Questions and Replies

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20 March 2024 - NW85

Profile picture: Moore, Mr S J

Moore, Mr S J to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether, in light of the fact that the 2022/23 Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation indicates that 71% of Regional Bulk Infrastructure projects are delayed, and that, consequently, costs have increased by R9,4 billion, he will furnish Mr S J Moore with the details of (a) which projects are delayed, (b) the duration of delays for each project and (c)(i) the original costs of each project and (ii) by how much costs of each project have increased; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The Department of Water and Sanitation notes the submission that there are 71% Regional Bulk Infrastructure projects that are delayed which have resulted in cost escalations of R9, 4 billion. These figures are from the Auditor General (AG) findings report, which states the following:

  • 71% of the total RBIG projects are delayed in terms of completion
  • Over the years, as the projects were delayed the initial budget continues to be revised. To date there is an increase of budget by R9,4 billion
  • The spending on these projects is also not always aligned to the initial plan. Variations in scope can be due to poor planning by municipalities.
  • If the root causes for poor project management is not corrected, there is a risk that other projects may be similarly delayed


The Department acknowledges that, per findings by the Auditor General in a report to the Portfolio Committee on the 2022/23 Annual Report, there have been delays on a number of projects over a period of time due to numerous reasons including:

  • Appointment of beneficiary municipalities with history of poor financial controls and lacking adequate capacity
  • Poor performance of implementing agents – inadequate contract management – no actions taken for poor performance
  • Poor performance of contractors not identified in a timely manner.
  • Contractors abandon site due to cash flow challenges or non-payment by municipalities
  • Delays in the procurement process both to appoint contractors and also on procuring some of the materials
  • Access restrictions by community leaders and protests by the community as they also want to be part or benefit from the project
  • Poor project management both by the implementing agent and the department
  • Poor oversight and monitoring by the department
  • There are also instances where the projects are multi-year projects which are broken down into different phases which are funded over a number of years.

In terms of the Department’s report to the Portfolio Committee on its 2022/23 Annual Report, the DWS reported an achievement of 5 out of 13 RBIG funded projects in the year under review and further indicated that there were delays for the following projects:

Project name

District municipality

Project start date

Initial completion date

Revised completion date

Original project cost

Revised project cost



Driekoppies phase 1A

Ehlanzeni DM

03 September 2018

18 September 2020

The project is undergoing a litigation process a revised completion date will be known once the courts have decided on the matter

R96 743 094

Cost not revised

Empuluzi/Methula RBWS phase 3B

Gert Sibande DM

22 May 2020

28 March 2023

30 April 2024

78 698 005

Cost not revised**

Empuluzi/Methula phase 5, 6 & 7

Gert Sibande DM



30 April 2024

194 472 739

Cost not revised***

Kwa Zulu Natal


Driefontein BWS

Chris Hani DM

Jan 2011

Dec 2021

Not yet determined

R397 742 111

Not yet determined

Eastern Cape

Cluster 9 BWS

Chris Hani DM

Sept 2010

Nov 2022

Feb 2024

R254 695 667

R485 700 000

Cluster 4 BWS

Chris Hani DM

Apr 2022

May 2023

Mar 2024

R427 099 000

R849 474 094

Cluster 6 BWS

Chris Hani DM

Jun 2010

May 2023

Jan 2025

R323 952 670

R474 323 951



Nebo BWS

Sekhukhune DM

Jan 2009

Jul 2016

Aug 2024

R1 379 080

R700 000

Free State

Ngwathe Bulk Water Supply Phase 2

Fezile Dabi DM



Jun- 25

R129 027 000

R249 2961 47

Based on the project list provided above, the projects collectively do not add up to 9.4 billion as some are funded over multiple years and others have no revised costs. Even where there are cost escalations, it is not anticipated that it will amount to R9.4 billion.

  • The Driefontein Bulk Water Supply Project - The project RBIG commitment ceiling has been reached. There is no allocation for the current financial year. The project is about 99% complete and the contractor moved off-site due to the municipality’s failure to pay its invoices. The Minister is intervening on this project, it is currently under planning to finalise for finding alternative water source to ensure long term sustainable water supply. Currently being the users are supplied water via Ladysmith WTW and boreholes.
  • Nebo Bulk Water supply Project – the delays are due to the contractor having been stopped from working by the construction mafias. Meetings were held with these Construction Mafias and an MoU signed as attached to allow Contractor to proceed with the work. 
  • Chris Hani District Municipality Cluster 4 - Phase 4 and 5: where the delays are due to poor contractor performance delayed the completion of these projects.
  • Ngwathe Bulk Water Supply Phase 3 of 3, where the delays are as a result of community strikes, relating to 30% sub-contracting. The project has lost many days that have affected the completion time. The contractor was also experiencing challenges of cash flows including non-payment by the municipality.
  • Empuluzi phases 3B, 5, 6: Delays by the contractor to finalise the works was affected by flooding.

There was a fatality caused by flooding which led to the Department of Labour closing the site for investigations. Currently the site is opened, the contractor working and project to be completed by June 2024

DWS is actively implementing the recommendations made by the Auditor General in its 2022/23 Budgetary Review Report for improving RBIG Project Management. For instance, in relation to the Auditor General’s recommendation that the project management unit must be adequately capacitated with the right skills to drive the performance targets that have been set for RBIG colleagues, the DWS introduced a new structure in 2022 to address such capacity and skills inadequacies and inefficiencies. The DWS has reconfigured the structure strategically, which has resulted in a dedicated Branch for Water and Sanitation Services Management to provide support to municipalities on activities such as, project planning, project management, monitoring. The branch is capacitated by professional engineers who are now supporting municipalities.


20 March 2024 - NW390

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Ms SA

Buthelezi, Ms SA to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Given that he has recently warned municipalities against the over-reliance on water tankers and boreholes as a means of water provision to communities and considering that many rural communities throughout the Republic lack the infrastructure needed for the supply of piped water, what plans has his department put in place to capacitate municipalities with phasing out the use of water tankers for a more sustained method, such as piped water?


The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) provides support to municipalities through conditional grants; the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) and Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG). The purpose of the grants is to support municipalities to develop their water and sanitation infrastructure and to address backlogs of infrastructure, thus improving access to water services.

The Department has allocated about R44 billion over the MTEF period for water and sanitation projects to various municipalities in all the province. This includes R7 billion allocated to Water Boards for the implementation of strategic projects. This caters for 107 RBIG projects under implementation in the 2023/24 financial year for which R14 billion has been allocated to 259 municipalities. 6.7 million households are envisaged to benefit from this investment. A further R15.6 billion and R14.3 billion is planned for the 24/25 and 25/26 financial years respectively.

The Department is also investing in robust planning activities for water and sanitation projects. This is to ensure that the most viable and sustainable options are identified to address the needs. Planning is based on life cycle costing and environmental, practicality, security and climate change considerations. There are 107 water and sanitation projects currently subjected to rigorous departmental planning. In line with this, the Department is also in the process to develop Provincial Bulk Master Plans that will identify Water Resource shortages in critical areas and the development of pipeline of projects to ensure the availability of resources to all affected areas.

Groundwater is an essential as part of the water resource mix and country’s natural resources that must be used to effectively supply a reliable resource to communities in South Africa. The Department has developed a Standard Operating Procedure for Groundwater Resource Development for Community Water Supply Projects which are in the process of being rolled out to all Provinces to ensure that groundwater is appropriately developed as a source.


