Question NW28 to the Minister of Health

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04 March 2021 - NW28

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) was the outcome of the investigation by his department with regard to the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 patients in the Eastern Cape and (b) steps have been taken to hold accountable those who have been giving animal medication to human beings without approval from the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority?


a) SAHPRA was informed of an alleged dispensing of Ivermectin tablets at Tayler Bequest Hospital. The Times newspaper issued an article dated 12 January 2021 that the Eastern Cape Department of Health will investigate a prescription for Ivermectin after it was allegedly signed at Tayler Bequest Hospital in Matatiele. It was also indicated that it carried the hospital stamp. SAHPRA was able to obtain information from the pharmacist at the Hospital on 03 March 2021. It was confirmed that one of the doctors had written a prescription for Ivermectin, however, it could not be dispensed by the hospital pharmacy as the pharmacy did not have stock. The patient left with the prescription. Management was not available to provide full information on what they were doing about this concerning matter, and it was requested to revert to SAHPRA with further action taken and progress. The response will inform the next step required.

b) There has been one case investigated where it was confirmed that Ivermectin was administered to humans for the purposes of prevention of COVID-19. SAHPRA inspectors conducted an inspection and halted further administration of the Ivermectin. The initial priority was the safety of the recipients, therefore SAHPRA requested the medical evaluation of the recipients. The medical reports received show no impact to the recipients. No case has been opened, however, SAHPRA will be making a follow-up visit to ensure that all commitments made have been met and will be requesting SAPS assistance in the follow up visit.

Cases involving illegal import of Ivermectin by persons into South Africa and illegal selling by South African persons or companies does involve SAPS and arrests were made. SAHPRA continues to investigate any tip-offs and information received.


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