Question NW561 to the Minister of Transport

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20 March 2019 - NW561

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

With reference to his reply to question 1453 on 31 May 2018, (a) what (i) appointments and (ii) promotions have been made at all levels (aa) in the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2018, (b) what ranks have been conferred and (c) on what date in each case?


a) (i) Appointments

(aa) 2016/17 Number of appointments: 0

2017/18 Number of appointments: 0

(bb) 2018/19 Number of appointments: (23) Traffic Officers, (6) Assistant Superintendents (3) Senior Superintendents

(ii) Promotions

(aa) 2016/17 Number of promotions: 0

2017/18 Number of promotions: 0

(bb) 2018/19 Number of promotions: 8 (Superintendents)

b) Since 01 April 2018, (40) ranks have been conferred to appointed law enforcement officials

(23) Traffic Officer rank conferred on the (c) 01 November 2018

(02) Senior Superintendents rank conferred on the (c) 01September 2018

(01) Senior Superintendents rank conferred on the (c) 01October 2018

(8) Superintendents rank conferred on the (c) 01 August 2018

(3) Assistant Superintendents rank conferred on the (c) 01 April 2018

(3) Assistant Superintendents rank conferred on the (c) 01 May 2018

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