Question NW3975 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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30 November 2015 - NW3975

Profile picture: Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP

Van der Westhuizen, Mr AP to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)Whether his department (a) has done any studies or (b) is in possession of any studies comparing the morale levels of staff in the Public Service with that of staff in the private sector; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) what are the findings of the specified studies and (ii) are the specified studies and subsequent findings publicly available; (2) whether the specified findings have identified any shortcomings in the Public Service and in comparison to the private sector; if so, what steps has he taken to improve the morale of staff in the Public Service since the findings of the specified studies were revealed?


(1) The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) has not done studies comparing morale levels of staff in the public service with that of staff in the private sector.

However, the department is working with the Offices of the premier in all provinces and national departments in institutionalising the periodic assessments of employee morale/satisfaction in their respective provinces and sectors. The focus of the department currently is largely on building internal capacity within government departments by providing technical support, requisite tools and instruments for effective assessment of employee morale/satisfaction.

(2) Falls away.

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