Question NW966 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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24 April 2023 - NW966

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr SL

Ngcobo, Mr SL to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What total number of public schools in the Republic have no (a) laboratories, (b) libraries, (c) access to the internet and (d) and proper sanitation facilities?


(a). There is total of 19 694 schools without laboratories

(b) There is total of 17 711 schools without libraries. This exclude community and corner libraries used by some of the schools

(c) The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DCDT) is responsible for providing public schools with access to Internet connectivity. A cumulative number of 18 519 (79,84%) public schools have access to various forms of connectivity such as satellite, broadband as well as 3G/LTE. It should be noted that 27% of these schools (4689 Public Ordinary Schools and 301 Public Special Schools) were provided with connectivity as part of the Universal Service Access Obligations that were imposed to the Mobile Network Operators by ICASA and DCDT. 


  1. The initial number of school assessed to be dependent on BASIC pit toilets was 3 898.
  2. This number has been amended as more detailed information became available.  Some schools were removed from the list and other schools were added to the list.
  3. The current number of schools on the SAFE programme is 3 397.
  4. Of these 3 396 schools, sanitation projects at 2 663 schools have already progressed to Practical Completion.
  5. A further 733 schools are scheduled to achieve Practical Completion by 31 March 2024.
  6. This will increase the number of schools served with appropriate toilets to 2 667.
  7. The balance of 733 schools are allocated to CDC, DBSA, NECT and TMT.
  8. Of the 733 schools, 274 is in Planning, 291 in Tender and 255 in Construction.
  9. All of the 733 schools is scheduled for completion in 2023/24

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