Question NW1118 to the Minister of Transport

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25 April 2016 - NW1118

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to her reply to question 490 on 16 March 2016, what (a) steps is each entity reporting to her taking to implement the plans mentioned, (b) are the deadlines in this regard and (c)(i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms exist to monitor this process in each respective entity?


Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA)

  1. The Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (ACSA) tracks progress against the Corporate Plan and where applicable will ensure alignment with the NATMAP.

Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited (ATNS)

  1. With reference to the National Transport Masterplan (NATMAP) and implementation thereof, ATNS is not in a position to answer the question as the plan is within the scope of the Department of Transport.
  2. Not applicable to ATNS.
  3. (i) Not Applicable to ATNS (ii) Not Applicable to ATNS and (iii) Not Applicable to ATNS.

South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)

  1. With reference to the SACAA reply on NATMAP on 16 March 2016, (a) (b) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) the SACAA confirmed that the question was not relevant to the SACAA and therefore no further action was taken.

Roads Branch Entities

(a) NATMAP is still in a process of being approved by Parliament. Upon approval, the Department of Transport will ensure that the Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans of the entities align with NATMAP.

(b) Upon approval of NATMAP, the interventions identified by the entities will be aligned to the following timeframes:

  • Short term: 5 years intervention
  • Medium term: 10 years intervention, and
  • Long term: 20 years or more interventions.

(c) (i) (ii) Entities will be required to submit their Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans in line

Pwith the interventions proposed on the NATMAP. Upon submission of these plans, the Department will ensure that implementation of NATMAP within the entities takes place as per the plans approved by the Minister.

The Department will monitor the performance of the entities based on the targets set in their Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans.

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)

(a) The short – medium term focus is on modernisation and renewal of the rail system. Many of these plans have already progressed significantly. Project management, monitoring and reporting mechanisms and structures are in place to ensure the successful implementation of these projects. These projects include:

  1. Rolling stock renewal
  2. Signaling renewal
  3. Station modernisation
  4. Depot modernisation
  5. Perway and Security Upgrades

(b) Deadlines / targets:

The deadlines and targets are aligned with the respective contracts especially those of a multi-year nature as well as capital programme allocation. The following targets for the multi-year projects as part of the PRASA Corporate plan and incorporated in the Shareholder Compact with the Minister of Transport:

Key Performance Area

Key Performance Indicators

Medium-term targets






Delivering on the new Rolling Stock Programme

Train sets delivered and commissioned

From 11 -13 train sets accepted as per contract

From 4 - 5 train sets accepted as per contract

From 8 - 9 train sets accepted as per contract

Infrastructure Readiness

Traffic control centres completed


Completion of the buildings of 1-2 regions (Bellville, Durban)

Fully functional Traffic control systems (Gauteng, KZN and Western Cape)

 Infrastructure Readiness

Signal interlockings completed (Gauteng, KZN and Western Cape)

Between 11 - 14 Signal interlocking commissions completed

Between 33 - 44 signal interlocking commissions completed

Between 37 - 48 signal interlocking commissions completed

Infrastructure Readiness

Modernisation stations completed

Between 1 - 2 stations completed (Duff's Road and Phillipi or Oakmoor) as per contract.

Between 1 - 2 stations completed (Oakmoor,Phillipi) as per contract.

Between 3-5 stations completed.


Depot modernisation projects commencing, in construction and complete.

Alternative Test Facility at Wolmerton depot complete and handover to Gibela & Maintenance Facility at Wolmerton completed for 20 new production trains.

Commence Main depot construction at Braamfontein

Commence main depot construction at Salt River

Infrastructure Readiness

Track upgrade projects for 120km/h

Complete tender process for Track preparation for new Rolling Stock with placement of contract(s) for work.

Contract(s) for Track upgrade for modernisation commences

Contract(s) for Track upgrade for modernisation continues

As required by the PFMA and Treasury Regulations, PRASA reports to the Shareholder on a quarterly basis on the state of performance with reasons for variation and actions to improve performance

Railway Safety Regulator (RSR)

The National Transport Master Plan (Natmap) has not been incorporated by the RSR.

Ports Regulator (PR)

Since the Ports Regulator is not aware that NATMAP has been approved by Cabinet for implementation and has not received any directive in this regard from Department of Transport, (a) there are no steps that were planned or have been taken to implement the NATMAP. (b) No deadlines have been set and (c) no processes and mechanism are in place to monitor it.

South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

  1. As indicted in response to parliamentary question 490 previously, the DoT has indicated that the NATMAP is under review and SAMSA still awaits direction from the department in this regard.
  2. This has dependency on response to (a) above
  3. This has dependency on response to (a) above

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