Question NW2071 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
01 August 2018 - NW2071
Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
(1)What number of times did the parole boards of each management area meet (a) in each of the past six calendar years and (b) since 1 January 2018; (2) what number of parole applications of persons serving (a) life sentences and (b) other sentences were denied in each management area in each specified calendar year due to (i) files that were not properly compiled by the relevant Case Management Committee, (ii) programmes required by the Correctional Supervision Plan that were not completed in time and/or (iii) reports that expired before the parole boards could consider them; (3) what number of (a) cases were instituted against his department in each management area for delays in the processing of parole applications in each specified calendar year and (b) prisoners were represented in each case? NW2225E
(1) Parole Boards have been appointed on a permanent basis at all management areas and schedule sitting continuously in order to deal with cases received from Case Management Committees. Currently there are 52 Parole Boards in the country and each Parole Board determines the frequency and number of sittings according to their operational requirements. Unfortunately, the detail as requested is not centrally available.
(2) (a)(b) (i) and (ii)(iii)
The Admission and Release System (A&R System) was not configured to provide the requested information and it is therefore unfortunately not readily available. However, the Department of Correctional Services is developing and piloting an Integrated Inmate Management System (IIMS) that will replace the A&R System. This will, among others, enable the DCS to manage the admission and release of offenders in an integrated manner.
It is important to note that a quality control mechanism has been implemented by Heads of Centres to ensure that profile reports submitted to Parole Boards comply with the required standards and that files which do not comply are corrected before reaching the Parole Boards. This includes a progress report on the Correctional
Sentence Plan as well as ensuring that reports from professionals are not older than 2 years.
(3)(a)(b) See Annexure 1.