015, most of which is generated in the trade services sector.

More information on sector level contributions can be obtained from Statistics South Africa.

Table 1: Sectoral composition of total gross value added, 2015-2016


Gross value added

(R million, current prices, 2015-161)

Contribution to total value added

(%, 2015-16)

Agriculture, forestry and fishing



Mining and quarrying






Electricity, gas and water






Trade, catering and accommodation



Transport, storage and communication



Finance, real estate and business services



General government services



Personal services



1 Total over the period between 2015Q2 and 2016Q1

Source of basic data: Statistics South Africa

06 December 2016 - NW2615

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to his repeated statements that he stands by the findings of his report on Nkandla on the basis that the technical findings were made by security experts, why did he not advise the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, to subject the Public Protector’s Secure in Comfort report to judicial review for alleged flawed findings; (2) whether each of the specified security experts were employees of the SA Police Service; if not, (a) at which organisation(s) was each of the experts employed and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard; if so, (i) what are the (aa) names and (bb) ranks of each of the experts and (ii) in which (aa) divisions and/or (bb) components did each of the experts work?


  1. The mandate of the Minister of Police with regards to Nkandla upgrades was in terms of the ad hoc committee report adopted by a resolution of the National Assembly in November 2014. According to this resolution, the Minister of Police was to consider, in the light of the Public Protector’s findings, what constitutes security and non-security feature to determine the personal liability of the President if any. It was not part of the brief of the Minister of Police to advise the President, Mr J G Zuma on the legal steps that needed to be taken.
  2. In compiling the report, information, analysis and contextualisation were solicited from, among other experts, security experts within the South African Police Service and State Security Agent. The Minister is of the view that names, ranks and divisions of the said experts are not relevant as they were representing the organisations that they work for and not acting in their personal capacities.

05 December 2016 - NW2456

Profile picture: Mackay, Mr G

Mackay, Mr G to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) How many international trips were undertaken by (i) the Chief Executive Officer, (ii) each executive and (iii) each board member of the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (aa) in the 2015 calendar year and (bb) since 1 January 2016 and (b) what was the (i) cost, (ii) purpose and (iii) detailed itinerary of each specified trip?



(a) Position



(b) (i) Cost

(b) (ii) Purpose

Chief Executive Officer

F Yende


R93 550.86

World Skills Conference



R58 653.30

International Leadership Development Programme (ILDP)



R125 968.59

Women’s Forum Global Meeting


W Ntsoane


R85 496.86

World Skills Summit

Board Members

M Odayan


R93 550.86

World Skills Summit



R58 653.30




R87 637.92

Women’s Forum Global Meeting


S Ngidi


R58 653.30



F Barnard


R58 653.30



(a) Position



(b) (i) Cost

(b) (ii) Purpose

Chief Executive Officer


Not applicable




Not applicable


Board Members

M Odayan


R84 743.66

Technical, Training and Employability Skills Event –Belfast

(b) (iii) Detailed itineraries are attached separately as Annexures A1 and A2.











05 December 2016 - NW2649

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) How many (i) appeals were received by the Refugee Appeals Board (aa) in each of the past five financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016 and (ii) of the specified appeals were finalised, (b) what are the causes of the delays in adjudicating the appeals and (c) by what date will the backlog in the appeals be cleared?


(a) Appeals received and finalised by the Refugee Appeal Board (RAB) in the past five financial years and from 01 April 2016 to date is tabulated hereunder:




April 2011 - March 2012



April 2012 - March 2013



April 2013 - March 2014



April 2014 - March 2015



April 2015 - March 2016



April 2016 – Nov 2016



(b) The causes for the delay in the adjudication of appeal cases is as follows:

  • Most asylum applications received by the Refugee Reception Offices in South Africa are rejected as unfounded and they end up at the Refugee Appeal Board (RAB). Presently the RAB has one member based in Cape Town and an Acting Chairperson based in Pretoria as three RAB Members resigned early this year. The process to identify and appoint the Chairperson and the three members is continuing.
  • In the past members of the Refugee Appeal Board (RAB) used to sit as single members for each appeal hearing. However, in the Western Cape Court judgement of November 2011( Harerimana v Chairperson of the RAB and others) the RAB was ordered to sit as a quorum of 50 percent plus one of the members for each appeal hearing or at least two members.
  • The high number of appeals lodged on daily basis makes it difficult for the few RAB members to hear and determine cases without delay. Some cases are simple and straight forward and can be determined without delay, however, a lot of cases are complex and take some time to determine. The decision making process requires extensive research on latest possible country of origin information, International Refugee Law and Case Law because of the complexity of most cases that have to be adjudicated and it is not always easy to get access to these sources of information
  • The RAB normally hears between five and ten appeal cases per day, depending on the profile and complexity of each case, from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays determinations on appeals heard are normally written. The RAB visits the regional Refugee Reception Offices for hearings, sometimes for up to three weeks. As much as the Board makes efforts to adjudicate appeals already heard, there is also a high number of appeals scheduled to be heard by the Board. The RAB tries to balance the number of cases it hears with those that are adjudicated.
  • The RAB decisions need to be carefully constructed because sensitive human rights issues are being dealt with; some of which in their nature are matters of life and death. The RAB has to apply its mind to the facts of each case in compliance with Public Administrative Justice Act, The Constitution, The Refugee Act, International Refugee Law and other Human Rights Instruments before coming to a particular decision.

(c) At this stage the RAB is not in a position to provide the date on which the appeals backlog will be cleared. It is presently estimated that the RAB has around 145 414 appeal cases nationally defined as a backlog and around 80 315 of these cases appear to be active in the National Immigration Information system.

During the Republic of South Africa – UNHCR High Level Bilateral Meeting in Geneva, July 2015 the two parties agreed to the development of a backlog project to address the outstanding RAB appeal cases, However the project has not taken off in earnest due to financial constraints. The project was planned to continue for three years, until 2019. Provided enough human capacity and financial resources are made available, the backlog could be cleared within three years.

05 December 2016 - NW2432

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) What is the total number of grants that were paid out by the Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority in the 2015-16 financial year, (b) which institution was each grant awarded to, (c) how many students completed the training courses offered and (d) what qualification did each of the specified students receive?


(a) 32 Grants were awarded.

(b) The following institutions were awarded grants:

  • College of Cape Town
  • Eskom Holdings LTD
  • Johannesburg Water SOC Ltd
  • Lepelle Northern Water
  • Umgeni Water
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Aquabella Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • Artisan Development Academy
  • Lephalale TVET College
  • Mahube Training and Development
  • Durban University of Technology
  • Mhlathuze Water Board
  • Technology Innovation Agency
  • University of Fort Hare (UHURU)
  • Free State Department of Education (Jenn Training and Consulting)
  • Boikgantsho Consulting and Events

(c) 12 598 Students completed their training courses.

(d) The list of qualifications are as follows:

  • Bursaries: NCV Electrical Infrastructure Construction NQF L4
  • FET: Power Plant Auxiliary System Operation (Nuclear, Fossil and Hydro)
  • FET: Water and Wastewater Treatment Operation NQF Level 02
  • Artisan Trade: Electrician
  • Placement for Workplace Experience - University (Chemistry)
  • FET: Water and Wastewater Treatment Operation NQF Level 02
  • Placement for Workplace Experience - University (Environmental)
  • Placement for Workplace Experience - University (Chemistry)
  • Energy and Water Related Studies
  • Placement for Workplace Experience - TVET
  • Placement for Workplace Experience - TVET and University
  • SP: Electrical Engineering and Water Related Studies
  • NC: Water and Wastewater NQF Level 02
  • NC: Water and Wastewater NQF Level 03
  • FETC: Water and Wastewater Process Controller Supervision NQF L04
  • SP (RPL): Water and Wastewater NQF L02;L03;L04
  • SP: Coaches and Assessors
  • Bursaries: Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
  • FET: Water and Wastewater Treatment Operation NQF Level 03
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Placement for Workplace Experience - TVET
  • Placement for Workplace Experience – University of Technology
  • Placement for Workplace Experience - University
  • RE: Evacuated Tube Collector
  • RE: Wind Turbine (2kW)
  • RE: House Digester (6m²)
  • RE: Solar Street Lights
  • RE: PV System (3kW)
  • Bursaries: BSc Honours (YR01)
  • Matriculants: Tuition Contribution for 2 subjects - Physical Science and Mathematics
  • Community - Based Solar Heating Installation and Advanced Entrepreneurship Training
  • War on Leaks












05 December 2016 - NW2430

Profile picture: Stander, Ms T

Stander, Ms T to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) What is the total number of grants that were paid out by the Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority in the 2015-16 financial year, (b) which institution was each grant awarded to, (c) how many students completed the training courses offered and (d) what qualification did each of the specified students receive?


(a) The breakdown of the total number of grants that were paid during the 2015-16 financial year are as follows:

  • Discretionary grants - number of contracts 2 591 (includes contracts that were open from previous grant cycles)
  • Number of contracts 82 (includes contracts that were open from previous grant cycles)

(b) - (d) Refer to the table below.

(b) Institutions

(c) Learners completed training

(d) Qualification received by each learner

Omnia Group (Pty) Ltd

Sasol Mining

Britec Laboratories

NCS Resins

Sika SA (Pty) Ltd

Qualichem Coast (Pty) Ltd

Sasol Group Services (Pty) Ltd


Sasol Oil (Pty) Limited

Organic Chemical Corporation (Pty) Ltd

Farm-ag International (Pty) Ltd

GoPlastics cc

A-Gas (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd

False Bay College

Hitech Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Engen Petroleum Ltd

Diversey SA (Pty) Ltd

Prime Cleaning Suppliers cc

Sun Chemical South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Amka Products Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd


Atlas Organic Fertilisers (Pty) Ltd

Fuchs Lubricants (SA) (Pty) Ltd

Royale Energy Ltd

Geochem (Pty) Ltd

Boehringer Ingelheim (Pty) Ltd

Evonik Peroxide Africa (Pty) Ltd

Scientec (Pty) Ltd

Technical Finishes (Pty) Ltd

Vitafoam SA a division of KAP Raw Materials (Pty) Ltd

Syngenta South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Biocorp Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd

Chevron South Africa (Pty) (Ltd)

First National Battery - A Division of Metindustrial (Pty) Ltd

Blendcor (Pty) Ltd

Shell and BP South African Petroleum Refineries (Pty) Ltd

Themzak Cleaning Chemicals

Afriplex (Pty) Ltd

Fine Chemicals Corporation (Pty) Ltd

J Strickland Africa

International Flavors & Fragrances (SA) (Pty) Ltd

Terason (Pty) Ltd

Colortrade Paints cc

Winthrop Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd

Set Point Laboratories

Sasol Shared Services

KZN Resins (Pty) Ltd

Northlink College

Matwetwe Engineering and Construction

Chemetall (Pty) Ltd

SAFIC (Pty) Ltd

Eli Lilly SA (Pty) Ltd

Nalithuba Educational Development

Eveready (Pty) Ltd

Foskor (Pty) Ltd

AEL Mining Services Ltd

Actor Pharma (Pty) Ltd

Kansai Plascon (Pty) Ltd

Department of Energy

Acoustex (Pty) Ltd

General Energy Systems

Vopak Terminal Durban (Pty) Ltd

Gauteng City Region Academy

Hosaf a Division of Kap Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd

Arysta Lifescience SA (Pty) Ltd

Abbvie (Pty) Ltd

Servier Laboratories (Pty) Ltd

Evonik Degussa Africa

Cipla Medpro South Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a Cipla Medpro Manufacturing

SA Calcium Carbide (Pty) Ltd

Lubechem Products

Karbochem (Pty) Ltd

Sandoz South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Varicor Nineteen  BP Atlantic

Comed Health (Pty) Ltd

Indigo Brands  (Pty) Ltd

Air Liquide (Pty) Ltd

Liquid Colours (Pty) Ltd

BAB Developers (Pty) Ltd

Engen Petroleum Limited

Rheochem (Pty) Ltd

Quality Training & Consulting (Pty) Ltd

BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd

Blendrite Chemicals

Alcon Laboratories (SA)(Pty)Ltd

Melokuhle Multipuporse Primary Co-operative Limited

Starchem Trading (Pty) Ltd

Quality Products (Pty) Ltd

Becton Dickinson

Loreal Manufacturing Midrand

Reba Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Busisizwe Communications

AGB Mathe Business Services

SC Johnson & Son

Glass South Africa

Coastal KZN TVET College

Sasol Limited

Hi Tech Inks Africa (Pty) Ltd

Permoseal (Pty) Ltd

Prodec Paints cc

Zeta Laboratories cc


Platchem (Pty) Ltd

MSD (Pty) Ltd

Livinamix Investments (Pty) Ltd

Johnson & Johnson Medical (Pty) Ltd

Sealed Air Africa (Pty) Ltd

Intertek Testing Services (Pty) Ltd

Bergrivier Municipality

Nkunzi Pharmaceuticals

ABE Construction Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Labchem (Pty) Ltd

Grove 253 (Pty) Limited t/a Chespak (Pty) Limited

Tshwane North TVET College

BASF Construction Chemicals SA (Pty) Ltd

City of Cape Town

Hosaf a division of PG Bison (Pty) Ltd

Amandla Offshore Oil and Gas

Grinding Techniques (Pty) Ltd

Paintco (Pty) Ltd

BAB Developers (Pty) Ltd

Specpharm Holdings (Pty) Ltd

Nestdiv Trading cc

Merck (Pty) Ltd

Fromm Systems Africa (Pty) Ltd

Flint Group (Pty) Ltd

NCP Alcohols (Pty) Ltd

Total SA (Pty) Ltd

Phakamani Technology College


The Sisonke Partnership

Pfizer Laboratories (Pty) Ltd.

