Question NW2760 to the Minister in the Presidency

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02 November 2018 - NW2760

Profile picture: Maynier, Mr D

Maynier, Mr D to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)Whether each intervention as set out in the Inclusive Growth Action Plan, which was released on or around 13 July 2017, was achieved by each responsible authority; if not, (a) which intervention was not achieved, (b) which authority is responsible for achieving the specified intervention and (c) why was the specified intervention not achieved; (2) whether plans have been put in place to ensure that the specified interventions will be achieved; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3053E


  1. a), b) and c) and 2): The interventions, its achievement the responsible Departments of the Inclusive Growth Action Plan which was released on or around 13 July 2017, are as follows





  1. Fiscal Policy

Minister of Finance

  • The Budget Facility on Infrastructure run by the National Treasury and the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission has been established.
  • A three-year (2018/19 – 2020/21) public service wage agreement was finalised by Government and Labour Unions in June 2018.
  1. Financial sector and tax policy

Minister of Finance

  • Financial Sector Regulation Act was signed into law on 21 August 2017.
  • Standing Committee on Finance and Portfolio Committee on Transformation have completed hearings and have finalised the report.
  • The Insurance Bill 2016 has been approved by Standing Committee on Finance.
  1. Leverage Public Procurement

Minister of Finance / Minister of Small Business Development

  • The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act Regulations took effect on 1 April 2017.
  • The Public Procurement Bill memorandum to Cabinet signed on 7 July 2017. The draft Bill has been approved for submission in October 2018 to proceed to Cabinet for approval for public consultation.
  • Government’s Small Business and Innovation Fund, focused on providing support for entrepreneurs, has been allocated R1 billion for 2019/20.
  1. Recapitalisation of SOEs and Government Guarantees

Minister of Finance / Cabinet

  • National Treasury has crafted a draft framework for disposal of non-core assets, which still needs to go through the necessary consultative process.
  1. Broader State Owned Entity (SOE) reforms

Minister of Finance/

Minister of DPE/

Minister of DPSA/


  • Boards of several SOEs have been changed to improve governance; these include Eskom, Transnet, Denel and Prasa.
  • Government is implementing recommendations from the 2010 Presidential Review Commission of SOEs
  1. Private Sector Participation Framework

Minister of Finance/

All Shareholder Ministries/

All SOEs

  • Private Sector Participation Framework has been approved by Cabinet and shared with the relevant departments and entities.
  1. Costing Developmental Mandates

Minister of Finance

  • Template to determine and cost developmental mandates has been approved by Cabinet and shared with the relevant departments and entities.
  1. Energy

Minister of Finance/

Minister of Energy/



  • Task team comprising of NT, DPE and Energy advised that Eskom could not pursue the “hardship” approach as this would have unintended consequences and negatively impact Eskom’s ability to raise funds. Task team indicated that there is no need for soft support for Eskom.
  • Renewable Energy Independent Power Purchase (REIPPP) agreements have been signed on the 4th April 2018 and will add additional 2300MW to the grid
  • DTI continues to roll-out and expand the Black Industrialists programme.
  1. South African Airways

Minister of Finance

  • The new SAA CEO appointment has been completed
  • Institute of Directors (IoDSA) conducted an external skills audit, which was concluded before the 2017/18 MTBPS
  • New SAA Board has been appointed.
  • SAA has reduced the frequencies on certain loss-making routes.
  1. Telecommunication

Minister of DTPS/


Minister of EDD

  • The CSIR has completed a study on spectrum availability to determine if excess capacity will be available to license to industry after allocating spectrum to the WOAN.
  • The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services has released the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill for public consultation
  • The data enquiry public hearing process has commenced. The Commission held a three day public hearings into Data Market Inquiry from 17-19 October 2017. The four major cellphone service providers in South Africa were invited to testify on the second day of the public hearings. The aim of the inquiry is to better understand the general state of competition in the data services sector.
  1. Postbank

Minister of Finance/

Minister of DTPS

  • Legislation to facilitate the licensing of Postbank is still being finalised
  1. Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act

Minister of Mineral Resources

  • This has been withdrawn from Parliament
  1. Broad-based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry

Minister of Mineral Resources

  • The Charter was published on the 27th September 2018.
  1. The Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill

Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

  • The bill was published for public consultation but not yet finalised.





as amended



Dr NC Dlamini-Zuma

Minister in the Presidency: Planning Monitoring and Evaluation




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