Question NW1409 to the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

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13 July 2020 - NW1409

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1) (a) What are the reasons that the consular services is not available to South African citizens for other legal purposes, as the website of her department indicates that legalisation of documents for economic puposes will be made availableunder Covid-19 lockdown alert level 4, while the Republic is currently under alert level 3 of the lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19 and(b) by what date will this necessary service be available; (2) Whether sanitisation measures have been put in place; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details’? NW1780E


  1. (a) The Department of International Relations and Cooperation adheres to its consular services mandate to serve the Public in terms of legalisation of documents which entails Authentications, Apostilles and End User Certificates for various objectives.

    (b)  The Department is currently serving the Public accordingly during alert Level three (3) of National Lockdown.

2. Yes, the sanitisation measures have been put in place which include ensuring adherence to the following Government COVID19 pandemic regulations:

  • Temperature scanners have been installed
  • Hand satizers have been installed in all entrances to the building and inside the building public use places
  • Movable hand sanitizers available in public place to support frontline staff and the Public.
  • Counter window shields have been installed to secure frontline staff and the Public.
  • Masks heve been and continue to be made available for use by frontline and essential staff during the various levels of lockdown.
  • Signs indicating various safety measures in line with the Covid-19 regulations are put in all public places in and around the O.R Tambo Building these include regular washing of hands,social distancing and wearing masks