Questions and Replies

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08 January 2025 - NW2197

Profile picture: Blose, Mr MB

Blose, Mr MB to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

In light of the reports that several entities that report to her have consistently failed to submit their financial statements in recent years, leading to poor audit outcomes, what steps has she taken to (a) address the matter, (b) improve financial management and accountability within her department and (c) ensure better audit results in the future?


The defence establishment (Department of Defence; Department of Military Veterans) and its entities (Armaments Corporation of South Africa-Armscor, Castle Control Board-CCB; Military Ombud; Defence Force Service Commission — DFSC; Military Veterans Advisory Council; Military Veterans Appeals Board; have duly submitted their audited financial statements and tabled their annual reports within the legislative dates in recent years, up to and including the latest financial year 2023/2024 reports respectively. In addition, the said reports were deliberated upon in the committees of parliament as well as during oversight visits by parliament.

Having said the afore-mentioned, the two departments are committed to improving their audit outcomes. The audit reports issued by the Auditor General South Africa to the DOD and DMV highlighted a few control weaknesses especially relating to procurement management as well as asset management by both departments. The Executive Authority has instructed both departments to develop action plans to improve the control weaknesses and implement the recommendations made by the AGSA to reduce the number of audit findings and implement consequence management for the recurrence of irregularities.

The accounting officers of both departments have been instructed to report quarterly to the executive authority on the status of implementation of he action plans and recommendations.

With regard to the key vacancies of the Secretary for Defence (Director General) of the DoD and the Director General of the DMV, the CFO in the DoD, the posts have been advertised, and appointments will be made soon. These will give an impetus to efforts to improve audit.

08 January 2025 - NW2374

Profile picture: Ngobeni, Ms LM

Ngobeni, Ms LM to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether she will furnish Ms L M Ngobeni with a complete breakdown of all official travel for (a) her and (b) the Deputy Ministers since they assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including but not limited to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?



Commission T se Accommodation

Sum of Net Fare


Sum of Taxes


Sum of Supplier VAT


Sum of Tot Fare


Car Hire





Domestic Air Travel










International Tickets





Shuttle Services





Grand Total






08 January 2025 - NW2358

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

a. Whether she has found that the important duty of the Military Ombud (MO) is severely hampered by the lack of independence and legal power to enforce its findings, and that for all practical purposes the MO in its current format is a toothless tiger; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (b) whether she has found that the MO must be independent and given the necessary binding legal powers in order for its findings to be enforceable; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (c) whether she intends to introduce the required amendments to the relevant legislation to ensure the independence of the MO and empower the office of the MO to be effective in carrying out its duties; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?



No, the Military Ombud is not severely hampered by the lack of independence and legal power to enforce its findings. The Ombud has operated with functional independence since its inception and has effectively fulfilled its mandate as a mediator seeking resolution of matters within its jurisdiction. However, its reliance on the Department of Defence for key functions such as personnel, finances, IT, and logistics is constrained by its operational and administrative autonomy. Additionally, the Ombud lacks the authority to undertake own-initiative investigations. Despite these limitations, the Ombud continues to perform its duties and submit recommendations, which the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans has consistently accepted and implemented.



The position is that while the Ombud's independence and authority could be enhanced, recent High Court judgments have clarified that its recommendations are not legally binding. In Lembede v Minister of Defence and Others (15 December 2021) and the combined cases of E. Davids and Z. Miles v Minister of Defence and Others (27 February 2023), the courts ruled that the Ombud's recommendations are not binding on the Minister. This jurisprudence underscores the current limitations of the Military Ombud Act, and any changes to provide binding legal powers would require careful consideration and legislative amendments.


Yes, the Ministry has taken steps towards reviewing the legislative framework governing the Military Ombud. Under the leadership of Ms Mapisa-Nqakula, a legislative review process was initiated, and the Ombud engaged the Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC) to conduct a feasibility study into enhanced independence. The Ombud has indicated that his office is at an advanced stage of drafting legislative options, which will be subject to further consultation and discussion.



08 January 2025 - NW2037

Profile picture: Hattingh, Mr C

Hattingh, Mr C to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) With reference to her trip to attend the Beijing Xiangshan Forum held in Beijing, China from 11 to 16 September 2024, and noting the provisions of section 5 and section of the National Travel Guidelines of the National Treasury and the austerity measures faced by her department, (a) what are the reasons for each of the delegation members who are not employed at the level of Deputy Director-General to travel in business class and (b) who authorised the travelling of the whole delegation in business class; (2) what are the cost implications for not adhering to the National Travel Guidelines?


1. The Department of Defence has since 2018 been utilizing the National Treasury Cost Containment Deviation for the DoD under file reference 72/1/316. No new specific directives and deviations were issued to rescind or amend it accordingly. It is attached for ease of reference.

2. The financial implications were spelt out in the earlier response to the parliamentary question asked by the honourable member.

07 January 2025 - NW2148

Profile picture: Ntshingila, Mr EM

Ntshingila, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What are the reasons for not using the SA National Defence Force to guard national key points, instead of spending billions of Rand on tenders to private sector companies, many of whom are allegedly owned by foreign intelligence agencies that are hostile to the Republic and more so in consideration of the (a) National Key Points Act, Act 102 of 1980, and (b) South African Defence Review 2015?


