NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings

National Council of Provinces Committee

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In contrast to other committees of Parliament, the Select Committee on Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings does not have specific department or entities falling within its portfolio and instead deals with Government Departments or entities to the extent that it has referred the subject matter of a petition or executive undertaking to a particular department or entity. Moreover, because the petitions and executive undertakings referred to the Committee cover a range or spectrum of issues, the Committee constantly finds itself dealing with a continuum of sectors, departments, institutions and entities.

At present, the Committee has two mandates or function, namely considering the petitions referred to it and scrutinising the implementation of executive undertakings referred to it.


Section 69 (d) of the Constitution provides that the National Council of Provinces (“NCOP”) may receive petitions, representations or submissions. The Rules of the NCOP stipulates that one of the general powers of all Committees of the NCOP is to receive petitions, representations or submissions from interested persons on institutions. The receipt of petitions in the NCOP in this sense, is further strengthened by the establishment of the Committee which is expressly or specifically mandated to consider the petitions referred to it. To be precise, NCOP Rules provide for the establishment the Committee and further stipulate that the core mandate of the Committee is to consider all petitions referred to the NCOP.

The mandate or function of the Committee, in this regard, is also reinforced by the following extensive powers and responsibilities:

  • To refer the subject matter of a petition referred to it to the Executive or particular department or another administrative agency for further attention;
  • To recommend to the NCOP any course of action it deems fit and proper; and
  • To keep the petitioner informed of the decision or other course of action with regard to the petition and the reason thereof.

In summary, the Committee enables Parliament (via the NCOP) to constructively deal with petitions and further enhances Parliament’s role in the petitioning process. Put differently, the mandate or function of the Committee is to ensure that appropriate action is taken in respect of each petition accepted by Parliament and to take responsibility for ensuring the resolution of each petition that it accepts.

 Executive Undertakings

During the configuration of the NCOP Committees for the Fifth Parliament, the Committee was accorded the additional mandate of scrutinising and overseeing the implementation of executive undertakings made on the floor of the House, from time to time, by members of the Executive. Despite being accorded the additional mandate of scrutinising and overseeing the implementation of executive undertakings, the rules or guidelines enabling the Committee to fulfil this mandate have yet to be developed by Parliament and this has hampered (and continues to hamper) the ability of the Committee to fulfil this particular mandate. Notwithstanding the absence of such rules or guidelines, the Committee resolved, at the beginning of the Fifth Parliament, to be proactive around the development of rules or guidelines in relation to the mandate and accordingly developed and adopted a set of executive undertakings guidelines on 28 October 2015.


The functions of Select Committees
The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) appoints a number of Select Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments and to deal with Bills.

Because only 54 of the 90 NCOP Members are permanent delegates compared to the 400 of the NA, the Select Committees oversee the work of more than one national government department. Portfolio committees mirror portfolios in government whilst select committees mirror the clusters in government.

Select committees, and their subcommittees, meet whenever necessary and as determined in accordance with the Rules of the NCOP and the decisions and directives of the House Chairperson of Committees.

The select committees must report to the Council on matters referred to the committee on all decisions taken by it expect those concerning internal business.

Learn more about the work of this Committee: Legacy Reports

Working in Committees allows Parliament to:

-Increase the amount of work that can be done

-Ensure that issues can be debated in more detail than in plenary sessions

-Increase the level of participation of Members of Parliament (MPs) in discussions

-Enable MPs to develop expertise and in-depth knowledge of the specific Committee's area of work

-Provide a platform for the public to present views directly to MPs, something which is not possible in a plenary sitting of Parliament

-Provide an environment for Parliament to hear evidence and collect information related to the work of a specific Committee


Rule 121 of the NCOP Rules (10th Edition) states that 

- For the purposes of performing their functions Select Committees may, subject to the Constitution, legislation, these Rules and resolutions of the Council – 

(a) summons any person to appear before it to give evidence on oath or affirmation, or to produce documents; 

(b) receive petitions, representations or submissions from interested persons or institutions; 

(c) conduct public hearings; 

(d)  determine their own procedure; 

(e)  exercise any other powers assigned to them by the Constitution, legislation, NCOP Rules or resolutions of the Council. 