Pure Vmaks  (Pty) Ltd

BF Quality Solutions (Pty) Ltd

BASF Construction Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Pharma Natura (Pty) Ltd

1 961


NC Chemical Operations

NC - Electrician Level

NC - Fitting Level

NC - Chemical Manufacturing

NC - Pharmaceuticals Sales Rep

NC - Welding

NC - Automated Packaging

NC - Boilermaking

NC - Fitting

NC - Instrument Mechanician Level

NC - Electrican

NC - Rigger

NC - Gas Installation

Atholl Munday Training Centre (Pty) Ltd

Rheinmetall Denel Munition (Pty) Ltd

Further Education Trade Training

Saint-Gobain Construction Products SA (Pty) Ltd

TVET College of Cape Town

TEKmation (Pty) Ltd

Nampak Glass

Petroleum, Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Ltd PetroSA

West Coast Further Education and Training (TVET) College

Air Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Quality Products (Pty) Ltd

NCP Chlorchem (Pty) Ltd

Africa Skills Village (Training and Management Services) (Pty) Ltd

Umfolozi TVET College

TEKmation Training

Vuselela TVET College

Givaudan SA (Pty) Ltd

Clariant Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd Richards Bay

SRF Flexipak SA (Pty) Ltd

Nkungumathe Youth Development Forum

Elinem Construction cc

National BioProducts Institute

Trainrite (Pty) Ltd

Goldfields TVET College

World Focus 382 cc

Consol Glass (Pty) Ltd

Willard Batteries

Fresenius Kabi Manufacturing SA

Orion Engineered Carbons (Pty) Ltd

Coega Development Corporation (Pty) Ltd

Artisan Development Academy

G & W Base & Industrial Minerals (Pty) Ltd

UGIS (Pty) Ltd

Hydra- Arc (Pty) Ltd

Drakenstein Local Municipality

Mijona International Co. (Pty) Ltd

Umfolozi TVET College

Vitafoam SA a division of KAP Homeware (Pty) Ltd

Saldanha Bay IDZ Licencing SOC

Beige Holdings (Pty) Ltd




TVETC Chemical Operations

Fitter and Turner


NC Pharmaceuticals Sales Rep

Boiler Maker

Instrument Mechanician

Dekro Paints (Pty) Ltd

Laser Chemicals

Blastrite (Pty) Ltd

Seal Chemistry (Pty) Ltd

Sparkle Products cc

Medpro Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd

Elegant Line Chemicals

Multisol South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Jotun Paints South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Sa Paint Industry Training Institute

Melton Adhesives

Kelp Products (Pty) Ltd

Herbal Homeopathic (Pty) Ltd

Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories (Pty) Ltd

KZN Oils (Pty) Ltd

Giving Health (Pty) Ltd

Sikunika Impilo (Pty) Ltd

Farmprops 141 (Pty) Ltd

KwaZulu-Natal Development Foundation

Denso SA (Pty) Ltd

Chemical Specialities

Advanced Armour Glass

Rohm and Haas South Africa (Pty) Ltd

ABE Construction Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Creighton Products (Pty) Ltd

Nutec Digital Ink

City of Umhlathuze

Future Paints

Spill Tech cc

Quorus Biotech (Pty) Ltd

Regal Products cc

Sastel Packaging cc

Sastel Pharmaceuticals cc

Spill Tech Gauteng (Pty) Ltd

Prominent Paints

Tiyani SHEQ

Shu Powders Africa (Pty) Ltd

Chemay (Pty) Ltd

Glamosa Glass (Pty) Ltd

Servochem (Pty) Ltd

Induradec Coating SA (Pty) Ltd

Thebe Unico (Pty) Ltd

Ferro Coating Resins

Kombat (Pty) Ltd


Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd

Bloemfontein Spill Response (Pty) Ltd

Royal Adhesive Industries cc

Eastcape Midlands College Business Unit

Battech (Pty) Ltd

Botash Sa (Pty) Ltd

National Screen and Digital Supplies (Cape) (Pty) Ltd

Oudtshoorn Municipality

Newcastle Co-Generation (Pty) Ltd

M.C.F.I International

South African Industry Training Institute

Vpk Business Venture

Ritz Pumps SA (Pty) Ltd

Mpumamanzi Group

Metallica Chemicals

Curechem South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Elegant Line Trading 237 cc

Bioforce SA (Pty) Ltd

Envirosan (Pty) Ltd

Spill Tech (Cape) (Pty) Ltd

Spill Tech Group Services cc

makgoesha electrical services (Pty) Ltd

Dura Paints

Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd

Redpeg (Pty) Ltd

4 377

Skills Programmes: Programmes based on Unit Standards

Pharma Dynamics

Tioxide Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd

Aspen Pharmacare

Mangosuthu University of Technology

Buckman Laboratories (Pty) Ltd

Durban University of Technology

Shu Powders Africa (Pty) Ltd

South African Nuclear Corporation SOC

Intertek Testing Services SA (Pty) Ltd

Maluti TVET College

PFG Building Glass a division of PG Group (Pty) Ltd

BBI Enzymes SA (Pty) Ltd

ICI Dulux (Pty)Ltd

Protea Chemicals a division of Omnia Group (Pty) Ltd


Umfolozi TVET College

Western TVET College

Permoseal (Pty) Ltd

Ecolab (Pty) Ltd

Lanxess CISA

Coastal TVET College

Du Pont Freeworld (Pty) Ltd

Tshwane University of Technology

Adcock Ingram Health Care (Pty) Ltd

Nalco Africa (Pty) Ltd

Northern Cape Rural TVET College

Central University of Technology

Free State Provincial Government

Boland College

Axalta Plascon (Pty) Ltd

Dolphin Bay Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Synexa Life Sciences (Pty) Ltd

Environ Skin Care (Pty) Ltd

Dow AgroSciences Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd

Johnson & Johnson (Pty) Ltd

Mawasha Chemicals cc

PG Glass a division of PG Group (Pty) Ltd

Oryx Oil South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Sasol Synfuels (Pty) Ltd

Acti-Chem SA (Pty) Ltd

Vaal University of Technology

The Biovac Institute

Gold Reef Specialty Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Akzonobel Powder Coatings South Africa (Pty) Ltd

African Amines (Pty) Ltd


H&R South Africa Sales (Pty) Ltd

H&R South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Capricorn TVET College

Scott Bader (Pty) Ltd

Motheo TVET College

The Valspar (South Africa) Corporation (Pty) Ltd

Isegen South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Mnambithi TVET College

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Symrise (Pty) Ltd

Revlon South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Associated Additives a Division of ZIMCO Group (Pty) Ltd

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Maluti TVET College

PQ Silicas South Africa (Pty) Ltd

DuPont de Nemours SA (Pty) Ltd

SI Group South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Arkema Resins

Amka Product (Pty) Ltd

GlaxoSmithKline South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Trilab Support

Synthomer (Pty) Ltd

Sun Ace SA (Pty) Ltd

Ekurhuleni East TVET College

Majuba TVET College

NTP Radioisotopes SOC Ltd

Fine Chemical Corporation

Base Chemicals

Hydra- Arc (Pty ) Ltd

rolfes PWM (Pty) Ltd


Malotane Laboratories

Tiyani SHEQ Consultants (Pty) Ltd

Esayidi TVET College

Nalco Africa

South African Graduates Development Association (SAGDA)

Gilbarco AFS (Pty) Ltd

Evonik Africa

Purechem (Pty) Ltd

Central Johannesburg TVET College

SI Group South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Environ Skin Care (Pty) Ltd

Permoseal (Pty) Ltd - L770737205

South West Gauteng TVET College

Roche Products Pty (Ltd)

1 169



Chemical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Analytical Chemistry

Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Biomedical Technology

Civil Engineering

Environmental Science

Operations Management

Polymer Technology

KK Animal Nutrition (Pty) Ltd

Gold Reef Speciality Chemical (Pty) Ltd

Elizabeth Arden SA (Pty) Ltd

Onderstepoort Biological Products

CV Chabane & Associates (Pty) Ltd

The University of the Witwatersrand

Wasteman Holdings (Pty) Ltd

Island View Storage Ltd

University of South Africa

Free State Education Trust

Totalgaz Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd

Witon Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Flavius Mareka TVET College

Gert Sibande TVET College

Udec Trading (Pty) Ltd

South African Petroleum Industry Association

Unilever SA

Clariant Southern Africa

Port Elizabeth College

University of the Western Cape

DSM Nutritional Products

Rheinmetall Denel Mu

Heraeus South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Avery Dennison (Pty) Ltd)

Sasol Synfuels Operations

Chemistry Incubator

Regal Products

Sigma-Aldrich (Pty) Ltd

Scott Bader (Pty) Ltd

Connectco Fastener (Pty) Ltd

Gold Reef Speciality Chemicals (Pty) Ltd

Hammertone Fuels

Rohm and Haas South Africa (Pty) Ltd

University of Johannesburg

Afriplex (Pty) Ltd

Camel Fuels (Pty) Ltd

Sol Plaatje University

University of the Witwatersrand 

Gert Sibande TVET College

Gauteng Office of the Premier

Fine Chemicals Corporation

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University

Group Technology

Holland and Hausberger (Pty) Ltd

Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings South Africa (Pty) Ltd





Chemical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Analytical Chemistry

Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Biomedical Technology

Civil Engineering

Environmental Science

Operations Management

Polymer Technology











05 December 2016 - NW1723

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether the Deputy Minister of Finance (a) has met investigating officers and/or (b) provided a sworn statement in the form of an affidavit to investigating officers from the Hawks concerning the allegations that the Deputy Minister made in his press statement on 16 March 2016 (details furnished); if not, in each specified case, why not; if so, in each specified case, what are the relevant details?


According to the Deputy Minister of Finance:

  (a) Yes, the Deputy Minister met with the Hawks investigators.

  (b) Yes, a sworn statement was submitted to the Hawks Investigators by the Deputy Minister.

05 December 2016 - NW2599

Profile picture: Robertson, Mr K

Robertson, Mr K to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his reply to question 4040 on 3 December 2015, (a) who is currently the strategic partner for the Umsinga Vegetables Producers Co-operative at Tugela Ferry in KwaZulu-Natal and (b) what (i) are the details of the process that was followed by his department to appoint the current strategic partner and (ii) amount of money has been paid over to the specified strategic partner to date; (2) whether this amount which was paid over to the current strategic partner was budgeted for; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the project is currently operational; if not, (a) why not and (b) what is the state of completion of the current project as per the original tender specifications; if so, when did it become operational; (4) what was the (a) actual cost of the construction of the ablution block in the project and (b) original quote as per the original tender?


(1) After reading questions NA 2598 and NA 2599, having answered NA 2597, 2016, on the same matter, the Minister ordered an investigation into the matter (see Ministerial note below). As soon as he receives the report the Minister will respond to the said questions.

MINISTERIAL NOTE: I need a full investigation on this matter. It cannot be that a Member of Parliament (MP) would ask three separate questions on the same matter, without there being a good reason for it.

05 December 2016 - NW2389

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether the Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr M H Jonas, submitted an affidavit concerning his alleged meeting with members of a certain family (name furnished) for the purpose of offering him the position of Finance Minister on or about 23 October 2015 to the (a) Public Protector and/or (b) SA Police Service; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?



(a) The Deputy Minister submitted an affidavit to the Public Protector.

(b) The Deputy Minister submitted a statement to the Hawks for their investigation.

05 December 2016 - NW2433

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) What is the total number of grants that were paid out by the Education Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority in the 2015-16 financial year, (b) which institution was each grant awarded to, (c) how many students completed the training courses offered and (d) what qualification did each of the specified students receive?


(a) 341 Grants were awarded.

(b) The following institutions were awarded grants:

  • National Education Collaboration Trust
  • Xtensive Academy
  • Tembe Service Provider
  • Africa Learn
  • PC Training & Business College
  • Northern Cape Rural TVET College
  • Eastern Cape Province
  • KwaZulu-Natal Province
  • Limpopo Province
  • Operations
  • South African Fashion Designers Agency
  • Central University of Technology
  • University of Free State
  • Vuselela TVET College
  • Eastcape Midlands TVET College
  • TVET College of Cape Town
  • Boland TVET College
  • Northlink TVET College
  • Gauteng Provincial Office
  • North West Province
  • Northern Cape Province
  • Western Cape Province
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Mpumalanga Province
  • Free State Province
  • The Davinci Institute for Technology
  • Constituency Support
  • National Tertiary Education Union
  • Constituency Support
  • University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • University of Limpopo
  • Stellenbosch University
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Durban University of Technology
  • B. T Group of Companies (Pty) Ltd
  • Vaal University of Technology
  • Matiisetse Training
  • Gotsec Skills Training
  • Retshetse Training Project
  • Edutel Skills Development
  • BEPE Development
  • Khosithi Training Institute
  • University of Venda
  • Flavious Mareka TVET College
  • University of the Western Cape
  • University of Cape Town
  • Various Tertiary Institutions
  • University of the Witwatersrand
  • The Business Zone
  • JENN Training and Consultancy
  • Regent Business School
  • University of Pretoria
  • Goldfields TVET College
  • HCR Development cc
  • Gert Sibande TVET College
  • Maluti TVET College
  • University of North West
  • Sustainability Institute
  • Class Consulting
  • Enterprises at University of Pretoria
  • Waterberg TVET College
  • Lebone Educare Centre
  • Mnambithi TVET College
  • Lovedale TVET College
  • Fort Hare University
  • Crous Knowledge Resources (Pty) Ltd
  • Profound Intelligence Management Services cc
  • Africa Competency Development
  • South African Council for Graduate Co-operatives
  • Rhodes University
  • Walter Sisulu University
  • Extended Learning UKZN
  • Taletso TVET College
  • Wits Business School
  • AfroXpert Performance Development
  • Funzani Education and Training
  • Jasintha (Pty) Ltd
  • Star Schools
  • Rampadise Education Training and Development Centre
  • Realeboga-Bakubung Training and Development Agency
  • Rosy's Training and Development
  • Tshehang Development and Training
  • Tshepang Educare Trust
  • Central University of Technology
  • Ntataise Trust
  • Ntsoanatsatsi Educare
  • University of Zululand
  • Shaping the Learner
  • Autism South Africa
  • Children Disability Centre
  • SCI-BONO Discovery Centre
  • Mpumalanga Provincial Office
  • Lesedi Educare Association
  • South African College Principals Organisation

(c) 1 084 Unemployed and1 398 employed learners completed various skills development programmes.

