Question NW59 to the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

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16 March 2020 - NW59

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1) (a) Why does the South African property in Avenue Marquis de villalobar, Brussels, need a generator, (b) on what date did the generator start running , (c) what amount does it cost per week to run the generator and (d) by what date will electricity be restored to the specified property; (2) Whether her department has received any complaints from any departmental official in Brussels in this regard? NW63E


(1) (a) The high tension electrical distribution board (isolation box), which is part of the property and located at the main gate, disintegrated. This was allegedly caused by an explosion inside the isolation box which resulted in the whole electric supply system to the house being damaged beyond repair. The generator was required to ensure that the residence has electricity until all the processes were concluded for the repair.

(b) the generator started running on 23 June 2019.

(c) The estimated cost to run the generator is 1200 Euros in total per week.

(d) The electricity was restored on 17 February 2020.

(2) Yes, a complaint was received from the departmental official who resides in the house.

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