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04 June 2024

Political Party Representation in the National Assembly: 2024

This is the state of political parties represented in the National Assembly as of 2 June 2024 Candidates from the parties will fill the seats of the National Assembly The National Assembly consists of 400 Members elected by proportional representation...
03 June 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (3 June 2024)

BILLS SIGNED INTO LAW Although, at the time of writing, none of the new Acts had been gazetted (their status therefore remaining unclear), separate Presidency media statements announced that the following Bills have been signed into law: the Cannabis...
02 June 2024

Election Results and Allocation of Seats in Parliament (National Assembly) and Provincial Legislatures: 2024

With the final results announced officially by the IEC on 2 June 2024, for the first time in South Africa, no single party won a mandate to govern. The ANC received a little over 6.4 million votes. This was followed by the DA and Umkhonto we Sizwe...
27 May 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (27 May April 2024)

BILLS SIGNED INTO LAW A speech delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa at a signing ceremony on 24 May 2024 confirmed that the following Bills have been signed into law: the National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version, intended to...
20 May 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (20 May April 2024)

NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE The National Health Insurance Bill was signed into law, with the Act gazetted soon afterwards. Not yet in force, the new statute: provides for the establishment of a national health insurance fund in which ‘allocated...
13 May 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (13 May April 2024)

BILLS SIGNED INTO LAW   The Presidency issued media statements announcing that four new Acts have joined the statute books: the Electoral Matters Amendment Act: aligning various statutes with provisions in the Electoral Law Amendment Act, 2023,...
13 May 2024

This Week Ahead: It's a wrap for the Sixth Parliament

After a dizzying and tumultuous five years, Parliament will rise this week ahead of the 2024 National and Provincial elections. Both Houses have scheduled plenary sittings on Thursday, where the main aim is to approve legislation. In the National...
06 May 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (6 May April 2024)

LABOUR COURT AND LABOUR APPEAL COURT RULES The Office of the Chief Justice gazetted new rules to regulate the conduct of proceedings in the Labour Court and the Labour Appeal Court. Published as addenda to minutes of a 20 November 2023 meeting of the...
06 May 2024

The Week Ahead: Both chambers will convene on Thursday to finalise legislation

The National Assembly Programming Committee convened last Friday and scheduled two hybrid sittings for the lower house on 9 and 16 May 2024. Officially, this is still a constituency period for the National Assembly, but these sittings have been...
29 April 2024

The Week Ahead: Quiet Week

There's a lull in Parliament as the legislature makes the most of the mid-week public holiday. The National Council of Provinces has only scheduled six committee meetings and no plenary sittings. Meanwhile, NA lawmakers are still occupied with...