Question NW374 to the Minister of Social Development

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23 March 2021 - NW374

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)What are the conditions and the state of the kitchen at the Palm Ridge Alcohol and Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Day Clinic in Gauteng; (2) whether the staff at the clinic have been paid their full salaries and timeously in (a) 2019 and (b) 2020; if not, why not; if so, what (i) are the relevant details and (ii) months in 2020 were the tranches disbursed on time?


1. The kitchen of SANCA EG currently have no food and medication for detoxification. The staff alternate to assist with admissions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Referrals are done to other Clinics for clients where services cannot be rendered. The Clinic do provide porridge from donations received.

2. (a) The staff a SANCA Eastern Gauteng: Palmridge Clinic were paid their salaries in full, however temporary staff employed for a certain period were paid accordingly. The permanently employed staff were paid on time. However the when Quarterly tranches were delayed and paid in June 2019 and December 2020 respectively, Staff salaries were delayed however was backdated and paid accordingly. This was verified through bank statements and quarterly expenditure reports submitted to the Department by the NPO as part of its compliance documents.

(b) (i) During 2020 financial year, all permanent staff were paid their salaries on time except for salaries of July 2020 which was paid in August 2020. Salaries for October and November 2020 were paid in December 2020 as the NPO only received their tranche on the 07th December 2020. This was verified through bank statements and quarterly expenditure reports submitted to the Department by the NPO as part of its compliance documents.

(b) (ii) The following amounts and dates indicate how funds were disbursed to SANCA EG:



18 May 2020

R 1 960 388

05 August 2020

R 1 960 337

07 December 2020

R 1 960 337

Attached is the annexure indicating staff salaries and payments for 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 financial years

National Assembly Written Reply: 374 of 2021


Approved by the Minister of Social Development
