
35888 matches
  • 22 Apr 2010

    Appropriation Bill: Vote No 18 – Social Development


    ... a caring society. According to the Children's Act, Act 38 of 2005, as amended, which is being fully implemented ... commenced with the implementation of the Child Justice Act, Act 75 of 2008, which will result in better management ...

  • 25 Jun 2009

    Appropriation Bill : Debate on Vote No 4 – Home Affairs


    ... Public Finance Management Act, Treasury regulations and the Public Service Act. An important element of ... terms of the provisions of the Public Service Act, Act 30 of 2007, section 7A, we can make bold to say ...

  • 21 Jul 2014

    EPC: Debate on Vote No 29 – Energy


    ... effects of Natives Land Act, Act 27 of 1913, and the Native Trust and Land Act, Act 18 of 1936. That social ... we would also argue that the Division of Revenue Act, Dora, funds must incentivise achieving certain national ...

  • 23 Oct 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Seeds and Remedies Act 36 of 1947, which regulates the import, export, acquisition ... apartheid era. It is for this reason that the Upgrading Act was enacted to give black people secure rights in ...

  • 10 Mar 2015

    NA: Consideration of Fiscal Framework and Revenue Proposals and of Report of SC on Finance thereon


    ... Finance Management Act and our Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, which require that ... AS PROVIDED FOR IN CONSTITUTION 13th AMENDMENT ACT, ACT 23 OF 2007, INCLUDING MATTERS RELATING TO MOUTSE ...

  • 20 May 2015

    EPC: Debate on Vote No 31 – Small Business Development


    ... Restrictions on Economic Activities Amendment Act, Act 72 of 1987. This Act gives the President sweeping powers ... passed the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, Act 13 of 2005 to allow different spheres of government ...

  • 18 Jun 2014

    NA :Debate on the President's State-of-the-Nation Address


    ... Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, Act No 9 of 2009. Agreed to. FIFTH MOTION ON ORDER ...

  • 19 Jun 2018

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... years ago, the Natives Land Act of 1913 was passed; further notes that this Act limited Africans, in particular ... initial Health Act is only in Health; it’s not in any other department. The Mental Heath Act is not in Health; ...

  • 03 Sep 2014

    NA: Questions for Oral Reply: Cluster 2: Social Services


    ... tertiary and quaternary levels.   Acting allowances are paid out to all acting managers, in line with the existing ... their foster parents, as mandated by the Children’s Act.   A silent narration on the story of Anene Booysen ...

  • 11 Oct 2016

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007). (b) Inter-Departmental ... on the Implementation of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No 75 of 2008). (c) Report and Financial ...

  • 06 Jun 2011

    Appropriation Bill : Debate on Budget Vote No 10 - National Treasury (including South African Revenue Service)


    ... Bank as entailed in the Act of 2002 as well as the Public Finance Management Act. It is keen to resume ... with the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act and its associated Codes of Good Practice. This reform ...

  • 09 Nov 2011

    Questions to the President, Jacob Zuma


    ... transgressions, we are going to act. We have been acting and we will continue act. The type of action that we ... Communication-related Information Act and the Intelligence Services Oversight Act, provide adequate safeguards ...

  • 24 Nov 2022

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... committee this year. No formal Public Finance Management Act, PFMA, reports; no disciplinary action has come before ...

  • 27 Feb 2013

    Budget Speech


    ... Public Finance Management Act with the provisions of the Public Service Act. [Applause.] [Interjections ... 10(1) of the Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act, 1997 (Act No 97 of 1997); (d) The Appropriation Bill ...

  • 17 Jul 2014

    EPC: Debate on Vote No 3 – Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs


    ... Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act and the National Housing Act, to highlight two. Such mechanisms ... addressed and implemented and, above all, they must act decisively against fraud and corruption. Fifthly ...

  • 15 Jul 2014

    EPC: Debate on Vote 9: Government Communications and Information Systems (E249)


    ... servants need to understand that every act of service to the people is an act of information that empowers them ... requirements prescribed by the Public Finance Management Act, PFMA, and other Treasury regulations. It tabled ...

  • 20 May 2015

    EPC: Debate on Vote No 3 – Communications


    ... Broadcasting Act is the foundation for establishing the SABC as a public broadcaster. The Companies Act therefore ... with the Broadcasting Act, and not separately or independently. What is in each Act requires is careful ...

  • 30 Oct 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... longer. If we want a successful harvest, we must act today.     Mr President, so that I don’t disappoint ... We want to know who that is please, so that we act on it. Hon Minister, please proceed.     The MINISTER ...

  • 25 May 2010

    Appropriation Bill: Budget Vote No 13 - Arts and Culture


    ... cultural practise as an act of liberation. I want to go a step further and say it is an act of decolonisation ... outdated Magistrate's Courts Act of 1944, and its replacement by a lower courts Act which will be premised ...

  • 13 Sep 2010

    Debate on Heritage / Oversight visit to Princess Mandisa Health Care Centre, Benedictine Hospital & Hlabisa Revitalisation Hospital


    ... Education Act, 1953 (Act 47 of 1953) was promulgated for Africans, the Coloured Persons Education Act, 1963 ... 1963 (Act 47 of 1963) for coloured persons, and the Indians Education Act, 1965 (Act 61 of 1965) for Indians ...