Question NW825 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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30 March 2022 - NW825

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(a) What will be the consequences for public servants who do not pass lifestyle audits and (b) on what date does she envisage that all the specified lifestyle audits will be completed?


a) Lifestyle audits will be considered “not passed” if criminal conduct was identified during a lifestyle review, which was referred for a lifestyle investigation that progressed into a criminal investigation conducted by the Police, and eventually resulted in a prosecution. The consequence will be a criminal record, as pronounced by court. Disciplinary steps will also be taken against such an employee. Regulation 61 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016, guides the re-employment of former employees dismissed for misconduct.

b) The completion cycle of lifestyle audits is linked to the financial interest declaration cycle and as such must be completed at the end of each financial year for Senior Management Service (MS) Members and at the end of every second financial year for non-SMS Members.


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