Question NW2382 to the Minister in the Presidency

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15 November 2016 - NW2382

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)With reference to the remuneration paid to the six senior managers of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) as listed in the specified entity’s 2015-16 annual report, (a) what position did each of the specified senior managers hold in the NYDA, (b) for how long did each of the senior managers receive remuneration and (c) what is the total amount that was paid out in remuneration for each of the senior managers in terms of (i) basic salaries and (ii) any benefits; (2) whether any retrenched senior managers of the NYDA received severance packages in the 2015-16 financial year; if so, what is the total amount that was paid out in severance packages for each of the retrenched senior managers?


In total the NYDA annual report refers to 8 senior management posts that were filled at beginning of the 2015 / 2016 financial year and 5 that were filled at the end of the financial year. The reduction is due to the organizational restructuring programme which saw the overall number of posts reduced.

The tables below indicate the number of senior management posts held before and after the restructuring and the basic salaries and additional benefits including the salary benefits received by the respective senior managers:

Posts prior to restructuring (1 April 2015 – 31 August 2015)


Number of months received rem 2015 / 2016 FY

Short term benefits


Expense allowance

Defined contribution plan

Severance benefit


Chief Financial Officer


431 000

95 000

21 000

28 000


575 000

Chief Information Officer


454 000

177 000


25 000

1 061 000

1 720 000

Executive Manager: Service Delivery Channel


392 000

234 000

66 000

29 000

1 033 000

1 754 000

Executive Manager: National Youth Service and Skills Development


331 000

243 000

18 000

78 000


670 000

Executive Manager: Corporate Services


338 000


37 000

79 000


454 000

Executive Manager: Research and Policy


661 000

95 000

2 000

31 000

1 108 000

1 897 000

Executive Manager: Communications


477 000

200 000

14 000

29 000

823 000

1 543 000

Executive Manager: Corporate Partnerships and International Relations


427 000

187 000

21 000

26 000

1 071 000

1 732 000



10 345 000

Posts after the restructuring (1 September 2015 – 31 March 2016)


Number of months received rem 2015 / 2016 FY

Short term benefits


Expense allowance

Defined contribution plan

Severance benefit


Chief Financial Officer


603 000


30 000

39 000


672 000

Executive Director: Operations


464 000


26 000

109 000


599 000

Executive Director: National Youth Service


607 000


2 000

4 000


649 000

Executive Director: Corporate Services


473 000


41 000

96 000


610 000

Executive Director: Corporate Strategy and Planning


483 000


3 000

91 000


577 000



3 107 000

Source file