20 March 2024 - NW349

Profile picture: Le Goff, Mr T

Le Goff, Mr T to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

What are the full details of all (a) sponsorship, (b) donations and (c) financial transfers provided for lawfare and//or any other purposes to (I) him, (ii) his department and (iii) officials of his department by any (aa) Qatari, (bb) Iranian and/or (cc) Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident since 1 January 2021 up to the latest date in 2024 for which information is available?


During the specified period between 01 January 2021 and to the current date in 2024, the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture has not received sponsorships, donations, or any transfers for lawfare and for any other purposes from Qatari Iranian and/or Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident.

Thank you

20 March 2024 - NW229

Profile picture: Mkhwebane, Adv BJ

Mkhwebane, Adv BJ to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

What steps is he taking to ensure that those granted unaffordable bail are transferred to remand detention until their cases are finalised by the courts, in light of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services’ (JICS) report to Parliament in October 2023, which indicated that unaffordable bail is one of the main contributors to overcrowding in prisons in which almost 5000 inmates are unable to pay bail set at R1000?


The two strategies (categorised as direct measures in the overcrowding reduction strategy) which are driven by the Department of Correctional Services are:

  • Bail review which entails submitting of applications to court in line with section 63A and 63(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act.
  • Referral of applications to court for consideration of the length of detention of Remand Detainees (49G of the Correctional Services Act) at 21 months initially and annually if the RD continues with detention after submitting the initial and subsequent applications. Since there is no parallel section in the Criminal Procedure Act for handling the 49G applications, the bail review sections and subsections (section 60) are utilised when considering the 49G applications. The section refers to a multitude of interest of justice factors which have to be considered in each case when considering releasing the Remand Detainees, however the Department of Correctional Services as a detention institution is not informed of the factors.

The following table provides a breakdown of bail amounts of R1000 and below of RDs detained in South African correctional facilities. Contrary to the mentioned report, nationally, a total of two thousand eight hundred and twenty (2 820) remand detainees were detained with bail below R1000 as at quarter 3 of 2023/23 (31 December 2023).


R500 and below

>R500 to R1000






















Grand total


It should be noted that Department records the number of remand detainees incarcerated with an option of bail however, that the Department does not have information that plainly confirms that the remand detainees granted bail are still in detention due to inability to pay bail.

The Department will continue to refer remand detainees who qualify to court in terms of the Section 63 of the Criminal Procedure Act (Act 51 of 1977). Some of the RDs who are detained with an option of bail do not qualify for bail review in terms of the Bail Protocol due to the nature of crimes they are detained for.


20 March 2024 - NW443

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN


(a). What specific initiatives and/or programmes are being considered by his department to empower legends in sport and the arts and (b) how will such initiatives be implemented?


(a). With reference to the Sport Sector, the Department noted and realised the absence of programmes catering for life after active careers of our sports heroes/heroines, as well as the need for more hands in the effective implementation of current and future initiatives in sport, and decided to develop a programme that would match the skills and experience of these sports heroes/heroines with the existing gaps within the initiatives that we wishes to introduce and/or enhance in the sport sector.

In the Cultural and Creative Sector, the Department established the Living Legends Legacy Fraternity Programme. This program is funded and created a Trust (Living Legends Legacy Fraternity Trust), with a board of trustees entrusted with ensuring that Legends come up with life skills transfer projects, to avoid industry pitfalls.

The Masterclasses are done to empower the next generations of artists and creatives, and in the process the Legends get remunerated in order for them to sustain their livelihood.

(b). The Sport Ambassador Programme is being implemented through the Active Nation Chief Directorate of the Department, wherein the sport legends are required to deliver coaching, mentoring and life-skills as well their self-initiated programmes within the school sport programme and in communities.

The Sport Ambassadors have further served as role models addressing the Youth at the Department’s annual Youth Camps, coaching, and providing life-skills at the National School Sport Championships

The Programme has also provided opportunities for other facets of the sport sector where legends of the Sport media sector have been involved in mobilisation of communities as South Africa hosts major Sporting events, like the Netball World Cup, and facilitating discussions during strategic gatherings of the Sporting sector, like the School Sport Indaba.

The Sports Ambassador Programme is also catered for in Provincial Activities and budget for this is catered for in the Conditional Grant.

Sector organisations in the Creativity Industry are enlisted to assist the Legends in various categories to conceptualise projects to be supported by the Department as our Legends are of an advanced age and need to be assisted by individuals that have insight about the Sector.

Thank you

20 March 2024 - NW288

Profile picture: Spies, Ms ERJ

Spies, Ms ERJ to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

In light of the fact that the Community Works Programme (CWP) is aimed at providing a job safety net for unemployed people of working age, what is the total amount (a) of the allocated CWP budget that has been lost to (i) corruption, (ii) undeserving beneficiaries and (iii) theft and (b) that has been recovered and paid back to the State in the past 10 financial years in each case?


a) (i)There is no amount of CWP budget that has been lost to corruption. The Department did not discover any fraudulent activities nor our assurance providers discovered and reported any fraudulent activities

(ii) The amount paid to undeserving benefiaries is R1,3 million.

(iii) There is no amount of CWP budget that has been lost to theft as the Department and its assurance providers did not discover or report any theft.

(b) The amount that has been recovered is R1,2 million and this relates to underseving beneficiaries. The balance of R100 000.00 is still to be recovered through arbitration and mediation with two implementing agents respectively.



20 March 2024 - NW427

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

What is the (a) status of the criminal charges brough against a senior official of Boxing South Africa for alleged involvement in the credit card saga and (b) CAS number of the specifies criminal charges?


The information at my disposal, which was verified with Boxing South Africa is that there was no criminal case opened against a senior official of Boxing South Africa. The said official tendered a resignation before the commencement of a disciplinary hearing against him.


20 March 2024 - NW430

Profile picture: Matumba, Mr A

Matumba, Mr A to ask the Mr A Matumba (EFF) to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture”.

Whether other programmes that were launched together with the Silapa Wellness Intervention Programme ceased to exist; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the reasons for their discontinuation?


The Department is not aware of any other projects that were launched together with Silapha Wellness Intervention programme, however, the Department had two other projects that were implemented in conjunction with Silapha, namely Golekane & Baqhawafazi.

The Golekane campaign is a call to action for men to end GBVF. The program also focuses on the mentorship of the boy child. To date the program has implemented projects such as the Walk Fit for Purpose and the Golekane men’s conference. The Golekane campaign has also worked with NGOs such as Frida Hartley, Love Life and POWA.

Baqhawafazi is a campaign that raises awareness against gender-based violence and femicide through the use of mediums such as Film, theatre and spoken word. The campaign has also implemented projects such as the Survivors guild in both Gauteng and Mpumalanga.

Over and above that the Department has also supported the Nqoba iGBVF program which aims at enhancing and strengthening Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) interventions within the identified GBVF Hotspots in South Africa.

The programme focuses on establishing collective structures, strengthening social cohesion through trauma-informed training and capacitating Community-Based Organisations working within the GBVF sphere within the identified hotspots.


Thank you

20 March 2024 - NW401

Profile picture: Mthethwa, Mr E

Mthethwa, Mr E to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture.”

What was the total budget spent on the compensation of members of the Ministerial Advisory Team (MAT) appointed by the department?


The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture's total budget spent on the compensation of members of the Ministerial Advisory Team (MAT) appointed by the department.

