Question NW2248 to the Minister of Basic Education

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19 September 2017 - NW2248

Profile picture: Motau, Mr SC

Motau, Mr SC to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What progress has her department made in the finalisation of the draft norms for the resourcing of inclusive education and (b) will provinces report quarterly on specific expenditures relating to inclusive education?


(a) The Draft National Minimum Norms and Standards for Resourcing an Inclusive Education System have been completed and will be presented to the Heads of Education Committee (HEDCOM) on 14-15 August 2017. HEDCOM recommended that the Draft document be presented to the Council of Education Ministers (CEM) in September 2017, for approval to be published for public comment as Guidelines. A cost analysis for the implementation of the norms in the 2018 Medium Term Expenditure Framework has also been completed and submitted to National Treasury for consideration of an increase in baseline funding.

(b) Provinces have always reported on specific expenditures relating to inclusive education on a quarterly basis and will continue to do so.

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