In terms of Sec 59(1 of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, Act No 8 of 2019, National Commissioner of the SAPS, is functionally entrusted/empowered to deal with protection of critical infrastructure and must coordinate any cooperation between the SAPS and other arms of state, inclusive of the SANDF, to protect critical infrastructure. Hence, the Defence Review 2015 makes reference to the National Commissioner's function in this coordination and co-operation.

07 January 2025 - NW2227

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterens

a. What (a) is the final date of delivery of the SAS Nelson Mandela and (b) are then (i) details of the inventory of the reportedly huge overruns on Project HOTEL and (ii) reasons thereof: b. Whether she has been informed about the extremely serious allegations that a certain person (details furnished) who currently serves as a senior executive in a certain company (details furnished) was a senior manager in her department and was centrally involved in the adjudication of a certain tender (details turnshed): if not, what IS her position in this regard: if so. what action has been taken in line with her responsibilities to deal with serious allegations of conflict of interest and/or corruption; c. Whether she has referred the specified allegations to the relevant authorities for investigation; if not. why not. if so. (a) on what date (i) did she receive an update about the progress of the investigation and (ii) when will the investigation be concluded and (b) what is the status of the investigation?


a.The envisaged date for the completion of the contract was January 2024, however. due to various challenges affecting the performance of the contract i.e COVID 19. Civil unrest and flooding that ravaged the KZN province. The delivery date of the contract had to be reconsidered. Armscor is in the process of amending the contract which will determine the new delivery date.

(i) There are no overruns on the prcyect. Payments that were made are in accordance with the approved order and milestone payment plan.
(ii) Not applicable.

b. We are not aware of any allegations on person(s) whose name (s) has or have been furnished to the MODtv1V in relation to the above project.

c. We are not aware of any investigation on Project HOTEL.

07 January 2025 - NW1748

Profile picture: Hattingh, Mr C

Hattingh, Mr C to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

How does the defence budgetary constraints impact on training at the military schools, military colleges, the Military Academy and the SA Army Technical Training Centre?


For force preparation to be conducted optimally, other system elements such as facilities, equipment, technology, information and sustainment to count but the main ones, are in place. Whilst the SANDF is under financial strain and thinly spread, the necessary training continues. The institutions mentioned have graduated and passed out members as scheduled and will have new intakes in 2025. At the military academy a number of students graduated with degrees in various fields as conferred by the Faculty of Military Science of the University of Stellenbosch. The SA Army Technical Training Centre concluded the annual military Exercise Vuk'uhlome at Lohatla during November 2024 as scheduled.

This exercise integrated the SA Army combat systems, mainly supported by the South African Air Force (SAAF), South African Military Health Services and other SANDF divisions respectively. Therefore, training at various military schools and colleges, the military academy and the SA Army Technical Training Centre continues as scheduled.

07 January 2025 - NW1896

Profile picture: Trollip, Mr A

Trollip, Mr A to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

1. Given the recent appropriation of an additional R2,1 billion under section 16 of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, in the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement for the seemingly never-ending deployment of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), what is the detailed breakdown of how the additional appropriation will be allocated, including anticipated expenses in the areas of a. logistics, b. personnel, c. equipment maintenance, d. allowances, and e. other operational costs associated with the extended deployment; 2. whether, given the current resource constraints facing the SANDF within the Republic, she has found the ongoing commitment in the DRC to be a prudent allocation of resources for the SANDF; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; 3. whether she has found that the resources for the SANDF in the DRC are aligned with the requirements for exceptional expenditure under section 16 of the specified act, which mandates that such spending must address needs of an exceptional nature that would prejudice the public interest if postponed; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what metrics were measured to reach the criterion of exceptional in this case; 4. whether there is a projected date for the bringing home of all SANDF troops in the DRC; if not, what are the reasons for such uncertainty, if so, what are the key strategic objectives that must be achieved for the deployment to end?


The SA National Defence Force's (SANDF's) reduced requirement for the deployment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), aptly referred to as the Southem African Development Community (SADC) Mission in the DRC (SAMIDRC), is R 2,3 billion opposed to a full requirement of R4,2 billion. Although funds must, out of necessity, be prioritised in accordance with the dynamics of the operational situation in the theatre (the DRC), utilisation is influenced by the stipulated requirement. R828 million is allocated and committed for the human resource allowances for the full complement of 2 900 soldiers; R387 million for operating costs (such as rations, water, fuel, oil, and lubricants, consumables and jamming equipment, to count but some); R156 million for the landward (SA Army) specialised and critical ammunition and other commodities; RI 15 million for air capability assets (rotary and fixed wing, aviation fuel and navigation equipment); R40 million for appropriate maritime assets (such as multi-purpose patrol boats and a mobile diver detection system); R74 million for required military health support (such as medical consumables, pharmaceuticals, gas masks, chemical, biological and radiation detectors, respirators and related spares); R24 million for situational awareness assets by defence intelligence such as unmanned aerial systems (drones); and R665 million for helicopter chartering. Actual expenditure on these can only be known after the deployment.

Employment of SANDF military resources is not only a product of joint decisions by the region's multilateral institutions, such as the SADC leadership structures, which the RSA is a part of in terms of the SADC Mutual Defence Pact, but it is also directed by the President of the Republic (Presidential Minute No 380 of 2023), as provided for by section 201(2)(c) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with section 93 of the Defence Act (Act 42 of 2002). The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans is indebted to the direction given by the aforesaid.