(i). The total budget is R638 369,76 (six hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and sixty-nine rand and seventy-six cents only) as follows:

(ii). The amount of R592 183,19 (Five hundred and ninety-two thousand one hundred and eighty-three rand and nineteen cents only) for the remuneration of all members

(iii). The amount of R46 186.57 (forty-six thousand one hundred and eighty-six rands fifty-seven cents only) for travelling to attend meetings

Thank you

19 March 2024 - NW608

Profile picture: Khakhau, Ms KL

Khakhau, Ms KL to ask the Minister of Social Development

With reference to her reply to question 94 on 28 March 2023, what are the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) date of purchase and (e) purchase price paid for each vehicle purchased by her department for (i) her and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 8 May 2019?


(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(i)(ii) I refer the Honourable Member to my previous reply question (Question 94). Neither myself nor the Deputy Minister have purchased any new vehicles since the reply to Question 94.

19 March 2024 - NW296

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether she will furnish Ms B S Masango with (a) a list every SA Post Office (SAPO) payment point for SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) grants which will be closed, (b) the date of closure for each, (c) the number of SASSA grant recipients serviced at each Post Office and (d) the (i) relevant details of the nearest alternative payment points to each of the closed SAPO branches and (ii) distance in kilometres from the Post Office?


a) Please refer to Annexure A for a list of every South Africa Post Office (SAPO) payment point that will be closed

b) Please refer to Annexure A for a list of every South Africa Post Office (SAPO) payment point closure dates

c) Please refer to Annexure B for the number of SASSA grant recipients serviced at each SAPO/Postbank

d) (i) and (ii) Please refer to Annexure C - for alternative payment points to each of the closed or will be closed SAPO branches and related kms


19 March 2024 - NW38

Profile picture: Sonti, Ms NP

Sonti, Ms NP to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

In assessing the performance of national departments, what (a) strategies have been employed to address any deviations from the set goals outlined in their strategic plans, (b) measures have been taken to (i) ensure effective course correction and (ii) optimise the departments' performance in response to unforeseen circumstances and/or obstacles, (c) specific (i) key performance indicators and (ii) benchmarks are used to gauge the success of the departments in the implementation of their strategic plans and (d) adjustments have been made to the metrics over the course of the five-year period?


Find reply here

19 March 2024 - NW387

Profile picture: Loate, Mr T

Loate, Mr T to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether, in view of the fact that the National Treasury did not have the money to assist his department to obtain more money in order to employ more staff to have a contingency of at least 60% to operate optimally in sorting out visa applications, his department employed innovative and speedy measures to fasttrack the applications for 35 000 visas of persons who had legitimate spouses in the Republic and wanted to come and live in the country and seek employment here as well; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what are the reasons that legitimate foreign spouses of South African citizens cannot have their visa applications speedily processed?


1. The Department has developed a Backlog Eradication Plan and the Plan was presented to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs. The Plan includes amongst other additional capacity to complement the current Immigration Services’ team. An additional 117 officials coming from Head Office and Provinces have been put together to deal with the Backlog Eradication Plan.

The Department through Operation Vulindlela has sought the support of the private sector to speed up verification of documents as verifications contribute to delays in the processing of visas.

2. To establish the legitimacy of any spousal relationship for a visa application, the adjudication process requires that such relationships should be verified for authenticity. This includes the notarial agreements that are submitted in support of such applications. In most cases the contact number of the purported South African spouse is not provided, making it difficult to confirm with certainty that the South African citizen is indeed party to the relationship.


19 March 2024 - NW459

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What was the (a) average number of persons detained (b) total budget spent and (c) total number of detainees released, because they had not been deported in time at the Lindela Repatriation Centre for the 2022-23 financial year?


  1. The average number of persons detained is 9595.
  2. The total budget spent: R35 443 197-41 in 2022/23 financial year.
  3. The total number of detainees released, because they had not been deported in time at the Lindela Repatriation Centre for the 2022-23 financial year is 53 .


19 March 2024 - NW26

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1) What (a) number of deceased individuals continue to receive the monthly grants from the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) in the (i) 2022-23 financial year and (ii) since 1 April 2023 and (b) is the breakdown of the monies that have been lost in each specified period; (2) (a) what number of government employees receive a social grant from SASSA, (b) what is the breakdown of the grants the specified employees collected since 1 January 2022 and (c) in which department is each employee who is receiving a grant employed?


1. (a) As stated in my reply to Parliamentary Question 4207, SASSA works closely with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) on data validation and conducts monthly checks to confirm the life status of clients before a payment file is generated. SASSA does not knowingly pays social grants to deceased beneficiaries.

(i)(ii)(b) Please refer to my reply to Question 4207

2. It is important for the Honourable Member to note that all social grants, with the exception of Foster Child Grant, which is court issued, are means tested for eligibility. If a government employee decides to foster a child an apply for a Foster Child Grant and the court grant foster care place, the employee will be eligible for the Foster Care Grant.

It is also important for the Honourable Member to note some categories of government employees such as those recruited through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and internship programmes, most of whom are the groups appearing on the government database. These individuals would qualify to receive social grants, should they satisfy the eligibility criteria.

(b) The breakdown of grant types is as follows:

Grant Type


Care dependency grant


Child Support Grant


Disability Grant


Older Person’s Grant

52 655

Grand Total

60 068

All of the above beneficiaries were identified through the AGSA audit process and they were subjected to a review process by SASSA. It was found that some of the employees receive social grants on behalf of someone in their care.

19 March 2024 - NW599

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With reference to his reply to question 88 on 28 February 2023, what are the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) date of purchase and (e) purchase price paid for each vehicle purchased by his department for (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 8 May 2019?


(i) Minister

(a) Isuzu MUX, (b) 3.0 DDI MU-X LSE A/T (c) 2023, (d) 15 November 2023 (e) R800 000.00 inclusive of VAT

(ii) Deputy Minister

(a) BMW (b) 520d (c) 2019 (d) 19 December 2019 (e) R668 000.00 inclusive of VAT


19 March 2024 - NW347

Profile picture: Khakhau, Ms KL

Khakhau, Ms KL to ask the Minister of Social Development

What are the full details of all (a) sponsorships, (b) donations and (c) financial transfers provided for lawfare and/or any other purposes to (i) her, (ii) her department and (iii) officials of her department by any (aa) Qatari, (bb) Iranian and/or (cc) Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident since 1 January 2021 up to the latest date in 2024 for which information is available?


(a) (b) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (aa) (bb) (cc) None

19 March 2024 - NW338

Profile picture: Engelbrecht, Mr J

Engelbrecht, Mr J to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What are the full details of all (a) sponsorships, (b) donations and (c) financial transfers provided for lawfare and/or any other purposes to (i) him, (ii) his department and (iii) officials of his department by any (aa) Qatari, (bb) Iranian and/or (cc) Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident since 1 January 2021 up to the latest date in 2024 for which information is available?


No sponsorships, donations, or financial transfers have been provided for lawfare and or any other purposes to me, the Department, or any official in the Department by any Qatari, Iranian, or Russian organ of state/organisation since 1 January 2021 to date. The Department and I would not know whether any sponsorship, donation, or financial transfer for lawfare and or any other purpose was made by any Qatari, Iranian, or Russian organ of state /organisation to any resident from 1 January 2021 to date.


