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Showing posts from: June 2017

26 June 2017

The Week Ahead: End of the Second Parliamentary Term

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament on 1 August 2017. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go. With little scheduled in the main chambers (only the NCOP...
19 June 2017

The Week Ahead: The President and Legislation top the agenda

The President's oral question session in the National Assembly chamber is the high point of the parliamentary week. Question Time occurs in both the National Assembly and the NCOP and is one of the ways Parliament scrutinises the work of the...
12 June 2017

The week ahead:Youth Day Debates & Question Time with the Deputy President

Even with a public holiday to compress the parliamentary week, there is a fair bit of action scheduled into the available three days (Parliament is sitting from Tuesday to Thursday). In the NA chamber, the most significant event will be the appearance...
05 June 2017

The Week Ahead: Parliament Getting Down to Business

There are four more weeks left in this term and the programme has a familiar pattern: it includes oral questions to the Executive, Members’ statements, policy debates, Committee oversight and scrutiny and processing of assorted Bills, statutory...