Questions and Replies

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30 April 2024 - NW630

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

1.What is the status of the liquidity of the SA Post Office SOC Ltd, in view of the Post Office of Tomorrow strategy requiring a R4 billion bailout that has not been allocated to the SA Post Office in the 2024-25 budget; 2. whether the Post Office intends to collaborate with partners in the private sector to ensure that it continues to deliver services; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by the SAPO as follows:

1. The R3.8 billion additional funding requirement has been integrated into the financial projections of the Business Rescue Practitioners (BRPs) in the endorsed business rescue plan, which received approval from the majority of SAPO creditors on December 7, 2023. The funding is essential for implementing the business rescue plan, including settling creditor dividends as outlined, investing in CAPEX to modernize mail operating facilities, branch networks, logistics fleet, and information technology infrastructure. Continuous discussions have been held with the National Treasury and the Minister of Finance to explore solutions that ensure the SA Post Office is adequately capitalized in alignment with the business rescue plan.Strategic partnerships play a crucial role in the Business Rescue Plan.

2. Numerous interested parties have put forward proposals, which will undergo a comprehensive review by an internal investment committee established by the joint BRPs at SAPO. This process will ensure a thorough evaluation of all potential partnership opportunities, to strategically select collaborations that will best support the entity's turnaround strategy.

I thank you

30 April 2024 - NW591

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

With reference to her reply to question 80 on 21 March 2023, what are the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) date of purchase and (e) purchase price paid for each vehicle purchased by her department for (i) her and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 8 May 2019?


I was informed by the Department as follows:

(i) Minister:

(a) Make : NA

(b) Model : NA

(c) Year of manufacturer : NA

(d) Cost : NA

(e) Purchase date : NA

(ii) Former Minister:

(a) Make : NA

(b) Model : NA

(c) Year of manufacturer : NA

(d) Cost : NA

(e) Purchase date : NA

(iii) Deputy Minister:

(a) Make : NA

(b) Model : NA

(c) Year of manufacturer : NA

(d) Cost : NA

(e) Purchase date : NA

(iv) Former Deputy Minister: Ms Pinky Kekana

(a) Make : BMW

(b) Model : Sedan 12 DC, G30, 520 D

(c) Year of manufacturer : 2021

(d) Cost : R 741 044, 54

(e) Purchase date : 18/11/2021

The vehicle was procured by the department as a transfer from the Minister’s tenure as the Minister of Small Business Development. The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) did not procure a new vehicle from a new supplier when she arrived.

I thank you.

30 April 2024 - NW330

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What are the full details of all (a) sponsorships, (b) donations and (c) financial transfers provided for lawfare and/or any other purposes to (i) him, (ii) his department and (iii) officials of his department by any (aa) Qatari, (bb) Iranian and/or (cc) Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident since 1 January 2021 up to the latest date in 2024 for which information is available?


I have been informed by the Department as follows:

No such sponsorships, donations and financial transfers were received by the Minister, the DCDT or departmental officials.

I thank you.

30 April 2024 - NW258

Profile picture: Hendricks, Mr MGE

Hendricks, Mr MGE to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1) Whether the National Conventional Arms Control Committee received any names of applicants whose applications in terms of the Regulation of the Foreign Military Assistance Act, No. 15 of 1998, to render support under the flag of a foreign country in a plausible genocide that the Republic does not support or agree with, were declined by the SA National Defence Force, yet such applicants nevertheless continued to render such support in a genocide and/or the names of persons who failed to apply for permission in terms of the Regulation of the Foreign Military Assistance Act, No. 15 of 1998, but who is nevertheless providing such assistance under a foreign flag; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the total number of names in this regard that his department received; (2) whether the National Conventional Arms Control Committee received any additional names; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what steps has the National Conventional Arms Control Committee taken in respect of such additional names it received?


The NCACC has not received any names of applications whose applications in terms of the Regulations of the Foreign Military Assistance Act, No 15 of 1998, were declined by the SA National Defence Force to render support under the flag of a foreign country in a plausible genocide that the Republic does not support or agree with, but who nevertheless continued to render such support in a genocide and/or the names of persons who failed to apply for permission in terms of the Regulation of the Foreign Military Assistance Act, No 15 of 1998.

The NCACC does not have any names of persons who failed to apply (applications) in terms of the Regulations of the Foreign Military Assistance Act, No. 15 of 1998, but is providing such assistance under a foreign flag in a war that the Republic does not support.

The NCACC does not and/or should not receive a name-list from a source when applying under the RFMA since each application is considered on a case by case basis and should meet certain criteria for consideration and possible approval. The South African National Defence Force is constituted in terms of s200 under the Constitution (Act 108 of 1996). This is informed by s198 which are the guiding principles of Security Services in South Africa, while s199 reflects the establishment, structuring and conduct of Security Services. This is the casting of the centrepiece of the RFMA.

The RFMA Act states that it intends: to regulate the rendering of foreign military assistance by South African juristic persons, citizens, persons permanently resident within the Republic and foreign citizens rendering such assistance from within the borders of the Republic.

It is trite that given the intention of this Legislation (supra), areas of conflict wherever they occur in the world would be out of bounds for South Africans (Natural and Juristic) and would not enjoy assent of the Republic to partake in.

Further, it is common cause that should it be a case that a South African is involved in an area of conflict. This would be done without the support of the Government of South Africa.

Furthermore, whenever should such violators of the Act be identified, and such participation can be proven the full course of the law shall be visited upon to penalise them.

I thank you.

30 April 2024 - NW701

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he will furnish Mr L J Basson with a (a) list and (b) full description of all events planned by his department to take place before 29 May 2024 in celebration of the 30 years of democracy in the Republic, including the (i) projected total cost or expenditure of each event and (ii) breakdown thereof in terms of expenditure for (aa) catering, (bb) entertainment, (cc) venue hire, (dd) transport and (ee) accommodation; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


a) An event celebrating 30 years of the ICT industry in South Africa was held on 26 April 2024 in Sandton.

  1. The total cost of the event was R518 458,71. Digital Council Africa sponsored R307 500.00. The total cost incurred by the DCDT was R210 958,71.
  2. The sponsorship covered the cost of (aa) catering, (bb) entertainment, (cc) venue hire. (dd) The Department spent R5337,11 on transport costs for officials who have been part of the project team. (ee) no cost incurred on accommodation.

I thank you.

30 April 2024 - NW645

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to the case between Mr Nkosana Makate and Vodacom regarding the intellectual property ownership of the Please Call Me concept, which has been of public interest for many years, his department has explored the veracity of Vodacom’s claims that paying Mr Nkosana Makate what is rightfully due to him would affect the company’s contribution to public finances; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what role has his department played in protecting creatives like Mr Makate from corporate exploitation?


I have been informed by the Department as follows:

1. No. The Department does not involve itself in the operations of companies, in regard to intellectual property issues among a myriad of other matters, be they traded or publicly listed. The company therefore has a fiduciary duty to comply with all financial, legal and regulatory obligations in regard to its contributions to the fiscus.

2. This does not fall within the mandate of the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies but rather the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition.

I thank you.

30 April 2024 - NW635

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

In light of the fact that the court overturned his decision to remove the Board of Directors of the State Information Technology Agency (SITA), what steps has he taken to ensure that the poor functioning of the SITA is addressed, so that the interests of South Africans who are struggling to access government services due to the poor functioning of the SITA are prioritised?


The Minister has lodged an appeal against the decision of the court. The Department awaits judgment on the matter.

Meanwhile, the SITA has completed its business model review with the view to aligning the business strategy and operations to client departments and ultimately the needs of the citizens. The Minister has also appointed the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) which is supporting the Agency in dealing with the procurement backlog which has hampered the ability of the client departments from delivering their services effectively. The MTT has already facilitated the capacitation of the organisation and has ensured the improvement of the procurement process efficiencies.