Committee Membership

Provinces are entitled to be equally represented in committees except where these Rules provide otherwise or in the case of matters to which section 75 of the Constitution applies. When committee members are appointed, the need for women to be fairly represented on committees must be taken into account.  If women are not fairly represented on Council committees, the Chairperson and the delegation heads must consider methods of achieving fair representation.

Read more:  Committees in the Seventh Parliament: Critical Forums for Oversight

 Select Committees in practice

With the agreement of members, the Committee staff sets the dates and times of committee meetings. The frequency of committee meetings is determined by a committee’s work programme but it is normal for a committee to meet weekly. From time to time, committees can meet more than once a week if they work programme so demands.

Section 72(1)(b) of the Constitution requires that the National Council of Provinces and it’s committees conduct their business in an open manner. Section 79(2) states that the National Assembly may not exclude the public or the media unless it is ‘reasonable and justifiable to do so in an open and democratic society’. NCOP Rule 127 further states that:

Meetings of committees and subcommittees are open to the public, including the media, and the member presiding may not exclude the public, including the media, from the meeting, except when –

(a)        legislation, these Rules or resolutions of the Council provide for the committee or subcommittee to meet in closed session; or

(b)        the committee or subcommittee is considering a matter which is –

(i)         of a private nature that is prejudicial to a particular person;

(ii)         protected under parliamentary privilege, or for any other reason privileged in terms of the law;

(iii)        confidential in terms of legislation; or

(iv)        of such a nature that its confidential treatment is for any other reason reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society.

Who attends Committee Meetings?

  • MPs (those assigned to the committee and if they so wish, any other MP)
  • Committee Staff: Committee Secretary, Committee Assistant, Researcher, Content Advisor
  • Departments, entities, organizations, individuals and experts who are invited by the Committee to speak and be questioned
  • Parliamentary Legal Advisor (from time to time)
  • Media
  • General Public



Portfolio Committees
The National Assembly (NA) appoints from among its members a number of Portfolio Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments.

Select Committees
The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) appoints from its permanent members a number of Select Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments and to deal with Bills.

Because only 54 of the 90 NCOP Members are permanent delegates compared to the 400 of the NA, the Select Committees oversee the work of more than one national government department.

Public Accounts Committees
The National Assembly Standing Committee on Public Accounts acts as Parliament's watchdog over the way taxpayers' money is spent by the Executive. Every year the Auditor-General tables reports on the accounts and financial management of the various government departments and State institutions.

Heads of government departments and institutions are regularly called by this committee to report and account for expenditure. The Committee can recommend that the National Assembly takes corrective actions if necessary.

Internal Committees
The National Assembly has a number of internal committees that deal with matters affecting the running of Parliament. The Committees normally consist of senior Members of Parliament. The Rules Committee and its sub-committees deal with House rules. There are structures to deal with support for Members, internal arrangements, disciplinary matters and powers and privileges of members. Other internal Committees are the Programme Committee that plans the work of the Assembly, the Disciplinary Committee, and the Committee of Chairpersons.

The National Council of Provinces also has its own domestic Committees. The Rules Committee and its subcommittees deal with the NCOP rules. There are structures to deal with support for Members, internal arrangements, disciplinary matters and powers and privileges of members. The Programme Committee plans the work of the NCOP and the Committee of Chairpersons make recommendations about the functioning of Committees and other NCOP forums.

Ad hoc Committees
Parliament or one of its Houses may appoint an ad hoc (temporary) Committee when a special task must be done. When the task is complete, the Committee is dissolved.

Joint Committees
The National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces together appoint several joint committees. There are currently six Joint Committees:

Committees play a very important role in the process of building democracy and involving the public in the processes and activities of Parliament.

No results.