(d) Qualifications received by unemployed learners who completed the ETDP SETA funded skills development programmes in 2015-16:

  • Learnerships: Early Childhood Development (ECD) Practitioner, Youth Development Practice, Environmental Practice and Youth Development Learnerships.
  • Full Qualifications: Post-Graduate Certificate in Education and B-ED Foundation Phase.
  • Matric Second Chance Project: National Senior Certificate (Grade 12 Certificate).
  • Workplace Experience for TVET College Students: Office Administration, Business Administration, HR Management, Travel and Tourism, and Marketing Management.
  • Workplace Experience for UOT Students: National Diploma in Electrical Engineering, National Diploma in Operations Management, National Diploma in Human Resources Management, National Diploma in Public Management, National Diploma in Electrical Engineering, National Diploma in Public Management and National Diploma in Electrical Engineering.

Qualifications received by employed learners who completed the ETDP SETA funded skills development programmes in 2015-16:

  • Learnerships: End - User Computing Learnership.
  • Full Qualifications: Post Graduate Certificate in Vocational Education, Advanced Programme in Leadership and Management, Leadership and Management Programme.
  • Skills Programmes: Emerging Managers Programme, Programme on Planning, Organising, Directing, Controlling and Coordinating the Educational and Administrative aspects of Primary and Secondary Schools; Braille and Sign Language; special programme for Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSEN) teachers; Programme in Information Technology; Programme in Negotiation Skills; and Programme on Conduct Outcomes-Based Assessment; Programme on Planning and Development Management.
  • Subject Content and Methodology for Teachers: Special Programme for Grade 10 -12 teachers: (Mathematics, Special Programme for Grade 10 -12 teacher Natural Sciences).












05 December 2016 - NW2476

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(1)Whether (a) the Chief Executive Officer, (b) each executive and (c) each board member of the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FPM-SETA) submitted reports for each international trip they undertook (i) in the 2015 calendar year and (ii) since 1 January 2016; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, on what date; (2) whether he will make the specified reports available to Mr D Bergman; if not, why not; if so, by what date; (3) whether any staff members of the FPM-SETA were formally appointed to act in the positions of the persons who travelled internationally; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are (a) the names of each staff member who was appointed in an acting position in the specified period and (b) further relevant details in this regard?


1.During the 2015 calendar year:

   ​(a) Yes

   (b) Yes

   (c) Yes

Since January 2016 and to date:

   (a) Not applicable.

    (b) Not applicable.

    (c) Yes

2. The reports are available on request.

3. S Burger was appointed as acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the absence of the CEO.











05 December 2016 - NW2442

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

(a) What is the total number of grants that were paid out by the Mining Qualifications Authority in the 2015-16 financial year, (b) which institution was each grant awarded to, (c) how many students completed the training courses offered and (d) what qualification did each of the specified students receive?


(a) 471 Grants were awarded.

(b) The following institutions were awarded grants:

  • Adedce Training T/A Welkom City College
  • Aflease Gold Ltd
  • Africal Rainbow Minerals
  • African Explosives Limited
  • African Minerals College
  • Afrimat Aggregate Ltd
  • Afrimat Contracting International Pty Ltd
  • Afrisam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd
  • Aft Aggregates Pty Ltd
  • Ai Technical Services
  • Akapo Jewels
  • Andru Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Anglo Coal Sace- New Denmark Colliery
  • Anglo Coal Training and Develo
  • Anglo Inyosi Coal
  • Anglogold Ashanti Ltd - Division
  • Anglogold Ashanti Training
  • Aquarius Platinum (SA) Corporate Services (Pty) Ltd
  • Aquarius Platinum South Africa
  • Arnot Colliery
  • Art in Jewellery Manufacture and Training
  • Ashok Jewellers
  • Assmang Chrome Dwarsrivier Mine
  • Assmang Limited
  • Assmang Limited- Black Rock
  • Assmang Ltd - Beeshoek
  • Aveng (Africa) Limited
  • B Haberl
  • B&E International (Pty) Ltd
  • Baden Training and Computing Services
  • Bafokeng Rasimone Managementse
  • Ballito Crushers Pty Ltd
  • Barplats Mines Limited
  • Beatrix Goldmine
  • Beatrix Mining co ltd
  • Benhaus
  • Bicon Infrastrure Advisory Trust
  • Black Mountain Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Blasting & Excavating (Pty) Ltd
  • Blurock Quarries Pty Ltd
  • Bme a Division of Omnia Group (Pty) Ltd
  • Bomanxele Trading and Projects
  • Buffelsfontein gold
  • Ca Brauteseth
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Central University of Technology
  • Chamotte Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • Coalcor mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Colliery Training College
  • Convention Business Associates
  • Copper Coal sunset Trading 431 (Pty) Ltd
  • Council for Geoscience
  • Cronimet Chrome Mining SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Crown Gold Recoveries (Pty) Ltd
  • Cullinan Diamond Mine (Pty) Ltd
  • David Bolding
  • De Beers Consolidated Mines
  • De Beers -Venetia Mine
  • Delmas Coal (Pty) Ltd
  • Deltah Jewels (Pty) Ltd
  • Denver Technical College of South Africa
  • Diamond Education College
  • Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd
  • Dominium Reefs Uranium Mines JV
  • Dra Mineral Project (Pty) Ltd
  • DRD Northwest Operations Buffelsfontein Gold
  • DRD North West Operations Buffelsfontein Gold
  • Driefontein Gold Mine
  • Durban University of Technology
  • Eastern Platinum Limited
  • Emanyamandeni Development
  • Ergo Business Development Academy
  • Ergo Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Eskilz College (Pty) Ltd
  • Evander Gold Mines Ltd - Kinross Division
  • Exclusive Access Trading 803 (Pty) Ltd
  • Exxaro Coal (Grovos)
  • Exxaro Ferroalloys (Pty) Ltd
  • Exxaro KZN
  • Exxaro Matla Coal
  • Exxaro Resources Ltd
  • Ezulwini Mining Company
  • Finsch Diamonds Mine
  • Firefly Investments 251
  • Foskor (Pty) Limited
  • Fraser Alexander (Pty) Ltd
  • Fraser Alexander Pty Ltd- Tailing Wages
  • Gerhard Moolman
  • Glen Douglas Dolomite (Pty) Ltd
  • Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Global Jewellery Academy
  • Goedehoop Coll-Amcoal
  • Gold Fields Business Leadership Academy (Pty)
  • Gold Fields South Deep Mine
  • Goldplat Recovery (Pty) Ltd
  • Grinaker LTA Mining
  • Harmony Gold Mining Co Ltd
  • Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Training
  • Hernic Ferrochrome (Pty) Ltd
  • Hotazel Manganese Mines (Pty) Ltd
  • I Campus
  • Idwala Industrial Holdings
  • Idwala Industrial Minerals
  • Ifu Training Institute (Pty) Ltd
  • Imfundiso Skills Development (Pty) Ltd
  • Impala Platinum Limited
  • Intsika Skills Beneficiation
  • Isibonelo Colliery Anglo Operations
  • J Friedman Jewellers (Pty) Ltd
  • J.E.F.Drill and Blast
  • JB Blasting
  • Jindal Mining SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Kai Batla Minerals Industry
  • Keaton Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Keith White Design Ltd
  • Khethekile Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Khutala Colliery
  • Klipbank Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Klipfontein Sands (Pty) Ltd
  • Klipsruit Colliery
  • Kloof Gold Mining Co Ltd
  • Koffiefontein Empowerment JV
  • Koornfontein Mines Ltd
  • Kriel Colliery
  • Kumba Iron Ore (Sishen)
  • Lafarge Industries South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Lafarge South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Lanxess Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Leeuw Mining & Exploration
  • Lesedi Mining Solutions and Resources
  • Macmillan South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Majuba TVET College
  • Makonjwaan Imperial Mining Company (Pty) Ltd
  • Mangosuthu University of Technology
  • Marula Platinum (Pty) Ltd
  • Mathome Training and Development
  • Matsopa Minerals (Pty) Ltd
  • Media Works (Pty) Ltd
  • Mentec
  • Merafe Ferrochrome & Mining
  • Messina Platinum Mines Limited
  • Middelburg Mine Services (Pty) Ltd
  • Mineral Mining Training Institute (Pty) Ltd
  • Minerals Operations Executive
  • Mintek
  • Mizane Manufacturing Jewellers
  • MM and G Mining and Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd
  • MMTI
  • Modikwa Platinum Mine
  • Moolmans Bros. Construction
  • MTL Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd
  • Murray & Roberts Cementation
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • New Vaal Colliery a Division
  • Newrak Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Newshelf 706 Limited
  • Nicolor (Pty) Ltd
  • Nkk Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • Nkomati Mine
  • North West University
  • Northam Platinum Limited
  • Northern Cape Rural TVET College
  • Npc-Cimpor (Pty) Ltd
  • Ntshovelo Mining Resources
  • One Vision Investments 85
  • Optimum Coal Mine (Pty) Ltd
  • Optimum Colliery
  • Orbit TVET College - Mankwe Campus
  • Palabora Copper (Pty) Ltd
  • Petroleum Agency SA
  • Phephisa Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Pilanesberg Platinum Mines
  • Platchro Mining Services (Pty) Ltd
  • Platreef Resources (Pty) Ltd
  • Pneuma Jewellers cc
  • Po Joubert
  • PPC Cement (Pty) Ltd
  • PPC Lime Ltd
  • Precrete Nozala
  • Pretoria Portland Cement Co
  • Pride of Success
  • Prima Klipbrekers Edms Bpk
  • Prisma Training Solutions
  • Project Literacy Education Centres
  • Rand Uranium (Pty) Ltd
  • Raumix Aggregates
  • Re Tshepang General Construction 59
  • Rhodes University
  • Rhodium Reefs Limited
  • Richards Bay Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Richtrau 177 Pty Ltd
  • Rustenburg Platinum Mine
  • Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines
  • Samancor Ltd
  • Science Paradym Foundation
  • Seda Limpopo Jewellery Incubator
  • Sekhukhune TVET College
  • Sephaku Cement (Pty) Ltd
  • Shadow Jewellers cc
  • Shanduka Coal (Pty) Ltd
  • Sishen Iron Ore Company (Pty) Ltd
  • Siyemba Mining
  • Sizwe General Trade (Pty) Ltd
  • Slater Coal (Pty) Ltd
  • Smancor Eastern Chrome Mines
  • Soffia Fine Jewellery cc
  • SPH Kundalila (Pty) Ltd
  • Sta Coal Mining Company (Pty) Ltd
  • Stan Rand Consulting (Pty) Ltd
  • Tau Lekoa Gold Mining Company Limited
  • Tavistock
  • Technology Risk Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • Tendele Coal Mining
  • Thabo Mohomane (Pty) Ltd
  • Thaliwe's Trading Enterprise cc
  • Tharisa Minerals Pty Ltd
  • The Bera Diamond Academy
  • Thorn Castle
  • Thusang Metallurgical Engineering Training and Consulting
  • Tisand (Pty) Ltd
  • TM Training Initiative (Pty) Ltd
  • Tminerals (Pty) Ltd
  • Total Coal South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Triton Training and Development
  • Trollope Mining Services (Pty) Ltd
  • Tshentu Services (Pty) Ltd
  • Tshepo Recruitment Mining
  • Tshipi e Ntle Manganese Mining
  • Tshwane University of Technology
  • Tuli Recruitment Agency and Projects (Pty) Ltd
  • Two Rivers Platinum (Pty) Ltd
  • Umjindi Jewellery Project No.1
  • United Manganese of Kalahari
  • University of Cape Town
  • University of Fort Hare
  • University of Johannesburg
  • University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • University of Limpopo
  • University of Pretoria
  • University of Stellenbosch
  • University of the Free State
  • University of the Western Cape
  • University of the Witwatersrand
  • University of Venda
  • Vaal University of Technology
  • Vametco Alloys (Pty) Ltd
  • Van Der Bank Jewellers
  • Vergenoeg Mining Co (Pty) Ltd
  • Verwey's Selection & Training Services
  • Viljoen Juweliers BK
  • Virginia Jewellery School
  • Vunene Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Walter Sisulu University
  • Wesizwe Platinum Limited
  • Westdawn Investments (Pty) Ltd
  • Western Platinum Karee Mine
  • Western Platinum Mine
  • World of Platinum
  • Worldwide Coal Carolina (Pty) Ltd
  • Xstrata Alloys Rhovan Operatio
  • Xstrata South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Yametco Alloys (Pty) Ltd
  • Zenzele Technology
  • Zizwe General Trade (Pty) Ltd
  • Zurel Bros SA CC

(c) 13 523 Students completed their training courses.

