intellectual property amendment act and indigenous knowledge act

29 matches

Tip: Try searching for "intellectual property amendment act and indigenous knowledge act" for more specific results.

  • 10 May 2022

    National Heritage Council 2022/23 Annual Performance Plan; with Minister

    Committee Meeting | Sport, Arts and Culture | National Assembly

    ... appointed to the NHC as per Section 5(1) of the NHC Act? Are there any resignations since appointment? What ... What activities does the NHC do to promote indigenous knowledge as a critical component of heritage conservation ...

  • 24 May 2022

    Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill: public hearings; Land Court Bill: response to submissions

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... extent, based on the Superior Courts Act. The Superior Courts Act created South Africa’s court structure ... number of Acts being amended to bring those disputes that may arise from the operation of those Acts under ...

  • 20 Apr 2022

    SAMRC & SAHPRA 2022/23 Annual Performance Plans

    Committee Meeting | Health | National Assembly

    ... bio-statisticians; training capacity of SAMRC; Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS); lack of synergy between intramural ... optimising on the potential of genomic medicine; intellectual property barriers to full operationalisation of an ...

  • 22 Nov 2022

    Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill: public hearings

    Committee Meeting | Basic Education | National Assembly

    ... of oral hearings on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA). Eight organisations and stakeholders ... Bill which they supported, rejected, or required amendment. The concerns raised related to the SGB functions ...

  • 19 Oct 2022

    AGSA briefing on audit outcomes of DSI and its entities; Department of Science and Innovation, HSRC & South African National Space Agency Annual Reports 2021/22

    Committee Meeting | Higher Education | National Assembly

    ... received a qualified audit opinion with findings. It acted quickly as soon as the problem had been identified ...

  • 12 May 2022

    NA: Mini-plenary 1


    ... Constitutional Development in amendment of the Protected Disclosures Act that promotes full protection ... in schedule 3A of the Public Service Act of 1994, as amended and is an organ of state.   UNREVISED ...

  • 12 May 2022

    NA: Mini-plenary 6


    ... Constitutional Development in amendment of the Protected Disclosures Act that promotes full protection ... in schedule 3A of the Public Service Act of 1994, as amended and is an organ of state.   UNREVISED ...

  • 24 May 2022

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... have amended the Electricity Regulation Act to create a transmission entity to competitively act as wheeler ... Small Enterprise Amendment Bill which is intended to amend the National Small Enterprise Act. We believe ...

  • 21 Jun 2022

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... the parliamentary processes to amend the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996, to be completed. ... CONTRAVENTION OF THE NATIONAL WATER ACT AND NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGING ACT (Draft Resolution) Ms H S ...

  • 24 May 2022

    NA: Mini-plenary 1


    ... Chair, because we have the opportunity to amend budgets, the Act provides for that. and I think we’ve got ... Force. We know that there’s a specific Act, the Military Veterans Act of 2011. Chair, I want to use this ...

  • 25 Mar 2022

    Implementation of Indigenous Knowledge Act and related matters: DSI briefing

    Committee Meeting | Higher Education | National Assembly

    ... (DSI) on the implementation of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IK) Act, with particular reference to the ... management of intellectual property. It intervenes in instances of transboundary indigenous knowledge, such as ...

  • 15 Feb 2022

    Equity Equivalent Investment Programme & B-BBEE Commission 2020/21 Activities, with Deputy Minister

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... legislation affecting the Commission. The B-BBEE Act had to be amended to give the Commission administrative powers ... successful prosecutions of contraventions of the B-BBEE Act? What did the Commission intend to do about the continued ...

  • 18 Oct 2022

    Workshop on Copyright Amendment Bill

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Economic Development & Trade | National Council of Provinces

    ... How could the Committee reconcile the Copyright Act with the developmental state of the country where ... copyright and issues relevant to the Copyright Amendment Bill that the Committee would begin processing ...

  • 08 Nov 2022

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... persons with intellectual disabilities by the South African Sports Federation for the Intellectually Impaired ... investigate and identify the perpetrators of this criminal act. We also call on communities to ensure schools and ...

  • 22 Mar 2022

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Traditional and Khoi- San Leadership Act, 2019. As required by the Act, the recognition of the King Elect ... these warnings now and seize the opportunity to act proactively, to mitigate the effect of further economic ...

  • 14 Jun 2022

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... PFMA, Public Finance Management Act, and section 6 of the Appropriation Act. This use of section 16 of ... Constitutional Court three years ago, to amend the Electoral Act to comply with the South African Constitution ...

  • 08 Nov 2022

    ATC221108: Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Innovation on the Performance of the Department of Science and Innovation for the 2021/22 Financial Year, Dated 4 November 2022

    Tabled Committee Report | Higher Education | National Assembly

    ... Minister of Finance to amend the budget of a national department. A key provision of this Act is that Portfolio ... oversight role, the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act (No. 9 of 2009) was promulgated ...

  • 22 Jun 2022

    ATC220622: Report of the Select Committee on Education and Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture on Budget Vote 35: Science and Innovation, dated 22 June 2022

    Tabled Committee Report | NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries | National Council of Provinces

    ... the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act (IPR Act) will ... Section 27(1) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act. No 29 of 1999), and as referred by the Chairperson ...

  • 22 Apr 2022

    DSI, NACI & TIA 2022/23 Annual Performance Plans

    Committee Meeting | Higher Education | National Assembly

    ... and development; increase knowledge generation and innovation outputs; knowledge utilisation for economic ... bioeconomy, space science and technology, intellectual property management, robotics, photonics, and areas ...

  • 17 Mar 2022

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... Criminal and Related Matters Amendment Act of 2021, Domestic Violence Amendment Act of 2021, the Criminal Law ... Law, Sexual Offences and Related Matters Amendment Act of 2021, among others, which are   UNREVISED ...