13 Sep 2024 Matters emanating from the 6th Parliament; Induction on Referrals of executive undertakings and public petitions; Engagement with Provincial Legislature petitions Committees
11 Jul 2024 Election of Chairperson
24 Apr 2024 Committee Legacy Report
17 Oct 2022 ATC221017: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of Brauteseth Petition, held on 04 August 2022, as adopted on 13 October 2022
17 Oct 2022 ATC221017: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and Enviromental During the House Sitting of 09 March 2021, as adopted on 13 October 2022
17 Oct 2022 ATC221017: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of the Flag Boshielo Petition, held on 09 June 2022. and an Inspection in Loco to the Community of Flag Boshielo West Area in the Sekhukhune District Municipality, Limpopo Province, on 26 August 2022, as adopted on 13 October 2022
30 Jun 2022 ATCC220630: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of the People against Race Classification Petition held on 24 February 2022, as adopted on 24 June 2022
30 Jun 2022 ATCC220630: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Health During the House Sitting of 11 March 2021, as adopted on 24 June 2022
30 Jun 2022 ATCC220630: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Social Development during the House Sitting of 27 October 2020, As Adopted On 24 June 2022
30 Jun 2022 ATCC220630: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Transport during the House Sitting of 27 October 2020, As Adopted on 24 June 2022
30 Jun 2022 ATCC220630: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the GBVF-Collective Petition Held on 02 December 2021, as adopted on 24 June 2022
22 Nov 2021 ATC211122: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Social Development During the House Sitting of 22 July 2020, Adopted on 11 November 2021
24 May 2021 ATC210524: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings Made by the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure During the House Sitting Of 16 July 2020, Adopted On 19 May 2021
24 May 2021 ATC210524: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy During the House Sitting of 10 October 2019, Adopted On 19 May 2021
25 Feb 2021 ATC210225: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Kat-Kop Petition Held on 14 October 2020, as adopted on 24 February 2021
25 Feb 2021 ATC210225: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs During the House Sitting of 16 July 2020, adopted on 24 February 2021
18 Nov 2020 ATC201118: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on Lesawell Petition Hearings Held on 23 September 2020 and 30 September 2020, as adopted on 18 November 2020
22 Oct 2020 ATC201022: Report of The Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the EOH Petition Held on 16 September 2020, as Adopted on 14 October 2020
22 Oct 2020 ATC201022: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Higher Education and Training During the House Sitting of 29 May 2018, As Adopted On 14 October 2020
14 Oct 2020 ATC201014: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Employment and Labour during the House Sitting of 11 July 2019, as Adopted on 14 October 2020
14 Oct 2020 ATC201014: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Deputy Minister Of Employment and Labour During the House Sitting of 28 July 2020, as Adopted on 14 October 2020
30 Sep 2020 ATC200930: Report of The Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on Abathembu Petition Hearings held in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Province, on 23 October 2019 and Parliament, 21 November 2019, as Adopted on 23 September 2020
04 Sep 2020 ATC200904: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Matlala Petition Held on 19 February 2020, as Adopted on 02 September 2020
01 Sep 2020 ATC200901: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development during the House Sitting Of 13 June 2017, as Adopted on 27 August 2020
01 Sep 2020 ATC200901: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Basic Education During the House Sitting of 14 June 2018, As Adopted on 27 August 2020
14 Nov 2019 ATC191114: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Transport during the House Sitting of 20 June 2017, dated 14 November 2019
14 Oct 2019 ATC191014: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Ndlovu Petition, Held on 17 July 2019 at Parliament and a Inspection In Loco to Thokoza Hostel and Palm Ridge, in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality on 23 August 2019, dated 09 October 2019
14 Oct 2019 ATC191014: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Social Development during the House Sitting of 7 June 2017, dated 9 October 2019
14 Oct 2019 ATC191014: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Human Settlements during The House Sitting of 6 June 2017, dated 9 October 2019
27 Mar 2019 ATC190327: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearings of the Sigogo Petition, held on 08 November 2018, 28 February 2019 and 20 March 2019, at Parliament, as adopted on 27 March 2019
27 Mar 2019 ATC190327: Report of the Select Committee on Appropriations on the Public Audit Excess Fee Bill [B7-2019] (National Assembly – Section 77), dated 27 March 2019
27 Mar 2019 ATC190327: Report of the Select Committee on Appropriations on the Division of Revenue Bill [B5-2019], dated 27 March 2019
27 Mar 2019 ATC190327: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearings of the Sigogo Petition, held on 08 November 2018, 28 February 2019 and 20 March 2019, at Parliament, as adopted on 27 March 2019