19 March 2024 - NW568

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With regard to the late registration of birth certificate applications in the 2022-23 financial year, what total number of applications were (a) lodged, (b) finalised and (c) of these applications, what number required DNA testing to prove parentage and (d) what was the average processing time of the applications?


(a)(i) Applications lodged for Late Registration of Birth (LRB) for the category - 31 days to 15 years = 77 179

(a)(ii) Applications lodged for LRB applications for the category 15 years and above = 10 097

(b)(i) Applications finalised for the category - 31 days to 15 years = 70 651

(b)(ii) Applications finalised for LRB applications for the category 15 years and above = 6 714

c) Percentage of DNA Testing = Data in respect of DNA testing is not captured on the department’s Track & Trace system. Each birth registration would need to be extracted and analysed to determine if DNA testing was conducted.

d) Published turnaround time for LRB is 180 days. The average processing time of LRB is 3 months to 6 months. Processing times differ for each application, either due to investigations or verification of information obtained during the interview.


19 March 2024 - NW564

Profile picture: Khanyile, Ms AT

Khanyile, Ms AT to ask the Ms T A Khanyile (DA) to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1) Whether he will furnish Ms T A Khanyile with the relevant detailed financial accounts of the revenue accrued from short-term visa applications processed in conjunction with VFS Global for the fiscal years (a) 2019-20, (b) 2020-21, (c) 2021-22, (d) 2022-23, and (e) since 1 April 2023; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of each specified period; (2) what are the relevant details of the financial arrangements and revenue-sharing model between his department and VFS Global regarding these transactions?


1.The information is tabulated hereunder: -


Financial year

Revenue collected by VFS for visa applications



R44 393 680.00



R19 932 830.00



R31 969 065.00



R33 754 185.00


2023-24 (as at 31 January 2024, unaudited)

R32 126 493.75

2. The visa facilitation services contract between VFS Global and Home Affairs is based on the user-pay model and not on a revenue-sharing model. VFS collects the prescribed visa and permit fee on behalf of Home Affairs and pays it over to the Department. This constitutes the revenue collected in the table above. VFS Global adds a service charge, also called a service fee, on each transaction. It is a fee collected to pay for services that relate to a product or service that is being purchased. In other words, a service charge is an additional charge for the service provided with the submission of a visa or permit application, product, or other auxiliary service. The service fee is approved by the Department. VFS Global does not get any share of the visa or permit fees (revenue) that are due to the Department.


19 March 2024 - NW185

Profile picture: Khanyile, Ms AT

Khanyile, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What is the current backlog of (a) asylum seekers awaiting status determination interviews, (b) asylum seekers who have appealed the status determination decision, and are awaiting a hearing with the refugee appeal authority, (c) asylum seekers who have submitted a review of their status determination decision to the standing committee of refugee affairs and are awaiting a decision, (d) refugees awaiting decisions on permanent residence applications and (e) foreign nationals awaiting permanent residence applications?


(a) 617 active cases are still at the first instance adjudication phase as at 31 December 2023.

(b) Refugee Appeals Authority:

(i) Failed asylum seekers who lodged Notices of Appeal – 113 698

(ii) Failed asylum seekers booked for hearing – 2 710

(c) Reviews at SCRA awaiting decisions as at 19/02/2024: 6 774

(d) Refugees awaiting decisions on permanent residence applications: 2 924.

(e) Foreign nationals awaiting permanent residence applications: 44 488.


19 March 2024 - NW308

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With regard to the project to employ 10 000 graduates to digitise Home Affairs records, for every functional and operating office, (a) what are the respective locations of the offices where digitalisation will occur and (b) how many (i) graduates are currently employed in terms of the project and (ii) records have been digitised as at 31 August 2023?


(a) The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) will be utilising five buildings to digitise the 340 million records.

(b)(i) As per my reply in Parliamentary Question 2220, the recruitment of the 10,000 youth graduates is being rolled out in three phases. The advert for the first 1st 2000 cohort of unemployed graduates was published in the 2022/23 financial year, leading to the initial employment of 1405 graduates. This number has been decreasing due to youth finding better opportunities elsewhere. As of 31 January 2024, a total of 1142 youth were still in the employ of the Department and have been posted at various locations, in all provinces. The advert for the 2nd cohort closed on 03 March 2023 and yielded 2951 qualifying candidates out of the 439k applications received. In December 2023, the Department issued 2550 appointment letters to qualifying applicants. This brings the total number of young graduates employed for the digitisation project close to 3,700. The 3rd and last cohort of youth will be recruited in the 2024/25 financial year.

(b)(ii) As of 29 February 2024, the Department had digitised 31 419 990 images which translates to 714 016 records. Records consist of paper records and microfilms.


19 March 2024 - NW273

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Transport

Given that the economic cost and loss of life due to accidents on poorly maintained roads continue to increase (details furnished), what are the full, relevant details of the plans that her department has in place to ensure that this is prevented in the 2023-24 financial year?


1. Road Safety Audits

The Department is highly concerned about the continuous increase in road traffic crashes due to poor condition of roads and to this end, my department developed the Road Safety Strategy that seeks to address rod crashes and fatalities with safer roads being one of the Road safety pillars. The Department of Transport developed the Road Safety Audit Manual that provides guidance to various Roads Authorities on actions to be adopted in keeping the roads safe for all road users.

2. Routine Road Maintenance (RRM

In addition to the Road Safety Manual, the South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited developed the Routine Road Maintenance Program to ensure that the newly built are regularly maintained to ensure longevity.

3. Provincial Road Maintenance Transversal Indicators

In addition to the above and in making sure that Provinces are well supported, the Department of Transport has established a set of four (4) performance indicators that are consistently executed by all Provinces and monitored on quarterly basis. These Transversal Indicators are:

  • Number of kilometres of surfaced roads visually assessed as per the applicable Technical Methods for Highways (TMH) manual,
  • Number of kilometres of gravel roads visually assessed as per the applicable TMH Manual,
  • Number of road safety audits conducted,
  • Number of designs for transport infrastructure

4. Road Maintenance Grant

The Department has budgeted R42.6 billion for construction, maintenance and upgrade of the road infrastructure network, For the current reporting period the Department of Transport.

19 March 2024 - NW63

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)What number of days constitute the period between (a) the date on which the SA Social Security Agency requests life status confirmations from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and (b) the date grant payments are made to grant beneficiaries once the DHA has confirmed life status; (2) whether she intends to take steps to shorten the time frame of confirming life status; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in this regard?


1. (a) As stated in my reply to Parliamentary Question 4207, SASSA works closely with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) on data validation and conducts monthly checks to confirm the life status of clients before a payment file is generated on a monthly basis.

b) The life status (proof of life) confirmation is sourced from DHA on the day that the payment file is generated. If proof of life is confirmed, payment is included in the payment file and effected for that month. Using February 2024 payment as an illustration, the process is as follows:

Step 1: On the third weekend of the month payment file is extracted (26-28 January 2024) – It must be noted that due to the controls and volumes of the payment file, the payment file is done over the weekend when there is no production work being processed.

Step 2: The payment file is quality assured and approved on Monday (29 January 2024)

Step 3: Tuesday (30 January 2024), SASSA sends payment file to Bankserv – Bankserv requires the payment file 2 days before payment date

Step 4: Thursday (1 February 2024) – is reserved for National Treasury administrative processes

Step 5: From Friday (2-5 February 2024) – Payment starts. If the 1st day of payment falls on a Monday, payment is moved to Tuesday to enable retailers and banks to ensure sufficient cash circulation within the industry. The 5-step process is necessary to ensure the right person is paid. It must be noted that the above will still not resolve the challenge of late death notifications by families to Home Affairs, which implications for SASSA.

