Question NW405 to the Minister of Basic Education

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08 March 2024 - NW405

Profile picture: Madlingozi, Mr BS

Madlingozi, Mr BS to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) total number of schools have not had basic learner support material delivered for the 2024 academic year as of 1 February 2024 and (b) steps has she taken to ensure that all required learner support material is delivered to the affected schools?


(a)The Department of Basic Education (DBE) develops the National Catalogues, which list all Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSMs), and forward it to provinces for them to procure LTSMs for their respective schools.  These Catalogues are further uploaded on the DBE website.  Subsequently, the DBE develops a Sector plan for provinces to develop their aligned provincial management plans for procuring LTSMs for the ensuing year.  The Sector plan details the activities and timeframes to be observed when procuring LTSMs.  The Sector plan is attached as reference as to when provinces can start with the procurement processes.

(b) The provinces manage the entire logistics from ordering to delivery as per their management plans guided by the Sector plan.

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