Question NW3800 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
22 November 2023 - NW3800
Zondo, Mr S S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Whether his department has any records of audit outcomes of private institutions of higher learning in the Republic to assess their efficiency and/or compliance with the relevant legislations; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
The reporting by private higher education institutions (PHEIs) and the assessment thereof forms part of the monitoring of the higher education system by the Department of Higher Education and Training (“the Department”). Every year, the Directorate: Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions (“the Directorate”) requests PHEIs to submit annual reports to enable the Department to assess and monitor the level of compliance by PHEIs with respect to their obligations and responsibilities as defined in Chapter 6 of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, 2016 (the Regulations) and Section 57 of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997, as amended) (the Act). PHEIS are required to submit their annual reporting information by 30 April each year.
The annual report also includes student data and a ‘snapshot’ of programmes offered as well as student enrolments in the PHE sector. After assessing the annual reports, the Directorate complies a consolidated report titled “Annual Report on the Compliance of Private Higher Education Institutions with the Regulations” and presents this report to the sector and stakeholders in the Post School Education and Training (PSET) sector.
In cases where institutions are non-compliant, the Directorate enters the next stage of supporting the institution to become fully compliant by providing additional guidance and time. If, after exhausting all possibilities for rehabilitation, the institution fails to be complaint, then its registration is cancelled after due legal process is followed. The period and duration for rehabilitation can take anything from 3 to 6 years.