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Showing posts from: June 2018

29 June 2018

Why Parliaments Matter

WHY PARLIAMENTS MATTER 30 June 2018 marks #WorldParliamentDay. All over the world, parliaments exist to represent the people to ensure government by the people– this is said it to be the most profoundly important role parliament plays as an...
14 June 2018

Youth Day - how many of our MPs qualify?

Saturday, 16 June 2018, marks Youth Day and an ideal opportunity to reflect on the ages of our Members of Parliament. In South Africa, our definition of youth is someone under the age of 35[1]. We are often told that SA has a young population so it is...
11 June 2018

The Week Ahead: Second Term Ends but work continues

The constituency period beckons, with MPs in the National Assembly due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament on 14 August 2018. There is no opportunity to go through the motions as a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done...
04 June 2018

The Week Ahead: Legislation and Hearings top the agenda

A combination of a heavy legislative load, some important hearings and the pending recess break should mean plenty of fizz in Parliament this week. With the NA chamber having its final sitting of the term last week and a fairly pedestrian agenda in...