The decision to deploy military capabilities from SADC countries was effected by competent structures within the SADC framework. The initial decision to deploy these capabilities was taken on 8 May 2023 by the SADC Extraordinary Troika Summit and the Force Intervention Brigade troop-contributing countries in Windhoek, Namibia, and reiterated during the SADC Summit of Heads of State and Governments held in Luanda, Republic of Angola, on 17 August 2023. Part of the objectives of the mission is the deployment of credible and effective SANDF force elements to assist in the protection of displaced civilians and those faced by imminent physical violence, to protect critical infrastructure, personnel and equipment, to conduct offensive actions against illegal armed groups, to conduct civil-military activities, and to engage with communities, and also to support the DRC in the implementation of the Disamament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Capacity Programme (DDRCP). It is envisaged that the mission will discontinue and the SANDF will retum back to the RSA when peace, stability, safety and security are restored in the DRC, and the authority of the DRC government is retained. The SADC leadership structure will make the final call to which the RSA will be indebted.

03 January 2025 - RNW2049

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether her department has planned any outreach initiatives and/or programmes to engage with youth beyond the academic environment to foster interest in careers within the (a) SA National Defence Force and (b) Armscor; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


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03 January 2025 - RNW1938

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) Whether the Department of Defence is now finally on track to reach the desired break-even point in the cost of employment in the 2025-26 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the specified department will utilise the offer by the National Treasury to govemment departments for officials to take advantage of early retirement without penalties; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what other measures will her department consider in order to bring the cost of employment expenditure under control and effectively address the troop rejuvenation issue within the current fiscal framework?


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03 January 2025 - NW2452

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

With the regard to the employment placements for military veterans being one of the requirements under her department s mandate, according to the department 2024-25 financial year mid-year report, it was reported that no military veterans were provided with access to employment placement opportunities during the period under review due to stakeholder consultations that never yielded results, what (a) are the full details of all stakeholders that the department consulted and (b) was the date of each consultation?


(a) The following are the two stakeholders that were consulted by the Department of Military Veterans (DMV) in the past 2 quarters of 2024 in an endeavour to meet the objective of employment placement for military veterans;

A meeting was convened between the DMV and the Limpopo Office of the Premier to discuss cooperation between the two government entities and the need to develop a Protocol Agreement that will govern such relationship, including on matters regarding employment placement of military veterans.

This meeting was followed up by the drafting of the Protocol Agreement.

Follow-up meeting was convened between the DMV and the Limpopo Office of the Premier at the Department's offices to discuss a draft Protocol Agreement

A virtual meeting was hosted by the Office of Johannesburg City Manager in which the DMV was invited to contribute to the draft policy and strategy document on military veterans. The Department contributed a number of inputs including on matters related to skills development, employment and empowerment of military veterans.

(b) (i) On 30 April 2024 and 30th August 2024 a meeting was convened between the Department of Military Veterans (DMV) and the Limpopo Office of the Premier.
(ii) On 11 September 2024 a virtual meeting was hosted by the Office of Johannesburg City Manager in which the DMV was invited.

03 January 2025 - RNW1599

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) Considering that the incomplete verification process of military veterans has consequences for the veterans as they cannot obtain the benefits they are entitled to, and noting that military veterans can easily be recruited to highly dangerous criminal activity, given the skills they possess, what (a) progress has her department made in completing the verification process in the remaining six provinces and (b) are the funher, relevant details in this regard; (2) Whether her department has taken any immediate steps to provide for the beneficiaries of deceased military veterans who have long ago submitted their details, but who have not been verified; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


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03 January 2025 - RNW2170

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Given the importance of national security, how does her department plan to strengthen its collaboration with international allies for strategic defence purposes, particularly in areas such as intelligence sharing, and combating transnational threats like terrorism and cyber warfare?


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03 January 2025 - NW2472

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) What are the reasons that (a) she did not announce the extended appointment of Ms Nontobeko Mafu as acting Director-General of the Department of Military Veterans in her capacity as the Minister and (b) the formal announcement was made by the Chief Director of Research and Policy Development, not a senior official from the corporate services branch and/or Chief Director for Human Resources;REPLY:(a) Ms. N. Mafu was appointed to act as the Director General of the Department of Military Veterans (DMV) effective 22nd December 2023 for a period of six (6) months.Subsequently, her appointment was extended from 22nd June 2024 until such time as a permanent Director General is appointed by the Executive Authority. The staff members of the DMV were internally notified of this extension, and the Departments website was also updated to reflect her acting appointment.(b) Currently, the position of Deputy Director-General (DDG): Corporate Services remains vacant. DMV has consistently communicated these staffing challenges and has briefed the Portfolio Committee on the status of filling vacant posts within the Department. In the absence of the Director of Human Resources, the Chief Director of Research and Policy Development—who is the only senior manager at the Chief Director level within the Corporate Services Programme worked in conjuncture with the Human Resources Unit to inform staff members about Ms. Mafu's acting appointment as Director General. Please refer to the attached internal memo for further details.Additionally, it is important to note that the establishment of the DMV does not include a Chief Director for Human Resources; this post is instead placed at the Director level.(2) whether it is procedural to extend an acting appointment in an indefinite and open-ended manner, without any fixed term; if not, what are the reasons she did not take a more prudent approach and stipulate fixed term for the specified acting appointment; if so, what are the relevant details;REPLY:In an environment characterized by a leadership vacuum and management instability, it is important to note that the Department of Military Veterans (DMV) currently has only one Deputy Director-General (DDG). As such, the acting appointment of Ms. N. Mafu as Director General has been extended until a permanent Director General is appointed, in order to maintaining stability.The DMV has already taken steps toward filling the vacant position of Director General, with the post having been advertised. The closing date for applications for this position is 20th December 2024.(3) whether she has found that the (a) extended appointment and (b) announcement thereof was regular; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what legislative provisions did she rely to reach the conclusion;REPLY:(a) The extension of Ms. N. Mafu's acting appointment was approved within reason, as both the Ministry and the Department prioritized the expedited appointment of a permanent Director General. This decision was made while ensuring continuity and stability through the extension of the current acting Director General position.(b) the intemal announcement regarding the extension of Ms. Mafu's acting appointment was not irregular. Its purpose was to inform staff members about the extension of her acting role, ensuring transparency and clear communication within the Department. (4) whether the qualifications of the specified person are commensurate with the requirements for the post of director-general; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the qualifications of the person;


