Question NW815 to the Minister of Communications

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18 May 2018 - NW815

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether any meetings were held with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) prior to the announcement of the analogue signal switch-off date in June 2019; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) meetings, (b) discussions at each specified meeting, (c) date on which the switch-off date was communicated to her department by the ITU and (d) requirements to meet the specified deadline?


No, there were never any meetings with the ITU on the June 2019 switch-off date. ITU resolutions are communicated through World Radio Conferences held every four years or through specific Circulars sent by the ITU.

The ITU mandated analogue transition date was June 2015, which has since passed. Beyond this date, the ITU no longer provides protection for analogue services in the affected spectrum bands. Beyond June 2015, it is up to the neighboring member states to negotiate mutual terms to avoid causing interference with each other. The ITU can merely be informed for the record on the progress made regarding analogue switch off in the affected member states.

South Africa has set June 2019 analogue switch off target, it is not an ITU directive.

a) Not Applicable

b) Not Applicable

c) Not Applicable

d) Not Applicable


Dr Boloka Mashilo

Department of Communications – Director-General (Acting)


Approved/ Not approved


Ms Nomvula Mokonyane



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