Question NW323 to the Minister of Tourism

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08 March 2021 - NW323

Profile picture: Winkler, Ms HS

Winkler, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1) Whether she has been informed of the severe international brand damage and ensuing impact on SA Tourism caused by the captive lion breeding and hunting industry, also known as canned lion hunting; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what plans has her department put in place to address the issue of captive lion hunting and the negative impact this has on international tourism; (3) whether her department has been informed that the Safari Club International, the world's largest hunting club, has slammed the door shut on the canned lion industry of the Republic, announcing it will no longer allow captive-bred lion operators to advertise or market captive-bred lions at its annual convention and will reject all captive-bred lion entries; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what is the (a) position and (b) plan of her department to address the brand damage caused to SA Tourism by the captive/canned lion hunting industry; (5) whether her department has been informed that a peer-reviewed paper authored by an environmental economist (Dr Ross Harvey), critiques the conservation and economic claims advanced by the captive-predator breeding industry in the Republic; if not, will her department engage the specified person and other experts to address the captive lion breeding industry; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. The Department of Tourism acknowledges that any association to canned hunting of the destination brand presents challenges to the promotion of the destination. The department further recognises that wildlife management and animal welfare are within the mandates of the Department of Environment, Fisheries, Forestry as well as the Department of Rural Development, Agriculture and Land Reform. It is for this reason that in positioning the country’s brand, the Department and its entity, South African Tourism maintains the country’s legal framework on hunting in the brand messaging.

2. Not applicable, the matter falls under the departments stated in (1) above.

3. The Department of Tourism is not in a position to comment on individual business decisions. However, in engagements with the Professional Hunting Association of Southern Africa, the department emphasised the need to uphold responsible and sustainable tourism practices that must be in line with the law at all times.

4. (a) and (b) South Africa’s destination brand promotion is widely diversified based on the variety of experiences and products that it offers. The country’s messaging on matters of hunting where necessary is aligned to the legal framework governing the practice in the country.

5. Not applicable, the matter falls within the mandate of the departments stated in (1) above.


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