I thank you.

22 March 2024 - NW631

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What steps has his department taken to ensure that the SA Broadcasting Corporation has sufficient funding available for the upcoming 2024 national and provincial elections until a new funding model can be developed?


I have been informed by the SABC as follows:

The Department has facilitated a government allocated budget of R 35-million for both the editorial and technical requirements, including studio facilities and transmission costs.

The IEC is also supporting the SABC through trade exchange agreements to cater for key marketing and infrastructural elements at the Provincial and National Elections Results Operations Centres.

Authorised for submission by






Recommended/not recommended








Approved/ not approved






22 March 2024 - NW634

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What total amount has his department incurred on litigation to date as a result of his removal of the Board of Directors of the State Information Technology Agency?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

The total counsel fees, as paid for by the Office of the State Attorney to date, is R738 875,00.

Authorised for submission by





Recommended/not recommended








Approved/ not approved






22 March 2024 - NW644

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to reports that the SA Broadcasting Corporation intends to amend the existing agreements around retransmission payments and/or royalties so drastically that actors and actresses will earn much less for the broadcasting of content they featured on, and at a later stage actors and actresses might earn nothing, there was any consultation with industry representatives and stakeholders regarding such a resolution that will condemn actors and actresses whose content and talent is reused to poverty; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by the SABC as follows:

The SABC is in the process of amending the current repeat fee strategy. This process has not been finalised as consultations with all relevant and key stakeholders are ongoing.

The proposed amendments to the current strategy have been approved by the SABC Board in 2018. In its current form, this strategy is unsustainable as payments have been structured in such a way that they are implemented for an indefinite period.

The strategy was introduced in 1996 by the Performers Artists Workers Union (PAWE). The union was established with the aim of engaging the new SABC dispensation to redress the struggles encountered by black actors under the Apartheid regime for not receiving equitable treatment as their white counterparts from mainly white-owned production companies.

In 1997 the SABC’s Department of Programme Policy, Planning and Co-Production agreed with PAWE that content production houses commissioned by the SABC be required to use a Standard Performers’ Agreement when performers entered into contracts. This came into effect on 1 September 1997.

At the time the SABC was the sole commissioner and producer of local content and agreed to a Standard Performers’ Agreement that contained two clauses namely: Clause 5 on repeat fees payable to Principal Performers of drama productions and Clause 7 on exploitation fees payable to Principal Performers on the licensing of commissioned productions.

Twenty-eight (28) years later there is a requirement that the strategy be aligned to the SABC’s various financial and legislative requirements. It must be stressed that intention behind the new proposal is not to disempower performers but to ensure that all parties benefit.

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Recommended/not recommended








Approved/ not approved






22 March 2024 - NW281

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he will furnish Mrs N W A Mazzone with a list of the salary grades of members of each Board of Directors in each state-owned entity reporting to him since 1 January 2023; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the Department as follows:


The Non-Executive Directors of Boards of State-Owned Entities reporting to the Ministry of Communications and Digital Technologies do not have salary grades except for the Film and Publication Board which is categorised as Category B1 as per the National Treasury Board Remuneration Guidelines.

The salary grades for the Executive Directors of State-Owned Entities where CEOs, CFOs and/or COOs are ex-officio members of the Board are as follows:


State Owned- Entity

Executive Director

Salary Grade

Additional notes

Broadband Infraco (BBI)

Chief Executive Officer

Paterson Band F 2


The Paterson Job Evaluation System grades jobs based on decision-making complexity, ranging from Bands A to F, with Band F being the highest. Each band, except A, is subdivided into lower and upper parts, with specific subgrades

Chief Financial Officer

Paterson Band E 5


Film and Publication Board (FPB)

Chief Executive Officer

Paterson Band F1


National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA)

Chief Executive Officer

Level 15

Department of Public Service and Administration Framework for Remuneration of public servants


Chief Executive Officer

Paterson Band F2


Chief Financial Officer

Paterson Band E4



Chief Executive Officer

Hay Grade Level: 25

Using the correlation table hay grade level 25 on the following evaluation systems is:

Peromnes: 1++, Paterson: F4/F5


Chief Operations Officer

Hay Grade Level: 23

Peromnes: 1, Paterson: F1


Chief Financial Officer

Hay Grade Level: 23

Peromnes: 1, Paterson: F1


State Information Technology Agency (SITA)

Chief Executive Officer

Above Paterson Band F3, which is equivalent to F4/F5


Chief Financial Officer

Paterson Band-F1


South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)

Chief Executive Officer

Paterson Band- F3



Chief Financial Officer

Paterson Band- F1


Chief Operations Officer

Paterson Band- F1


South African Post Office (SAPO)

Chief Executive Officer

Paterson band F4/5


Chief Financial Officer

Paterson Band F2


Chief Operations Officer



Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA)

Chief Executive Officer

Level 15

Department of Public Service and Administration Framework for Remuneration of public servants


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Recommended/not recommended









Approved/ not approved









22 March 2024 - NW280

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What has been the latest progress with regard to the status of the rationalisation project in his department since 1 January 2024?


I have been informed as follows:

The process of concluding the Broadband Infraco (BBI) acquisition is at an advanced stage pending the revision of BBI’s Turnaround Plan to establish funding requirements. The necessary acquisition processes were concluded with a sale offer by the SENTECH Board that was accepted by the BBI Board. This followed a due diligence inquiry and engagements with relevant authorities such as ICASA, Takeover Regulatory Panel, Competition Commission and National Treasury. There have been ongoing discussions with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), which is a 26% shareholder of BBI, on their role post the acquisition.

To conclude the BBI acquisition by Sentech the following are recommended:

  1. SENTECH and BBI to revise the BBI Turnaround Plan to establish funding requirements.
  2. The State, as the sole shareholder of SENTECH, to provide SENTECH with funding based on the approved Turnaround Plan.
  3. The Minister to approve the sale of 74% of shares of BBI to SENTECH by signing the Sale of Shares Agreement (SSA) submitted by Sentech to the Minister with applicable terms and conditions. Suspensive conditions that can be fulfilled or waived must also be determined.
  4. The BBI Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) be amended in line with the Sale Agreement.
  5. SENTECH to conclude the integration of BBI as its subsidiary.

SITA, meanwhile, is in the process of developing a roadmap for the review of its business model. The details of the review is expected to be submitted to the Department by the end of the current financial year. Once complete, the implementation of the new SITA business model and roadmap will commence in the new financial year and continue thereafter. The Department would then monitor progress through performance reports submitted by SITA.


Authorised for submission by









Recommended/not recommended








Approved/ not approved








15 March 2024 - NW322

Profile picture: Sarupen, Mr AN

Sarupen, Mr AN to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)Whether, considering the participation of the delegation of the Republic in the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024 that took place in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, from 15 to 19 January 2024, her department bore the financial responsibility for the expenses of its representatives in terms of (a) accommodation, (b) air travel, (c) ground transportation and (d) any other ancillary expenses; if so, what are the relevant details in terms of the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown thereof; if not, (2) whether the specified expenses were covered by funds received from the National Treasury; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by the Department as follows:

1) Yes

(1)(i) Total cost R 1 893 441

(1)(ii) Cost breakdown:



Ministry Support Staff

Departmental Staff


R 75 960

R 396 920

R 473 290

(b)Air Travel

R 85 927

R 75314

R 73 045

(c)Ground Transport

R 137 315

R 274 630

R 297 740

(d)Local Shuttles

R nil

R 1600

R 1700


(2) Yes, the trip was covered by funds from the National Treasury, it was funded from the Voted Funds of the department.