(d) The list of qualifications are as follows:

  • Bursaries
  • Mathematics and Science
  • Learnerships
  • Skills Programme
  • Artisan Development
  • Internships
  • Management Development
  • Adult Education Training
  • Work Experience
  • TVET Student Support
  • Workplace Coaches











05 December 2016 - NW2447

Profile picture: Kalyan, Ms SV

Kalyan, Ms SV to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training

What is the total number of grants that were paid out by the Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority in the 2015-16 financial year, (b) which institution was each grant awarded to, (c) how many students completed the training courses offered and (d) what qualification did each of the specified students receive?


(a) 5 234 Mandatory and 1 530 discretionary grants were award.

(b) The following institutions were awarded grants:

  • Suzuki Klerksdorp
  • 26-On-Koeberg Motors cc
  • 2nd Take Merchants cc
  • A and D Spitz (Pty) Ltd
  • A H Grocers cc
  • A Van Zyl Trading As Amberfield Apteek
  • A Van Zyl Trading As Highveld Apteek
  • A Van Zyl Trading As Wierdachem Apteek
  • A2c Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • Abbotsford Service Station cc
  • Abeeda & Associates (Pty) Ltd
  • AC Smith cc
  • Academy Brushware (Pty) Ltd
  • Access Convenience Centre cc
  • Access Office Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • Ace Bearings Belts cc
  • Ace Fire Suppression Technologies (Pty) Ltd
  • ACR Service Station cc
  • Action Training Academy cc
  • Admiror Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Advacare Edms Bpk
  • Advanced Office Automation (Pty) Ltd
  • Advidata Trading 291
  • Advidata Trading 663
  • AE Soft (Pty) Ltd
  • Africa Event Solutions cc
  • Africa Management Communication
  • African Sales Company (Pty) Ltd
  • African Spirit Trading 583 (Pty) Ltd
  • African Sunset Investments 9
  • Africhic 197 (Pty) Ltd
  • Afriwealth Trading and Consulting
  • AH Marais Seuns Edms Bpk
  • Aheers Cash and Carry cc
  • Aheers Trading cc
  • Ahmed & Ebrahim (Pty) Ltd
  • AI Bazaar (Pty) Ltd
  • Air Conditioning and Allied Products (KZN) cc
  • Ajmer Butchery cc
  • AI & CD Ashley (Pty) Ltd
  • Albertsville Filling Stations cc
  • Alcor Groothandelaar Bk
  • Alert Engine Parts (Pty) Ltd
  • Algen Bk T/A Protea Park Motors
  • All Purpose Hardware Store
  • Almenta 125 T/A Pick N Pay
  • Alpha Bakery Confectionary (Pty) Ltd T/A Spar Sun Village
  • Alpha Builders Supply
  • Alpha Pharm Western Cape Limited
  • Altrascape cc
  • Amadwala Trading 10 cc
  • Amar General Dealers cc
  • Ambassador Duty Free (Pty) Ltd
  • Ambispan (Pty) Ltd
  • Amdale Investments cc
  • Amic Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Amper Alles Hardware City Groblersdal
  • Amrichprop 6 Properties (Pty) Ltd
  • Anatech Instr (Pty) Ltd
  • andulucia Trading 163 (Pty) Ltd T/A Poultry Power Polokwane
  • andy Goetsch Motors cc
  • Ansalux (Pty) Ltd
  • Antonie Wolmarans Greenacres Optometrist Inc.
  • Apex Office National
  • Applemist Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Applewood Trading 199 (Pty) Ltd
  • Aptotron (Pty) Ltd
  • AQS Liquid Transfer (Pty) Ltd
  • Araff Investments cc
  • Arch Rivers Brand Masters
  • Archipax 105 cc
  • Arcitica Refrigeration & Catering Equipment Mpumalanga cc
  • Artemis Supermarket
  • Ashmo Service Station
  • Assassi Bham Investments (Pty) Ltd
  • AST Filtration Solutions cc
  • Atka Trading 131 (Pty) Ltd
  • Audio Pulse cc
  • Aug Behrens Edms Bpk
  • August Vormann SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Auto Park Bk
  • Autocote (Pty) Ltd
  • Autotrek Bk
  • Autozone Retail and Distribution (Pty) Limited
  • Avax SA 372 cc
  • Avenue East Services Station cc
  • Aviwe Notshweleka Kokstad Optometrist Inc.
  • Avontiq (Pty) Ltd
  • Avusa Media/Times Media (Pty) Ltd
  • Awakening Excellence
  • Axiomox (Pty) Ltd
  • Aylo's Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • B & H Plumbing Supplies Cape (Pty) Ltd
  • B Banjwa
  • B Braune Medical (Pty) Ltd
  • B Mtwebana
  • B Ntsente
  • B S Nkonki
  • B Socenywa
  • Bag in Box Consultants cc
  • Bahati Service Station cc
  • Bahlaloga C H B cc
  • Baksumi Distributors
  • Balco Auto Coatings East (Pty) Ltd
  • Balco Auto Coatings North West (Pty) Ltd
  • Balco Auto Coatings Pretoria (Pty) Ltd
  • Balfour Tyre Centre cc
  • Ballito Convenience Centre cc
  • Bargain House Wholesalers cc
  • Bateleur Packaging cc
  • Batsi Hospitality Services
  • BBS Ballito cc
  • BBS Mica Empangeni cc
  • BBS Mica Eshowe cc
  • Beam Africa Academy (Pty) Ltd
  • Bearing Agent (Edms) Bpk
  • Belfast One Stop cc
  • Bella Mia Shoes (Pty) Ltd
  • Belyommy Trading and Projects
  • Benny's Hardware cc
  • Benoni Sand and Buildware (Pty) Ltd
  • Bernd Triebiger (Pty) Ltd
  • Bertrams Foodlane cc
  • Besgro (Pty) Ltd
  • Best Ever Trading 542 cc
  • Bestmade cc T/A Maytime Kwikspar
  • Bethlehem Sleepwastelsels (Edms) Bpk
  • Bezifor cc T/A Lotus Gardens
  • BF Rheeder Ondernemings H/A Kanonkop
  • Bhogal and Naidoo Inc. T/A Specsavers Galleria
  • BHR Business Systems (Pty) Ltd
  • Bhyats Hardware cc
  • Bibi Cash and Carry Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Bid Industrial Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • Bidvest Bakery Solutions
  • Bidvest Paper Plus (Pty) Ltd
  • Big Save Hammanskraal cc
  • Biz Africa 1167 (Pty) Ltd
  • Biz Africa 39 (Pty) Ltd
  • Biz Africa 1018 (Pty) Ltd
  • Biz Africa 1163 (Pty) Ltd
  • Black Ginger 489 (Pty) Ltd
  • Blackbird Group (Pty) Ltd
  • Blackbird Trading 22 cc
  • Blinkbeleg Vyftien (Pty) Ltd T/A B&M Garage
  • Block & Chisel Interiors cc
  • Blomtuin Supermarket
  • Blue Berry Brand Events and Promotion (Pty) Ltd
  • Blue Dawn (Ribola) (Pty) Ltd
  • Blue Sands Trading 168 cc
  • Boardmans Hardware
  • Boland College
  • Bon Accord Kwikspar
  • Bondi Blu Marketing cc
  • Boshoff Oranje Vrystaat Ondernemings
  • Bospols Pty Ltd
  • Boston Gardens Services Centre Pty Ltd
  • Bouwer Broers Fietswinkel
  • Boxer Superstores
  • Boxer Superstores (Pty) Ltd
  • BPC HR Solution (Pty) Ltd
  • Braai Concepts (Pty) Ltd
  • Brackenfell Dienssentrum Trust
  • Brackley Investments cc
  • Branch Petroleum (Pty) Ltd
  • Brand Name Marketing (Pty) Ltd
  • Brandcorp (Pty) Ltd
  • Brands Furnishers cc
  • Brandwood Trading cc
  • Braune Training
  • Bray's Foodmarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Bridge Wholesale (Pty) Ltd
  • Bright Idea Projects 1395 cc
  • Brights Hardware (Pty) Ltd
  • Broadway Sweets (Pty) Ltd
  • Brookfield Investments 274
  • Brown L Inc.
  • Bryan Dowlet Optometrists The Berg Inc.
  • Bryan Dowley Optometrists Kraaifontein Inc.
  • Bryan Dowley Optometrists Silverton Inc.
  • BSB Trading 0001 cc
  • Buccleuch Service Station
  • Buchel Hardware, An Operation of Iliad Africa Trading (Pty)
  • Buffalo City College
  • Buffalo River 1 Stop (Pty) Ltd
  • Buffalo Stationers (Pty) Ltd
  • Buffalo Timber & Hardware Co
  • Buffelsdale Service Station
  • Buhle Bakhe Training and Development Services cc
  • Bullion Boulevard Express (Pty) Ltd
  • Burgersfort Parts Centre
  • Butcher Bakery and Refrigeration Wholesalers cc
  • C and P Campbell cc
  • Cab Foods (Pty) Ltd
  • Calandra Trading 675 cc
  • Caljer Skills Training & Development cc
  • Cambridge Food Gauteng (Pty) Ltd
  • Cambridge Food (Pty) Ltd
  • Camp Roadhouse
  • Campwell Hardware Pty Ltd
  • Camry Trading Enterprises
  • Canon South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Canton Trading 230 (Pty) Ltd
  • Capco cc
  • Cape Continental Meats cc
  • Cape Copiers cc
  • Cape Office Machines
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Cape Road Service Centre cc
  • Cape Gate Oils (Pty) Ltd
  • Capi-Lux South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Captain Liquors cc
  • Carcroft Trading cc
  • Career Wise Emp Ven
  • Careers for a Powerful You (Pty) Ltd
  • Carl Bechem (Africa) (Pty) Ltd
  • Car-Line Investments (Pty) Ltd
  • Carpet & Decor Centre (Polokwane) (Pty) Ltd
  • Carpet Decor Centre
  • Carters Road Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Cascade Avenue Trading 158 Pty Ltd
  • Cascades Fresh Meats cc
  • Casfa Growth Petroleum CC T/A Noordwyk Motors
  • Cashbuild (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd
  • Cashbuild SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Caterware Connection cc
  • Cavaletto 8 Pty Ltd
  • Cazen cc
  • CCS Cash and Carry cc
  • Cemboard CC T/A Queensmead Service Station
  • Central Route Trading 294 cc
  • Central University of Technology
  • CGE Filling Station cc
  • Chain Hardware Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • Chamdor Faktry Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd
  • Changing Tides 229 (Pty) Ltd
  • Checkin Supermarket Edms Bpk
  • Checkone Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Cheetah Estates cc
  • Chelf 0035
  • Cherry Moss Trade and Invest 204 (Pty) Ltd
  • Chester Butcheries (Pty) Ltd
  • Chester Wholesale Meat KZN (Pty) Ltd
  • Chiraga cc
  • Chisomo Investments (Pty) Ltd 2012/016586/07
  • Chisti Investments cc
  • Choose & Pay Kwik Spar
  • Choppies Supermarkets South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Rustenburg
  • Christo Du Plessis Vulstasie cc T/A Themba Fuel Station
  • Cianam Trading 104 (Pty) Ltd
  • Cianam Trading 129 (Pty) Ltd
  • Cigarette City (Pty) Ltd
  • Circle Seven Trading 993
  • Circle Trading 455 cc
  • Citi Information Technology
  • Citiwood Central Admin a Division of Lliad Africa Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • City Coins
  • City Square Trading 464 (Pty) Ltd
  • City Square Trading 66 cc
  • Class A Trading 317 9Pty) Ltd
  • Class A Trading 64 (Pty) Ltd
  • Class A Trading 640 (Pty) Ltd
  • Cliffside Trading 50 (Pty) Ltd
  • CLR Electrical (Pty) Ltd
  • CMR Meridian (Pty) Ltd
  • CN Noto
  • CNE Trading CC T/A Geelhout Spar
  • CNN Retailers cc
  • Coast and Country Sales (Pty) Ltd
  • Colbar Clothing (Pty) Ltd
  • Cold River Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Coleys Supermarket Trust
  • College Of Cape Town (100)
  • Colmareen (Pty) Ltd
  • Columbine Pet Distributors cc
  • Combined Marketing Services (Pty) Ltd
  • Comet Small Appliances cc
  • Compu Corner cc
  • Consensus Computing cc
  • Consolidated SA TVET Equipment Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • Consumer Goods Council Of South Africa
  • Continuing Education at University of Pretoria
  • Contract Packaging Specialists (Pty) Ltd
  • Control Systems Rustenburg cc
  • Cool Ideas
  • Corhold Commodities (Pty) Ltd
  • Corlentrade Ten Bk
  • Corpclo 1259 Cc T/A Engen Main Road
  • Corporate Image Sports cc
  • Cosave (Pty) Ltd
  • Cosmetiques De Franse (Pty) Ltd
  • Cosmosmid Sales Bk
  • Cotech Industries cc
  • Country Cloud 105
  • Countrywide Nuts (Pty) Ltd
  • Coxwell Steyn Vise & Naude
  • Cream Magenta 127 (Pty) Ltd
  • Creditors Home of Living Brands
  • Crest Wave 114 (Pty) Ltd
  • Cross Point Trading 199 (Pty) Ltd
  • Crystal Pier Trading 82 cc
  • Ctex-Career and Training Expo (Pty) Ltd
  • Cum Laude Trust
  • CVO Optometrists Grahamstown Inc.
  • Cyclone Sealing Systems cc
  • Cyphalinc cc
  • D & B Moldenhauer Trust Tm 2366/96
  • D N Rokos cc
  • Dadas World of Hardware
  • Dalamaro Business Consultants
  • Dálmeida Service Station
  • Damdoryn Kwik Spar and Supermarket cc
  • Danie A Meyer cc
  • Dario Investments (Pty) Ltd T/A Tembisa Superspar
  • Datelec (Pty) Ltd
  • Davies Du Toit & Associates T/A Eye Q Cavendish
  • Davinico (Pty) Ltd
  • Davis & Deale Irrigation
  • Daymon International Inc.
  • DC Van Rooyen Office Equipment & Computers
  • De Bingo Self Service cc
  • De Wet Sports cc
  • Decorland
  • Deemstar (Pty) Ltd
  • Defacto Investment 130 (Pty) Ltd
  • Del Judor Service Centre (Pty) Ltd
  • Delareyville Food Market (Pty) Ltd
  • Delcarl T/A Rock Building Supplier
  • Deli Pac cc
  • Deme Spar cc
  • Demolition Technologies cc
  • Department of Economic Development and Tourism – Western Cape
  • Department of Higher Education and Training
  • Deplotte (Pty) Ltd
  • Depston 24 (Pty) Ltd
  • Desertmoon Trading 170 cc
  • Develex 585 CC
  • Devenco Trading 2 (Pty) Ltd T/A Litsitele Spar
  • Devenco Trading 44 (Pty) Ltd T/A
  • Devenco Trading 46(Pty) Ltd T/A Wimpy Giyani
  • Devland Trust
  • Devon Valley Service Station cc
  • Dexton 5 cc
  • Dhodha Diesels cc
  • Dibsons Cash and Carry cc
  • Die Meent Family Store T/A Pick N Pay Die Meent
  • Digipaper Concepts cc
  • Digital Science (Pty) Ltd
  • Dippenaar & Reinecke
  • Disa Hardware Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • Dis-Chem Pharmacies