Requirements of the Director General are stipulated by the Department of Public Service and Administration as referenced in the circular number 44 of 2024 (see attached advert);

"A senior Certificate, appropriate postgraduate qualification in Public Administration, Public Management or Social Services or relevant post graduate qualifications (NQF level 8) as recognised by SAQA. 10 years of relevant experience at a senior management level. The candidate must have executive management experience and experience in monitoring and evaluation of government policies as well as a thorough understanding of government policy and administrative processes. Knowledge in Strategic Leadership, Prescripts, policies and business ethics as well as Govemment wide policies. Ability to interpret and apply policies and legislations. Knowledge of the Constitution, Public Service Act, 1994, Public Finance Management Act, 1999, and the National Development Plan, Deep knowledge of relevant Govemment legislation, policies, and priorities, Ability to interpret and apply policies and legislations. People Management and Empowerment. Financial management, Project and Programme Management and Change management. Personal attributes: Interpersonal relations, Integrity, Confidential, Courteous, Responsive, Faimess, Credibility, Commitment and Compassionate. Skills in Report writing, Research, Presentation, Analytical at macro as well as micro level, Motivational, Decision making, Facilitation, Project Management and Strategic planning and management, and strategic thinking'.

The specified person, has been serving as public sen,'ant for twenty three (23) years and is knowledgeable of Public Services Administration as a whole. Said specified person possess the appropriate qualifications in Public Administration and Public Management.

(5) whether Ms Mafu has a Grade 12 certificate; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, will she furnish Mr C G Niehaus with the certified copy of the National Senior Certificate of Ms Mafu? NW3870E


It is important to note that the same matter was reported to the Public Protector in 2021 (see attached) and a resolution was reached. As per Section 6.2.2 of the report, the Department of Military Veterans (DMV) can confirm that, following the investigation conducted by the Public Protector, Ms. N. Mafu, although she does not possess a Matric certificate, completed a Bridging Certificate (Diploma in Development Administration) in London. This qualification, in terms of SAQA standards was deemed equivalent to a Matric Certificate (NQF Level 4).

03 January 2025 - NW2264

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1 ) Noting, that since the deployment of SA National Defence Force (SANDF) troops in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique and in Sudan on the United Nations (UN) Peace Keeping Missions, the UN Office of Internal Oversight on Sexual Offences committed by military and peace keeping missions, has reported that South African soldiers are the worst offenders, what are the reasons that (a) she and (b) the Chief of the SANDF, General R Maphwanya, have not acted decisively to address the serious allegations of the UN report; (2) whether the report brings into question her competence and that of General R Maphwanya to continue in the high offices that both hold, and should have serious consequences for continuing their tenure; if not, why not; if so, what immediate and urgent steps have been taken in order to address the crisis?


(1 )(a) Following numerous reports of sexual misconduct and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) involving South African National Defence Force (SANDF) soldiers in mission areas, in December 2018, the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans (MOD & MV) established the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) to investigate these allegations. The MTT conducted an extensive investigation and compiled a report with specific findings and recommendations. In December 2020, the MTT report was adopted and signed off by the Department of Defence and launched in April 2021. The SANDF continues to process and implement the recommendations of the MTT and any implicated member is dealt with in terms of the law and/or the Military Disciplinary Code.

(b) Parallel to the MTT on sexual misconduct and SEA, on 23 September 2020, the Chief of the South African National Defence Force (CSANDF) issued a Directive on processes and procedures to facilitate alleged paternity and maintenance claims reported against SANDF members in United Nations peacekeeping missions. The action plan for addressing paternity and maintenance claims was reviewed on 25 October 2024.

(2) It must be emphasised that both the MOD&MV and CSANDF take reports of allegations of sexual misconduct and SEA reported against SANDF members very seriously, hence the commissioning of the MTT and the implementation of the subsequent interventions by CSANDF.

Members implicated in such misconducts are swiftly dealt with in accordance with the law and the Military Disciplinary Code, and where applicable, repatriated back to South Africa to face the full might of the military justice system.

03 January 2025 - NW2346

Profile picture: Hattingh, Mr C

Hattingh, Mr C to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What are the full details of (a) each aircraft and (b) the total number of (i) VIP and (ii) WIP hours flown by each specified aircraft in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21, (iii) 2021-22, (iv) 2022-23, and (v) 2023-24 financial years?


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03 January 2025 - NW2282

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) Considering that the National Treasury has expressed concerns about the financial strain caused by prolonged peacekeeping missions, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo, how does her department plan to balance the Republic's commitment to international peacekeeping with the urgent needs related to the defence capabilities of the SA National Defence Force; (2) (a) how will the funding of R4 billion that was allocated to her department over the next three years for border security activities be used to enhance border security and (b) what technologies and/or strategies will be employed to safeguard the Republic's borders more effectively.