Thank you

15 March 2024 - NW100

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to the SA Post Office Business Rescue Plan that was adopted in December 2023, he will furnish Mrs N W A Mazzone with (a) a list of branches that are due to close in each province and (b) the (i) total number and (ii) current positions of employees who will face retrenchment in each (aa) branch and (bb) province; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

a) list of branches that are due to close:

Gauteng (Most of Gauteng and Vaal Triangle)


Northern region (North Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West)


Western region (Western Cape, Northern Cape)


Eastern region (Eastern Cape) -


Central (Free State, North West)


KwaZulu-Natal (KwaZulu-Natal)




The Joint Business Rescue Practitioners (BRPs) are not prepared to share the actual list of branches as it stands to be amended whilst the process of liaising with landlords is in progress and the possibility of branch relocations are at hand. Once the list is finalised, same will be provided.

(b) The BRPs have advised that they cannot disclose the proposed number of employees that will face retrenchment as the Section 189A facilitation process conducted by the CCMA is underway. The disclosure of a proposed number prior to the conclusion of the facilitation process jeopardizes the course of action.

Thank you

11 March 2024 - NW442

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Apart from advocating for the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Amendment Bill [B28-2023], what practical and/or short-term measures has his department put in place to clamp down on subscriber identification module (SIM) card fraud?


I was advised by ICASA as follows:

The Authority is mandated through section 68 of the Electronic Communications Act (“the ECA”) (Act No. 36 of 2005) as amended to regulate the numbering resources. However, the ECA does not empower the Authority to regulate SIM registration.

Noting the challenges experienced in the country wherein numbers are hijacked either through SIM swap fraud or number porting, the Authority has tightened the number porting regime by prescribing a porting procedure and a port validation process in Schedule A of the Number Portability Regulations of 2018.

Additionally, the Authority resolved to amend the Numbering Plan Regulations of 2016, by inserting a provision that mandates licensees to collect subscribers’ biometric data during activation of services.

These regulatory measures are intended to empower and protect the public when activating/porting their numbers and/or services with the telecommunications service providers. Nevertheless, the biometric data collection provision was deferred by the Authority for further consultation with stakeholders on the technical and functional specifications associated with the implementation of the biometric provisions.

The Authority has been consulting with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (“DOJ & CD”) on the review of Chapter 7 of RICA which places an obligation on telecommunications service providers, who are licenced by the Authority to register all SIM cards by verifying customer information. It also mandates telecommunications service providers to retain customer data, and to respond to lawful interception requests. Further, the Authority is addressing concerns that it does not have access to the RICA database which is managed by the DoJ & CD to monitor compliance.

The Authority is also in consultation with institutions that have successfully implemented the biometric verification system – South African Banking Risk Information Centre, the State Information Technology Agency and the Department of Home Affairs - to seek guidance regarding the development of a functional biometric system.

Furthermore, clarity is being sought from the Information Regulator regarding the application of the Protection of Personal Information Act (Act No. 4 of 2013) (“POPIA”) on the appropriate safeguards to protect personal information of the data subjects. This is to ensure that the Authority’s Numbering Regulations are not in conflict with the provisions of POPIA.

Thank you

11 March 2024 - NW103

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

With reference to his 2023-24 Budget Vote Speech, wherein he announced targets towards expanding Wi-Fi access across the Republic, what (a) total number of Wi-Fi hotspots have been connected by his department in the 2023-24 financial year in each (i) district and (ii) province, (b) is the rate of internet connectivity and (i) in each province and (ii) in the Republic as at 1 January 2024?


I have been informed by the Department as follows:-a) 231

  1. See table below
  2. See table below

b) As of 1st January 2024, Broadband Infraco achieved 9 056 household connectivity and 231 community WiFi hotspots in various district municipalities as indicated below:

i) Province

ii) District Municipality

Total HH Connections

HH Connections Speeds Tested

Total WiFi Hotspot

HH Connections Speeds Tested

Eastern Cape

Joe Gqabi District


5-10 Mbps


10-80 Mbps


Sarah Baartman


5-10 Mbps




Buffalo City


5-10 Mbps






5-10 Mbps


10-80 Mbps




5-10 Mbps



Free State

Fezile Dabi


5-10 Mbps


10-80 Mbps




5-10 Mbps


10-80 Mbps

KwaZulu- Natal

Harry Gwala


5-10 Mbps


10-80 Mbps




5-10 Mbps


10-80 Mbps


Dr Kenneth Kaunda






Dr Ruth S Mompati





Northern Cape

John Taolo Gaetsewe












ZF Mgcawu








5-10 Mbps




West Rand


5-10 Mbps


10-80 Mbps

Western Cape







West Coast





Total Connections Achieved on BAF

9 056




Thank you

11 March 2024 - NW279

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)Whether he terminated the membership of six board members at the State Information Technology Agency SOC Ltd in July 2023, due to a disagreement relating to the remuneration increase awarded to a certain person (name and details furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he will furnish Ms T Bodlani with the salary grade of the specified person upon assumption of duties in April 2023 up to the departure of the person in December 2023; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW316E


1. Five members of the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) SOC Ltd board resigned and two have been retained into the current board. The former representative of the Department of Public Service and Administration was recalled by their Minister. Only three board members were dismissed in July 2023. This followed the Cabinet guidance to reprimand them after they had violated the SITA Memorandum of Incorporation and went against the Cabinet resolution that had already considered and approved the salary of the Managing Director.

2. Yes. The salary grade for the CEO upon assumption of duties in April 2023 up to the departure in December 2023 was above maximum Paterson Band F3.

Thank you

06 March 2024 - NW21

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he has given any consideration to positioning what is left of the SA Post Office’s (SAPO) postal network as contributors to the country’s e-commerce space, given that business rescue practitioners have stated that SAPO is in need of investment in technology, considering that his Department has consistently remained behind the Republic’s digital evolution curve and the burgeoning e-commerce space; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by the SAPO as follows:

SAPO’s logistics strategy, currently in development, will initially stabilise parcel delivery and modernise this business segment over time. The strategy will also enhance the organisation’s logistics skills and management capabilities.

A specific focus of SAPO’s broader strategy is South Africa’s growing e-commerce market as outlined in the entity’s Business Rescue Plan (BRP) (sec, pg. 63). To this end, the rescue plan aims to position the SAPO as a preferred service provider to e-Commerce retailers by strategically investing in the organisation’s depot network, transport fleet and logistics technologies. Apart from strengthening its domestic delivery standards, SAPO will work with its international peers to improve international shipping to and from South Africa.

However, due to the highly competitive nature of the e-Commerce market, SAPO will leverage strategic partnerships to enhance its competitiveness in this sector. Envisaged partnerships include logistics, technology, warehousing, infrastructure and e-commerce as well as industry expertise.

SAPO is cognisant of the fact that it has a low trust deficit within the courier sector, and with commitment from management and the support of government stakeholders, it is anticipated that the entity will return to being a leading courier and logistics company within the next three years.

Thank you

06 March 2024 - NW101

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether the National Treasury has approved the request for a R3,8 billion cash injection for the SA Post Office Business Rescue Plan, considering that the plan hinges on the approval of the cash injection; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW106E


The National Treasury has not allocated any funding in the 2024 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) preliminary allocations of January 2024. However, it has committed to further engage with the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) on the South African Post Office (SAPO) rescue plan as it forms the basis for the R3,8 billion funding requirement. These discussions have commenced and the outcome will be provided upon the conclusion of engagements with the National Treasury.

Thank you

06 March 2024 - NW70

Profile picture: Joseph, Mr D

Joseph, Mr D to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What temporary arrangements are in place to accommodate the Rocklands community where the Caravelle Post Office building in Mitchells Plain was closed due to a fire that led to the building being demolished; 2. Whether his department is in the process of finding a long-term solution; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW71E


I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

1. At present customers are directed to the Grassy Park Post Office or Gatesville Post Office for financial and postal services. The delivery of mail to the Mitchells Plain community is provided by two mail delivery depots, namely, Mitchells Plain mail delivery depot and Strandfontein mail delivery depot daily.

