intellectual property amendment act and indigenous knowledge act

in Hansards

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  • 13 Oct 2015

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007).   Inter-Departmental ... in terms of section 62H of the Defence Amendment Act, 2010 (Act No 22 of 2010).   The Minister of Public ...

  • 30 Oct 2018

    NA: Unrevised Hansard


    ... transitional with respect to Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act of 2013, in particular Section 8(d) ... beyond amending the sections than the Act as envisaged in the Performance Protection Amendment Bill [B24-2016] ...

  • 16 Mar 2017

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... Areas Act, the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, the Bantu ... Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act, Act 7 of 2013, the Maintenance Act and various other pieces of legislation ...

  • 21 Nov 2017

    NA: Unrevised Hansard


    ... Domestic Violence Act, Protection from Harassment Act, amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act, Sexual Offences ... Offences and Related Matters Amended Act and amendment to the Maintenance Act. We have seen the establishment ...

  • 22 Feb 2011

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... the Act shall come into operation in terms of the Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act, 2009 (Act No 18 ... shown that the amendments to the Labour Relations Act, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Employment ...

  • 23 Jun 2011

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... of several different tax Acts - for example, the Income Tax Act, the VAT Act and other similar legislation ... our powers in terms of the Money Bills Amendment Act to amend these allocations. I think it is a poor ...

  • 24 Nov 2020

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Bill to Amend Criminal Law of Sexual Offences and Related Matters. The amendment of this act recognises ... academics. The implementation of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems, IKS Act remains central to the priorities ...

  • 22 Nov 2022

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... scrambled to amend various laws and that Bill is on the table before us. We support amendments that require ... sanctions. We do not support an amendment to the Nonprofit Organisations Act that requires the registration ...

  • 12 Sep 2018

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... Constitution, Act 108 of 1996, the Quality Public Education, South African Schools Act, Act 84 of 1996 and ... other Acts including the Public Service Acts, Act 103 of 1994 and the Employment of the Educator Act, Act ...

  • 07 Nov 2018

    NA: Unrevised Hansard


    ... National Intellectual Property Management Office, Nipmo. In terms of the Intellectual Property Rights from ... Public Finance Management Act, PFMA and the Municipal Finance Management Act respectively by all three ...

  • 23 Jun 2009

    Appropriation Bill : Debate on Vote 1 – The Presidency


    ... introduce to Parliament amendments to the National Youth Development Agency Act, with a view to transforming ... This calls for the promotion of the use of indigenous knowledge systems and languages to achieve our rural ...

  • 08 May 2013

    Appropriation Bill Debate on Vote No 17 – Higher Education and Training


    ... The Further Education and Training Colleges Amendment Act provides for the creation of a new institutional ... marks the 60th anniversary of the Bantu Education Act which introduced and systematised the racist system ...

  • 21 Jul 2014

    EPC: Debate on Budget Vote No 25 – Police and Budget Vote No 23 - Independent Police Investigative Directorate


    ... for Police Act, No 2 of 2011, was passed and put into operation in December 2011. The Act establishes ... under the Public Service Act, not under the South African Police Service Act. Moving forward with this ...

  • 17 Jul 2014

    EPC: Debate on Vote No 14 – Arts and Culture


    ... all of its cultural expressions and a people that act together to enable the birth of a new culture and ... Communications to reform the South African intellectual property regime. Task teams set up to explore local ...

  • 10 Jun 2015

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... section 10 of the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, 2009 (Act No 9 of 2009). ... We do not act arbitrarily and we do not expect our Minister and our Deputy Ministers to act arbitrarily ...

  • 10 Sep 2013

    JS: Debate on Heritage Day


    ... emasculate the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, and to do away with the minimum ... in South Africa today is that indigenous culture and indigenous knowledge systems are suffocating under ...