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09 May 2022

The Week Ahead: Budget Vote Debates begin

Following the parliamentary committee hearings on the 2022/23 priorities, targets and spending plans of departments, the focus shifts to the budget vote debates which commence this week and run until 10 June 2022. These debates happen in the...
06 May 2022

Budget Vote Debates 2022

Parliamentary committees have been meeting in the past weeks with departments and entities to pore over their 2022/23 Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans, budgets and performance targets in preparation for reports to be considered by the...
03 May 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (2 May 2022)

POST-COVID-19 ECONOMIC RECOVERY National Treasury has issued a media statement confirming that the ‘bounce back support scheme for businesses’ announced in the 2022 Budget is now operational.   STATE CAPTURE The Presidency has issued a media statement...
03 May 2022

The Joint Constitutional Review Committee

The Constitution is a ‘living document’. This means it can evolve and be moulded to take into account new circumstances. Like all modern constitutions, the South African Constitution provides for its own amendment by Parliament and prescribes...
02 May 2022

The Week Ahead: Eskom and Freedom Day Debates

Following last week’s pared-down programme, things return to normal with a full agenda in the main chambers and committee corridor. Everything from oral questions to the Executive, debates, legislative business, committee oversight, and a Conference...
25 April 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (25 April 2022)

STATE OF DISASTER In response to the severe weather conditions experienced recently in certain provinces, on 18 April a notice was gazetted: reclassifying to ‘national’ the provincial disaster declared on 13 April, and formalising President Cyril...
24 April 2022

The Week Ahead: President’s Joint Address on SA floods

It is largely a low-key week with NA MPs on leave, a public holiday and only a handful of meetings scheduled. The main point of interest is the President’s joint address on Tuesday. Convening an address to both Houses is a rare occurrence and is...
19 April 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (19 April 2022)

COVID-19 The deadline for public comment on proposed amendments to the 2017 regulations on the surveillance and control of notifiable medical conditions has been extended. This is noting that, once in force, the amended regulations will provide (among...
18 April 2022

The Week Ahead: Second Term begins

Parliament resumes this week after a constituency period The virtual/hybrid Parliament will continue for another term, with some MPs working from the precinct and others remotely. According to the latest timetable, the NA programme will run for 9...
11 April 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (11 April 2022)

COVID-19 The details underpinning President Cyril Ramaphosa’s 4 April announcement have since been gazetted in: a notice terminating the State of Disaster a separate notice revoking the classification of the Covid-19 pandemic as a national disaster...