2. SAPO has been informed by the landlord that they are in talks with various stakeholders regarding the re-development of the Rocklands property / Caravelle Post Office. However, they are unable to provide exact timelines at this stage and will keep SAPO informed.

SAPO has also reached out to the City of Cape Town to source alternative premises.

Thank you

06 March 2024 - NW102

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to the SA Post Office (SAPO) Business Rescue Plan which speaks of forging strategic partnerships with private sector entities to bolster capabilities and resources, as well as securing a strategic partner in the property company that can provide development capital and intellectual knowledge, SAPO has approached private sector entities to assist in its Business Rescue Plan; if not, what are the reasons the specified engagements with the private sector have not yet occurred; if so, what are the specific details of the discussions held with the private sector?


I have been informed by the SAPO as follows:

Strategic partnerships are a fundamental pillar of the Business Rescue Plan. Various interested parties have submitted proposals which will be reviewed by an investment committee. This committee is currently being established.

In parallel, implementation plans are being developed enabling the Business Rescue Practitioners to strategically select partnerships which will be most beneficial to the objective of the SAPO turnaround strategy.

Thank you

21 February 2024 - NW104

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

1.With reference to various government departments which were recently interrupted by the system of the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) that was offline, what (a) were the reasons for the system interruptions at SITA and (b) plans have been put in place to address the specified interruptions; 2. Whether there is a risk of more frequent, more severe system interruptions at SITA this year; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by the SITA as follows:

1. (a) The following are the key reasons for the system interruptions at SITA:

(i) A change in configuration resulted in blocked communication between systems. This resulted in service disruptions and as a consequence impacted email, internet, intranet, VPN and Applications to a key national department.

(ii) The SITA Core Network links are provided by both Private Sector Operators (PSO) and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The service disruptions occasionally impact on connectivity to some of SITA’s Switching Centres and Data Centres, which impacts government services to key national and provincial departments.

Notwithstanding the fact that there is redundancy in place, the fibre breaks still impact both primary and secondary links at times. The key contributing factors are vandalism, veld fires and construction work. There are also single points of failure in the Network that have been identified, that contributed to service outages.

(iii) Persistent loadshedding has also put pressure on backup power infrastructure that occasionally fail to kick in, resulting in disruption in network connectivity.

(b) The following interventions have been put in place to address the specified interruptions:

(i) SITA made investments to address single points of failure and modernised the network through a Software Defined Network programme. SITA has built further redundancy into the current architecture over and above the existing dual network routes and infrastructure. There has also been upgrades on backup power infrastructure, increase frequency of maintenance to backup diesel generators, uninterrupted-power-supplies and switchgear to ensure power supply equipment is protected. Alternative power sources are also being investigated for future investments.

2. The interventions that SITA has put in place, mitigate the risk of more severe system interruptions. The drive is to ensure high availability of services through:

  • Modernisation of the Network;
  • Consolidation and modernisation of switching and data centres;
    • Establishing partnerships with industry and State-Owned Entities to leverage their existing capabilities and to derive economies of scale.

Thank you

21 February 2024 - NW105

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether the State Information Technology Agency has contingency plans to ensure noninterrupted services during loadshedding; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date will such plans be implemented and (b) what are the specific details of the plans?


I have been informed by the SITA as follows:

Yes, SITA has implemented various contingency plans to ensure non-interrupted services during load shedding.

(a) Ongoing.

(b) SITA operates a total of twenty-six (26) Switching Centre and ten (10) Data Centre facilities across the country, which are central in the provision of network connectivity and hosting services, respectively.

• All these facilities are equipped with diesel generators which are triggered to provide backup power during load shedding. SITA has contracts in place for preventative and corrective maintenance and support of the diesel generators. Furthermore, SITA has established contracts with various Industry Suppliers for the supply and replenishment of diesel, performance of which is managed in line with service level agreements (SLAs) metrics.

• A remote environmental monitoring (REM) system has been implemented to ensure proactive monitoring of diesel levels in these facilities.

Thank you

08 January 2024 - NW3433

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What measures have been taken to accommodate employees from closed post offices; 2. what (a) measures have been put in place to facilitate the payment of stipends and grants which would ordinarily have been paid at the closed Post Offices, (b) number of beneficiaries have been affected and (c) measures have been taken to assist the affected beneficiaries, including the means of communication?


1. Employees from closed Post Offices are offered redeployment to other workplaces based on staffing requirements.

(2)(a) Beneficiaries are referred to the nearest branches, retailers and banks for access to their grants.

(2)(b) SAPO has closed a number of branches nationwide, and amongst the closed branches are SASSA paying offices. The SAPO does not have a measure of determining the number of affected beneficiaries as a result of closed branches.

(2)(c) The process below is followed when a branch is closed:

  • SASSA beneficiaries are referred to nearest branches, retailers and banks for assistance.
  • For a planned closure – a board indicating the intention to close is displayed prior to the actual closure for customer information. An SMS is sent to branch customers where the cell phone details are known.
  • For forced closure – a notice indicating closed status is displayed and left on the property for customer information.
  • List of closed branches is shared with SASSA for further communication with beneficiaries.
  • The list of closed offices is also placed on the SAPO website and updated weekly with details of alternative offices. The process has proven effective as beneficiaries have a choice to use retailers or banks.

Thank You.

08 January 2024 - NW2285

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to the institution of an inquiry by the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, into matters surrounding the docking of the Russian vessel, Lady R, in Simonstown in December 2022, the import permits granted in 2019 and 2020 were still valid to offload Russian ammunition while the ship was docked and/or any applications for export permits for munitions to be loaded onto the specified vessel were received; if not, was the validity of the import permits extended by the National Conventional Arms Control Committee; if so, what are the details and reasons that the extension and the export permit application were not reported to the Joint Standing Committee on Defence?


  1. The NCACC confirms that the import permits granted in 2019 and 2020 were not valid at the time of the offloading Russian ammunition while the ship was docked and/or any applications for export permits for munitions to be loaded onto the specified vessel were received.
  2. This is because the Permits issued at any given time have a limited lifespan and may only be extended to keep these valid but the extension in terms of legislation is limited. When such a time frame lapses so does the validity of the Permit. Thus, it goes without saying that the Import Permit issued in 2019 and 2020, would have lapsed.
  3. The Export Permits of munitions to be loaded on the specific vessel do not arise, since the NCACC has not received any application for such export permits therefore none would/were issued.
  4. Further, the Judge Mojapelo (retired) Panel Report also vindicated the NCACC by concluding that no ammunition was loaded onto that specific vessel.
  5. The Import Permits which were used in 2022 are linked to the same Order and Purchase by the Importer. However, the Order and Purchase are purely a commercial transaction and are not regulated under the NCAC Act.
  6. The Importer is entitled that in pursuance of their commercial interests to apply to the NCACC and should enjoy the full consideration by the Conventional Arms Control processes. This the Importer complied with in 2022 and was issued with the necessary Import Permits.
  7. The Importer applied for the Import Permits and these were issued as follows:


(a) Import Permit IM0036810 which is the Final Import Permit that was issued and signed by the Secretariat of the NCACC in order for the Vessel that was carrying Equipment. This permit is referencing both Order Numbers of Armscor: KP467230/1 and KP467233. Further, this Import Permit also indicates that it is a replacement permit that replaced IM0036672, which had been cancelled earlier.


(b) The final issuing of Import Permit no IM0036677 was issued by the Secretariat as a result of a request for cancellation and an issue. This transaction resulted in the Permit being issued under a changed Import Permit to IM0036814 by the Importer.