19 March 2024 - NW222

Profile picture: Bongo, Adv BT

Bongo, Adv BT to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:

Considering that corruption is one of the key areas the Government has prioritised to tackle, what progress has been made with the implementation of the recommendations of the (a) Lubisi Report and (b) Government Printing Works Ministerial Report?


Honourable Member, I wish to refer you to two reports presented on 05 March 2024 to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs.

The said reports clearly outline progress with timeframes and figures on

(a) Lubisi Report and

(b) Government Printing Works’ Ministerial Report.

They are very detailed and will provide you with all you need to know.


19 March 2024 - NW307

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) What total amount of office hours were lost due to (i) load shedding, (ii) office closures, (iii) water outages, (iv) system downtime and (v) no online verification scanners at health facilities in quarter 3 of the 2023-24 financial year and (b) what was the total percentage of uptime of his department’s civic services system hosted by State Information Technology Agency?


(a) The total amount of office hours lost in all Provincial Offices across the country due to load shedding, office closures, water outages, system downtime and no online verification scanners at health facilities in quarter 3 of the 2023-24 financial year is as follows:

(i) 6 106 hours (load shedding);

(ii) 34 hours (office closures);

(iii) 682 hours (water outages);

(iv) 8 645 hours (system downtime);

(v) 780 hours (no online verification scanners at health facilities).

(b) The DHA/SITA SLA covering all offices reflects as follows:


Reachability (Network)

Availability (power)

October 2023



November 2023



December 2023




19 March 2024 - NW539

Profile picture: Arries, Ms LH

Arries, Ms LH to ask the Minister of Social Development

What total number of appeals regarding the Social Relief of Distress Grant (a) has her department received in the past two years and (b) still need to be finalised?


a) As the Honourable Member is aware, social grants appeals are handled by the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals. For the period in question, the Tribunal received a total of 23 939 400 appeals for the SRD Grant.

b) The above number is inclusive of 15 343 533 appeals received for the period 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023 and 8 595 867 appeals received during the period 1 April 2023 – 31 December 2023. To date, the Tribunal has adjudicated and finalised a total of 23 298 222 SRD Grant appeals.

18 March 2024 - NW499

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What has her department found to be the factors that contribute to land restitution breaking the cycle of poverty?


The recipients of the Land Restitution programme received land as an assets or Financial Compensation which enables the claimants to participate in the economy of the country thus breaking the cycles of poverty. More than 998 479 individuals benefited from financial compensation and more than 1 134 039 individuals benefited from land restoration.


18 March 2024 - NW220

Profile picture: Peacock, Ms NP

Peacock, Ms NP to ask the Minister of Police

[4] [Question submitted for oral reply now placed for written reply because it is more than quota (Rule 137(8))] Considering that the ratio of police personnel to the population is not at the level that is desired in accordance with international standards, what plans has he put in place since 1 April 2023 for additional human resource capacity for the SA Police Service?


Find reply here

18 March 2024 - NW208

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What (a) is the total number of (i) commercial farmers and (ii) black commercial farmers in the Republic and (b) size of the commercial farmland is owned by the black commercial farmers?


a) (i) Commercial Farmers: 40 122 (Source: Stats SA Commercial Census of Agriculture, 2017).

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA’s) definition of category of farmers:

  • Micro Income <R1 million;
  • Micro+ R1 million>Income<R2,25 million;
  • Small R2.25 million>Income<R13,5 million;
  • Medium R13,5 million>Income<R22,5 million; and
  • Large >R22,5 million.

Information is not categorised according to race.

(ii) There are no reliable figures on black commercial farmers yet. The Producer/Farmer Register in 2021 registered 95 501 farmers. African farmers compared to other racial groups make up 89 975 of the registered number.

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD’s) definition of category of farmers registered is as follows:

  • Smallholder R50<R1 million form 59 282;
  • Medium-scale(R1 million><R10 million) form 434;
  • Large -scale(R10 million><R50 million) form 111; and
  • Mega Farmer(>R50 million) form 67.


The Land Audit of 2017 reveals that out of the 181 532 individuals who own farms and agricultural holdings, 40 494 African individuals own land. Whites are the majority owners, forming 95 673 of the total. The report does not reveal the breakdown of turnover per race.

b) The Stats SA Commercial Census of Agriculture, 2017 reveals that there is 46,4 million hectares of land i.e. 36,5 million hectares of commercial grazing land and 7,7 million hectares of commercial arable land.

According to the Land Audit of 2017, Africans own 1 314 873 hectares out of the total of 37 078 289 hectares. White individuals have 26 663 144 hectares of land.

However, the information is not categorised by turnover and race on the same plane so that it can depict black commercial farmers.

18 March 2024 - NW289

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether she will furnish Mr N P Masipa with the detailed progress that has been made regarding the completion of the first draft of the Animal Welfare Bill that is due in March 2024; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she will furnish Mr N P Masipa with the (a) details of the public stakeholder consultation that took place during the drafting of the Animal Welfare Bill and (b) due date for presentation to (i) Cabinet and (ii) Parliament for the processing of the Bill; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW327E


1. Yes. The first draft of the Animal Welfare Bill is currently being drafted and will be completed in March 2024.

2. (a) No. No public stakeholder consultation has taken place as yet.

(b)(i),(ii) It is not possible to determine the exact time frames due to the various processes that must be engaged prior to the introduction of a Bill to Parliament. As indicated in the reply to question 3435 on 22 November 2023, the first draft is expected to be completed by March 2024 and the Bill will follow the normal legislation-making process including:

- processing through the relevant Directors-General Cluster System;

- conducting a Socio-Economic Impact Assessment;

- constitutional certification by the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor; and

- obtaining Cabinet approval to gazette for public comments.

Once the comments have been considered, the Bill will be amended accordingly and will be submitted to Cabinet for approval to table in Parliament.

18 March 2024 - NW231

Profile picture: Gericke, Mr V

Gericke, Mr V to ask the Minister of Police

[*23][Question submitted for oral reply now placed for written reply because it is more than quota (Rule 137(8))] Considering the prevalence of the protection fee rackets run by gangster syndicates, particularly in Cape Town, to demand money from businesses to allegedly protect such businesses' interests, what (a) intelligence does Crime Intelligence Operations have on the operations of these protection fee rackets and (b) plans of action does the SA Police Service have in place to stamp out this practice?



Find reply here

18 March 2024 - NW209

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With reference to land restitution claims that were settled by the return of land to the claimants, what total number of the specified claims are governed by (a) communal property associations and (b) trusts?


a) The Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has registered 666 Communal Property Associations for governance of the land restitution claims that were settled by the return of land to the claimants.

b) DALRRD has registered 319 Trusts for governance of the land restitution claims that were settled by the return of land to the claimants.

18 March 2024 - NW135

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(1)With reference to her reply to question 4157 on 8 January 2024 regarding mechanisms in place to encourage and make provisions for youth entrepreneurship and addressing youth unemployment, wherein she mentioned that the Youth Challenge Fund had approved loans to the value of R227 798 265 to 66 youth-owned businesses and that it had disbursed a total of R150 348 036 to 42 youth-owned businesses, what (a) are the full, relevant details, including names and locations, of the (i) 66 and (ii) 42 youth-owned businesses that received loans and/or other funds and (b) total amount did each specified business receive; (2) what are the full, relevant details of how her department intends to recoup the loans?”


