Question NW1393 to the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

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16 July 2020 - NW1393

Profile picture: Weber, Ms AMM

Weber, Ms AMM to ask the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

(1) Whether the Department found that the 12+ roan antelope that died in 2019 had been purchased; if so, (a) from which location(s) were they purchased, (b) from whom were they purchased, (c) on what date(s) were the antelope purchased, (d) what was the cost of each specified antelope and (e) what number of breeding pairs were purchased; (2) whether the Department found that the 12+ roan antelope that died in 2019 had been captured; so, were they captured in the Kruger National Park and moved b the Nwaxitsumbe Breeding Camp; and (3) whether the Department found that the 12+ roan antelope that died in 2019 were donated; if so, (a) why were they donated and (b) what was the value of the donation?



  1. None of the roan antelope that died in the Nwaxitsumbe Bleeding Camp had been purchased.

They were not captured, nor were they donated and none of them were planned for donation.

a) Not applicable.

b) Not applicable.

c) Not applicable.

d) Not applicable.

e) Not applicable.

(2) None of the roan antelope that died were captured anywhere prior to their death. These particular antelopes were the offspring of roan antelope in the camp. They were originally captured in Malawi as part of a breeding programme and subsequently moved to the Nwaxitsumbe Breeding Camp. They are the result of several generations of breeding in the Kruger National Park.

(3) None of the roan antelope that died had been donated and none were they planned for donation

a) Not applicable.

b) Not applicable.




DATE: 17/7/2020