Committee Programme

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Meeting Summary

The Select Committee considered the Second Term Committee Programme and adopted it.

Meeting report

The Chairperson said the Committee was supposed to get briefings from two executives who have apologized profusely for their absence due to commitments in Pretoria, which they could not cancel. The Committee Secretary will set new dates for the two executives to present to the Committee.

The Chairperson read apologies of the following Committee Members:
Mr E Mthethwa (KwaZulu-Natal, ANC) is attending a conference in Pretoria.
Ms M Mmola (Mpumalanga, ANC) is on study leave.
Mr T Dodovu (North West, ANC) is out of the country in China.

Second Term Committee Programme
The Chairperson requested that Members make additions to and recommendations for the programme.

Mr B Gxoyiya (Northern Cape, ANC) proposed that their normal meetings should form part of the programme so that they know prior when they will be meeting. Secondly, the two presentations they were supposed to get today should also be included in the programme and the new date given.

Ms Shaikh said it is generally understood that the Committee meets every Wednesday, and therefore it might not be necessary to reflect the meetings on the programme. She proposed that they adopt the programme as it is.

The Chairperson said she is taking the inputs in a good spirit. One does not want surprises about the programme and it is correct that every Wednesday this Committee must meet. The two executives will present to the Committee on one of those Wednesdays next term. The only surprise is she had requested Members about the Friday meeting where they will be having an induction for Members, and the availability of Members will be checked before that induction.

Mr Gxoyiya said the reason he wanted their meetings to form part of the programme is that it should be remembered that this programme is not only for the Committee but it is also for people who are not members of the Committee. It becomes public information so that everyone knows that the Committee meets every Wednesday.

Mr Gxoyiya said the Committee must flex its muscle and not leave the new date up to the two executives who. The Committee must write and invite them to present on a particular date because they have turned down the invitation on two occasions.

The Chairperson agreed to this.

The Committee adopted the programme.

The Committee adopted the minutes of the 10 July 2019 meeting.

The Chairperson thanked Members for their inputs and availability and adjourned the meeting.


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