I have been advised that:

1. At the time of consolidating the response to the Parliamentary question 4157, funding applications for 66 youth-owned businesses were approved and funding was disbursed to 42 youth-owned businesses. Since the data is captured on a live system, as of 19 February 2024 71 youth-owned businesses have been approved for funding to the tune of to the tune of R228 730 052,79, and 44 youth-owned businesses received funding to the tune of R152 597 677,84 as per the attached spreadsheet.

2. The fund is implemented by the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (sefa) on behalf of the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD), then sefa processes are followed to approve and disburse the funds to eligible applicants. The approval of applications takes place at the Credit Committee level, once approved, the contracting (legal process) takes place between sefa Officials and the client and then the loans are disbursed. After disbursements, the client’s file is handed over to the Post Investment Monitoring (PIM) Department. In the case of equipment or machinery purchase, when the supplier delivers, the Investment Officer (IO) or the PIM official are present at the client’s premises to verify that the goods are being delivered as per the paid invoice. Within thirty days post the disbursement, PIM conducts client visits to ensure that the business continues to function in line with what was agreed upon and approved by the Credit Committee. When the loan repayments are due, PIM raises instalments, through the Collections Department, and collects payments from clients’ accounts via the debit orders.

18 March 2024 - NW327

Profile picture: Alexander, Ms W

Alexander, Ms W to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What are the full details of all (a) sponsorships, (b) donations and (c) financial transfers provided for lawfare and/or any other purposes to (i) her, (ii) her department and (iii) officials of her department by any (aa) Qatari, (bb) Iranian and/or (cc) Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident since 1 January 2021 up to the latest date in 2024 for which information is available?”


I have been advised that:

  1. According to the records of received sponsorships, donations and gifts, the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) can confirm that no sponsorships, (b) donations and (c) financial transfers for lawfare and/or any other purposes were received from any (aa) Qatari, (bb) Iranian and/or (cc) Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident since 1 January 2021 up to 23 February 2024 by the (i) Minister of Small Business Development, (ii) her department and (iii) officials of her department.

18 March 2024 - NW498

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What total number of households and/or individuals received financial compensation as opposed to the total number of beneficiaries who had their land restored and/or assets transferred to them?



More than 998 479 individuals benefited from financial compensation and more than 1 134 039 individuals benefited from land restoration.


18 March 2024 - NW215

Profile picture: Mkhwebane, Adv BJ

Mkhwebane, Adv BJ to ask the Minister of Police

​ (1) What (a) are the full details and extent of the investigation conducted by the members of the SA Police Service (SAPS) on the rape case opened at the Woodstock Police Station under case number 53/2/2022 and (b) total number of witnesses have been interviewed; (2) whether the specified members of SAPS were informed of the new evidence that has since emerged; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) measures have they taken to follow up on the mater and (b) are the relevant details?


Find reply here

18 March 2024 - NW382

Profile picture: Montwedi, Mr Mk

Montwedi, Mr Mk to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether the Public Protector made any findings and handed down remedial action against her department in Report 24 of 2017/2018 on Allegations of Maladministration in the matter between Mr J Nchupetsang and the North West Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what specific steps has her department taken to implement the remedial action?


We have requested the Provincial Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development in North West Province to provide us with information in this regard.

Once the information is received, we will inform the Honourable Member.

18 March 2024 - NW134

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

Given that her department has designed support measures for youth-owned businesses through the Small Business Development Agency, in a quest to cultivate an enterprising culture amongst the youth, what (a) has been the direct successes of the Entrepreneurship in Schools Programme and (b) total amount has her department spent on the running of the specified programme?”


I have been advised that:

(a)&(b)The Entrepreneurship in Schools programme is a partnership that involves a lot of private sector stakeholders. The owner and custodian are PrimeStars, the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) arm of Prime Media. Other partners include the following: SAPPI, the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda), EOH, Allan and Gill Gray Philanthropies, Omnia, 3M, AECI, Safripol, Mulilo, BTE Renewables, Richfield, University of Johannesburg, Raizcorp, Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, Zutari, Women’s Development Business, Buhle Waste, Proudly SA, Uber, Tourvest Travel Services, Protea Hotel Marriot, Sizwe IT, Versapak, Airlink, Nando’s and Lift.


Since the inception of the programme, the Seda has supported seventy-six thousand nine hundred and ninety-one (76 991) beneficiaries with a budget spent of R3 million as per table below:


















2023 -2024







The programme makes use of the cinema infrastructure to expose Grade 9 to 12 learners and Educators to entrepreneurship through an entrepreneurial education movie aimed at empowering and entertaining secondary school youth about entrepreneurship and starting their own businesses. The theme changes every year, but the focus is always on encouraging business ideas that will solve existing social, environmental and health problems.

The programme has two main components: creating awareness about entrepreneurship and financial literacy (hence the big number at the beginning) and the competition which culminates into a bootcamp at the end of the year.

The total number of schools that benefited from the programme over the six-year period are six hundred and twenty six (626). The role of Seda is as follows:

  • Assists with the running and judging of the final competition as “investor pitching” including master classes on “technology and innovation” and “pitch preparation”.
  • Provide top three winners with access to relevant Seda support. These potential entrepreneurs would have much more refined ideas, stronger business cases, knowledge, and experience, to work with, to be guided through the process of setting up a business, if necessary, with partners over 18 years of age, in a schedule that does not jeopardise their schooling.
  • Seda is committed to assist all the beneficiaries of the programme and they are encouraged to visit Seda branches to turn their ideas into businesses.


  • Thirteen thousand one hundred and nine (13 109) learners and two hundred and five (205) educators were exposed to entrepreneurial education film.
  • 98% of the beneficiaries were Africans and the gender representation was as follows: 57% of females benefited from the programme whereas males were 43%.
  • Learners were encouraged to enter the competition and adjudication of the entries took place. Ten (10) teams were selected and participated in a boot camp that took place on the 8-11 December 2023. The dragon’s den was hosted on 11 December 2023 at Protea Hotel, Wanderers in Johannesburg to choose the three viable business ideas.
  • The Step-Up 2 A Green Start-Up National Youth Entrepreneurship Awards ceremony was hosted on 12 December 2023 at Nedbank Rivonia in Sandton. The Minister of Small Business Development, Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, graced the event with her presence and delivered the keynote address.
  • The finalists comprising of twenty-eight (28) learners and nine (9) educators were awarded with over R4 million in prizes which included bursaries, incubation, entrepreneurial programmes, shopping voucher, application development, seed funding and tablets. These came from the different sponsors of the programme that are listed above. The finalists represented Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga and Northern Cape.
  • A team of three learners from Leap Science and Maths in Alexandra, Gauteng were announced as overall winners of the 2023 Step Up 2A Green Start Up National Youth Entrepreneurship Awards for their business solution of producing of eco-brick which was made from recyclable materials such as plastic, paper or glass brought together by a little cement. Those eco bricks will be used to build houses for those in need and address the challenges related to inadequate housing, pollution, unemployment and poverty within their community and the country as whole.
  • The second winner was from Mehlwana Secondary School in Ogies, Mpumalanga. They introduced a way of collecting waste through smart bins. These bins are paired with a mobile app that automatically alerts service provider when the bins reach the full capacity and ready to be collected.
  • The third winner was from Sir Pierre Van Ryneveld High School in Kempton Park, Gauteng, their business idea centered on sustainable construction for those in need by using repurpose recyclable materials into wall panels to build houses.


