Question NW1886 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

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25 July 2022 - NW1886

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What are the details of the outcomes of the latest skills audit of municipal councillors conducted by the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority?


The Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) as directed by the Skills Development Act (Act No.97 of 1998) annually develops Sector Skills Plans (SSPs) which identify, amongst others, Top Ten Sectoral Priority Occupations required by the Sector and Intervention Measures. 

In order to respond to the capacity building needs of the municipalities, the LGSETA has developed a Councillor Development Strategy in collaboration with relevant parties in response to capacitating newly appointed and returning councillors with the necessary skills and competencies to discharge their roles and responsibilities as assigned in their respective portfolios over the next five years.   The Councillor Development Strategy has three pillars namely: 1) councillor development and skills audit; 2) function-based training and development; and 3) soft skills development. 

The Councillor Development Strategy further outlines a list of skills that were informed by the previous audit and implementation of councillor training which will be used to guide any future skills priorities:

Municipal Key Performance Area

Key Skills Gaps Identified

Municipal Financial Management

  • Financial Governance
  • Municipal Financial Management and Reporting
  • Municipal Public Accounts Committee
  • Municipal Procurement
  • Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Good Governance and Leadership

  • Municipal Governance
  • Local Government Law and Public Administration
  • Leadership and Relationship Management
  • Leadership and Ethics
  • Ward Committee Governance
  • Change Management
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Performance Management and Accountability

Municipal Administration

  • Media Relations and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Human Resource Planning
  • Policy Development
  • Batho Pele and Interpersonal Skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Report Writing
  • End-User Computing
  • Office Administration
  • Conflict Management
  • Negotiation skills
  • Municipal Legislations
  • Adult Education and Training (AET: level 1-4)


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