(1)The decision to deploy the SANDF in peace support operations are by law the prerogative of the President of the Republic and the Commander-ln-Chief of the armed forces. The DoD has been and is in continuous engagement with National Treasury on its pressing financial needs and the impact of budget reduction. A SANDF long term strategy themed "Our Journey to Greatness" to improve the fortunes of government's military instrument has been promulgated.

(2)(a)The earmarked budget for mobility package in the landward borders and sensor technology, refit of maritime and air platforms will be used in accordance with the Border Safeguarding Optimisation plan to improve mobility in the land borders, enhance situational awareness and improve availability of maritime and air platforms to patrol the RSA's maritime borders as well as improve the availability of medium air transport capability.

(b)The border safeguarding optimisation plan, a chapter in the Journey to Greatness Plan of the SANDF has pronounced on the strategies and situational awareness and mobility to seal the borderline as part of the strategies. In a closed session such strategies can be discussed with Parliament.

13 December 2024 - RCW635

Profile picture: Gotsell, Mr N

Gotsell, Mr N to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

In light of her department's lack of deep-sea maritime capabilities, to what extent has her department liaise and work with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment to ensure (a) South Africa's maritime integrity and (b) the protection of the country's exclusive economic zone?


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13 December 2024 - RCW578

Profile picture: Gotsell, Mr N

Gotsell, Mr N to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

Whether a certain person (details furnished) is still a service provider of the SA Navy; if not, why not; if so, (a) what processes were followed to assess the said person as a preferred service provider and (b) what are the further relevant details?


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13 December 2024 - RCW430

Profile picture: Gotsell, Mr N

Gotsell, Mr N to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans :

How many vehicles has her department procured for a certain person (furnished details), (b) what is the cost of each (i) vehicle and (ii) modification of a vehicle, (c) which budget was used for payment in this regard, (d) who approved the procurement, (e) what was the procurement process in this matter and (f) what are the names of (i) the persons who were involved in this matter and (ii) each approver of authority in this regard?


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27 November 2024 - NW1772

Profile picture: Ntshingila, Mr EM

Ntshingila, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What are the reasons for not using the SA National Defence Force to guard national key points as envisaged in the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, Act 8 of 2019, and the SA Defence Review 2015, instead of using private sector companies, many of whom are allegedly owned by foreign intelligence agencies hostile to the Republic?



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27 November 2024 - NW1744

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether she has engaged with the Department of Human Settlements and municipalities, who are the two stakeholders responsible for building the houses for military veterans and their dependents, regarding the building of such houses for military veterans; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NO1929E


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27 November 2024 - NW1743

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether she has found that the Department of Military Veterans renders services that improve and sustain the livelihood of military veterans and their dependents; if not, what action has she taken in this regard since 3 July 2024; if so, what are the relevant details? NO1928E


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27 November 2024 - NW1752

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Noting that the hydrographic vessel procurement project, known as Project Hotel, has been delayed inordinately (details fumished), what steps has she undertaken, in collaboration with Armscor, to salvage the extremely important project and to prevent millions of tax payers' money already invested, from going to waste, as fruitless expenditure? N01948E


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25 November 2024 - NW228

Profile picture: Douglas, Mr WM

Douglas, Mr WM to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Given the increasing number of casualties to troops deployed in African peacekeeping missions, what plans does her department intend to undertake to deal with the lack of resources and logistical support for the SA National Defence Force personnel?


There is no increasing number of South African troops dying in African peacekeeping missions. The losses incurred have been from enemy fire and measures are and have been taken to ensure the safety of our troops cognisant they are deployed in war zones.

The matter of lack of resources is being addressed through requests for additional funding from government. These have been obtained from National Treasury. An amount of R2.4 billion was required to respond fully to the operational requirements in the DRC and Mozambique (back loading of equipment). R2 billion was allocated for the deployment in the DRC (short of Rm 300) and R750 million for back loading of equipment and return of personnel from Mozambique. With funds allocated the DRC situation is receiving close attention and equipment being back loaded.

The defence establishment is fully aware of the fiscal constraints the country is facing and is seeking to do the best with whatever is allocated for ordered military commitments.

In addition, we are developing a new level of ambition on the defence of the RSA. This will result in a reviewed military strategy, consistent with the direction of the President and Commander-in-Chief of the SANDF that the defence function must be funded at 1,5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), It is hoped that new funding consistent with our ordered commitments will be realised.

25 November 2024 - NW1622

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether the structures, such as the Military Veterans Advisory Board and the Military Veterans Appeals Board, are now in place; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date is it envisaged to have them in place; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2001E


The former Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms T.R. Modise appointed members of the two Statutory Bodies, as follows;

1. The Advisory Council. The appointment of the current Advisory Council is with effect 1 March 2022 and commenced work in April 2022 . Their meetings are held monthly.

2. The Appeal Board. The appointment of the current Appeal Board is with effect 01 September 2023. The board is comprised of four members of which three members are practicing lawyers and one (1) member is an employee of government and not remunerated. One is the Attorney and two are Advocates. The three members have raised an issue of payment tariffs that are not commensurate with tribunals of similar nature in the legal profession. Their proposed remuneration tariff is outside the National Treasury Regulations. Therefore the process of appointing new Appeal Board has to commence to ensure compliance with Military Veterans Act, 18 of 2011.

