Question NW1580 to the Minister of Tourism

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08 June 2021 - NW1580

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(a) How is funding to community tourism organisations (CTOs) determined and (b) what (i) are the criteria that a CTO must meet to qualify for funding and (ii) is the consequence management plan for municipalities that fail to pay legislated funding to CTOs?


The Honorable member is referred to previous responses to Hon HS Gumbi, Question numbers: 467,468,469,651 and 652, as tabled on 21 April 2021 in this regard.

The Department of Tourism does not keep data on Community Tourism Organisations. The Department’s point of entry to community organisations is through Provincial and Local government with due recognition of the concurrency of the tourism legislative mandate. The Department maintains this approach as it has worked effectively in terms of outreach and engagements with local tourism communities as well as from an intergovernmental relations point of view. Thus, the department acknowledges concurrent legislative competence and that local govenment is responsible for the development of local tourism including matters related to community tourism organisations.

a) How is funding to community tourism organisations (CTOs) determined.

Community Tourism Organisations (CTOs) are independent associations based on voluntary participation by their membership. The organisations are responsible for their own operations including financial aspects thereof. The Department of Tourism does not fund CTOs.

b) (i) and (ii) Not Applicable


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