Question NW2867 to the Minister of Basic Education:
11 December 2014 - NW2867
Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education:
(1) (a) With reference to the Emakhazeni boarding school in Machadodorp in Mpumalanga, what was the total cost for the building of this school and boarding facilities. (b) how many learners will be accommodated in the school, (c) which grades will be catered for, (d) why is this school still not functional, (e) what are the relevant details of the infrastructure delays the school has experienced. (f) when will the school (i) be fully functional and (ii) begin a full academic programme and (g) how many farm or rural schools are planned to be closed down with the opening of this school: (2) (a) what are the relevant details of any interviews for teacher placements and support staff that have taken place, (b) how many teachers and support staff will be accommodated at this school and (c) where will the teachers be accommodated; (3) will the school be designated as a no-fee school; (4) will the (a) school or (b) department facilitate transport to meetings for Student Government Board members who reside far from the school; (5) has the necessary interaction taken place with the Department of Roads and Transport to ensure that learners will have access to transport to return home during weekends and holidays and back again? NW3509E
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