Question NW1607 to the Minister of Social Development

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05 July 2023 - NW1607

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)What has she found are the reasons that the queuing system and/or queuing marshals are not available at the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) office in Maponya Mall to help ease unnecessary waiting, especially for the elderly and mothers with small children;


  1. The said office had experienced capacity challenges as a result of high volumes of clients visiting due to carry overs from previous days. SASSA has since strengthened capacity and prioritised the Maponya Mall office to effectively address these issues.
  1. (a) over 300 per day (b) 1500 weekly; and (c) 6 000 monthly
  1. Yes. The Maponya Mall office uses a generator provided by the Centre Management. Though the generator is fully functional, load shedding has a negative impact on network connectivity which in turn results in losses in production time. SASSA Gauteng Region is currently looking at alternative load shedding back up power supply.
  1. Yes. The office has (a) 3 security officers monitoring the safety of beneficiaries in the queues and CCTV cameras that have 24 hours recording capacity

(b) 30 minutes intervals