Question NW593 to the Minister of Health

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23 March 2023 - NW593

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

What percentage of (a) matriculants and (b) teachers chose to be vaccinated during the pandemic?


The Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) does not make provision for the classification of an individual as a matriculant, teacher or any other occupation.  We are therefore unable to provide the requested data.

As at 13 March 2023 a total of 2 186 819 people between 12 and 17 years of age had been vaccinated (primary schedule) out of a total of 6 239 794 minors in this age bracket (35,04%).

During the essential service vaccination period personnel of the public and private basic education sector were vaccinated but it was made clear that that time that no differentiation was made in data collection that would make it possible to identify teachers separately.


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