Finally, the report(s) by the NCACC to Parliament in terms of s23 of the NCAC Act are compiled in a predetermined manner. Thus, ensuring consistency and probity when the respective Parliamentary Committee(s) have to exercise their Oversight Role.

Therefore, it is not an omission by the NCACC that the Export Permit(s) was not reported to Parliament. Such reporting is done/provided based on applications received and processed. Since no Export Permit was received by the NCACC, no report can be furnished to the Joint Standing Committee on Defence (JSCD).

I trust that this enables the Member to fully appreciate and accept the factual aspects of the matters at hand.


Thank You.

08 January 2024 - NW4089

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) How has the R745 million debt that is owed to Sentech by the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) for signal distribution impacted Sentech’s operations, (b) how did the debt impact the long-awaited transition from analogue to digital signal distribution, (c) what interventions did the department make to mitigate the impact of the SABC’s debt to Sentech and (d) how will the SABC finance (i) its debt to Sentech and (ii) future distribution costs?    W5370E


(a) & (b) The non-payment of the debt has impacted negatively on Sentech’s cashflow which in turn affects the company’s ability to fulfil its commitments in relation to CAPEX and operational working capital initiatives and maintenance plans.

(c) The DCDT advised the two entities to work together outside third parties to find a workable solution to resolve the signal tariff dispute. The two Boards committed to working together to find a solution and as such a joint committee of the Boards and Executives from both companies was established. The Department is still awaiting the report on the outcome of this committee. The two entities were also advised to enter a debt repayment plan whilst finding a workable solution for the tariff dispute. This was to ensure that the SABC makes monthly payments to minimise the impact of non-payment on Sentech. A debt repayment plan has since been entered.

(d)(i)(ii) The SABC is required to finance its debt obligations including that of Sentech through normal revenue sources so that it can meet all its debt obligations. The SABC is in the process of exploring alternative revenue sources that are set to increase its revenue generation base in the immediate term and a new Strategy has also been developed to improve revenue generation. In addition, in the medium to long-term, in anticipation of the SABC Bill being processed by Parliament, the Department will be reviewing the funding model of the public broadcaster. The funding of signal distribution costs, particularly for public broadcasting service platforms will be considered as part of the review process of SABC’s funding model.

Thank You.

08 January 2024 - NW4090

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

In light of the fact that in October 2023, the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) employees embarked on a strike, requesting a 7.5% remuneration increase, (a) how did the strike impact SITA in its mandate to provide Information Technology services to various Government Departments, (b) what were the outcome of the agreement made with the Public Servants Association to end the strike and (c) how will SITA finance the remuneration increase?


(a) The impact of the strike was mitigated through a robust business continuity and contingency plan. Critical ICT services continued to be provided during the strike.

(b) SITA and PSA agreed on a 5% salary increase across the board and a once off ex-gratia payment of R8326,45 per qualifying employee.

(c) The salary increase was fully funded from the planned 2023-2024 financial year labour cost budget.

Thank You.

08 January 2024 - NW3068

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)On what date(s) did the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC) hold its scheduled meetings in the (a) 2021, (b) 2022 and (c) 2023 calendar years to consider applications for all the (i) import and (ii) export permit applications as defined by the National Conventional Arms Control Act, Act 41 of 2002; (2) whether the NCACC has considered the instability that prevailed between Russia and Ukraine in both 2021 and 2022; if not, why not; if so, (3) whether the NCACC has considered any applications for imports and exports to and from Belarus, which has provided its territory to Russia since its first attacks on Ukraine, actively supported and participated in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and now houses the Russian Wagner private military group; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?



1.1 The NCACC Meetings are scheduled to take place on the last Thursday of each month from February to November in each year. Dates of scheduled NCACC meetings for 2021, 2022 and 2023 are as follows:

1.2 The 2021 meetings though scheduled as per ussual, were held virtually due to the protocols that were under COVID 19 Controls as prescribed under the State of Disaster as proclaimed at the time.

A. 2021






















B. 2022





















C. 2023






















2.1 The NCACC applies the provisions of s15 of the NCACC Act (as amended) to evaluate and approve application(s), presented for such consideration. The NCACC has not considered and approved any applications to export to Russia and/or the Ukraine. Unless there were any such transfers, in contradiction to s15 of the Act, the contradiction of s15 of the Act would have been a conterpoint of consideration. However, given that none were considered, s15 has been applied without fail.

2.2 Importation of equipment from Russia and/or the Ukraine would not have come into contention, since the importation of controlled items seeks not/does not contribute destabilization of the Region. But, contributes to South Africa’s defensive needs.


3.1 The NCACC is provided with intelligence reports on a systematized frequency and this subscribes to the manner of the criteria contained in various estimates. The reports also target the type of equipment for assessment in terms of whether such transfers are in line with both our domestic and international obligations. Key to this assessment is the United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) that include arms embargo.

3.2 At no stage of assessment could the aspect of Belarus and/or the Wagner Group constitute an identified risk to consider at the time. Further, the applications that were destined for such a country would have come under scrutiny, given the applicable criteria of the NCACC Act.

3.3 Thus the question does not arise, other than it being postulate.

Thank you.

08 January 2024 - NW3373

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether his department has its own target for job creation and growth within the communications sector; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The DCDT does not have a target for job creation. However, it subscribes to Government’s overarching programme on job creation and reducing unemployment. In this regard, the ICT sector and digital economy are viewed as key levers. Some of the areas identified in creating jobs include: broadband connectivity; broadcasting digital migration; digital skills; electronic equipment installation and refurbishment such as set-top box installation, fibre rollout, Wi-Fi deployment, cell phone repairs and owner driver delivery etc. 

Thank You.

08 January 2024 - NW3746

Profile picture: Manyi, Mr M

Manyi, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Noting the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks, what measures are being taken to enhance the cybersecurity capabilities of the Republic and protect the personal data and privacy of citizens and businesses?


In 2016, the Department established the national Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), namely the Cybersecurity Hub, as per the National Cybersecurity Policy Framework of 2015. The Cybersecurity Hub acts as the national CSIRT responsible for the private sector and citizens. It delivers various services including, among others, incident coordination, cybersecurity assessment and advisory services, cybersecurity awareness building and collaboration with private sector industry bodies tasked with issues of cybersecurity.

Measures taken to enhance the cybersecurity capabilities and protect the personal data and privacy of citizens and businesses include the following:

1. The Department in collaboration with the Department of Basic Education developed a Cybersecurity Schools Toolkit for Teachers, Parents and Learners which is freely available in digital and printed format. The School’s Toolkit was developed in order to equip teachers (and other caregivers) to educate learners on how to create and adapt to a cyber safety mindset and culture.

2. The Department also has a programme on child online protection which focuses on providing information to children, specifically girls on how to stay safe online and what to study at school to follow careers in the field of cybersecurity.

3. The Department led the development of a Cybersecurity Toolkit for SMMEs in collaboration with the Information Regulator, which is freely available in digital format. Training on the use of the toolkit was launched in November 2021 and included a provincial rollout which is currently underway. The SMME Toolkit provides the tools and knowledge to better guard against cybersecurity risks and drive greater compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2023 and international data protection legislation.

Thank You.

22 December 2023 - NW3999

Profile picture: Tambo, Mr S

Tambo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether the SA Broadcasting Corporation has relinquished its part ownership on videos that were produced during the 1980s in partnership with record companies; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the terms of the termination?


The Rules Committee took a decision on 4 and 23 November 2022, in respect of questions requesting information prior to 1994, that such questions should take into account the possible non-availability of information before the pre-democratic era (see page 10 of attached ATC).

The SABC has indicated that it is proving difficult to track information dating back to the 1980s.