  • Discount Windscreens (Pty) Ltd
  • Distinctive Choice 303 (Pty) Limited
  • Dixipoint cc
  • Dolly's Supermarket(Pty) Ltd Trading As Pick N Pay Family Supermarket
  • Dorp Street 73 Stellenbosch Investment (Pty) Ltd
  • Dot Office Supplies (Pty) Ltd
  • Double Option Print and Design Studio cc
  • Double Stars Trading 397 cc
  • Double Stars Trading 634 cc T/A Kruisfontein Spar
  • Dowley & Brown Inc
  • Dr John's Petroleum and Automative Products cc T/A Fomiss Sh
  • Drakentrek Motors (Pty) Ltd T/A Drakenstein Motors
  • Dreiers Ifafi cc
  • Drostdy 2001 Business Development cc
  • Du Plessis en Van Der Vyver Garage Bk
  • Du Toit Visser Investments cc
  • Dumor Motors cc Inc. Thomas Tyres Springs
  • Dupleix Liquid Meters (Pty) Ltd
  • Durban University of Technology
  • Duroc Foods cc
  • Duromax Paints cc
  • Eastcape Midlands TVET College
  • Eastern Free State Copiers
  • Eastridge Motors (Pty) Ltd
  • Eastriding Service Station cc
  • Eat Sum Meat cc
  • Eavesdrop Trading 148 cc
  • Eca Beleggings Bk
  • Eclat Technologies (Pty) Ltd
  • Edcon (Pty) Ltd
  • Edenred South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Edge Consulting (Pty) Ltd
  • Edgray Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • EH Hassim Hardware
  • Elardus Park Motors (Pty) Ltd
  • Elatora Supermarket cc
  • Elephant Coast Retailers (Pty) Ltd
  • Ellies (Polokwane) Div Ellies (Pty) Ltd
  • Emerald Panther Investments 122 (Pty) Ltd T/A Handy House
  • Emerald Sky Trading 643 (Pty) Ltd
  • EMG Investment Company (Pty) Ltd
  • EN Building Supplies cc
  • Enchanting Forest Trading 12
  • Encilox (Pty) Ltd T/A Caltex Ulundi
  • Engineering Supplies Cape (Pty) Ltd
  • EPC Consumables cc
  • EPNS Engineering (Pty) Ltd
  • Erasmusrand Motors
  • Erf 36846 Bellville cc
  • Ermelo Retailers(Pty) Ltd T/A Pick n pay Family Supermarket
  • Esayidi TVET College
  • Ethno C Trading cc T/A Hilltop Spar
  • Euroboyz Trading cc
  • Evergreen Housewives Market
  • Exclusive Access Trading 815 (Pty) Ltd
  • Exilit 431 cc T/A North Distributors
  • Exim International (Pty) Ltd
  • Exim Spices (Pty)Ltd
  • Eyebar Eyeware (Pty) Ltd
  • F and F Office and Text Book
  • Fab Agencies Bk
  • Fachs Business Consulting and Training
  • Fair Discouters cc
  • Fairlane Agencies (Pty) Ltd
  • Fairview Trust
  • Falcnest NR Property cc H/A Build It - Giyani
  • Falmo Trading cc
  • False Bay College Central
  • Fanie Greyling Familie Trust
  • Far North Distributors
  • Far-Famed Trading No 3 (Pty) Ltd
  • Farmwise Marketing (Pty) Ltd
  • Farsam Supermarket cc
  • Fashion Crimp House
  • Fast World Industries Kzn cc
  • Fastpulse Trading 202 (Pty) Ltd
  • Fastrak Trading 276 cc
  • Favors Cash N Carry (Pty) Ltd
  • FG Knights Merchandising Services (Pty) Ltd
  • Field Marketing and Merchandising Training Academy
  • Fika Sport Management Systems (Pty) Ltd
  • Fillemup (Pty) Ltd T/A Shell Golden Meadows
  • Film Fun Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • Filvent (Pty) Ltd
  • Finishing Touch Trading 319 (Pty) Ltd
  • Firbewood Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Five Ways Pharmacy
  • Fixtrade 341 cc
  • Florentia Motors cc
  • FM Meat Market (Pty) Ltd
  • Food Boys cc
  • Footgear (Pty) Ltd
  • Gordon Inst. of Bus Science (Pty) Ltd
  • Forest Drive Motors cc
  • Formfunc Studio (Pty) Ltd
  • Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd
  • Fourways Airconditioning (Pty) Ltd
  • Foytex Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Fraaiuitsig Spar
  • Frasa (Fuel Retailers Association of SA)
  • Fredock Trading Cc T/A Sedgars Sport
  • Fredvan cc
  • Free State Buying Association (Pty) Ltd
  • Free State Meat Wholesalers Bk
  • Free State Meat Wholesalers cc
  • Free State Provincial Government
  • Frikanette Beleggings Bk
  • Frozen Endurance Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A Bp Bergbron
  • Fruit Stop (Pty) Ltd
  • Fuel Evolve Trading cc
  • Fury Sports Wear cc
  • Futurama 135 cc
  • Future World Trading : Pick N Pay
  • Futurent Consulting Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • FZS Trading cc
  • G and D Distributors Nelspruit (Pty) Ltd
  • G C Der Westhuizen T/A Eager Motors
  • Gandzy Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd
  • Gani's Angling World cc
  • Garstkloof Filling Station cc
  • Geelhoutpark Spar
  • Gelmar (Pty) Ltd
  • Gem Schoolwear (Pty) Ltd
  • Gem Tool Company
  • Gendac (Pty) Ltd
  • Gerhaldo Vulstasie
  • Gerrys Motors cc
  • Gert Sibande TVET College
  • Gezaro Retailers (Pty) Ltd
  • Girly Things (Pty) Ltd
  • Glassworld and Chemical Supplies cc
  • Glenashley Service Station
  • Glendale Farm Property Trust
  • Glorgio Gori Int'l Freight Forwarders (Pty) Ltd
  • Gloria Onderdele Bk
  • Glorious Approach (Pty) Ltd
  • Goedbele Beleggings (Edms) Bpk
  • Goeiehoop Handel
  • Golden Goose Supermarket Bloemhof
  • Golf Trends South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Good Bearing & Belting (Pty) Ltd
  • Gordon and Shaw Enterprise cc
  • GP Retail Operations (Pty) Ltd
  • Green Office (Pty) Ltd
  • Greenshields Bakery (Pty) Ltd
  • Guns & Bows Bk
  • H T Experience cc
  • Habanero Family Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Hagels cc
  • Halwa Trading cc
  • Harding Trend Sales
  • Harvilog (Pty) Ltd
  • Hassen's Service Station cc
  • Heaton Valves Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Hectoforce (Pty) Ltd
  • Hein & andre Du Plessis Edms Bpk
  • Helderberg Spice (Pty) Ltd
  • Helsdons Motors cc
  • Hencetrade 1069 cc
  • Henley Business School
  • Henque 1723 cc
  • Henque 2821 Bk
  • Henque 2821 Bk T/A Shell Voorbaai Truckport
  • Henque 3452 cc
  • Henque 3784 cc
  • Henston Trading cc T/A Freemanville Retail Centre
  • Hentiq 1887 (Pty) Ltd
  • Hermanus Service Station (Pty) Ltd
  • Heston Trading cc T/A Freemanville Retail Centre
  • Highveld East Motors (Pty) Ltd
  • Highveld Filters
  • Highveld Filters (Pty) Ltd
  • Highveldridge Investments cc T/A Sasol Stadium
  • Hilton Road Garage
  • Hindle Road Service Station cc
  • Hirsch B Trust
  • Histerix Pty Ltd T/A Grand Shoe
  • HJ & R Building and Mining Supplies
  • Hlalefang Creche
  • Hlanyane Transport and Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Hloba Clothing (Pty) Ltd
  • HMTS Motors Bk
  • Home of Living Brands (Pty) Ltd
  • Hoofstraat 310 Paarl Bk
  • Hortors Stationery (Pty) Ltd
  • Hospitality Suite (Pty) Ltd
  • House of James Douglas (Pty) Ltd
  • Husqvarna South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • HVS Eiendomme Bk
  • Ikhala Public TVET College (100)
  • Iliad Africa Trading Building Material Division
  • Iliad Africa Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Ilingelethu Food Security Project
  • Ilios Conferences (Pty) Ltd T/A Samea Conference
  • Imbazo Trading 29 cc T/A Spares Boyz
  • Imbazo Trading 30 cc T/A Koreanboyz-Dbn
  • IMC T/A Engen La Lucia
  • Impact Plus Trading 736 cc
  • Imperto Eiendomane
  • Impetus Consulting & Skills Development cc
  • Imvusa Trading 2446cc T/A Sasol Winder Street
  • In Excess Trading 134 (Pty)Ltd
  • Independent Newspaper Gau (100)
  • Industrial Engine Parts cc
  • Interactive Trading 115 (Edms) Bpk
  • Intercomp Twenty Four (Pty) Ltd
  • International Convention Solutions cc
  • International Process SA TVET Consultants SA (Pty)Ltd
  • Interstat Agencies (Pty) Ltd
  • Intrax Investment 262 (Pty) Ltd
  • Investor City Deep cc
  • Ipopeng Day Care Centre
  • Isaico General Dealers (Pty) Ltd
  • Iseo South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Iser (Pty) Ltd
  • Ishmoh Trading
  • Isicebi Trading 1048 cc
  • Isigidi Trading 215 (Pty) Ltd
  • Isiswe Service Centre cc
  • Ismail Wholesalers Pp Rust Pty Ltd
  • Istores Warmbad (Pty) Ltd T/A Warmbad Spar
  • Italtile Ceramics (Pty) Ltd
  • Ithabeleng Day Care Centre
  • Ithalomso (Pty) Ltd
  • Ithifaq Wholesale Distributors cc
  • Itsoseng Creche
  • Itsoseng Edu-Care Day-Care Centre
  • Ituste Trading and Projects (Pty)
  • Ivolve
  • J&F Liquor Market cc T/A Captain Liquors
  • Ja Dippenaar Management cc
  • Ja Dippenaar Management Services
  • Jabudani Wierda cc T/A Clubview Spar
  • Jabudani Wierda cc T/A Hennops Spar
  • Jacinus Bk
  • Jack Malatji Trading cc
  • Jacobs Broers
  • Jade E Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Jade Lee Electric (Pty) Ltd
  • Jakarie Vulstasie cc T/A Pongola City Service Station
  • James Ralph (Pty) Ltd
  • Jane Furse Builders Supply cc
  • Jatema Distributors cc
  • JB Supermarkets Montana (Pty) Ltd
  • JDG Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Jean Avenue Investments cc
  • Jescom Technologies (Pty) Ltd
  • JH Retail Trust T/A Crazy J's
  • JJ Erlank Algemene Handelaars
  • JJ Erlank Shopping Enterprises Pty
  • Joburg Market (Pty) Ltd
  • Jon Brown and Associates Inc
  • Jonathan's Supermarket (PMB) (Pty) Ltd
  • Jost Transport Equipment (Pty) Ltd
  • Jotam SA Pty Ltd
  • Just on Cosmetics
  • Justking Trading cc
  • K and C Events Management cc
  • K Diamond
  • K Light Import cc
  • K Ndlovu
  • K&D Mine Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
  • Kaceys Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Kamkor cc
  • Kanonkop Spar
  • Kaplian Trading (Pty) Kopanong Spar
  • Karstef cc
  • Kasimira Trading 59 (Pty) Ltd
  • Kathu Motors
  • Kayur Investment T/A Waterloo Spar
  • Kayur Superstore (Pty) Ltd
  • Kayur Superstore Cc T/A Gateway Superspar
  • Kelemo Trading and Projects
  • Kendon Medical Supplies Transvaal (Pty) Ltd
  • Kennico cc
  • Kensington Square (Pty) Ltd T/A Avonmore Superspar
  • Kensington Square (Pty) Ltd T/A Queensmead Superspar
  • Ketsa Pty Ltd
  • Key Spirit Trading 193 (Pty) Ltd
  • Kgotsong Enterprises cc
  • Khaliques cc
  • Khartye Promotion Enterprise
  • Khothalang Educare Centre
  • Khotso Educare Centre
  • Khulisane Academy (Pty) Ltd
  • Kimcity (Pty) Ltd
  • King Hintsa TVET College
  • King Sabata Dalindyebo TVET College
  • Kingsley Hardware cc
  • Kinni Trading cc
  • Klipakkers (Pty) Ltd
  • Klipeiland Slaghuis (Edms) Bpk
  • Kloof Convenience Centre cc
  • Kloof Motors cc
  • Kml Branding (Pty) Ltd
  • Knead Bakery and Coffee Shop (Muizenberg) cc
  • Knead Bakery and Coffee Shop (Palmyra Road) (Pty) Ltd
  • Knead Bakery and Coffee Shop T/A Palmyra Road cc
  • Kokstad Wholesalers Pty Ltd
  • Kokwethu Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A Empumalanga Supermarket
  • Komga Distributors cc
  • Konic's Auto Centre
  • Kopanang Educare Centre
  • Kosher Investments cc
  • Kovacs Investments 41 cc
  • Kovaks Investments 41 cc T/A Bp Cavendish
  • KPG Agencies cc T/A Kpg Media Technologies
  • Kroonvaal Restaurant Bk T/A Potch Spar
  • Kuvula Trade 75
  • Kuyakhula Development Initiatives (Pty) Ltd
  • Kwandebele Royal Mgibe Ii
  • Kwena Service Station cc
  • L Duze
  • L Mpama
  • L Mrwebi
  • L Tyulu
  • Labcrest cc
  • Ladysmith Trading Company (Pty) Ltd
  • Laingsburg 1 Stop
  • Lakeside City Trading 226 (Pty) Ltd
  • Landsdell
  • Laphumi Langa Youth Development Association
  • Lasertec cc
  • Lashies SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Lass Properties 5 cc Ta Golden Harvest Convenience Centre
  • Lavasco Trading 1007 (Pty)Ltd
  • Lawton Investments cc
  • LBK Beleggings (Pty) Ltd
  • Le Pure Marketing
  • Lea Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Leading Prospect Trading 128 (Pty) Ltd
  • Leading Prospects Trading 128 (Pty) Ltd Pitstop Bethal
  • Lecico (SA) (Pty) Ltd
  • Ledaine Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Legend Hospitality Group
  • Legend Lodges Hotels and Resorts (Pty) Ltd
  • Leisure Lake Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Lesedi Corporate Technology (Pty) Ltd
  • Leseding Day Care Centre
  • Lethabong Creche
  • Letsie Enterprise Group
  • Levyvale Retailers cc
  • Lewies Business Management (Pty) Ltd
  • Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd
  • Lexshell 627 Investments (Pty) Ltd
  • Leydsstraat Motors Bk
  • Lezmin 3089 cc
  • Lezmin 3089 cc T/A Pna Cape Gate
  • Libri Boekwinkel Edms Bpk
  • Lilac Moon Trade and Investments 48
  • Lincourt Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A Springfield Services Station
  • Lindapp (Pty) Ltd T/A Food Lovers Market Kylami
  • Lisbon Butchery cc T/A Meat King
  • Liyanda Simiso Trading and Supplies cc
  • Longmeadow 1-Stop
  • Lovedale Public TVET College (100)
  • Loxton Irrigation (Pty) Ltd
  • Luanelle Beleggings (Edms) Bpk T/A Megatown Vryburg
  • Luhane Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Lurama Een Edms Bpk
  • Lusardi Besigheids Trust
  • LVC Data Recovery (Pty) Ltd
  • Lydia Motshabi
  • Lynnwood Domestic Services 2 cc
  • Lyrrad Investments (Pty) Ltd
