
35837 matches
  • 10 Aug 2005

    Forestry Amendment Bill: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... Trust had complied with the Public Monetary Fund Act (PMFA) and was accountable to Parliament. Media channels ... were governed by the Public Finances Management Act (PFMA), and the Trust was audited by the Auditor-General ...

  • 08 Dec 1999

    Equality Bill: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Bill | National Assembly

    ... of the Act Over and above the proposition that Clause 2 should read: "The objects of this Act are to ... objects of the Act as required by this clause. Clauses 3 5: Interpretation of the Act / Guiding Principles ...

  • 05 Nov 1999

    Equality Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Bill | National Assembly

    ... Equity Act. In the event of any conflict arising between the Equality Act and another law, the Act would ... Interpretation, Guiding Principles and the Application of the Act, (Clauses 1-5). Some of the definitions were taken ...

  • 24 Aug 2005

    Central Drug Authority Boardmembers Selections: Department briefing

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... mentioned in the new Act. However, as the Board had been constituted in terms of the old Act, provincial representatives ... the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act No. 20 of 1993, that allowed some Board members to ...

  • 06 Sep 2005

    National Skills Authority and National Skills: Fund briefings

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... been established in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998. It operated in line with the National Skills ... Du Preez replied that when the Skills Development Act was amended in 2003, it removed any link the Department ...

  • 08 Sep 2005

    State of Mpumalanga Municipalities: Department and SALGA briefings

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration | National Council of Provinces

    ... interpretation of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). Mpumalanga had developed a unique brand ... investigation. The municipality currently had an acting manager and financial officer. The Department remained ...

  • 16 Sep 2005

    Financial Management of Parliament Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... Hogan stated that the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) did not outline who was accountable for delivery ...

  • 21 Apr 1998

    Formal Consideration of Amendments by NCOP on B54b-97 and Study Tour to Germany, Switzerland and Belgium

    Committee Meeting | Defence and Military Veterans | National Assembly

    ... foreign citizen who contravenes any provision of this Act within the borders of the Republic CLAUSE 9 1. ...

  • 23 Feb 1998

    Living Marine Resources Bill: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Tourism | National Assembly

    ... draft Endangered Species Protection Act and CITES Implementation Act (although mentioned briefly in a later ... really like to see an Endangered species protection Act passed to give legislative force and support to controlling ...

  • 11 Oct 2005

    Genetically Modified Organisms Amd Bill: briefing, Provincial Oversight & Land Summit Committee Reports

    Committee Meeting | Agriculture | National Assembly

    ... the GMO Act. The Department’s position was to stick with what was currently written in the Act, unless ... Moephuli said the Act primarily dealt with the release of GMOs into the environment. The Act did not interfere ...

  • 12 Oct 2005

    Education Laws Amendment Bill: Department briefing; visit to Free State Province: discussion

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries | National Council of Provinces

    ... proposed amendments to the SA Schools Act and the Employment of Educators Act. Amendments covered issues such ... Section 39 of the Schools Act. This was an attempt to promote the provisions in the Act pertaining to certainty ...

  • 25 Oct 2005

    Patents Amendment Bill: Department briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Economic and Business Development | National Council of Provinces

    ... Added to this, the Biodiversity Act would need to be linked to the Patents Act. It was only through proper ... be outlined in the Biodiversity Act and Environmental Management Act. Mr Sibaya observed that if the ...

  • 27 Jul 1998

    Witness Protection and Services Bill [B9-98]: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... [B9-98] Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act [B42-98] MINUTES Here follow the clause by clause ... meant that the Witness Protection Unit is forced to act outside the law, carrying people for much longer ...

  • 21 Jul 1998

    Employment Equity Bill: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... the provisions of the Act for a period of five years from their inception. The Act itself should also only ... Relations Act. However, as the unfair labour practice jurisdiction of Labour Relations Act will be removed ...

  • 16 Mar 1998

    Transformation of the child & youth care system (Project-Go): briefing

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... care and protection who are under the Child Care Act. Expediting of placement and children's court enquiries ... System: Project-Go - (see appendix) Dr. Mokaba , Acting Director General, indicated that the purpose of ...

  • 27 May 1998

    Child Pornography: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... and Young Persons Act 1933; Visiting Forces Act 1952. [Protection of Children Act 1978, s1, amended by ... and the Film and Publication Act (Appendix 1) Protection of Children Act 1978 as amended by Criminal ...

  • 12 Aug 1998

    Social Work Amendment Bill: Briefing

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... council"), in terms of the Social Work Amendment Act 52 of 1995. Recommendations had to be made within ...

  • 19 Oct 1999

    Labour Relations Amendment Bill [B133-98]: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... mistake in the drafting of the Labour Relations Act. The Act said the Labour Court should be equal to a High ... Courts were established under the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 substantial authority was conferred on ...

  • 23 Feb 1999

    Nuclear Energy Bill [B10-99]; National Nuclear Regulator Bill [B 11-99]: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Mineral and Petroleum Resources | National Assembly

    ... non-proliferation of weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 87-93. The Act requires consultation with the Council for ... non-proliferation of weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 87-93. The Act requires consultation with the Council for ...

  • 16 Feb 1999

    University of Cape Town (Private) Bill: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Private Members' Legislative Proposals and Special Petitions | National Assembly

    ... brings UCT in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1997; and will put into effect various internal ...