  • The first-place winner was Sibusisiwe Comp Tech High School from Umbumbulu in KwaZulu-Natal. The idea was to create an affordable source of energy using eco-friendly coal sourced from marula nuts. The Eco Trio received R20 000 from the Youth Start Foundation to start a business. They started a business of nut processing in January 2023, this entails converting marula nut into coal.
  • The second-place winner was Leap Science and Maths High School from Alexandra in Gauteng. The idea was to make use of the recycled paper to create “eco log bricks” as an alternative to coal used for fire. The eco log brick making business was not implemented as planned due to lack of resources. As both first and second place winners are still in grade 12 this year, after writing their exams, the Seda branches (eThekwini and Johannesburg) will train them on basic business skills and assist them to turn the idea into a business.
  • The third-place winner was Buhlebezile Secondary School from Thokoza in Gauteng. The idea was to extract raw materials from electronic devices, reselling precious metals and repurposing the plastic waste into tar used for road construction. The team completed their matric in 2022 and each member received a degree bursary from Richfield Institute to the value of R112 000. Both students are studying at Richfield Institute and have applied to Johannesburg Business School of Entrepreneurship Development Programme to study further.


  • Gontse Selaocoe is the owner of All Day Jam based in Orange Farm in Johannesburg which employ 5 people. Mr Selaocoe took part in the programme in 2017 when he was in Grade 11 and made it to Top 10. He contacted Seda for assistance, he was assisted with product testing, marketing assistance and he participated on the art of pitch for funding competition. He was one of the winners of 2022 Seda National Pitch for Funding Champion in which he received the R500 000.
  • Palesa Machaka is the owner of Coiggy (Pty) Ltd – Fintech company with 2 employees. Primestars supported her on her journey, offered resources to start her business and referred her to relevant network. Coiggy (Pty) Ltd is a fintech start-up company with the aim of fostering financial savviness amongst the youth in Southern Africa – by revolutionising the use of loyalty programmes and breaking stereotypes around saving and investing money. This company planned to redefine the financial ecosystem, making financial services more secure and inclusive for all, from a township to global scale.
  • Brian Mlambo is a CEO of Akha Ventures. Akha Ventures is at the forefront of championing digital transformation in Africa. Rooted in a profound dedication to the empowerment of small and medium-sized enterprises, the company serves as an indispensable ally to SMEs, ensuring they are equipped with the pivotal tools and insights required to flourish in today's digital era. This unwavering commitment to transformation has borne tangible results, with Akha Ventures successfully aiding over 5,000 businesses in establishing their digital presence and organizing, more than 100 business-centric events, including insightful masterclasses and fireside chats which has enabled them to build a database of over 35,000 SMEs in South Africa in 5 years.

18 March 2024 - NW269

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What specific steps does her department intend to take in response to the alarming number of noncompliant communal property associations (CPAs) as outlined in the recent annual report; (2) whether there is a plan to address the (a) lack of co-operation (i) among CPA members and (ii) between traditional authorities versus CPAs and (b) reported conflicts among CPA members that are identified as key factors contributing to (aa) noncompliance and (bb) project failure; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) considering that the chairperson of the Moletele Community Property Association, Mr Albert Thabane, which is one of the CPAs that are best performing, emphasised that collaborations are key to ensure that the benefits of the community are met, what measures does her department intend to put in place to encourage collaboration and partnerships among CPAs?


1. The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has embarked on a process of developing a policy guideline to address all Communal Property Associations’ (CPAs) challenges.

2. Yes.

(a)(i),(ii),(b),(aa),(bb) The policy guideline will address all CPA challenges.

3. DALRRD is currently hosting CPA investment imbizos in order to advance collaboration amongst CPAs and investment partners for the productive use of the land held by these entities.

18 March 2024 - NW450

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

(1)Whether the transaction by the National Gambling Board to purchase the property at 1085 Frances Baard Street, Hatfield, has been finalised; if not; what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date was the transaction concluded and (b) what was the cost of the building; (2) whether all supply chain processes were followed in the procurement process; if not, why not; if so, (a) did he approve the transaction in terms of Section 54 of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999 and (b) on what date was the specified approval granted; (3) whether the transaction has been approved by the National Treasury according to the stipulations of the specified Act; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date did the National Treasury approve the transaction and (b) what are the relevant details?


Following information received from the National Gambling Board (NGB) relating to this transaction, I have requested the Director-General to further engage the NGB on information required and processes followed and provide me with a Report. A supplementary reply will be provided once the information has been received.


18 March 2024 - NW381

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What total number of agri-hubs have benefited successfully from the facilities that are meant to act as key enablers of the agriculture value chain across the Republic?


5 Agri-Hubs. An Agri-Hub is a component of an Agri Park.; it is a nodal collection point of produce from farmers primarily supported at Farmer Production Support Units (FPSUs); it accommodates agro-processing, packaging, logistics, and distribution.





1. Springfontein Agri-Hub

Free State

Xhariep District Municipality

Kopanong Local Municipality

Multi-Purpose warehouse, Bulk Services, Guard House, Mechanization Centre and fence

  • 21 jobs created during construction.
  • The Agri-Hub is meant to handle fresh produce from FPSU packhouses before sending them to the larger Market. That’s a value adding process to the Market.
  • Farmers and community will benefit from Market access and job creation.

2. Thaba Nchu Agri-Hub

Free State

Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality

Fully equipped abattoir, Rendering Plant, Guard house, paving. Holding Pens, Palisade Fence

  • 28 job opportunities created during construction.
  • The Abattoir is where livestock will be received directly from farmers within the Thaba-Nchu area and neighbouring towns, Slaughtering and processing of the meat will be done at this Abattoir and graded before sent to larger Market.
  • Market access will contribute to more job creation.

3. Mkhuze Agri-Hub

KwaZulu Natal

uMkhanyakude District Municipality

Mkuze Local Municipality

Mkhuze Rail Siding (includes weighbridges, Spiller platforms, purchase of the Hilo, and specialized equipment).

  • 25 jobs were created during construction.

4. Mkhuhlu Agri-Hub


Ehlanzeni District Municipality

Bushbuckridge Local Municipality

Fresh Produce Market, Packhouse, Access Road, Storage Shed, Office Block, Training Facility and Veterinary Clinic

  • 45 jobs created during construction
  • A service provider was appointed by Provincial Agriculture to operate the Hub.
  • The Agri-Hub is meant to handle pre-handled fresh produce from FPSU packhouses before sending them to the Market.
  • Farmers will benefit from Market access.

5. Springbokpan Agri-Hub

North West

Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality

Ditsobotla Local Municipality

Warehouse bulks services and paved dual access road-project, a guard house and 1,9KM fencing.


  • 79 jobs created during construction.
  • The project will support small- holder farmers through the provision of infrastructure, extension services, production inputs and mechanization input to improve grain production.

