Question NW1206 to the Minister of Communications

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20 July 2020 - NW1206

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)       Whether the Government has conducted any studies into the vulnerabilities of 5G (a) networks and (b) supply chains; if not, why not; if so, (i) what is the title of each study, (ii) when was each study conducted and (iii) what were the findings of each study; (2) Whether the Government has conducted any studies into security vulnerabilities of 5G network supply chains, including the so-called back doors that allow for call or data intercepts; if not, why not; if so, (a) what is the title of each study, (b) when was each study conducted and (c) what were the findings of each study?


I have been advised by the department as follows: -

1. The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) has not conducted any studies into the alleged vulnerabilities of 5G

(a) networks; and,

(b) does not target any supplier(s).

The DCDT relies on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World Health Organization (WHO) and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) studies. The DCDT has no preference on suppliers of 5G.

(2) The DCDT has not conducted any studies into the security vulnerabilities of 5G network supply chains. The DCDT is not aware of “so-called back door” call and/or data intercepts.



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