Question NW324 to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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02 March 2016 - NW324

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

(1) Whether the National Agro-Meteorological Committee released any reports since 2012; if not, why not; if so, (a) How many reports were released each year, (b) what was the purpose of each report and (c) How was this information distributed? 324/NW334


a) The National Agrometeorological Committee released 12 reports every year.

b) The purpose of each report is to update the agricultural sector on the seasonal climate forecast for the specific period as well as the strategies to be implemented in line with the expected rainfall and temperature conditions since the South African Weather Service updates the seasonal climate forecast.

c) The information was distributed through e-mails to the Provincial Departments of Agriculture (Head of Departments, provincial management and disaster risk management coordinators) and Organized Agriculture amongst others, for further dissemination to the farming communities. The information was further distributed and discussed with the farmers during awareness campaigns on disaster risk management, roving seminars on impacts of weather and climate to agriculture as well as farmers days organized by province. In addition, the information is disseminated during uptake of early warning information meetings in the provinces. Furthermore, the extension officers continue to discuss the advisories with the farmers as part of their scheduled meetings including facilitation of study groups.

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