18 March 2024 - NW133

Profile picture: Luthuli, Mr BN

Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

(1)What (a) has been the total annual budget of the Youth Challenge Fund (YCF) since its inception and (b) total amount of the specified budget has been allocated towards assisting youth-owned businesses; (2) what criteria were used in the process of approving and/or granting loans and other financial assistance to youth-owned businesses; (3) whether have been any youth-owned businesses that were denied any grants or financial assistance in the specified period; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the reasons?” NW139E


I have been advised that:

1. Since its inception in the 2021/22 financial period, the Youth Challenge Fund (YCF) was allocated a budget of:

(a) R296 459 000,

(b) As at 19 February 2024, sefa had disbursed R152 597 678 to 44 Youth-owned businesses under the Youth Challenge Fund.

2. The YCF provides support to youth start-up businesses/enterprises that meet the following criteria:

  • Are between the age of 18 to 35 years.
  • Majority youth-owned with at least 51% youth shareholder/s.
  • Registered with Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and be prepared to register with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) and Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).
  • 100% South African owned.
  • Are adequately involved in the day-to-day operation and management of the business, with at least one or more of the members being full-time employees of the business, especially the main applicant.
  • Prepared to participate in Business Development Support (BDS) and mentorship (pre and post).
  • Commercially viable, sustainable, and feasible business idea.

3. Yes, there has been applications that were declined for funding for youth-owned businesses due to a number of specific reasons listed below:

  • Incomplete applications.
  • Adverse credit record.
  • Application above the maximum funding threshold.
  • Lack of off-take agreements.
  • No identified market.
  • Lack of financial statements for existing businesses.
  • Commercial viability.
  • Youth ownership not being clear.
  • Non-compliance with industry regulatory requirements.

Letters of decline were sent to the applicants stating the reasons why their applications were declined or could not be processed further with some of the applications advised to contact the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) for business support. The applicants are advised to re-apply once all the issues listed above are sorted. Some of the applications have been reallocated to the Township Rural Economic Programme (TREP) as it was relevant to them.

18 March 2024 - NW57

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What is the (a) total cost of waste perishable fruit exports between 2019 and 2023, specifically at export destination delivery points due to port challenges and Ukraine-Russian conflict and (b) status update on the latest measures in place to expedite farmers' exports at ports and minimise losses for our farmers?


a) The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) does not have information on the cost of waste perishable exports resulting from port challenges and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, there doesn’t appear to be any significant post export losses, judging by non-conformity reports we receive regularly from the European Union and other export destinations.

b) The role of DALRRD and its assignee, the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) is inter alia to ensure that farmers’ produce are harvested on time, appropriately packed and sent to ports for final export procedures where the PEPCB ensures that produce is correctly loaded, and vessels certified. Availability of port space and port efficiency as well as related logistics at the ports is the responsibility of the Department of Transport (Transnet).


18 March 2024 - NW268

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(a) How does her department intend to address financial irregularities and missing funds within some communal property associations (CPAs) and (b) what mechanisms will be put in place to prevent such issues in the future; (2) regarding the need for a more aggressive approach, what specific timelines and milestones will her department set to ensure a swift and effective turnaround in the current state of CPAs?


(1)(a) Communal Properties Associations (CPAs) are supported to present annual reports and financial statements at the Annual General Meeting of its members.

In instances where allegations of financial mismanagement are reported investigations are done by the department and where necessary, the CPA can be put under administration.

(b) Proper training of all CPA members including their executive committee on governance, business development and financial accountability is necessary.

2. Firstly, engagement with CPAs across the country gave us a thorough appreciation of where challenges are in each of the CPAs (2022/23).

Following these engagements, a training program is duly developed to strengthen weaknesses.

Mediation is also central in austerity in the management of conflicts and look at possible actions in isolating disputes.

Timelines will differ based on each CPA and its challenges.


18 March 2024 - NW247

Profile picture: Halse, Ms T

Halse, Ms T to ask the Minister of Police

[46] [Question submitted for oral reply now placed for written reply because it is more than quota (Rule 137(8))] With reference to the critical shortage of SA Police Service officers at the Ladybrand Police Station in the Free State, what are the relevant details of the (a) total cost of hosting the Festive Season Inspection Roadshow in Ladybrand in December 2023 and (b) tangible benefits, such as increased staff complements, that the hosting of the specified Roadshow has brought to the residents of Ladybrand?



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18 March 2024 - NW541

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether she intends establishing any national policy regarding almost 3 500 cases of governing bodies that are allegedly involved in theft, fraud and extortion, in cahoots with school principals; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Department has measures in place to deal with a principal or SGB that conducts theft, fraud or extortion that are linked to a school. Should there be a school(s) that is/are alleged to have been involved in such and not dealt with, the Department requests for names of such and the related allegation(s).

18 March 2024 - NW56

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(1)What is the latest update on the referral made by the Republic to the World Trade Organisation on 27 July 2022 concerning the European Union's (EU) import restrictions on South African citrus fruit due to false codling moth (FCM); (2) if no progress has been made since the referral, what actions are being taken to follow up on the matter and update farmers in this regard; (3) on what date (a) does she envisage following up on the matter and (b) will she update the farming community who export to the EU; (4) what (a) have been the cost implications for the farmers exporting to the EU since the implementation of the FCM treatment measures and (b) has the Government done to alleviate the costs implications? NW57E



1. South Africa (the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) and the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) continued with the consultation process at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in September 2022. This is a technical process where South Africa poses technical questions regarding the False Coding Moth (FCM) conditions to the European Union (EU). South Africa did not close dialogue with the EU and several engagements between South African and European counterparts continued throughout 2023 on technical as well as political levels up to the level of the Presidency.

2. Since no amicable resolutions were achieved, South Africa is considering to continue with the WTO dispute resolution process.

(3)(a) The government intends to lodge a dispute at the WTO. The consultation process and preparatory work has been done between government and the industry. The WTO case could not continue yet as the WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) had to first take place from 26 to 29 February 2024 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. After this meeting the relevant Departments will reflect back on the possible options to that take matter further.

(3)(b) DALRRD is in continuous discussions with the Citrus Growers Association (CGA) and the Fresh Produce Exporters' Forum (FPEF) who represent the majority of citrus export producers.

(4)(a)(b) The actual cost implications would be known by the Citrus Growers Association (CGA), as government does not have access to this information. The database that is being utilised by International Trade Promotion does not have the 2023 Trade data available.

18 March 2024 - NW538

Profile picture: Arries, Ms LH

Arries, Ms LH to ask the Minister of Social Development

What (a) security measures have been put in place to ensure that the Social Relief of Distress grant system is safe and not compromised by fraudulent persons and (b) are the relevant details in this regard?


(a) As the Honourable Member is aware, the Special COVID-19 SRD Grant is a wholly digital and this exposes it to cybercrimes. To address this, SASSA has developed robust ICT capabilities to detect fraud and related activities. SASSA’s cyber-crime prevention and detection capacities include interfaces with other government departments and entities, including the Department of Home Affairs (National Population Register), PERSAL and the Government Employee Pension Fund (GEPF), SARS, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) amongst others.

(b) Additional fraud detection and prevention measures include interfaces with banks who rely on the Financial Intelligence Centre for verification purposes. SASSA also uses the data of the South African Fraud Prevention Services (SAFPS) to stay abreast of those that have been identified as perpetrators of fraud or victims of fraud. These efforts strengthen SASSA’s ability to validate grant applications.

18 March 2024 - NW260

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Police

Whether the SA Police Service of the Cape Town Central Police Station referred the case against a certain organisation and person (names furnished), with reference number CAS 33/11/2022, on 12 September 2023 to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for a decision to prosecute; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will the docket be referred for a decision to prosecute; if so, what is the decision of the NPA?


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