  • M Clara
  • M Indlovukazi Trading
  • M Kruger Beleggings (Pty) Ltd T/A Sasol Secunda CBD
  • M L Yawa
  • M&M Consulting (Micheal Lawrence)
  • Mabalingwe 215 cc T/A Cash Crusaders Alberton
  • Mabe-Tinyi Business Enterprise cc
  • Maboshwane Educare Centre
  • Mac Brothers Catering Equipment (Pty) Ltd
  • Macneil (Pty) Ltd
  • Madolik Investments (Pty) Ltd
  • Magetsela Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Magnet Electrical Supplies (Pty) Ltd
  • MAHF Properties cc
  • Mahlakaneng Pre-School
  • Mail & Guardian
  • Majestic Silver Trading 218
  • Majuba TVET College
  • Makan Optometrists Inc.
  • Makgalaka Business Development Services
  • Makhala Imvestments (Pty) Ltd T/A BP Katlehong
  • Makouvlei Meubels Bk
  • Makro Polokwane
  • Maktaba Stationery (Pty) Ltd T/A PnA
  • Malathlele Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Maluleke Supermarket cc
  • Mambiso Trading Enterprise cc T/A Linhleko Marketing
  • Mamonang E Sebotsane
  • Mampse Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Mandeville Aquatics Disability Swimming Centre Of Excellence
  • Mandini Trading Company (Pty) Ltd
  • Mandla Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A Supersave Supermarkets
  • Mangosuthu University Of Technology
  • Mankoani's Trading Enterprise Cc
  • Mansana Motors Vulstasie Bk
  • Mapela Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Marble Admin
  • Marblesharp 139 (Pty) Ltd
  • Marcelle Props 355 cc
  • Marikana Motordienste Bk
  • Market Demandb Trading 254
  • Marlof Investment 18 cc
  • Marrian Ridge Computer Center
  • Marzah Trading cc
  • Masihlume Magwali Poultry
  • Mason Complete Office Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • Massbuild (Pty) Ltd
  • Masstores (Pty) Ltd T/A Game & Dion
  • Matena Trading and Projects 42
  • Mathebula Designer Print (Pty) Ltd
  • Mauals Portuguese Builders (Pty)Ltd
  • Mavutani Suppliers and Projects (Pty) Ltd
  • Maxshell 24 Investments (Pty) Ltd
  • Mayberry Trading Cc
  • Maynards Office Technology (Pty) Ltd
  • MB Sports Centre Cc
  • MBD Consulting Research Moderation Printing Events Management
  • MCC Supermarket cc
  • Medifix Hearing Systems (Pty) Ltd
  • Mega Retail cc
  • Melbro Retail
  • Melokuhle Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • Mens & Boys Outfitters (Pty) Ltd T/A Rand Outfitters
  • Merc Carriers cc
  • Merinamix (Pty) Ltd T/A Wavecrest Convenience Centre
  • Merriman BP Service Station (Pty) Ltd
  • Metrilite (Pty) Ltd T/A Pick 'n Pay Evaton Plaza
  • Metro Home Centre (Pty) Ltd T/A Metro Home Centre-City
  • Mfusijiza Logistics (Pty) Ltd
  • Mhlava Supermarket cc T/A Soshanguve Spar
  • Michem Cleaning Supplies
  • Micromatica 160 (Pty) Ltd
  • Midlands Restuarant Holdings cc T/A Mooi 1 Stop
  • Milandzu M Trading
  • Milnex 532 cc
  • Milnex 557 Cc T/A Whittlesea Spar
  • Milvimart (Pty) Ltd
  • Minah Modefedi Molebatsi (Regoitsise)
  • Misty Blue Trading 196 cc
  • MJ Master Truck Interiors cc
  • Mkhwanazi and Shusha Holdings (Pty)Ltd
  • Mmawe Trading cc
  • Modern Packaging (Pty) Ltd
  • Modjadjiskloof Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Mofar Trading cc T/A Burnley Lodge
  • Molnex 405 cc T/A Engen Isando
  • Mondanette Slaghuis (Pty) Ltd
  • Monsend Motor Trading cc
  • Monument Park Spar
  • Moov Fuel (Pty) Ltd
  • Moredou Meubileerders Edms Bpk
  • Moregolf (Pty) Ltd
  • Mosebu Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • Motheo TVET College
  • Mothwa Md (Shona Khona)
  • Motlakasi Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A Pick n Pay Letlabile
  • Motorport cc
  • Motrade 24 (Pty) Ltd
  • Motshele Printing and Services cc
  • MPU Copiers (Pty) Ltd
  • Mpuma Bearings and Engineering cc
  • Mr Mag Man cc
  • Mr Price Group (Pty) Ltd
  • MSC College East London
  • MSC Education Holdings (Pty) Ltd T/A MSC Business College Port
  • Mseedo Pty Ltd
  • Msquared Training Institute (Pty) Ltd
  • Mthashana TVET College
  • Mukwevho Motors cc
  • Mulbarton Family Store (Pty) Ltd
  • Mullen Fuels cc
  • Mullers Service Station cc
  • Multiserv (Pty) Ltd
  • Multisnack (Pty) Ltd
  • Munwanati Supermarket cc
  • Muscle Cracker Trading 24 cc T/A Ok Foods Kakamas
  • Music Connection Cape Town (Pty)Ltd
  • Mutakalo Pharmacy
  • Mwenzi Service Station cc
  • Mxhelo Development Organisation
  • Myoptics Closed Corporation
  • N Namba
  • N Njemla
  • N S Ngwele
  • N Singh Optometrist
  • N12 Motors (Pty) Ltd
  • Nafawa Trading cc
  • Namfiriti Investment (Pty) Ltd T/A Starwood Superspar
  • Nanida (Pty) Ltd
  • Nasatech Pty Ltd
  • Natal Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants cc
  • National Community Radio Forum
  • National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)
  • National Union of Metalworkers of SA
  • Natural Herbs and Spices cc T/A N Products Account
  • Natures Pet (Pty) Ltd
  • Ndumiso's Sports
  • Nelson Glass & Mirrors cc
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Nelspruit Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd
  • Neo Educare Centre
  • Neosho Trading 139
  • Netwerk Skryfbehoeftes Bk
  • New Brighton Trading T/A Brighton Spar
  • New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • New Coe Knits cc
  • New East Rand Fabrics (Pty) Ltd
  • New Heights 1420 cc
  • New Lee Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Newcastle Office Shop (Pty) Ltd
  • Nice Hansa (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd
  • Nick's Motor Trading cc
  • Nicolaas Ligt 1002 Bk.
  • Nienaber Glass cc
  • Nieuco Trading 1025 (Pty) Ltd
  • Nike SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Nivancad cc
  • Nompilo Motors cc
  • Noncedile Agricultural Co-Operative
  • Nopes (Pty) Ltd
  • Norcros SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Noreth Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A H/A Marula Spar
  • North City Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd
  • North West University
  • Northern Cape Distribution (Pty) Ltd
  • Northern Lights Trading 70 (Pty) Ltd
  • Northlake Investments 3 (Pty) Ltd
  • Northwest Newspaper (Pty) Ltd (100)
  • Nosibu Supplies
  • Nthavi Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Ntlokonde Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • N'wajimu Trading cc
  • Nyalu Communications (Pty) Ltd
  • Nyati Motors (Pty) Ltd
  • Nylstroom Family Store (Pty) Ltd
  • O.S.Z. Tayob Pietersburg Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Ocean Breeze Food Merchants cc
  • Ocean Crest Trading T/A Pick and Pay Tem
  • Oceanside Trading 589 cc
  • Od Management Services cc
  • Ok Grocer Heilbron
  • Olegra Oil (Pty) Ltd
  • Olympic Park Trading 118 (Pty) Ltd
  • Omnico (Pty) Ltd
  • One Turn Trading 120 (Pty) Ltd
  • On-Ramp Service Station cc
  • Oracleprops 1050 cc
  • Orb Diagnostics cc
  • Orcom Trading 210 (Pty) Ltd T/A Caltex Ruimsig
  • Orester Trading
  • Orianpack International cc
  • Orleans Distributors cc
  • Orooji and Son (Pty) Ltd
  • Otees Wholesalers Cc
  • Otso Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd
  • Otto Brothers Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • Oudtshoorn Glass Supply cc
  • Oudtshoorn Handelshuis (Pty) Ltd
  • P & L Hardware Wholesalers
  • P Kiviti
  • Pa Stationers Upington (Edms) Bpk
  • Paarlweg Weg Motors Bk
  • Pack n Stack cc
  • Paint Pot Tzaneen
  • Pamper Hamper (Pty) Ltd
  • Pandae Storage Systems (SA) (Pty) Ltd
  • Papini Trading cc
  • Paribe (Pty) Ltd
  • Paris Pretzel Holdings cc
  • Park An Ad cc
  • Parow Bolt & Tool (Pty) Ltd
  • Partridge Building Supplies (Pty) Ltd
  • Patel's Petroleum Distributors cc
  • Pauala Properties cc
  • Paul Bayvel-Eyethu Sales (Pty) Ltd
  • Paul Bothner (Pty) Ltd
  • PE Convenience Centre (Pty) Ltd
  • Peacanwood Trading cc
  • Pebble Footwear cc
  • Pen on Paper Distributors cc
  • Peninsula Industries (Pty) Ltd
  • Pepkor Retail (Pty) Ltd
  • Pepkor Speciality Stores (Pty) Ltd
  • Petroil Services Centre cc
  • Petromac (Pty) Ltd
  • Phambili Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd
  • Pharmed Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd
  • Philtron (Pty) Ltd
  • Phoenix Cash & Carry- Pmb cc
  • Pick n Pay Retailers (Pty) Ltd
  • Pienaar Brothers (Pty) Ltd
  • Pietersburg Shelving and Catering
  • Pimulekwa Office Automation (Pty) Ltd
  • Pink Geranium Nursery (Pty) Ltd
  • Pixies Creche & Playgroup
  • Pixodel
  • Plascut 86 (Pty) Ltd T/A Plasma Cut
  • Platinum Petroleum Supplies (Pty)Ltd
  • Platmedia Group
  • Platsak Cash and Carry
  • Platsak Depot cc
  • Plazagold cc
  • Plessdu Trading No 18 cc T/A Bryanston Service City
  • Plumblink SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Plumstead Electrical (Pty) Ltd
  • PnA Featherbrook cc
  • PnA Stationers (Pty) Ltd
  • Polar Trust
  • Port Elizabeth College
  • Post Vision
  • Power Liqours (Pty) Ltd
  • Power Stores Bridge City (Pty) Ltd
  • Power Stores Empangeni (Pty) Ltd
  • Power Stores Kwamashu (Pty) Ltd
  • Power Stores Matuba (Pty) Ltd
  • Pre-Form Pty Ltd
  • President Hyper-Krugersdorp (Pty) Ltd
  • Pretoria Spring Sales cc
  • Preweld (Pty) Ltd
  • Primhill Service Centre
  • Probe Corporation (South Africa) (Proprietary) Limited
  • Professional Laboratory
  • Professional Field Marketing Pty Ltd
  • Professional Field Services
  • Proglove Consolidated Marketing (Pty) Ltd
  • Pronto Industrial Supplies cc
  • Propatique Corp 16 cc
  • Propcontrol cc T/A Mica Barberton
  • Proredo Beleggings (Pty) Ltd
  • Prostart Investment 16 (Pty) Ltd
  • Protea Hotel Sea Point
  • Provestor 165 cc
  • Provestor Seventy Eight cc
  • Provincial Government of the Western Cape- Western Cape Education
  • Pro-Vision IR Services
  • Prunel Trading cc
  • Prunel Trading cc T/A Selfast
  • Pty Trade 73 (Pty) Ltd
  • Ptyprops 54 (Pty) Ltd
  • Purple Fountain Properties (Pty) Ltd
  • Q Battery Fitment Bk
  • QF Training (Pty) Ltd
  • Quality Springs cc
  • Quantum Leap Skills Development and Research (Pty) Ltd
  • Quintac 34 (Pty)Ltd
  • Quintolex (Pty) Ltd
  • Quipsell Trading 1007
  • Quipsell Trading 1043 (Pty) Ltd
  • R Adami and Sons cc
  • R Aulfes Cc
  • R N E Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • R&S Aveling Bk
  • Raboil Service Station (Pty) Ltd
  • Raimondi's Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Ramas cc
  • Ramsi cc
  • Randburg Diesel and Turbo
  • Rapidash Trading cc
  • Rasa Crushed Stone and Transport
  • Ray's Family Supermarkets (Pty) Ltd
  • Razorbill Properties 147 (Pty) Ltd T/A M12 Motors
  • RD Vincent (Pty) Ltd
  • Readyfresh cc
  • Realeboha Day Care Centre
  • Red File Trading 101 cc T/A Edleen One Stop Kwikspar
  • Red File Trading 102 cc
  • Redflank Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • Redline Superstore Cc T/A Village Mall Superspar
  • Redpea Clothing Manufacturers
  • Refuoehape Trading Enterprise
  • Rendifield (Pty) Ltd
  • Retired Ratz Leisure Services
  • Retired Ratz Leisure Services (Pty) Ltd T/A Medwood Convenie
  • Rex Dlamini Inc T/A Lemana Pharmacy
  • Rhino Cash and Carry
  • Rhoville Motors cc
  • Ribeiro Neves Investments cc
  • Rich Meats cc
  • Richards Bay 1 Stop (Pty) Ltd
  • Ridecara cc
  • Ridis Garden Service Station cc
  • Rikalda cc
  • Riku Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Rimns Consulting Services
  • Ringmaster Trading cc
  • Riyadh Seafood Corporation (Pty) Ltd
  • Road-Side Mini Market
  • Rob Adrie Trading cc
  • Robinson Liquors (Pty) Ltd
  • Rodenro Investment cc
  • Roger Wilco Trading 122 cc
  • Rolf C Hagen SA (Pty) Ltd
  • Romens Clothing Company (Pty) Ltd
  • Ronbis cc
  • Rooikat Lewende Trust
  • Roscot Retail cc
  • Rothco (Pty) Ltd
  • Royal Cream Treat cc
  • Royal Rice Company (Pty) (Ltd)
  • Royce Family Supermarket (Pty) Ltd
  • Rss Mining cc
  • Rubenstein Drive Motors
  • Rudamans Bike and Marine cc
  • Rudamans Nelspruit (Pty) Ltd
  • Rumas General Investment Trading cc
  • Russel Meyer and Malan
  • RVR Shelf 10
  • RW Gibbs (Pty) Ltd
  • Ryperd Beleggings cc
  • Rzt Zelpy 4754 (Pty) Ltd
  • Rzt Zelpy 5220 (Pty) Ltd
  • Rzt Zeply 4754 (Pty) Ltd
  • S & W Limpopo Vennootskap
  • S A Duze
  • S A Natural Products (Pty) Ltd
  • S Butler cc
  • S Maqungu
  • S Mlabane
  • S Rens Trade (Pty) Ltd
  • S S Boyana
  • S S Sibondana
  • SA & V Coetzee The Redds Optometrist Inc
  • SA Tool (Pty) Ltd
  • Sable Superette
  • Sactwu (Company) (100)
  • Safarituine Diensstasie Bk
  • Sahross cc
  • Sales and Merchandising Specialists cc
  • Samber Trading No 87 (Pty) Ltd
  • Samema Tours cc
  • Samys Wholesalers
  • Sancorp 103 Trading cc T/A Broadacres
  • Sancorp 25 Investments cc
  • Sanpaul Bakery and Lodging cc T/A Santo's Kitchen
