Question NW3826 to the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologie

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04 January 2023 - NW3826

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologie

(a) What are the grievances against the Chairperson of the Board of the SA Broadcasting Corporation and (b) how did the board see it fit to appoint its own members on the panel and then exonerate him without due process? NW4722E


I have been informed by the SABC as follows :-

(a) A grievance was lodged by the former Group Executive: News regarding alleged interference by the Chairperson of the SABC Board.

(b) The Committee/Panel was appointed in line with the Procedure on how to deal with grievances and/or complaints against Non-Executive Directors. This Procedure was approved by the Board. In terms of section 15(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act No. 4 of 1999 (as amended), the President, as the appointing body defined in the Act, may remove a Non-Executive Director on account of misconduct or inability to perform his or her duties efficiently after due inquiry and upon recommendation by the Board. It was on this basis that the Board developed the Procedure to address/test/adjudicate the complaints and/or allegations of misconduct (“due inquiry”). If the allegations were found to be true the Board would only then recommend his removal to the President.