Question NW2905 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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26 September 2023 - NW2905

Profile picture: Sukers, Ms ME

Sukers, Ms ME to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What regulations, policies and frameworks are currently under development by her department, (b) what is the current status of the specified policy instruments, (c) how long have the policy instruments been under development, (d) what are the next milestones in their development and (e) by which dates are they likely to be completed?


a) The following Policies are currently under Development:

  1. The General Education Certificate: A Qualification at Level 1 on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework of the National Qualifications Framework (The GEC)
  2. The National Senior Certificate: A Qualification at Level 1 on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework of the National Qualifications Framework (The NSC).

b) The General Education Certificate (GEC) is currently being finalised by the GEC Working Group and is still to be resubmitted to Umalusi for further processing. The policy is still to be subjects to the SEIAS process.

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) was submitted to SAQA for registration. Umalusi is currently considering feedback from SAQA regarding Articulation and Recognition of Prior Learning. The policy was submitted to Umalusi for quality assurance, and provisionally approved.

c) General Education Certificate was published for public comments on 4 June 2021, Government Gazette 44674 and the policy for The National Senior Certificate was first submitted to Umalusi for appraisal in February 2020.

d)  The General Education Certificate will be subjected to SEISAS process before recommended for promulgation while The National Senior Certificate will be published for comments in a Government Gazette.

e) The targeted date for finalization of The General Education Certificate is December 2023 while for The National Senior Certificate is December 2024.

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