  • Sasce - Southern Africa Society for Co-operative Education
  • Saseti Dealers (Pty) Ltd T/Aengen 1-Stop Settlers Way
  • Save Wholesalers Cash & Carry
  • Save-It (Pty) Ltd
  • Saville Row Pty Ltd
  • Sawulisi Trading cc
  • Saypat Trading Enterprises cc
  • Scent-Pac cc
  • Schoonies Vyf Edms Bpk
  • Scorgie
  • Sd Noorgat Trading Enterprise cc
  • Sea Cow Lake Motors cc
  • Sea Spirit Trading 162 cc
  • Season's Find 990cc T/A Masifunde
  • Second Street Motors Pty Ltd
  • Sekhukhune TVET College
  • Seldenrod Packaging & Print cc
  • Select POE a Division of Samsac Africa(Pty) Ltd
  • Senzo Fieksgerald Sibeko Butterworth Optometrists
  • September
  • Serein Dealers (Pty) Ltd
  • Servilinx 5 cc T/A Hill Spar
  • Servimark 136 cc
  • Servipro 28 cc T/A Hill Tops
  • Set Sail Retailers
  • Seven Mile Trading 296 cc
  • Seven Seasons Trading 231(Pty)Ltd
  • SGR Mobile Solutions and Repairs cc
  • SGRP Meridian (Pty) Ltd
  • Shadows
  • Shave Industrials (Pty) Ltd
  • Sheerprops 1065 cc T/A Euro Garage
  • Shelf-Line 139 (Pty) Ltd
  • Shell Ultra City Colesberg (Pty) Ltd
  • Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd
  • Shri Siddhdata Trading cc
  • Sign and Seal Trading 154 (Pty) Ltd
  • Sign-A-Rama cc
  • Silver Falcon Trading 356 (Pty) Ltd
  • Silvertrust Communications Inc.
  • Simmons Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A Pick N Pay The Wheel
  • Simply Trading 28 Pty Ltd
  • Sims Centre (Pty)Ltd
  • Sims Oil Services cc
  • Sims Petroleum Distributors (Pty) Ltd T/A BP Portshepstone
  • Sinemizamo General Trading
  • Singita Trading Stores (Pty) Ltd
  • Sivana Management and Computer Training cc
  • Siyabusa Training Solution cc
  • Siyalinga Agricultural Primary
  • Siyathembana Trading 46 – (Pty) Ltd
  • Skaap Tjop Beleggings (Pty) Ltd
  • Skye Distributions (Pty) Ltd
  • Skynet Worldwide Express
  • Sladden & Milne Industrial Supplies (Pty) Ltd
  • Smokey Mountain 678(Pty) Ltd
  • Smollan Sales and Marketing (Pty) Ltd
  • Snap-On Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Sofoullis & Nick Retail Enterprises
  • Sojitz Corporation (Incorporated Injapan)
  • Sol Plaatje University
  • Solar Spectrum Trading 330 (Pty) Ltd
  • Solly M Sports cc
  • Solomons and Sons Department Store (Pty) Ltd
  • Solomons Hardware
  • Soshanguve Family Store(Pty)Ltd
  • South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union
  • South African Fine Wine Ale & Spirit Merchants Trust
  • South West Gauteng College Treasury Account
  • Southern Ambition 1478 cc
  • Southern Ambition 653 cc
  • Southern Cape Community FM (NPC)
  • Southern Cape Fish Meal (Pty) Ltd
  • Southpro
  • SP Van Niekerk & Seuns Bk
  • Spar Lowveld
  • Sparax Trading 122 (Pty) Ltd
  • Sparks and Ellis (Pty) Ltd
  • Spec-Savers Richards Bay Incorporated
  • Specialised Smart Brands (Pty) Ltd
  • Specialist System Engineering Excelcom cc
  • Spec-Savers Beacon Isle Incorporated
  • Spec-Savers Benoni Inc
  • Specsavers Germiston Incorporated
  • Spec-Savers Malvern Incorporated
  • Spectra Upfront cc
  • Spectrum Utilities Cc 2011
  • Speedi Liquor Trust
  • Spero Sensors en Instrumente
  • Sportoria (Pty) Ltd
  • Sportron International (Pty) Ltd
  • Sposine Agencies cc
  • Springvlei Trading Trust T/A Macksons Supermarket
  • Square Root Trading Seven (Pty) Ltd T/A Country Meat
  • Srixon Sports Sa (Pty) Ltd
  • SS Workwear cc
  • St' Michael Supermarket cc
  • Staalbeer (Pty) Ltd
  • Stadler Broers Edms Bpk
  • Staliakos Bk
  • Staliakos cc T/A Hoopstad Spar
  • Stanger Food Enterprises (Pty) Ltd
  • Star Glass and Hardware cc
  • Star South Fruits (Pty) Ltd
  • Steinhoff Doors and Building Materials (Pty) Ltd
  • Stellenbosch Cash and Carry cc
  • Stepping Stone Pre School
  • Stodels Nurseries (Pty) Ltd
  • Subrospot /North Point Spar Boksburg
  • Success Rate Development Foundation
  • Sugarberry Trading 71 cc T/A BP Wine Route
  • Summative Solutions Consultants cc
  • Summer Sun Trading 330 (Pty) Ltd
  • Sun Village Spar (Pty) Ltd
  • Sun Village Zenex (Pty) Ltd
  • Sunshine Colours Trading cc
  • Supa Cash and Carry cc
  • Supa Meats (Pty)Ltd
  • Super Auto Spares cc
  • Super and Spar cc
  • Superb Wholesalers cc
  • Superfecta Trading 461 cc
  • Supreme Fisherman's Deli (Pty) Ltd
  • Suskia Trading 1110 cc T/A Engen Spartan
  • Suzuki Rustenburg (Pty) Ltd
  • Swartland 1-Stop (Pty) Ltd
  • Symeg Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Synchron Markings (Pty) Ltd
  • Syncrolex
  • T Melani
  • T Ngindana
  • Tabaco Junxion cc
  • Taboo Trading 122 (Pty) Ltd
  • Tafelberg Furniture Stores (Pty) Ltd
  • Tageku Retail cc
  • Takwa International cc
  • Talking Trade (Pty) Ltd
  • Tams Hyper Store cc T/A Cradock Spar
  • Tank It cc
  • Tasquin Traders cc
  • Tau-Eyafa Consulting cc
  • Tazila Distribution International (Pty) Ltd
  • TCR Clothing Redistribution Association
  • TCS John Huxley Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • TDS Trading cc
  • Teamwear Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • Tekkie Town (Pty) Ltd
  • Telsek Beleggings 1006 Bk
  • Temla 95 cc T/A Vibe Catering
  • Tempelhof Filling Station
  • Terramin (Pty) Ltd
  • Testmart Supermarket cc
  • Tevo (Pty)Ltd
  • Tewie Beleggings Bk
  • TFS Wholesalers (Qwa-Qwa) Trust
  • Thaba Supermark Edms Bpk
  • Thabile Print (Pty) Ltd
  • The Blinds Syndicate cc
  • The Cake Shop Cc T/A Buttercup Bakery
  • The Cock 'N Bull cc
  • The Coltrev Trust
  • The Crazy Store (Pty) Ltd
  • The Design Faculty (Pty) Ltd
  • The Field Marketing
  • The House Of Busby
  • The Lighting Warehouse (Pty) Ltd
  • The Park Shop (Pty) Ltd
  • The Pennypinchers Beaufort West Trust
  • The Polar Trust
  • The Spar Group Limited Mika 01 Trading T/A Build-It Delareyv
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Athlone Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Belhar Build - It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Bizana Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Bolanie Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Bothas Hill Hardware
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Build & Save (Pty) Ltd Build It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A City Built-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Donnybrook Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Fox Buildit
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Howick F & F Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Malmesburg Build -It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Margate Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Paledi Superspar
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Port Edward Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Robertson Build It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Springbok Build-It
  • The Spar Group Limited T/A Table View Hardware, Build It
  • The Spar Group Ltd-Spar South Rand Division
  • The Swift Industrial Supply Company (Pty) Ltd
  • The United Methodist Church South Africa
  • The Woodburn Garage
  • Thekwini College
  • Thembalethu Creche One
  • Theo Von Der Decken (Pty) Ltd
  • Theresa Bronwyn Otto
  • Theronda Bk
  • Theunissen and Lotter Optometrists Inc T/A Spec Savers
  • Three Heads Consulting cc
  • Three Star Cash and Carry (Pty) Ltd
  • Thusanang Social & Training Consultants
  • Ticiva Twenty (Pty) Ltd
  • Tiffy SA TVET cc
  • Time Wise Filling Station
  • Tiptra (Pty) Ltd
  • Tiyile Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Tmj Construction
  • Tommie Roodt cc
  • Top Red Service Station cc
  • Top T Ceramics (Pty) Ltd
  • Topaz Sky Trading 259 (Pty) Ltd
  • Tortello Trading No 86(Pty) Ltd
  • Total Constantia Filling Station (Pty) Ltd
  • Total King cc
  • Tourvest Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • Trackstar Trading 112 (Pty) Ltd
  • Tracstar Trading 112 (Pty) Ltd T/A Huches Park Service Station
  • Trade Auto Motor Corporation cc
  • Trade Up-Front 188 (Pty) Ltd T/A Itec
  • Tradelander 57 cc T/A Impression Landscapes & Plants
  • Tradeport Distribution (Pty) Ltd
  • Trans Oranje Drukkers Uptington
  • Transito Agencies (Pty) Ltd
  • Trappers Trading Witbank cc
  • Treacle Trade cc
  • Triangle Stores (Pty) Ltd
  • Triple Streams Store
  • Triponza Trading 78 cc
  • Tristan Export (Pty) Ltd
  • Tropical Paradise Trading 157 (Pty) Ltd
  • True Motives 1160 cc T/A Super Motors 2
  • Truworths Limited
  • Tshino Consulting Engineers
  • Tshwane Community Business Forum
  • Tsitsikamma Crystal Water
  • Tubestone (Pty) Ltd
  • Tuffsan Trading 273 (Pty) Ltd
  • Tuffsan Trading 291 (Pty) Ltd
  • Tulsai (Pty) Ltd
  • Tupeloscore (Pty) Ltd
  • Turden Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Turn Around Trading 43 cc
  • Turner Morris (Pty) Ltd
  • Tshwane University of Technology
  • Twin Cities Trading 278 (Pty) Ltd
  • Two Ships Trading 464 (Pty) Ltd
  • Typewrite Office Equipment
  • Tyre Corporation Midrand Office (Pty) Ltd
  • Ubunye Uniforms (Pty) Ltd
  • Uitkyk Silverton Edms Bpk
  • Ultra City Pietersburg
  • Ultra City Pietersburg cc
  • Umfolozi College TVET
  • Umgungundlovu TVET College
  • Umzah Trading cc
  • Underhill Investment Holdings
  • Unisa (Bureau of Market Research)
  • Universiteit van die Vrystaat
  • University of Cape Town
  • University of Fort Hare
  • University of Johannesburg
  • University of Kwazulu-Natal
  • University of Limpopo
  • University of Pretoria
  • University of Stellenbosch
  • University of the Western Cape
  • University of The Witwatersrand Financial Aid & Scholarship
  • University of Venda
  • University of Zululand
  • Uno Sewing Machinery cc
  • UPD Division of New Clicks SA
  • Upington Convenience Centre (Pty) Ltd
  • Upward Spiral 1215 cc
  • Ursiguard (Pty) Ltd
  • V & A Auto Service Station (Pty) Ltd
  • Vaal University of Technology
  • Vakashala Service Station (Pty) Ltd
  • Valencia Wholesalers
  • Valhaven Trading (Pty) Ltd T/A BP Verulam
  • Valobex 96 cc
  • Valortrade 1109 cc
  • Valoworx 104 cc
  • Van Der Watt Familie Trust
  • Van Stamp Cleaners cc
  • Vawdas Curtaining cc T/A Vawdas Interior
  • Vecto Trade 217 (Pty) Ltd
  • Vecto Trade 380 (Pty) Ltd
  • Veh Trading & Projects
  • Venith Trading 2 Bk
  • Verstay (Pty) Ltd
  • Vescotech cc
  • Vestpoint 113 (Pty)Ltd
  • Vicstrix Signs
  • Victoria West Supermarket cc
  • Victorius Investments 5 (Pty) Ltd
  • Viedgesville Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd
  • Vincent Industrial Supplies
  • Virtual Logistics (Pty) Ltd
  • Visas International (Pty) Ltd
  • Visible Speed Trading 631cc T/A Riviera Kwik Spar (Trade)
  • Vision 4 Academy (Pty) Ltd
  • Vispa Meubels Edms Bpk
  • Vital Merchandising Services Inland (Pty) Ltd
  • Volkers Appliances cc
  • Voltex Distributors (Pty) Ltd
  • Wacker Neuson (Pty) Ltd
  • Walter Sisulu University
  • Waltons (Pty) Ltd
  • Waltons Stationery Co
  • Waltons
  • Warren Chem Specialities (Pty) Ltd
  • Was Chemicals (Pty) Ltd
  • Waseem Clothing Distributors cc
  • Water Glaze Trading 1005 (Pty) Ltd
  • Waterberg TVET College
  • Watloo Meat & Chicken Pretoria (Pty) Ltd
  • Watloo Meat and Chicken Mamelodi Crossing
  • Wawielbrug Motors Bk
  • Wellness Kitchen and Cafe cc
  • Wellness Warehouse (Pty) Ltd
  • West Coast Hardware (Pty) Ltd
  • Western Pride Trading cc
  • Westside Trading 619 (Pty) Ltd
  • Weylandt's Furniture Cape Town (Pty) Ltd
  • Wf Bouwer Beleggings Edms Bpk H/A Grabouw Spar
  • Wfranchise Investment cc
  • Wfrancise Investments cc T/A Wimpy Riverside Mall
  • Wheco Group (Pty) Ltd
  • Why Not Liquors
  • Wideprops 49 (Pty) Ltd
  • Wiilbatt Products (Pty) Ltd
  • Wild Peacock Products (Pty) Ltd
  • Wildfire Trading 377 cc T/A Delville Motors
  • Wildfire Trading 587 cc
  • Wilgewandel
  • Windermere Garage (Pty) Ltd
  • Windovert Border cc
  • Winter Breeze Trading 36 (Pty) Ltd
  • Wise Man Import and Export cc
  • Witbank Bolt & Nut Supplies
  • Witkop Security Bk
  • Wiz-Grow (Pty) Ltd
  • Wm Spilhaus (Pty) Ltd
  • Wolff & Johnstone PE cc
  • Wonder Flooring (Pty) Ltd
  • Woolworths (Pty) Ltd
  • Workingmen Trade cc
  • Xantium Trading 479 (Pty) Ltd
  • Xco Sport and Teamwear (Pty) Ltd
  • Xidyohi Trading cc
  • XW Namba
  • Y Matiwane
  • Yakeera's Investments cc
  • Yale Lifting Solutions (Pty) Ltd
  • Yamani Trading 1017 (Pty) Ltd
  • Yellow Zebra Optical (Pty) Ltd
  • Your Trade 291 (Pty) Ltd
  • Your Trade 291 cc
  • Z Powa - Corp 7 Cc T/A Northlands Service Station
  • Z Sibondana
  • Zelpy 1577 (Pty) Ltd T/A Pick n Pay Malelane
  • Zemdock (Pty) Ltd
  • Zeno-Chem
  • Zimmer South Africa (Pty) Ltd
  • Zingaro Trade 9 (Pty) Ltd
  • Zinino Trading (Pty) Ltd
  • Zio Cash and Carry (Pty) Ltd
  • Zygotone Cc T/A White River Build-It

