Question NW4152 to the Minister of Communications

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21 December 2015 - NW4152

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any of the entities reporting to her (i) purchased and/or (ii) leased any buildings in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (aaa) what is the (aaaa) cost and (bbbb) size of the specified buildings, (bbb) why was it bought or leased, (ccc) what will it be used for, (ddd) who will occupy it and (eee) approximately how many persons will occupy the total space of each building?


Department of Communications

Since inception, the Department of Communications has not purchased or leased any buildings considering that it is housed within the Government Communications and Information Systems

Government Communications and Information Systems

(a) (i) The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) has not purchased any buildings.

(ii) GCIS has a combination of self-managed and Department of Public Works managed leases for its offices in all nine provinces which

(see Annexure A with respect to (aaa), (bbbb), (bbb), (ccc), (ddd) and (eee)

South African Broadcasting Corporation

(a) See attached response as Annexure B for further details

Media Development and Diversity Agency

(b) (i) MDDA has not bought any building

(ii) Yes

(aaa) (aaaa) 2012-13 R1,920,208.08

2013-14 R2,100,960.48

2014-15 R2,278,688.64

(bbbb) 2012-13 1400 square meters, and 30 parking bays

2013-14 1400 square meters, and 30 parking bays

2014-15 1400 square meters, and 30 parking bays

(bbb) The decision to lease is based on various factors including availability of funds, the size of the organisation and staff complement.

(ccc) The premises leased are used for administrative activities of the MDDA

(ddd) MDDA staff

(eee) MDDA’s budgeted staff complement of 32

Brand South Africa

(b) (i) Brand South Africa has not bought any building

(ii) Yes

(aaa) (aaaa) 2012-13 R1,722,880

2013-14 R2,933,378 (acquired additional space)

2014-15 R3,171,756 (acquired additional space)

(bbbb) 2012-13 Approximately 1,711.43m2

2013-14 Approximately 1,711.43m2

2014-15 Approximately 1,711.43m2

(bbb) The building was leased for Locality and proximity to the stakeholders.

(ccc) The building is used for administrative purposes and facilitating meetings and marketing events when required.

(ddd) The building currently accommodates the employees of BRAND SA

(eee) The number of people that occupy the building space:

2012-13, 33 out of 43 funded positions;

2013-14 32 out of 43 funded positions;

2014-15 41 out of 57 funded positions

Film and Publications Board

(b) (i) Brand South Africa has not bought any building

(ii) Yes

(aa) 1. Gauteng Head Office

2. Durban Regional Office

3. Cape Town Regional Office

(aaa) (aaaa) 2012-13 R 3,247,344

2013-14 R 3,204,015

2014-15 R 3,756,160

(bbbb) Size of the Gauteng Head Office is 1,775 m2

(bbb) For office accommodation/administration/regional compliance monitoring

(ccc) For office accommodation/administration/regional compliance monitoring),

(ddd) FPB employees

(eee) 79 employees

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa

(b) (i) ICASA has not bought any building

(ii) Yes

(aa) 1. Cape Town

2. Bloemfontein

3. Port Elizabeth

4. Sandton

5. Durban


1. Cape Town:

2012-13 R0

2013-14 R0

2014-15 R57,130.42 monthly

2. Bloemfontein:

2012-13 R72,732.00 monthly

3. Port Elizabeth

2012-13 R113,000.00 monthly

4. Sandton

2012-13 R1,418,311.00

2013-14 R1,536,562.68

2014-15 R1,664,720.98

5. Durban

2013-14 R108,988.53

(bbb) 1. Cape Town 109 square meters

2. Bloemfontein 827 square meters

3. Port Elizabeth 791 square meters

4. Durban 591

(ccc) & (ddd) For use and occupation

(eee) 1. Cape Town: 12

2. Bloemfontein: 11

3. Port Elizabeth: 11

4. Sandton: 249

5. Durban 11