25 November 2024 - NW953

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What are the relevant details of the progress that has been made regarding the call by the Joint Standing Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (JSCD&MV) to her department and the Office of the Military Ombud to find workable solutions to the latter's current challenges •in spending its goods and services budget?


The office of the Military Ombud derives its support from the Department of Defence's divisions for matters such as Human Resources; Finance and ICT systems. As a department, support is ensured in the procurement environments. There is continued engagements to improve the support provided and to ensure that the budget is not underspent in its goods and services items. In the engagement the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans had with the office of the Military Ombud, these matters were brought to light, and undertakings made that utilization of a shared services model would be most appropriate as it is within one vote and they have their ring-fenced budget to fulfil their legal mandate.

20 November 2024 - NW1501

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether, noting that there have been very disconcerting reports about ill-discipline and sexual misconduct among the troops of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) who are deployed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), particularly troops stationed in Beni, who regularly break their camp curfews and stay out overnight, frequenting night clubs of ill repute and getting entangled in prostitution rings that blackmail them and generally damage the image and good name of the SANDF, the senior Officer Commanding the SANDF have shared with her the contents of the United Nations report containing allegations of ill-discipline and gross sexual misconduct by members of the SANDF deployed in the DRC; if not, what steps will she take to discipline the troops who have deliberately withheld critical and sensitive information from her; if so, what steps had she undertaken to address the very serious complaints contained therein?


Yes, the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans has been briefed by the Chief of the SANDF, and is aware of incidents of ill-discipline and misconduct by some of our soldiers deployed in the Eastern DRC under MONUSCO. The matter of ill-discipline must not be taken as a broad generalisation as if it is the majority of our troops. There is no rampant ill-discipline. The SANDF at various levels of command take particular exception to ill-discipline and misconduct of any type by any soldier, thus there are measures in place to take disciplinary actions on soldiers not adhering to the set prescripts on deployment and or at home unit.

Disciplinary actions include members being conferred with applicable charge(s) for the offence(s) and prosecuted by a military court constituted by qualified legal practitioners (judge) accordingly. The sentences meted out by the military courts include jail term and up to dismissal from the Defence Force. For the soldiers on deployment inside or outside the country it includes being withdrawn from the deployment and sent back (repatriated) to home unit. The misconduct of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) of locals in external deployments is taken as one of the highest offences (grave) and is given priority attention by the Commanders at all levels and consequently by the military legal practitioners. A number of SANDF soldiers who have committed SEA have been prosecuted and sentenced up to dismissal from the SANDF. Our soldiers get particular training on ill-discipline and misconduct, including SEA and the image of the country, when going on deployment.

19 November 2024 - NW1724

Profile picture: Trollip, Mr A

Trollip, Mr A to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) What (a)(i) legislation, (ii) regulations and (iii) military codes define the authorised and restricted use of military uniforms and camouflage attire for (aa) active-duty SA National Defence Force (SANDF) members, (bb) military veterans and (cc) civilians, (b) are the specific contexts and/or settings where active-duty SANDF members are prohibited from wearing military attire, (c) measures are in place to ensure compliance and (d) guidelines apply to military veterans regarding the wearing of SANDF uniforms, insignia and camouflage; (2) what regulations restrict civilians from wearing SANDF uniforms, insignia, camouflage, or any attire that may resemble and/or imitate official military dress; (3) whether she will furnish Mr R A P Trollip with examples of instances where unauthorized use of military uniforms has been reported; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the enforcement actions taken in these cases and any further relevant details?


(1) Section 104(5) of the Defence Act No 42 of 2002 provides that any person who, without authority, possesses or wears prescribed uniforms, distinctive marks or crests or performs any prohibited act while wearing such uniform or with such uniform, distinctive marks or crests; is guilty of an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.

(2) Section 104(9) of the Defence Act No 42 of 2002 provides that any person who falsely represents himself or herself to be a member or an employee of the Defence Force or Department is guilty of an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.

(3) Section 3(1) of the Military Discipline Supplementary Measures Act provides that this Act shall, subject to subsection (2), apply to any person subject to the Code of Conduct of the SANDF, irrespective whether such person is within or outside the Republic. Due to the fact that members of the public are not subject to the Code, this has the implication that members of the public who contravene the Defence Act will be handed over to the South African Police Services and the National Prosecution Authority. There are persons who have so far been charged and convicted for unauthorised use of military uniforms.

19 November 2024 - NW1547

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether, with reference to Priority 3 under the Department of Military Veterans which relates to the task to facilitate the access to employment placement for military veterans, any military veterans have been placed in employment in the 2023-24 financial year; if not, (a) why not and (b) what plans and/or measures will she put in place to ensure that military veterans are placed in employment in the specified financial year; if so, what total number of military veterans (i) were placed during the 2023-24 financial year and (ii) will be placed in employment in the same financial year? NWI 859E


The Department's approach towards creating employment opportunities takes a skills training approach and well as a partnering approach which involves external stakeholders. In the Financial Year 2023/24 the Department trained 1013 military veterans and their dependents in various skills programmes with the objective of preparing them for the job market. The careers supported include security, farming, building and management.

In the same year, 894 military veterans and dependents were trained at tertiary education institutions to gain professional skills in various careers. Among many graduates, there were two medical doctors, one teacher, three computer science technicians and four commerce graduates.