Thank You.

22 December 2023 - NW4115

Profile picture: Loate, Mr T

Loate, Mr T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)Whether the Government and/or his department initiated a programme such as Dubai’s National Programme for Coders to attract coders and programmers from around the world to create the best eco-system in the world to allow coders to develop, grow and thrive; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (2) whether the Government intends to emulate Dubai’s initiative of attracting 100,000 golden visas for coders and establish 1000 digital companies in the next five years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details, (3) what widescale internship opportunities are offered to South Africa’s youth in collaboration with global technical companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, IBM and Facebook?


1. No.

2. No

3. In partnership with Huawei, the DCDT implements a yearly programme called ‘Seeds for the Future.’ The programme targets students from previously disadvantaged universities at third or fourth year level who attend a two-week training programme in China. The programme offers training in various fields such as Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, cloud and Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, as part of the implementation of the Cooperation Contract, the DCDT and Huawei jointly train SMMEs on the SMME Digital Skills Transformation which focuses on skills and capacity building in the areas of cloud computing, digital marketing, Huawei Cloud including cloud services.

Thank You.

22 December 2023 - NW4041

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What is the number of (a) international and (b) domestic trips undertaken by senior officials in each entity reporting to him in the 2022-23 financial year?






































Thank You.

22 December 2023 - NW3145

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

On what date was the last SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) payment technical infrastructure and software updated by the SA Postbank, (b) what (i) year and (ii) model is the payment technical infrastructure and software currently in use for SASSA payments and (c) what is the cost of the payment technical infrastructure and software for the current financial year?


(a)-(b) The South African Postbank SOC Ltd processes and pays SASSA grants using an Integrated Grant Payment System (IGPS) based on FSS Tech 5.1.0 Software and a payment switch, Postillion Switch 5.6 Software. The payment switch was last updated on 28 September 2023, version 2023.V1.5.0.  

(c) The payment technical infrastructure and software, IGPS are licensed until March 2024 for R32.2 million for the duration of the contract.

Thank You.

12 December 2023 - NW3745

Profile picture: Manyi, Mr M

Manyi, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What measures have been put in place to fast-track, expand, and improve digital infrastructure and broadband access across the Republic, particularly in underserved rural areas, to ensure equitable access to information and communication technologies?


South Africa’s broadband policy (SA Connect) was adopted by Cabinet in December 2013 to meet the country’s vision of a seamless network by 2030. This will make broadband universally accessible at a cost and quality that meets the needs of citizens, formal and informal businesses, and the public sector. In September 2021, the Department embarked on a process to consider an alternative approach to ensure rapid broadband roll-out with due regard to fiscal constraints.

In January 2022, Cabinet approved the implementation of the SA Connect Phase 2 revised model. The revised model comprises the following:

  • Community and household connectivity.
  • Government facilities connectivity.
  • Universal Service Obligations to connect public service institutions.


  1. Community and household connectivity - BBI and SENTECH will extend their networks and onboard Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to deploy 32 055 Wi-Fi hotspots to enable 5 573 258 household coverage.
  2. Connectivity to government facilities - SITA will provide and maintain connectivity to 14 342 government facilities across the country as part of its mandate as per the SITA Act.
  3. Universal Service Obligations – Telcos that were assigned licensed spectrum by ICASA during the recent auction have social obligations to connect 33 431 sites made up of 18 520 schools, 5 721 hospitals and clinics, 949 libraries and 8 241 tribal authority sites over 60 months from date of licensing.

Furthermore, the spectrum licensed to mobile operators has coverage obligations to ensure that their networks are expanded to increase population coverage. The Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies finalised and published in a government gazette the Rapid Deployment Policy to support the roll-out of digital infrastructure by putting in place the enabling framework.

Thank You.

12 December 2023 - NW3814

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)Whether his department has any targets for the attainment of full internet connectivity and/or access in the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether his department has recorded any tangible achievements following its commitments made at the 2005 Internet Governance World Summit on the Information Society; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. South Africa’s broadband policy, called SA Connect was adopted by Cabinet in December 2013 to meet the country’s vision of a seamless network by 2030. This will make broadband universally accessible at a cost and quality that meets the needs of citizens, formal and informal businesses, and the public sector. In September 2021, the Department embarked on a process to consider an alternative approach to ensure rapid broadband roll-out with due regard to fiscal constraints.

In January 2022, Cabinet approved the implementation of SA Connect Phase 2 revised model. The revised model comprises the following:

  • Community and household connectivity.
  • Government facilities connectivity.
  • Universal Service Obligations to connect public service institutions.


a) Community and household connectivity - BBI and SENTECH will extend their networks and onboard Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to deploy 32 055 Wi-Fi hotspots to enable 5 573 258 household coverage.

b) Connectivity to government facilities - SITA will provide and maintain connectivity to 14 342 government facilities across the country as part of its mandate as per the SITA Act.

c) Universal Service Obligations – Telcos that were assigned licensed spectrum by ICASA during the recent auction have social obligations to connect 33 431 sites made up of 18 520 schools, 5 721 hospitals and clinics, 949 libraries and 8 241 tribal authority sites over a period of 60 months from date of licensing.

2. Internet Governance Forum is a United Nations process that provides an open, multi-stakeholder and inclusive platform for dialogue and best practice sharing on public policy issues inherent to the governance, regulation and development of the Internet.

The global Internet Governance forum (IGF) has been in existence since 2006. The establishment of the IGF was one of the outcomes of the World Summit for the Information Society. The IGF's objective was to serve as a multi-stakeholder forum for engagement on Internet policy matters. It has no decision-making powers but serves as a platform for sharing ideas.

Pursuant to the WSIS outcomes on Internet Governance and in consultation with other stakeholders (public, private, civil society, academia, technical community etc) the National Internet Governance Forum (ZAIGF) had its inaugural meeting in 2011. Since then, the Department and ZADNA in collaboration with multi-stakeholders has convened 8 IGFs in various parts of the country. The outcomes of the ZAIGF inform the development of South Africa’s positions on the various public policy internet issues. These positions are advocated at various international platforms such as Southern African IGF, African IGF and Global IGF respectively.

Thank You.

12 December 2023 - NW3503

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What are the relevant details of the (a) budget allocated for, (b) actual expenditure and (c) developments regarding the building of a national broadband network to connect government departments, hospitals and schools?


In January 2022, Cabinet approved the implementation of SA Connect Phase 2 revised model. The revised model comprises:

  • Community and household connectivity.
  • Connectivity to government facilities.
  • Universal Service Obligations to connect amongst others: schools and health facilities.

Broadband Infraco (BBI) and SENTECH will extend their networks and onboard Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to deploy Wi-Fi hotspots and enable household coverage. SITA will provide and maintain connectivity to government sites through the current process of tasking. The telcos, under the ICASA High Demand Spectrum social obligations, will connect schools, hospitals, clinics, libraries and tribal authority sites.

a) Allocated Budget

  • (i) An amount of R3 billion was allocated over 2 financial years (2023/2024 – R1.1 billion and 2024/2025 – R1.9 billion). In light of the cost containment measures, the National Treasury has imposed a 15% budget cut on the year 1 budget allocation, reducing the year 1 budget from R1.1bn to R935 million effectively reducing the overall budget from R3bn to R2 835bn. This budget is split amongst the entities as follows:
    • Broadband Infraco has been allocated R1.36 billion to build and operate the core telecommunications network infrastructure for the SA Connect programme.
    • Sentech has been allocated R566 million to build the access network.
    • SITA has been allocated R576 million to provide network equipment and Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) for government facilities.
    • The balance of the funds is allocated to pay BBI and SITA for the maintenance of Phase 1 connectivity to schools, health facilities and government offices.
  • (ii) The budget to connect schools and health facilities through the universal service obligations will be allocated by Telcos, that received the spectrum through the auction.

