Question NW3941 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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07 November 2022 - NW3941

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) total number of early childhood development (ECD) centres are registered in (i) Graaff-Reinet, (ii) Aberdeen, (iii) Nieu-Bethesda, (iv) Steytlerville, (v) Jansenville, (vi) Klipplaat and (vii) Willowmore and Rietbron in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality, (b) number of the specified ECD centres cater for people with disabilities and (c) number of learners are each of the ECDs registered for?


The questions the Honourable Member has asked require information on a function which falls within the remit of the Member of Executive Council (MEC) of the Eastern Cape Provincial Education Department, and not the Minister of Basic Education. The Hon Member is therefore advised to submit the questions to the MEC for Education in the Eastern Cape. 

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