The second approach adopted by the Department to empower military veterans for employment entails establishing partnerships with external stakeholders, such as the Private Sector, Provincial, Governments, Departments and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). These partnerships are established through the signing of Protocol Agreements and MoUs in order to explore employment opportunities with these stakeholders.

In one such agreement, the Department together with the Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor) are currently supporting a programme where 25 engineering students will be trained for 3 years and be employed in the Simonstown Dockyards, Cape Town, as electrical and mechanical engineering artisans.

The Department currently does not have a mechanism to track all the jobs offered to the military veterans by various stakeholders. The Department is currently working on finalizing a number of partnership agreements that involve various stakeholders across the country.

19 November 2024 - NW1503

Profile picture: Ntlangwini, Ms EN

Ntlangwini, Ms EN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What (a) steps have been taken in conjunction with the Government Communication and Information System to promote and profile military veterans and (b) assessment has been made about the type of benefits military veterans derived from the supposed Profiling?


(a) Accordingly advertising and media placements across government Departments are procured through GCIS. The main task of media buying lies within the negotiation of price and placement by GCIS to ensure the best possible value can be secured on advertisements. The Department would in the past pick and choose a combination of media that is most appropriate and effective to achieve its goal of delivering key messages to military veterans. The Communications Directorate has been working with GCIS on traditional and unconventional media platforms to profile the work of the Department and communicating on key Departmental benefits. The last media bulk buying initiative with GCIS was done in December 2021.

(b) For every media campaign, the impact report is shared with the Department.

The aim of this visibility is to provide an opportunity and reach out to the beneficiaries across South Africa and their families. To create awareness around the pension benefit, healthcare support, and education support.

To extend the already existing departments to create or build database of the MV's and their families, assist them to access all the necessary information on how to register, benefits offered and how to register.

To showcase the MVS and the work that they have done for the society and the freedom that is enjoyed by citizens of South Africa extend to the already existing departments efforts. To allow beneficiaries including their families to access the department face to face, to be able to raise their concerns and receive immediate support.


• Radio is an effective medium for reaching audiences while they are engaged in other activities, like driving or working.

• Using radio, the campaign educated the public about the achievements of the DMV especially on the delivery of basic services, the role of the DMV, and how to be an active

and responsible citizenry.

• Radio adverts were scheduled to flight recorded ads for a minimum of four weeks on selected radio station.

• Radio was used to ensure the campaign had an engagement while sharing success stories; added value interviews will be sourced.

• The use of multiplatform was recommended to maximize reach and drive high frequency (OTS).

• Through TV the following elements were used:

• Adverts, squeeze backs and promotion on SABCI, Mzansi Magic

12 November 2024 - NO467

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

On what date will the position of Director-General (DG) in the Department of Military Veterans be filled, given the management and leadership instability in her department that is caused by the delay in appointing a permanent DG, which in turn contributes immensely to the failure of her department to roll out the benefits to the military veterans?


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07 November 2024 - RCW479

Profile picture: Ryder, Mr D

Ryder, Mr D to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

(1) Whether the Defence Industry Lekgotla was held in March 2022. If not, when was it held: if so (a) what were the outcomes, (b) what resolutions were taken, (c) what actions were followed and (d) when will the next similar Lekgotla take place


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07 November 2024 - RCW130

Profile picture: Badenhorst, Mr F

Badenhorst, Mr F to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

With reference to the SA National Defence Force members who are deployed in the Democratic Republic of Congo that are currently suffering as a result of (a) the lack of equipment, (b) the lack of proper accommodation, (c) the lack of medical facilities and (d) living in dilapidated and/or dangerous military houses in South Africa, how her department justifies its Generals who are living in prime Waterkloof residences?


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07 November 2024 - RCW476

Profile picture: Gotsell, Mr N

Gotsell, Mr N to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

With reference to her reply to Question 309 on 2 October 2024, (a) what urgent measures are in place to address the capacity challenges at Armscor Dockyard, (b) what is the timeline for the completion of the annual (i) Maintenance Upkeep Programme and (ii) Hull Available Programme and (c) to what extent is the showing of the South African flag in foreign ports taking precedence over the maintenavnce and upkeep of the Navy's assets instead of not having the required operational vessels that are available at the Directed Level of Capability?


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07 November 2024 - NW1568

Profile picture: Hattingh, Mr C

Hattingh, Mr C to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) What are the relevant details of the (a) organogram of the Presidential Medical Unit (PMU) and (b) policy and directives that determine the scope of the Medical and Emergency Support being provided by and through the PMU? (2) (a) on what date and (b) by whom was it decided that she should also be supported by the PMU? (3) whether, taking into account the underfunding of her department as a result of government austerity measures and the quality of medical care received by military members and military veterans, she has found that the R 100 million per annum and/or RI million per month per person supported by the PMU is justified, if not, how will the functioning and cost of the PMU be brought into realistic expenditure, if so, what is the reasoning and motivation of her finding?


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07 November 2024 - NW1488

Profile picture: Paulsen, Mr N M

Paulsen, Mr N M to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Whether she received any recommendation from the National Conventional Arms Control Committee after it had considered an application of any South African citizen since 7 October 2023 to participate in any military activity under the flag of Israel; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the recommendations she received in this regard?


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07 November 2024 - NW1461

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Considering that the verification process of military veterans has been notably slow, given the importance of the verification process, (a) what has been the reasons for the slow pace and (b) how does her department intend to expedite the process? NW1769E


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07 November 2024 - NW1435

Profile picture: Kobe, Ms MP

Kobe, Ms MP to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

Given that it was recently revealed that the SA National Defence Force will be deployed to guard the Msikaba and Mtentu mega-bridges, what is the total (a) cost and (b) duration of the specified deployment?


