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30 January 2023

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (30 January 2023)

ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILL Parliament now has until 28 February 2023 to complete its work on the Bill, according to a recent media statement, which: refers to an interim deadline extension granted in December 2022 pending the court’s ‘final...
23 January 2023

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (23 January 2023)

RENTAL HOUSING The Department of Human Settlements has published a comprehensive document prescribing norms and standards for all rental housing: to be incorporated in the national housing and human settlements code, and including: hostel development...
17 January 2023

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (16 January 2023)

NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE The National Minimum Wage Commission has issued a Government Gazette notice calling for public comments on a draft determination: prescribing the medium-term target for South Africa’s national minimum wage, and proposing measures...
13 December 2022

2022 Review of Parliament

2022 was another eventful parliamentary year. With the year done and dusted, we review some of the legislature’s activities and highlights from this period. The year got off to an ominous start with a devastating fire that gutted large parts of the...
12 December 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (12 December 2022)

CAPTIVE LION INDUSTRY The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment has gazetted a notice: announcing the names of appointees to a ministerial task team established to identify and recommend voluntary exit options and pathways for the...
08 December 2022

A PMG Review of Constituency Work in South Africa

  See our latest research paper: A PMG Review of Constituency Work in South Africa Constituency engagement is one of the primary mechanisms through which community issues are brought to the attention of the legislature. Direct communication with...
05 December 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (5 December 2022)

ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILL The National Assembly’s Home Affairs Committee has agreed to recommend to the House that: the Constitutional Court is approached as soon as possible for an extension to the deadline by which Parliament is required to pass the...
05 December 2022

The Week Ahead: It’s a wrap for 2022

The constituency and leave period beckons for NA MPs, with Tuesday scheduled as the last sitting day.  NCOP delegates will conclude their business a week later on 13 December. The House’s programme was extended so that it can finalise two key...
28 November 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (28 November 2022)

ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILL The Select Committee on Security and Justice has issued a media statement on amendments to the Bill: reflected in a ‘B’ version that, once passed by the NCOP, will be sent to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs for...
28 November 2022

The Week Ahead: Pres Ramaphosa in the spotlight

Parliament is winding down and there is a busy week scheduled in the main chambers and committee corridor. But everything will be overshadowed by the decision of the independent panel, which has to determine whether President Ramaphosa has a prima...