b) Expenditure

  1. An amount of R359-million has been spent on the maintenance of Phase 1 connectivity to government, schools and health facilities by BBI and SITA.
  2. The department has disbursed R167.4-million to the core network implementing agent (BBI) thus far. BBI has commenced the procurement process to enable implementation and has committed R163-million for aggregation IP equipment, core IP equipment, IP equipment installation, core network management services, resource costs, and the balance remaining in the bank (to be utilised by end of November) is R3.4 million.
  3. The department has disbursed R172.5-million to the access network implementing agent (Sentech) thus far. Sentech has commenced the procurement process required to commence with the implementation and has committed R163-million for the proof of concept, access infrastructure, edge infrastructure, billing engine, very small aperture terminal (VSAT) services and the balance remaining (to be utilised by end of December) is R9.5-million.
  4. SITA is finalising the implementation plan and engaging the respective national and provincial government departments regarding their requirements to upgrade their services and associated customer premises equipment. The approved implementation plan will enable the department to disburse funds to SITA. SITA has not spent the allocated funds.

c) Developments regarding the building of a national broadband network to connect government departments, hospitals and schools:

  1. BBI has completed the design to extend and upgrade the existing network by almost 1144 km of fibre routes and 20 Points of Presence to aggregate SA Connect data traffic for the planned 32 055 Community Wi-Fi hotspots and household coverage over the next 36 months.
  2. Sentech has completed the design for the access network consisting of 840 base stations and 1600 VSATs to be used in challenging or mountainous terrain.
  3. SITA has commenced the upgrade of the core network and procurement of CPEs to accommodate the increased requirements for upgraded government facilities. To date over 5000 government facilities have been upgraded in Eastern Cape, North West, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, and Western Cape provinces. Further upgrades of the network will be implemented pursuant to the finalisation of the implementation plan.

Thank You.

11 December 2023 - NW3065

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)What (a) number of the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) beneficiaries were adversely affected by the payment glitch in the period 5 to 8 September 2023 in each (i) province and (ii) grant category, (b) what were the root causes of the payment glitch and (c) what measures has the Postbank put in place to ensure that payment glitches do not occur again; (2) whether the payment glitch was due to a lack of funds within the SASSA account; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether any fraudulent activity was detected during the specified period; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what training is provided to retailer staff to better equip them to respond to SASSA beneficiaries; (5) whether the Postbank has access to bulk SMS to communicate with beneficiaries when payment glitches arise; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


(1)(a) Only 10% of 5.3 million beneficiaries that are paid by Postbank were impacted.

(i) The glitch impacted beneficiaries across all provinces nationally (10% of 5.3 million beneficiaries that are paid via Postbank).

(ii) The glitch impacted elderly beneficiaries that were supposed to receive their grant payments during that period.

(1)(b) The IT challenges were due to post migration issues relating to different factors. These include time cuts due to communication capacity between different systems. The issue was resolved on the same day (5 September 2023) at 4 pm and since then the system has been stable.

(1)(c) The Postbank has implemented the following measures in relation to the October 2023 social grants payments preparations:-

  • Enhanced monitoring mechanisms to track the payment process in real-time.
  • Strengthened its technical infrastructure to handle higher transaction volumes, ensuring swift and uninterrupted disbursements.
  • Engaged specialists for a comprehensive review of the system and to continuously rectify any vulnerabilities.

The new payments system was tested in accordance with acceptable industry system testing protocols including Component Integration Testing (CIT), System Integration Testing (SIT) and Industry Testing prior to the system going live.

2. No. The IT challenges did not affect the depositing of funds to any beneficiaries’ accounts but rather impacted the withdrawal ability of funds for some beneficiaries.

3. No fraudulent activity has been identified and/or reported to date.

4. As part of the retailer onboarding process, retailers received training and training manuals regarding the withdrawal process. Additionally, they provide ongoing training to their employees through their training centres countrywide on customer care, query escalation and withdrawals using merchant points of sale.

5. The Postbank has the capability to provide bulk SMS which will be utilised to provide beneficiaries with information in the event the Postbank has payment challenges. However, the Postbank was unable to utilise it at the time as it did not have updated cell phone details of most social grant recipients.

Thank you.

11 December 2023 - NW3934

Profile picture: Bagraim, Mr M

Bagraim, Mr M to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether (a) he, (b) the Deputy Minister and (c) any other official in his department attended the Rugby World Cup final in France in October 2023; if not; what is the position in this regard; if so, what (i) are the relevant details of each person in his department who attended the Rugby World Cup, (ii) is the total number of such persons and (iii) were the total costs of (aa) travel, (bb) accommodation and (cc) any other related costs that were incurred by his department as a result of the trip(s)?


a) No

b) No

c) No

Thank You.

11 December 2023 - NW3729

Profile picture: Mkhonto, Ms C N

Mkhonto, Ms C N to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Considering that several poor and unemployed women in the rural areas have been contributing towards group funeral schemes with the SA Post Office (SAPO), and noting that in the past three weeks their funeral claims could not be paid, with SAPO claiming that it has run out of funds, (a) what is the exact reason behind the nonpayment of the SAPO funeral claims, (b) what total number of (i) claims has SAPO received from 1 October 2023 to date and (ii) the specified claims were not paid, (c) what is the total monetary value of the claims, (d) which provinces are most affected, (e) by what date is it envisaged that the claims will be honoured and (f) how does SAPO intend to ensure that all the investors do not lose their funeral benefits?


(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) The SAPO does not have a product on funeral schemes. It only collects monthly premiums for Assupol, Lifewise etc. and no claims for these clients are processed via SAPO. The only claims for funeral cover that are claimed through the Post Office are for the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) which is funded by them, and there is no backlog with these (GEPF) claims.

Thank You.

11 December 2023 - NW3489

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Considering the Auditor General’s Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report referring to the Postbank’s Information Technology vulnerabilities and the instruction by the SA Reserve Bank in 2021 to resolve its IT issues, why do these concerns continue to exist?


The Postbank which was previously a division of SAPO used SAPO’s outdated and ageing IT infrastructure which was not fit for banking purposes. As a result, the bank embarked on an IT infrastructure modernisation project which intended to address its legacy IT issues including those identified by the SA Reserve Bank. Progress has been made in this regard and the project is 70% complete.

In September 2023, in addressing the SA Reserve variation notice conditions and as part of its IT infrastructure modernisation, the Postbank migrated from an old financial switch to a new financial switch, which resulted in some issues which impacted the payment of SASSA grants.

The issues were identified, resolved and the payment processing system has since been stabilised resulting in 4.8 million beneficiaries being paid in September 2023. After this stabilisation phase, there have been no issues with the processing of payments.

Thank You.

11 December 2023 - NW3488

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Noting that the Auditor General’s Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report cited lack of effective monitoring and evaluation in the SA Post Office’s annual performance and with SAPO set to receive a R3.8 billion bailout, what actions will he take to ensure that taxpayer funds are effectively managed?


The Business Rescue Practitioners are in the process of finalising the SAPO business rescue plan, which will be submitted for approval by the creditors, by the end of November 2023.

The matters raised herein form part of what will be entailed within the plan. The BRPs request an opportunity to conclude their plan – and will respond to the questions thereafter.

Thank You.

