Question NW3101 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
02 October 2023 - NW3101
Boshoff, Dr WJ to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
(1)What (a) progress has been made on the fencing of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) core area, (b) conditions were agreed to with SANParks to manage the area and (c) date was set for SANParks to commence with the management of the specified area; (2) whether any community members and/or farmers have received access to the internet connection of the SKA as was indicated to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Innovation during the visit to the SKA; if not, why not; if so what are the relevant details?
a) The project to erect a fence surrounding the land declared as the Meerkat National Park, which includes the core site of the SKA, is managed by the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO). A tender for the construction of the fence was published on 13 June 2023 and closed on 11 August 2023. SARAO is currently evaluating the submissions received. The project is expected to be completed approximately 30 months after the award of the tender.
b) SANParks was appointed to manage the NRF land acquired for the purpose of hosting the SKA project. The NRF concluded a management agreement with SANParks and the land was subsequently declared as a national Park. SANParks has developed a park management plan which sets out the long-term vision, objectives and strategies for the park. The Park Management Plan was approved by the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment on 29 September 2022.
c) The area declared as the National Park is currently under the management of SANParks. The following management measures are being implemented:
- putting in place the necessary physical, human and financial resources required to run the Meerkat National Park;
- introducing measures and mechanisms for water management;
- rolling out general security measures through demarcation and identification of the park, and enhanced infrastructure such as inspection roads;
- implementing an alien invasive species management programme through the Extended Public Works Program (EPWP) resources;
- implementing a ‘cleaning and greening’ initiative which employed up to 120 youths from the local communities; and
- assisting farmers to maintain their boundary fences as an interim mitigation measure whilst the Meerkat National Park fence is being erected.
2. As part of its socioeconomic development initiatives in the SKA area the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) continues to provide internet connectivity to the people in the area, including the farmers. To date, 368 individuals are receiving subsidised broadband internet services via commercial satellite service providers. These programs continue to be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure competitive service offerings and pricing.