Question NW1316 to the Minister of Human Settlements

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30 June 2017 - NW1316

Profile picture: Malatsi, Mr MS

Malatsi, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What total amount was underspent by each provincial department of human settlements regarding its allocated budget for the (a) 2014-15, (b) 2015-16 and (c) 2016-17 financial years?


(a) Unspent Funds in 2014/2015 financial year for the Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG)




Total Available


(a) Total Unspent Funds



Eastern Cape

2 392 718

2 392 718


Free State

1 061 756

1 061 933



4 430 595

4 404 618

25 977

KwaZulu Natal

3 509 045

3 510 523



825 043

517 032

308 012


1 327 960

1 257 579

70 380

Northern Cape

374 832

374 832


North West

1 517 136

1 517 132


Western Cape

1 934 936

1 934 936



17 374 021

16 971 303

404 373

The total amount of funds available for allocation to Provinces in the 2014/2015 financial year was R17, 374, 021, 000. As at the 31st March 2015, R16, 971,303,000 was spent. A total of R404 million remained unspent by three Provinces. The Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces are the two provinces which requested a rollover on their unspent funds. The National Treasury approved the requested rollovers to the 2015/2016 financial year.

b) Unspent Human Settlement Development Grant funds in the 2015/2016 financial year




Voted Funds

Approved Rollover

Total Available Funds


(b) Total Unspent Funds



Eastern Cape

1 962 372


2 462 372

2 458 180

4 192

Free State

1 057 284


1 057 284

1 057 237



4 979 844


4 071 467

4 048 079

23 388

KwaZulu Natal

3 235 475


3 543 852

3 543 852



1 283 877

308 012

1 591 889

1 123 299

468 590


1 265 162

70 380

1 335 542

1 335 486


Northern Cape

380 408


480 408

476 559

3 849

North West

2 063 131


2 163 131

2 163 129


Western Cape

1 975 122


1 975 122

1 975 122



18 202 675

378 392

18 681 067

18 180 943

500 124

For the 2015/16 financial year, the total available funds for the HSDG was R18, 681,067,000 including a rollover of R372, 392, 000. An amount of R18, 180, 943, 000 was spent, with an amount of R500, 124, 000 remaining underspent by three Provinces. The Eastern Cape, Limpopo and Northern Cape Provinces requested a roll over for the unspent funds. The National Treasury approved a total of R403 million consisting of R4, 186,000 for Eastern Cape, R394, 842, 000 for Limpopo and R3, 821, 000 for Northern Cape.

c) Unspent funds in the 2016/2017 financial year – HSDG




Voted Funds

Approved Rollover

Total Available Funds


(c) Total Unspent Funds



Eastern Cape

1 991 457

4 186

1 995 643

1 995 643


Free State

1 098 411


1 098 411

1 098 317



5 022 669


5 022 669

4 978 964

43 705

KwaZulu Natal

3 124 702


3 124 702

3 123 330

1 372


1 208 370

394 842

1 603 212

1 517 376

85 836


1 314 645


1 314 645

1 302 757

11 888

Northern Cape

371 109

3 821

374 930

368 127

6 803

North West

2 151 817


2 151 817

1 951 247

200 570

Western Cape

2 000 811


2 000 811

2 000 811



18 283 991

402 849

18 686 840

18 336 572

350 268

National Treasury indicated that all the Provinces with unspent funds have requested approval for rollovers. The requests by Provinces are currently being processed by National Treasury.

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