11 December 2023 - NW3367

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

How will the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Bill of 2023 resolve the Public Broadcaster’s financial shortfalls, considering that the (a) Bill retains the SABC’s 1999 funding model, (b) Bill’s Commercial Board is not tasked with a new funding model and (c) Bill tasks the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies and the Minister of Finance with a new funding model, but not the Board of Directors?


a) The SABC Bill aims to address the challenges faced by the SABC and ensure its sustainability in an evolving media landscape. One key aspect of the Bill is to provide the SABC with greater flexibility in TV content procurement that will enable it to compete more effectively and offer a wider range of entertainment options. Through the Commercial subsidiary with exclusive commercial license conditions, the SABC will be unencumbered from the rigid provisions of the PFMA. The Bill allows the organisation to explore new avenues for content acquisition and delivery. The establishment of the Commercial subsidiary will also provide an opportunity for the SABC to keep and attract talented Executives and employees who possess the best skillsets and business acumen required to run the commercial operations of the SABC.

The SABC Bill will enable the corporation to negotiate and secure high-quality content from local and international sources thereby accessing a broader range of programmes, including popular shows, documentaries, films, and sporting events. In offering a more diverse and appealing content lineup, the SABC can attract a wider viewership and cater to the varied interests of its audience.

Additionally, the Bill provides the SABC with an option to create new channels and digital platforms, thereby expanding its offerings and attracting even more viewers. By offering a wider selection of channels, the SABC can better compete with other broadcasters and streaming platforms, ultimately enhancing its competitiveness in the industry. This will drive long-term profitability which is a key component of financial sustainability of the public broadcaster.

b) The SABC Bill intends to resolve the public broadcaster’s financial shortfalls by introducing a new Commercial Board that will oversee the SABC’s commercial activities and operations. It will play a major role in the corporation’s overall commercial success at a time when the SABC requires significant and sustained commercial growth and income. An opportunity will also allow for the SABC Board to provide input and make recommendations in regard to the new funding model.

c) The funding for public media services - including first world and developing countries - remains the responsibility of Governments and, in South Africa’s case, is the responsibility Cabinet and Parliament when integrated into any legislative framework as it involves public funds. However, the SABC Board has the right to make recommendations on the kind of funding model adopted by the Executive or legislature.

Thank You.

11 December 2023 - NW3338

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)(a) Which branches of the SA Post Office (SAPO) are closed on a temporary basis in the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality, (b) what are the reasons that the specified post offices are closed and (c) on what date will they re-open; (2)(a) Which branches of the SAPO are permanently closed in the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality and (b) what number of employees (i) have had their jobs terminated in the specified municipality and (ii) are still employed, but not working? NW4458E



(a) Temporary Closed

(b) Reasons for closure

(c) Date it will be re-opened

Graaf Reinet Post Office

Non payment of rent from July 2023. The office was locked by the landlord.

Submission for urgent payment in process for consideration by the Business Resue Practitioners (BRPs)

Willmore Post Office

Non payment of rent. The office was locked on 21 July 2023 by the landlord.

Submission for urgent payment in process for consideration by the BRPs.

Jansenville Post Office

Non payment of rent. The office was locked on 23 October 2023 by the landlord.

Submission for urgent payment in process for consideration by the BRPs.

(2)(a) No branches are permanently closed in the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality.

(2)(b)(i)(ii) No employees have been retrenched to date and where branches have been closed, these employees have been transferred to other branches.

Thank You.

15 November 2023 - NW2599

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What are the details of the steps that his department has taken to ensure that more black youth makes a breakthrough into the technology industry?


There are a number of initiatives that the DCDT, working with its State-Owned Companies and the private sector, are rolling out to ensure more black youth enter the technology industry.

The following projects are being implemented to aggressively provide opportunities for Black youth in the ICT subsectors:

  1. The SA Connect programme, whose primary aim is to expand digital infrastructure through broadband network deployment, intends to empower SMMEs and create jobs;
  2. To support the digital economy and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, the DCDT aims to train 90 000 beneficiaries on cellphone repairs, software development, cloud technologies, Web/App development and podcasting, amongst others. These areas are prioritised as they have the potential to increase the employability of young people and empower them to create cooperatives so as to provide services in their local areas;
  3. The Youth Internet Service Provider Project has a long-term goal of having more young people and youth-owned SMMEs being fully-fledged Internet Service Providers. Young people are trained as domain name resellers and, later, are upgraded to become domain name registrars. The project trains 50 young people per province;
  4. The department is involved in the Digitization of Youth Enterprises, which is a pilot project with 30 enterprises, focusing on the impact and requirements for digitization by youth enterprises to fully participate in e-commerce. It also seeks to maximize their digital online presence;
  5. A pilot project to create The Digital Media and Film Indaba is presently being finalised by the DCDT. It has targeted over 300 young people from rural areas. Umsinga was identified as one of the areas that has seen several popular short films and telenovelas (e.g., Isibaya) being shot in different sites;
  6. The DCDT has, through NEMISA, integrated Digital Entrepreneurship training in some of its programmes to enable young people to start their own businesses. In the Creative/Audio Visual Industry, the following programmes are being implemented in the current financial year:
  1. 2D Animation Bootcamp: Digital Literacy, and Design Foundation (SABC Campus: Gauteng)
  2. Graphic Design Bootcamp: Digital Literacy, and Design Foundation (SABC Campus: Gauteng)
  3. Interactive Media Bootcamp: Digital Literacy, and Design Foundation (SABC Campus: Gauteng)
  4. Drawing Workshop Eastern Cape: Non-accredited workshop (Cortex Hub: Eastern Cape)
  5. Radio Project: Radio Production (SABC Campus: Gauteng)
  6. Film Project: Film and Television Production (SABC Campus: Gauteng)
  7. Radio Project: Radio Production (Mpumalanga: Nelspruit)
  8. Radio Project: Radio Production (NWU Free State & Northern Cape)
  1. And, finally, the DCDT, in collaboration with SITA, developed a South African digital marketplace portal referred to as DigiTech. The purpose of the DigiTech Programme is to collate data about digital products developed locally with the aim of supporting the products’ technology enablement, promoting, and expanding their market reach. The DCDT is forging partnerships with global and local ICT companies who have existing sponsorship and mentorship programmes to support DigiTech SMMEs. The industry companies will also support the DigiTech SMMEs with technical vetting and categorisation of their digital products and SMME Development Support (access to funding, markets and skills development).

Thank You.

27 October 2023 - NW2623

Profile picture: Siwisa, Ms AM

Siwisa, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2263 on 30 June 2023, he will furnish Ms A M Siwisa with the list of (a) schools mentioned and (b) the municipality in which each school is situated; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


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27 October 2023 - NW3363

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether his department incurred any costs in relation to the hosting of the (a) BRICS Summit from 22 to 24 August 2023 and (b) BRICS Parliamentary Forum from 27 to 28 September 2023; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what was the total cost incurred by his department?


(a) No

(b) No.

The Department did not incur any costs from the country hosting the 15th BRICS Heads of State and Government Summit or the BRICS Parliamentary Summit.

Thank You.

29 September 2023 - NW2668

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

1. Whether the SA Post Office has identified the non-core properties that will be sold as part of its realignment project, if not, what is the position in this regards, if so, 2. Whether he will furnish Ms T Bodlani with a list of the properties that have already been identified; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; 3. What is the expected revenue from the sale exercise?


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29 September 2023 - NW3021

Profile picture: Mazzone, Ms NW

Mazzone, Ms NW to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

Whether he has met with the Minister of Social Development to discuss where and how the SA Social Security Agency payments will be made when the liquidation of the Post Office is finalised in October; if not, why not; if so, what are the details of the plan that has been put in place to provide payment services in the interim in places where Post Offices have already been forced to shut their doors?


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29 September 2023 - NW2667

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) What is the budgeted amount needed to improve mail and parcel revenue which will need a fleet of 453 vehicles to be sourced, (b) what budget is available to the SA Post Office (SAPO) in each financial year to reduce the vehicle backlog requirements, (c) how will the sourcing of vehicles affect the finances of SAPO and (d) where will SAPO received the budget to fund the specified vehicles?


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