20 Mar 2019 ATC190320: Draft Legacy Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the activities it Undertook during the 5th Parliament (May 2014 – March 2019)
13 Feb 2019 ATC190213: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Elder Care Leave Petition held on 10 October 2018, at Parliament, as adopted on 13 February 2019
13 Feb 2019 ATC190213: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Cakwebe Petition held on 3 August 2018, at Premier Hotel Regent, East London, as Adopted On 13 February 2019
15 Aug 2018 ATC180815: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Mineral Resources During The House Sitting of 27 October 2015, dated 15 August 2018
15 Aug 2018 ATC180815: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Environmental Affairs during the House Sitting of 27 October 2015, dated 15 August 2018
13 Jun 2018 ATC180613: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Lunga Kona Petition Held at the Garden Court Hotel, Mthatha, Eastern Cape on 10 September 2015 and at Parliament on 3 May 2017, as adopted on 13 June 2018
13 Jun 2018 ATC180613: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions And Executive Undertakings on the hearing of the Transkei Road Transport Corporation Petition held, on 18 April 2018, at Parliament, as adopted on 13 June 2018
30 May 2018 ATC180530: Final Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of the Embrace Dignity Petition, as adopted on 30 May 2018
30 May 2018 ATC180530: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Higher Education and Training during the house Sitting of 9 June 2015, as adopted on 30 May 2018
30 May 2018 ATC180530: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Higher Education and Training During the House Sitting of 9 June 2015, as adopted on 30 May 2018
30 May 2018 ATC180530: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development during the House Sitting of 4 June 2015, as adopted on 30 May 2018
02 May 2018 ATC180502: Final Report of the Select Committee On Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Embrace Dignity Petition dated 2 May 2018
06 Oct 2017 ATC171006: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings, on the Study Tour Undertaken to Sweden, Stockholm, from 2 to 6 October 2017
06 Oct 2017 ATC171006: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings, on the Study Tour Undertaken to Sweden, Stockholm, from 2 to 6 October 2017
08 Jun 2017 ATC170608: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Africa Skills College Petition, Dated 08 June 2017
24 May 2017 ATC170524: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearings of the Love Knysna Petition, held on 10 February 2016, 16 March 2016 and 24 May 2017, at Parliament
24 May 2016 ATC170524: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearings of the Fuzane Petition, held on 6 May 2015, 13 May 2015 and 3 June 2015, at Parliament
18 May 2016 ATC160518: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders Petition held at Parliament, on 18 May 2016
18 May 2016 ATC160518: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders Petition held at Parliament, on 18 May 2016
03 May 2016 ATC160503: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on Draft Guidelines on Executive Undertakings, dated 28 October 2015
03 May 2016 ATC160503: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on Draft Guidelines on Petitions dated, 5 August 2015
13 Apr 2016 ATC160413: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of the Love Knysna Petition, held at Parliament, on 10 February 2016 and 16 March 2016
13 Apr 2016 ATC160413: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of the Oudtshoorn Ratepayers Association Petition, held at Parliament, on 27 January 2016 and 16 March 2016
25 Feb 2016 ATC160225: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Coida Petition, held on 6 May 2015 At Parliament
25 Feb 2016 ATC160225: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Maluti-A-Phofung Petition, held on 26 and 27 May 2015 at Parliament and the Inspection in Loco Conducted on 5 August 2015, at Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality
16 Oct 2015 ATC151016: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of the Mayibuye - Transnet Petition, held on 26 November 2014 at Parliament, dated 14 October 2015
16 Oct 2015 ATC151016: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Paternity Leave Petition, held 26 November 2014 at Parliament, dated 14 October 2015
16 Oct 2015 ATC151016: Report of Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Andrew Sehume Petition, held on 5 November 2014 at Parliament, dated 14 October 2015
16 Oct 2015 ATC151016: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the Paul Mkhize Petition, Held On 5 November 2014 at Parliament, dated 14 October 2015
02 Sep 2014 ATC140902: Report of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the Hearing of the GA – Sekhaolelo Community Petition Hearing, held at the Park Hotel, Mokopane, Limpopo, on 2 September 2014

There are no calls for comments at this time.

There are no questions at this time.

There are no bills related to this committee.

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Secretary to Committee

Nkanyiso Mkhize

Tel: 021 403 8086

Cell: 061 438 7303

E-mail: [email protected]

Chairperson’s Secretary

Nasreen Fakier

Tel: 021 403 8736

Cell: 083 709 8405

Email: [email protected]



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