Question NW1179 to the Minister of Health

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10 May 2016 - NW1179

Profile picture: America, Mr D

America, Mr D to ask the Minister of Health

(1)With reference to his reply to question 3682 on 20 October 2015 regarding the one-stop centres that were set up by his department (details furnished), (a) what is the total expenditure per centre to date, (b) what are the sources of funding and (c) what is the total amount that has been contributed by each source to date; (2) (a) what is the total number of claimants who have been seen at each one-stop centre to date and (b) what is the total number of claimants who have had (i) a full medical assessment and (ii) their assessment report submitted to the Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases (MBOD) to be certified; (3) what are the main reasons for the specified claims not being submitted for certification with the MBOD?


1. (a) The capital cost for the Mthatha One Stop Centre was approximately R5 million and the recurrent costs amounted to approximately R9.2 million until the end of March 2016. The capital cost for the Carletonville One Stop Centre was R5.2 million and the recurrent costs were approximately R9.4 million until the end of March 2016. The costs are approximate as they cover the costs of personnel and diagnostic services such as chest X-rays, lung function tests and TB tests.

(b) The sources of funding for the Mthatha One Stop Centre were the National Department of Health for the capital costs, the Eastern Cape Department of Health for the recurrent costs and the World Bank for the project manager. The sources of funding for the Carletonville One Stop Centre were the Chamber of Mines and the National Department of Health for the capital costs, the Gauteng Department of Health and the Chamber of Mines for the recurrent costs and the World Bank for the project manager.

(c) The National Department of Health has contributed R5.5 million, the Chamber of Mines R8.7 million, the Eastern Cape Department of Health R7.8 million, the Gauteng Department of Health R4 million and the World Bank R2.8 million.

2. (a) The total number of workers and ex-workers seen at Mthatha from April 2014 to March 2016 was 4 306 and at Carletonville was 4 674.

(b) The workers and ex-workers who have had Benefit Medical Examinations (medical assessments) are (i) 2 660 at Mthatha and 3 303 at Carletonville, and (ii) 1 564 medical assessment reports were submitted to the MBOD from Mthatha and 1 660 submitted from Carletonville to the MBOD.

3. The workers and ex-workers who attend the One Stop Centres were also assessed for non-occupational health-related problems and referred to the hospital for care. The reasons for non-submission of the medical assessment reports to the MBOD include lack of record of service of the claimant and missing documents such as bank account forms. Many of the workers and ex-workers also visit the One Stop Centres to seek information on the status of their claim.


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