I. The SANDF has no knowledge of the deployment to guard the Msikaba and Mtentu mega-bridges, and thus does not have:

(a) the total cost for such deployment.

(b) the duration of such deployment.

07 November 2024 - NW1569

Profile picture: Hattingh, Mr C

Hattingh, Mr C to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) What are the total amounts contractually owed by the (a) United Nations (UN) and (b) Southern African Development Community (SADC) for the international deployment of the SA National Defence Force (i) in the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2024 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) what (a) are the (i) relevant details of the deployment and (ii) total amounts actually paid by the UN and SADC and (b) steps were and/or will be implemented to recover outstanding debt in each case? NW1882E


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01 November 2024 - RNW1413

Profile picture: Shelembe, Mr ML

Shelembe, Mr ML to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What actions has she taken to protect Gerotek Test Facilities and restore its pride in view of the exponential growth of informal housing developments which impact negatively on the image and competitive appeal of the facility as a world-class events venue that is capable of hosting elite local events and compete with global players?


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01 November 2024 - RCW473

Profile picture: Scheurkogel, Dr IS

Scheurkogel, Dr IS to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

1. What steps will she take to (a) fix the (i) perimeter fence and (ii) lights around the perimeter and (b) cut the long grass around the Tempe Military Base to ensure that the surrounding suburbs are safeguarded from criminality as the base had turned into a criminal hub as a result of dilapidated infrastructure (details furnished)?


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31 October 2024 - RNW388

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) What urgent steps of intervention has she undertaken to ensure that the terrible conditions at SA Infantry Battalion in Middelburg are addressed and resolved urgently; (2) whether the SA National Defence Force has an overall maintenance and turn-around strategy in place to address the ongoing deterioration of all its equipment, infrastructure and buildings; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


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30 October 2024 - RNW1157

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) At what stage of the formulation of the amendments to the Military Veterans Act, Act 18 of 2011, has her department consulted with military veterans on the amendments; (2) whether she has been informed that (a) it is compulsory for her department to consult the military veterans regarding policy changes and (b) any consultation with military veterans should happen through the SA National Military Veterans Association (SANMVA) as the only legal representative structure representing military veterans with regard to policy matters; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) whether any workshops have been conducted by her department with SANMVA to consult about proposed policy amendments; if not, (4) whether she has taken any legal advice for not conducting workshops with SANMVA; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


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30 October 2024 - RNW1158

Profile picture: Hlonyana, Ms NKF

Hlonyana, Ms NKF to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) Whether her department has Defence and Military Veterans (DMV) (a) Provincial Coordinators and (b) Provincial Coordination Offices in all nine provinces; if not, why not; if so, what (i) are the (aa) names and (bb) ranks of the nine DMV Provincial Coordinators and (ii) full details of the staff contingent in each DMV Provincial Coordination Office; (3) what (a) total amount of budget that has been allocated to each one of the nine provincial coordination offices since their establishment, (b) is the (i) physical address and (ii) telephone number of each of the nine DMV provincial coordination offices and the (c) number of DMV state-owned motor vehicles are available for official use at each one of the nine provincial coordination offices in order to facilitate outreach to Military Veterans?


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30 October 2024 - RNW1189

Profile picture: Hattingh, Mr C

Hattingh, Mr C to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) What was the purpose of her attendance at the Beijing Xianshan Forum 2024from 12 to 14 September 2024, (b) are the relevant details of the forum, (c) benefit will and/or did the Republic derive from her attendance at the Forum, (d) are the full details and names of the Ministerial entourage that accompanies her and (e) was the total cost for the whole ministerial entourage to attend the Beijing Xiangshan Forum; (2) What are the reasons that the attendance of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum was considered to be a priority in view of the critical budget constraints stifling every facet of the programmes of the SA National Defence Force?


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30 October 2024 - RNW1155

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What (a) is the fully approved staff complement of the Department of Military Veterans, (b) number of the approved positions are currently filled by permanent appointments, (c) number is filled by acting appointments and (d)(i) number of staff members are on contract and (ii) for how long?


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30 October 2024 - RNW333

Profile picture: Bateman, Mr AG

Bateman, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What is the (a) total number of officials from her department who attended the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and (b) breakdown of the cost in each case?


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30 October 2024 - RNW1156

Profile picture: Niehaus, Mr CG

Niehaus, Mr CG to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1) Whether her department keeps a detailed record of all military veterans who have passed away; if not, why not; if so, (2) whether the reported figure of 19 292 deceased military veterans has been verified; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) number of military veterans who have passed away had received burial support from her department, (b) is the overall percentage of the military veterans who passed away and (c) is the amount of burial support; (3) whether the specified amount of burial support is a standard amount or one that varies from one deceased military veteran to the other; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the reasons for the varied amounts and (b) how are they calculated?


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21 October 2024 - RNW1060

Profile picture: Hattingh, Mr C

Hattingh, Mr C to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

With reference to her Defence budget Vote 23 on 15 July 2024, Wherein she stated that the allocation for housing will deliver 750 houses to Military Veterans over M TEF period, and that will be in addition to those have received houses since the inception of the Department of Military Veterans, of which 1 095 houses have been handed over, what were the housing (a) targets and (b) actual delivery for each of the (i) 2021-22, (iv) 2022-23 and (v) 2023 – 24 financial years:


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