Question NW3423 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

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11 December 2023 - NW3423

Profile picture: Chirwa, Ms NN

Chirwa, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(a) How does Higher Health ensure that adequate mental health support is provided to students who need it beyond the incidental and event-based hotline that caters for emergency situations, (b) how does his department ensure the provision of sustainable solutions and ongoing intervention through Higher Health to students who require it and (c) which institutions are currently catered for regarding direct access to Higher Health?


(a) How does Higher Health ensure that adequate mental health support is provided to students who need it beyond the incidental and event-based hotline that caters for emergency situations, (b) how does his department ensure the provision of sustainable solutions and ongoing intervention through Higher Health to students who require it and

HIGHER HEALTH Mental Health Program is structured on three levels of interventions:

Level 1: focuses on combating stigma associated with mental health disorders, creating awareness of mental health, providing psycho-education, building resilience and self-help capacity, and modifying aspects of the campus environment that might affect mental health and wellbeing. We achieve these objectives through peer-peer dialogues, Our Co-Curriculum on mental health, use of mental health self-assessment tool by students, and guidelines and protocols to address risk factors on campus. This all forms part of the student toolkit.

Level 2: provides access to short term crisis counselling and support. The vehicle for this is the toll-free 24-hour helpline which HIGHER HEALTH offers in partnership with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADG).

Level 3: is concerned with offering professional care and making referrals where necessary for further care and specialised facilities. HIGHER HEALTH has clinical and counselling psychologists attached to our provincial offices and recently added the Registered Counsellors that are based in some Campuses. Universities and some TVET Colleges have psychologists and counsellors on their staff. Referrals are made to private practitioners (where students have medical aid and referral to department of health as well).

The need for mental health support far exceeds the prevention and treatment of mental health, and the number of psychologists currently available. We have introduced task shifting and employed Registered Counsellors who are able to undertake some of the work of the psychologist. HIGHER HEALTH offers a time limit of six sessions per student. Those requiring prolonged support are referred to external service providers, and Department of Health (in districts where they are available).

(c) which institutions are currently catered for regarding direct access to Higher Health?

HIGHER HEALTH has clinical and counselling psychologists attached to our Provincial Offices and recently added the Registered Counsellors that are based in some Campuses. Universities and some TVET Colleges have psychologists and counsellors on their staff. For those that do not, Higher Health covers those students with their staff based at the provincial offices, or refers students to private practitioners (where students have medical aid) or to the Department of Health for assistance.

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