(c) 5 132 Students completed their training courses.

(d) The following qualifications were received:

  • Bread & Flour Confectionery Baking
  • Cashier/Till Operator – Office Cashier NQF L2
  • Certificate: Management NQF 4
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Contact Centre Operations
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Generic Management NQF 4
  • General Education and Training Certificate: Adult Basic Education and Training NQF L1
  • General Education and Training Certificate: Business Practice NQF L1
  • Generic Management: Occupation Office Manager NQF 4
  • Meat Processing
  • National Certificate in Wholesale & Retail Operations Supervision NQF 4
  • National Certificate: Bread & Flour Confectionery
  • National Certificate: Bread & Flour Confectionery Baking
  • National Certificate: Contact Centre Support NQF 2
  • National Certificate: Contract Centre and Business Process Outsourcing Support NQF 3
  • National Certificate: Food and Beverages Services NQF L4
  • National Certificate: Fresh Meat Processing NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Generic Management NQF L5
  • National Certificate: Informal and Small Business Practice NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Meat Processing
  • National Certificate: Retail Buying and Planning NQF L5
  • National Certificate: Stock Control Retail Outlet NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Stock Control Retail Outlet NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Buying and Planning NQF L5
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Chain store Operations NQF L2
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Distribution NQF L2
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Merchandising Operations NQF L2
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Operations NQF L2
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Operations NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Sales & Preparation of Perishable Food NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail SME Operations NQF L2
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Stock Control in a Distribution Centre NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail Visual Merchandising NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail: Retail Sales NQF L3
  • National Certificate: Wholesale & Retail: Wholesale Sales NQF L3
  • New Venture Creation NQF L4
  • Sales Assistant NQF L2












05 December 2016 - NW2193

Profile picture: Baker, Ms TE

Baker, Ms TE to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What (a) is the current status of the Ermelo Waste Water Treatment Plant in Mpumalanga and (b) are the results of the water quality tests of the treated effluent in each month since 1 January 2016; (2) whether the specified plant complies with the standards for effluent discharge as regulated by her department; if not, what action has she taken to rectify the situation; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) The Ermelo Wastewater Treatment Plant is currently receiving 12-16 Ml/day and is designed to handle 10 Ml/day. Overall, the infrastructure of the plant is in a bad condition and this has compromised the sewage treatment process to the extent that substandard effluent is being discharged.

(b) The Green Drop System, which the Department utilizes to monitor compliance levels of wastewater treatment works in the country, shows that the level of compliance for the plant from 01 January 2016 to September 2016 is zero for micro, physical and chemical parameters specific for wastewater effluent.

(2) The effluent from the plant does not comply with the general standard. The Department had meetings with the municipality, inspections were conducted and correspondence was also sent to the municipality. Due to the lack of response from the municipality, a task team (comprising DWS, the Departments of Human Settlements, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Economic Development, Environment and Tourism as well as the District and Local Municipalities) was then established to address the concerns related to the plant. See Tables 1 and 2 below:

Table 1: Correspondence with the Municipality prior to establishment of the task team

DWS Action

Issues raised

Type of communication

Municipality response

Issued communication due to poor water quality discharging into the stream

  • sewage pollution
  • water use authorisation application

Letter dated 23 November 2009


Site inspection conducted on 14 July 2010

  • sewage pollution

Section 19 letter dated 19 July 2010


Site inspection conducted on 11 Nov 2011

  • sewage pollution at Pet Dam

Meeting held with the

municipality immediately after the inspection

The problem was resolved same day

Site inspection conducted on 14 June 2012

  • sewage spillages and poor effluent quality
  • reporting of pollution incidents
  • incomplete discharge charges forms
  • water use authorisation application
  • Poor attendance of stakeholder forum meetings

Meeting with municipality on 06 August 2012

Raised their challenges

Table 2: Correspondences with the Municipality after establishment of the task team

DWS Action

Issues raised

Type of communication

Municipality response

Issued communication based on the meeting held on 06 August 2012

  • sewage pollution
  • establishment of the Task Team

Letter dated 14 August 2012


Follow up

  • reminder to respond

Letter dated 11 October 2012

Submitted insufficient action plan on 14 November 2012

Task Team

Actions from minutes

Meeting on 26 September 2012 at Govan Mbeki Municipality

No feedback, the Municipality sent another person without information

Task Team

Actions from minutes

Meeting on 14 November 2012 at Lekwa Municipality


Task Team

Actions from minutes

Meeting on 06 February 2013 at Dr Pixley ka Seme Municipality

Did not attend

Issued a communication

  • Non-attendance of Task Team meeting

Letter dated 22 February 2013


Task Team

Actions from minutes

Meeting on 12 June 2013 at Gert Sibande District Municipality

Did not attend

Issued a communication

  • Action plan

Letter dated 22 August 2013


Assessment of WWTW on 29 October 2013 and 13 March 2014

  • Non-compliance letter

Letter dated 24 March 2014


The Department allocated R 44 275 029 million to refurbish the Ermelo Waste Water Treatment Plant in Mpumalanga. The project commenced in November 2015 and is scheduled for completion in January 2017.
