Question NW3002 to the Minister of Basic Education

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14 November 2018 - NW3002

Profile picture: Makeleni, Ms P

Makeleni, Ms P to ask the Minister of Basic Education

1) With reference to her reply to question 2801 on 2 October 2018, in which schools in each province have the learners with (a) hearing impairments, (b) visual impairments and (c) learners with profound to severe intellectual disabilities who are on waiting lists been accommodated; (2) What steps are taken in each province to ensure that the specified learners are receiving the education they are entitled to according to their respective disabilities? (3) are the schools in each province who accommodate these learners provided with the relevant resources like (a) SA Sign Language (i) teachers and (ii) assistant teachers, (b) braille teachers, (c) braillers and (d) large print books?


(1) (a),(b),(c) The information is not readily available in the Department of Basic Education and it should be requested from the Provincial Education Departments.

(2) The information is not readily available in the Department of Basic Education and it should be requested from the Provincial Education Departments.

(3) (a)(i), (ii),(b),(c) and (d) The information is not readily available in the Department of Basic Education and it should be requested from the Provincial Education Departments.

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