Question NW4216 to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

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11 December 2015 - NW4216

Profile picture: Esau, Mr S

Esau, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

What is the status of (a) medals and (b) medal parades to honour military veterans of all former (i) statutory and (ii) non-statutory forces?


(a) The Department of Military Veterans still has a number of medals in stock to be awarded to members of the non-statutory force of uMkhonto we Sizwe for whom the first set of medals were designed and cast. At present the Department of Military Veterans has gone into negotiations with the former APLA for approval of designs of medals for their organisation.

(b) There have been no medal parades since 2012 to honour any military


(i) No medal parades were held nor planned to honour Statutory Forces.

(ii) The Department held three medal parades to award medals to uMkhonto we Sizwe non-statutory force.


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